        /// <summary>	Excavates between two rooms. </summary>
        /// <remarks>	Variables named from the perspective of dir being vertical.  Darrellp, 9/18/2011. </remarks>
        /// <param name="map">			The map to be excavated. </param>
        /// <param name="roomTop">		The first room. </param>
        /// <param name="roomBottom">	The second room. </param>
        /// <param name="dir">			The direction to excavate in. </param>
        private void ExcavateCorridor(IRoomsMap map, RectangularRoom roomTop, RectangularRoom roomBottom, Dir dir)
            // Locals
            MapCoordinates bottomEntrance, topEntrance;

            // Get the entrances to each room
            GetEntrances(roomTop, roomBottom, dir, out topEntrance, out bottomEntrance);

            // Allocate the generic room
            int             genericWidth    = Math.Abs(topEntrance.Column - bottomEntrance.Column) + 1;
            int             genericHeight   = Math.Abs(topEntrance.Row - bottomEntrance.Row) + 1;
            int             genericLeft     = Math.Min(topEntrance.Column, bottomEntrance.Column);
            int             genericBottom   = Math.Min(topEntrance.Row, bottomEntrance.Row);
            MapCoordinates  genericLocation = new MapCoordinates(genericLeft, genericBottom);
            GenericCorridor corridor        = new GenericCorridor(genericWidth, genericHeight, genericLocation);

            // Excavate a connection between the two rooms
            CreateBend(map, dir, topEntrance, bottomEntrance, corridor);

            // Put the exits in the appropriate generic rooms
            GenericRoom groomTop    = _mapRoomToGenericRooms[roomTop];
            GenericRoom groomBottom = _mapRoomToGenericRooms[roomBottom];

            corridor.AddExit(groomTop, topEntrance);
            corridor.AddExit(groomBottom, bottomEntrance);
            groomTop.AddExit(corridor, topEntrance);
            groomBottom.AddExit(corridor, bottomEntrance);

            // Should we put a door in the top room?
            if (_rnd.Next(100) < _pctDoorChance)
                // Place the door
                map[topEntrance].Terrain = TerrainType.Door;

            // Should we put a door in the bottom room?
            if (_rnd.Next(100) < _pctDoorChance)
                // Place the door
                map[bottomEntrance].Terrain = TerrainType.Door;