public LinkedListEnumerator(DoublyCircularLinkedList <T> l) { this.l = l; this._p = l._head; this._idx = 1; _c = default(T); }
//MAKENULL public void Clear() { this._count = 0; this._head = new DoubleElementType <T>(); this._tail = new DoubleElementType <T>(); this._tail.Next = _head; this._head.Previous = _tail; this._head.Next = _tail; this._tail.Previous = _head; }
public DoublyCircularLinkedList() { this._count = 0; this._head = new DoubleElementType <T>(); this._tail = new DoubleElementType <T>(); this._tail.Next = _head; this._head.Previous = _tail; this._head.Next = _tail; this._tail.Previous = _head; }
public T MovePrevious() { if (HasPrevious()) { _idx--; _p = _p.Previous; _c = _p.Element; return(_c); } _c = default(T); return(_c); }
public T MoveNext() { if (HasNext()) { _idx++; _p = _p.Next; _c = _p.Element; return(_c); } _c = default(T); return(_c); }
//0 pointer to the _head. So pos must be [1..count] public void Insert(Int32 p, T item) { Int32 np = p; if (p <= 0) { np = (_count + 1) - Math.Abs(p); } else if (Math.Abs(p) > _count + 1) { np = Math.Abs(p) - _count + 1; } #region _tail //if(IsEmpty) if (Count == 0) { this._tail.Element = item; _count += 1; return; } //Append. else if (np == Count + 1)//or p == 0 { _tail.Next = new DoubleElementType <T>(); _tail.Next.Element = item; DoubleElementType <T> pr = _tail; _tail = _tail.Next; _tail.Next = _head; _tail.Previous = pr; _head.Previous = _tail; _count += 1; return; } #endregion Int32 q = 1; DoubleElementType <T> elem = new DoubleElementType <T>(); elem.Element = item; DoubleElementType <T> temp = _head; //_head pos = 0. while (q < p) //move to p. { temp = temp.Next; q += 1; } DoubleElementType <T> pp = temp; temp = temp.Next; //temp = -> after last -> head pp.Next = elem; // = x -> last -> next -> inserted_elem elem.Next = temp; // = temp -> inserted_elem -> head. elem.Previous = pp; temp.Previous = elem; this._count += 1; }
public override String ToString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("[ "); DoubleElementType <T> p = _head.Next; while (p != _head) { sb.Append(p.Element.ToString() + " "); p = p.Next; } sb.Append("]"); return(sb.ToString()); }
//TODO: Make traverse into two ways left->right, right->left. public Int32 IndexOf(T item) { DoubleElementType <T> p = _head.Next; Int32 idx = 1; while (p != _head) { if (p.Element.Equals(item)) { return(idx); } idx += 1; p = p.Next; } return(-1); }
//DELETE public Boolean Remove(T item) { DoubleElementType <T> p = _head; while (p.Next != _head) { if (p.Next.Element.Equals(item)) { //p.Next = p.Next.Next; p.Previous.Next = p.Next; p.Next.Previous = p.Previous; _count -= 1; return(true); } p = p.Next; } return(false); }
//COPY TO ARRAY(array) public void CopyTo(T[] array, Int32 arrayIndex) { DoubleElementType <T> first = _head.Next; if (arrayIndex < 0 || arrayIndex >= array.Length) { Console.WriteLine("arrayIndex is out of range"); return; } Int32 i = arrayIndex; while (first != _head && i < array.Length)//THROW ArgumentException IF(array.Length - arrayIndex < Count) { array[i] = first.Element; first = first.Next; i += 1; } }
public void RemoveAt(Int32 p) { Int32 q = 1; if (Count == 0) { return; } DoubleElementType <T> pp = _head; while (q < p && pp.Next != _head) { pp = pp.Next; q += 1; } pp.Previous.Next = pp.Next; pp.Next.Previous = pp.Previous; this._count -= 1; }
//RETRIEVE. public T this[Int32 index] { get{ DoubleElementType <T> b = _head; Int32 q = 0; while (b.Next != _head && q < index) { q += 1; b = b.Next; } return(b.Element); } set{ DoubleElementType <T> b = _head; Int32 q = 0; while (b.Next != _head && q < index) { q += 1; b = b.Next; } b.Element = value; } }
public void SetBack() { _p = l._tail; }
public void SetForward() { _p = l._head; }