codeSymbols() public method

This function performs the arithmetic encoding of several symbols together. The function receives an array of symbols that are to be encoded and an array containing the contexts with which to encode them.

The advantage of using this function is that the cost of the method call is amortized by the number of coded symbols per method call.

Each context has a current MPS and an index describing what the current probability is for the LPS. Each bit is encoded and if the probability of the LPS exceeds .5, the MPS and LPS are switched.

public codeSymbols ( int bits, int cX, int n ) : void
bits int An array containing the symbols to be encoded. Valid /// symbols are 0 and 1. /// ///
cX int The context for each of the symbols to be encoded. /// ///
n int The number of symbols to encode. /// ///
return void
		/// <summary> Performs the magnitude refinement pass on the specified data and
		/// bit-plane. It codes the samples which are significant and which do not
		/// have the "visited" state bit turned on, using the MR primitive. The
		/// "visited" state bit is not mofified for any samples.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="srcblk">The code-block data to code
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="mq">The MQ-coder to use
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="doterm">If true it performs an MQ-coder termination after the end
		/// of the pass
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="bp">The bit-plane to code
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="state">The state information for the code-block
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="fm">The distortion estimation lookup table for MR
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="symbuf">The buffer to hold symbols to send to the MQ coder
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="ctxtbuf">A buffer to hold the contexts to use in sending the
		/// buffered symbols to the MQ coder.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="ratebuf">The buffer where to store the rate (i.e. coded lenth) at 
		/// the end of this coding pass.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="pidx">The coding pass index. Is the index in the 'ratebuf' array
		/// where to store the coded length after this coding pass.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="ltpidx">The index of the last pass that was terminated, or
		/// negative if none.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="options">The bitmask of entropy coding options to apply to the
		/// code-block
		/// </param>
		/// <returns> The decrease in distortion for this pass, in the fixed-point
		/// normalized representation of the 'FS_LOSSY' and 'FS_LOSSLESS' tables.
		/// </returns>
		static private int magRefPass(CBlkWTData srcblk, MQCoder mq, bool doterm, int bp, int[] state, int[] fm, int[] symbuf, int[] ctxtbuf, int[] ratebuf, int pidx, int ltpidx, int options)
			int j, sj; // The state index for line and stripe
			int k, sk; // The data index for line and stripe
			int nsym = 0; // Symbol counter for symbol and context buffers
			int dscanw; // The data scan-width
			int sscanw; // The state scan-width
			int jstep; // Stripe to stripe step for 'sj'
			int kstep; // Stripe to stripe step for 'sk'
			int stopsk; // The loop limit on the variable sk
			int csj; // Local copy (i.e. cached) of 'state[j]'
			int mask; // The mask for the current bit-plane
			int[] data; // The data buffer
			int dist; // The distortion reduction for this pass
			int shift; // Shift amount for distortion
			int upshift; // Shift left amount for distortion
			int downshift; // Shift right amount for distortion
			int normval; // The normalized sample magnitude value
			int s; // The stripe index
			int nstripes; // The number of stripes in the code-block
			int sheight; // Height of the current stripe
			// Initialize local variables
			dscanw = srcblk.scanw;
			sscanw = srcblk.w + 2;
			jstep = sscanw * CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT / 2 - srcblk.w;
			kstep = dscanw * CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT - srcblk.w;
			mask = 1 << bp;
			data = (int[]) srcblk.Data;
			nstripes = (srcblk.h + CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT - 1) / CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT;
			dist = 0;
			// We use the bit just coded plus MSE_LKP_BITS-1 bits below the bit
			// just coded for distortion estimation.
			shift = bp - (MSE_LKP_BITS - 1);
			upshift = (shift >= 0)?0:- shift;
			downshift = (shift <= 0)?0:shift;
			// Code stripe by stripe
			sk = srcblk.offset;
			sj = sscanw + 1;
			for (s = nstripes - 1; s >= 0; s--, sk += kstep, sj += jstep)
				sheight = (s != 0)?CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT:srcblk.h - (nstripes - 1) * CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT;
				stopsk = sk + srcblk.w;
				// Scan by set of 1 stripe column at a time
				for (nsym = 0; sk < stopsk; sk++, sj++)
					// Do half top of column
					j = sj;
					csj = state[j];
					// If any of the two samples is significant and not yet
					// visited in the current bit-plane we can not skip them
					if ((((SupportClass.URShift(csj, 1)) & (~ csj)) & VSTD_MASK_R1R2) != 0)
						k = sk;
						// Scan first row
						if ((csj & (STATE_SIG_R1 | STATE_VISITED_R1)) == STATE_SIG_R1)
							// Apply MR primitive
							symbuf[nsym] = SupportClass.URShift((data[k] & mask), bp);
							ctxtbuf[nsym++] = MR_LUT[csj & MR_MASK];
							// Update the STATE_PREV_MR bit
							csj |= STATE_PREV_MR_R1;
							// Update distortion
							normval = (data[k] >> downshift) << upshift;
							dist += fm[normval & ((1 << MSE_LKP_BITS) - 1)];
						if (sheight < 2)
							state[j] = csj;
						// Scan second row
						if ((csj & (STATE_SIG_R2 | STATE_VISITED_R2)) == STATE_SIG_R2)
							k += dscanw;
							// Apply MR primitive
							symbuf[nsym] = SupportClass.URShift((data[k] & mask), bp);
							ctxtbuf[nsym++] = MR_LUT[(SupportClass.URShift(csj, STATE_SEP)) & MR_MASK];
							// Update the STATE_PREV_MR bit
							csj |= STATE_PREV_MR_R2;
							// Update distortion
							normval = (data[k] >> downshift) << upshift;
							dist += fm[normval & ((1 << MSE_LKP_BITS) - 1)];
						state[j] = csj;
					// Do half bottom of column
					if (sheight < 3)
					j += sscanw;
					csj = state[j];
					// If any of the two samples is significant and not yet
					// visited in the current bit-plane we can not skip them
					if ((((SupportClass.URShift(csj, 1)) & (~ csj)) & VSTD_MASK_R1R2) != 0)
						k = sk + (dscanw << 1);
						// Scan first row
						if ((csj & (STATE_SIG_R1 | STATE_VISITED_R1)) == STATE_SIG_R1)
							// Apply MR primitive
							symbuf[nsym] = SupportClass.URShift((data[k] & mask), bp);
							ctxtbuf[nsym++] = MR_LUT[csj & MR_MASK];
							// Update the STATE_PREV_MR bit
							csj |= STATE_PREV_MR_R1;
							// Update distortion
							normval = (data[k] >> downshift) << upshift;
							dist += fm[normval & ((1 << MSE_LKP_BITS) - 1)];
						if (sheight < 4)
							state[j] = csj;
						// Scan second row
						if ((state[j] & (STATE_SIG_R2 | STATE_VISITED_R2)) == STATE_SIG_R2)
							k += dscanw;
							// Apply MR primitive
							symbuf[nsym] = SupportClass.URShift((data[k] & mask), bp);
							ctxtbuf[nsym++] = MR_LUT[(SupportClass.URShift(csj, STATE_SEP)) & MR_MASK];
							// Update the STATE_PREV_MR bit
							csj |= STATE_PREV_MR_R2;
							// Update distortion
							normval = (data[k] >> downshift) << upshift;
							dist += fm[normval & ((1 << MSE_LKP_BITS) - 1)];
						state[j] = csj;
				// Code all buffered symbols, if any
				if (nsym > 0)
					mq.codeSymbols(symbuf, ctxtbuf, nsym);
			// Reset the MQ context states if we need to
			if ((options & CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.OPT_RESET_MQ) != 0)
			// Terminate the MQ bit stream if we need to
			if (doterm)
				ratebuf[pidx] = mq.terminate(); // Termination has special length
				// Use normal length calculation
				ratebuf[pidx] = mq.NumCodedBytes;
			// Add length of previous segments, if any
			if (ltpidx >= 0)
				ratebuf[pidx] += ratebuf[ltpidx];
			// Finish length calculation if needed
			if (doterm)
				mq.finishLengthCalculation(ratebuf, pidx);
			// Return the reduction in distortion
			return dist;
		/// <summary> Performs the cleanup pass on the specified data and bit-plane. It codes
		/// all insignificant samples which have its "visited" state bit off, using
		/// the ZC, SC, and RLC primitives. It toggles the "visited" state bit to 0
		/// (off) for all samples in the code-block.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="srcblk">The code-block data to code
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="mq">The MQ-coder to use
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="doterm">If true it performs an MQ-coder termination after the end
		/// of the pass
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="bp">The bit-plane to code
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="state">The state information for the code-block
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="fs">The distortion estimation lookup table for SC
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="zc_lut">The ZC lookup table to use in ZC.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="symbuf">The buffer to hold symbols to send to the MQ coder
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="ctxtbuf">A buffer to hold the contexts to use in sending the
		/// buffered symbols to the MQ coder.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="ratebuf">The buffer where to store the rate (i.e. coded lenth) at 
		/// the end of this coding pass.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="pidx">The coding pass index. Is the index in the 'ratebuf' array
		/// where to store the coded length after this coding pass.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="ltpidx">The index of the last pass that was terminated, or
		/// negative if none.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="options">The bitmask of entropy coding options to apply to the
		/// code-block
		/// </param>
		/// <returns> The decrease in distortion for this pass, in the fixed-point
		/// normalized representation of the 'FS_LOSSY' and 'FS_LOSSLESS' tables.
		/// </returns>
		static private int cleanuppass(CBlkWTData srcblk, MQCoder mq, bool doterm, int bp, int[] state, int[] fs, int[] zc_lut, int[] symbuf, int[] ctxtbuf, int[] ratebuf, int pidx, int ltpidx, int options)
			// NOTE: The speedup mode of the MQ coder has been briefly tried to
			// speed up the coding of insignificants RLCs, without any success
			// (i.e. no speedup whatsoever). The use of the speedup mode should be
			// revisisted more in depth and the implementationn of it in MQCoder
			// should be reviewed for optimization opportunities.
			int j, sj; // The state index for line and stripe
			int k, sk; // The data index for line and stripe
			int nsym = 0; // Symbol counter for symbol and context buffers
			int dscanw; // The data scan-width
			int sscanw; // The state scan-width
			int jstep; // Stripe to stripe step for 'sj'
			int kstep; // Stripe to stripe step for 'sk'
			int stopsk; // The loop limit on the variable sk
			int csj; // Local copy (i.e. cached) of 'state[j]'
			int mask; // The mask for the current bit-plane
			int sym; // The symbol to code
			int rlclen; // Length of RLC
			int ctxt; // The context to use
			int[] data; // The data buffer
			int dist; // The distortion reduction for this pass
			int shift; // Shift amount for distortion
			int upshift; // Shift left amount for distortion
			int downshift; // Shift right amount for distortion
			int normval; // The normalized sample magnitude value
			int s; // The stripe index
			bool causal; // Flag to indicate if stripe-causal context
			// formation is to be used
			int nstripes; // The number of stripes in the code-block
			int sheight; // Height of the current stripe
			int off_ul, off_ur, off_dr, off_dl; // offsets
			// Initialize local variables
			dscanw = srcblk.scanw;
			sscanw = srcblk.w + 2;
			jstep = sscanw * CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT / 2 - srcblk.w;
			kstep = dscanw * CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT - srcblk.w;
			mask = 1 << bp;
			data = (int[]) srcblk.Data;
			nstripes = (srcblk.h + CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT - 1) / CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT;
			dist = 0;
			// We use the MSE_LKP_BITS-1 bits below the bit just coded for
			// distortion estimation.
			shift = bp - (MSE_LKP_BITS - 1);
			upshift = (shift >= 0)?0:- shift;
			downshift = (shift <= 0)?0:shift;
			causal = (options & CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.OPT_VERT_STR_CAUSAL) != 0;
			// Pre-calculate offsets in 'state' for diagonal neighbors
			off_ul = - sscanw - 1; // up-left
			off_ur = - sscanw + 1; // up-right
			off_dr = sscanw + 1; // down-right
			off_dl = sscanw - 1; // down-left
			// Code stripe by stripe
			sk = srcblk.offset;
			sj = sscanw + 1;
			for (s = nstripes - 1; s >= 0; s--, sk += kstep, sj += jstep)
				sheight = (s != 0)?CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT:srcblk.h - (nstripes - 1) * CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT;
				stopsk = sk + srcblk.w;
				// Scan by set of 1 stripe column at a time
				for (nsym = 0; sk < stopsk; sk++, sj++)
					// Start column
					j = sj;
					csj = state[j];
						// Check for RLC: if all samples are not significant, not
						// visited and do not have a non-zero context, and column
						// is full height, we do RLC.
						if (csj == 0 && state[j + sscanw] == 0 && sheight == CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT)
							k = sk;
							if ((data[k] & mask) != 0)
								rlclen = 0;
							else if ((data[k += dscanw] & mask) != 0)
								rlclen = 1;
							else if ((data[k += dscanw] & mask) != 0)
								rlclen = 2;
								j += sscanw;
								csj = state[j];
							else if ((data[k += dscanw] & mask) != 0)
								rlclen = 3;
								j += sscanw;
								csj = state[j];
								// Code insignificant RLC
								symbuf[nsym] = 0;
								ctxtbuf[nsym++] = RLC_CTXT;
								// Goto next column
							// Code significant RLC
							symbuf[nsym] = 1;
							ctxtbuf[nsym++] = RLC_CTXT;
							// Send MSB bit index
							symbuf[nsym] = rlclen >> 1;
							ctxtbuf[nsym++] = UNIF_CTXT;
							// Send LSB bit index
							symbuf[nsym] = rlclen & 0x01;
							ctxtbuf[nsym++] = UNIF_CTXT;
							// Code sign of sample that became significant
							// Update distortion
							normval = (data[k] >> downshift) << upshift;
							dist += fs[normval & ((1 << (MSE_LKP_BITS - 1)) - 1)];
							// Apply sign coding
							sym = SupportClass.URShift(data[k], 31);
							if ((rlclen & 0x01) == 0)
								// Sample that became significant is first row of
								// its column half
								ctxt = SC_LUT[(SupportClass.URShift(csj, SC_SHIFT_R1)) & SC_MASK];
								symbuf[nsym] = sym ^ (SupportClass.URShift(ctxt, SC_SPRED_SHIFT));
								ctxtbuf[nsym++] = ctxt & SC_LUT_MASK;
								// Update state information (significant bit,
								// visited bit, neighbor significant bit of
								// neighbors, non zero context of neighbors, sign
								// of neighbors)
								if (rlclen != 0 || !causal)
									// If in causal mode do not change contexts of 
									// previous stripe.
									state[j + off_ul] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DR_R2;
									state[j + off_ur] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DL_R2;
								// Update sign state information of neighbors
								if (sym != 0)
									if (rlclen != 0 || !causal)
										// If in causal mode do not change
										// contexts of previous stripe.
										state[j - sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_V_D_R2 | STATE_V_D_SIGN_R2;
									state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_L_R1 | STATE_H_L_SIGN_R1 | STATE_D_UL_R2;
									state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_R_R1 | STATE_H_R_SIGN_R1 | STATE_D_UR_R2;
									if (rlclen != 0 || !causal)
										// If in causal mode do not change
										// contexts of previous stripe.
										state[j - sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_V_D_R2;
									state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_L_R1 | STATE_D_UL_R2;
									state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_R_R1 | STATE_D_UR_R2;
								// Changes to csj are saved later
								if ((rlclen >> 1) != 0)
									// Sample that became significant is in bottom
									// half of column => jump to bottom half
									//UPGRADE_NOTE: Labeled break statement was changed to a goto statement. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1012'"
									goto top_half_brk;
								// Otherwise sample that became significant is in
								// top half of column => continue on top half
								// Sample that became significant is second row of
								// its column half
								ctxt = SC_LUT[(SupportClass.URShift(csj, SC_SHIFT_R2)) & SC_MASK];
								symbuf[nsym] = sym ^ (SupportClass.URShift(ctxt, SC_SPRED_SHIFT));
								ctxtbuf[nsym++] = ctxt & SC_LUT_MASK;
								// Update state information (significant bit,
								// neighbor significant bit of neighbors, non zero
								// context of neighbors, sign of neighbors)
								state[j + off_dl] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_D_UR_R1;
								state[j + off_dr] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_D_UL_R1;
								// Update sign state information of neighbors
								if (sym != 0)
									csj |= STATE_SIG_R2 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_V_D_R1 | STATE_V_D_SIGN_R1;
									state[j + sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_V_U_R1 | STATE_V_U_SIGN_R1;
									state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DL_R1 | STATE_H_L_R2 | STATE_H_L_SIGN_R2;
									state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DR_R1 | STATE_H_R_R2 | STATE_H_R_SIGN_R2;
									csj |= STATE_SIG_R2 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_V_D_R1;
									state[j + sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_V_U_R1;
									state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DL_R1 | STATE_H_L_R2;
									state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DR_R1 | STATE_H_R_R2;
								// Save changes to csj
								state[j] = csj;
								if ((rlclen >> 1) != 0)
									// Sample that became significant is in bottom
									// half of column => we're done with this
									// column
								// Otherwise sample that became significant is in
								// top half of column => we're done with top
								// column
								j += sscanw;
								csj = state[j];
								//UPGRADE_NOTE: Labeled break statement was changed to a goto statement. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1012'"
								goto top_half_brk;
						// Do half top of column
						// If any of the two samples is not significant and has
						// not been visited in the current bit-plane we can not
						// skip them
						if ((((csj >> 1) | csj) & VSTD_MASK_R1R2) != VSTD_MASK_R1R2)
							k = sk;
							// Scan first row
							if ((csj & (STATE_SIG_R1 | STATE_VISITED_R1)) == 0)
								// Apply zero coding
								ctxtbuf[nsym] = zc_lut[csj & ZC_MASK];
								if ((symbuf[nsym++] = SupportClass.URShift((data[k] & mask), bp)) != 0)
									// Became significant
									// Apply sign coding
									sym = SupportClass.URShift(data[k], 31);
									ctxt = SC_LUT[(SupportClass.URShift(csj, SC_SHIFT_R1)) & SC_MASK];
									symbuf[nsym] = sym ^ (SupportClass.URShift(ctxt, SC_SPRED_SHIFT));
									ctxtbuf[nsym++] = ctxt & SC_LUT_MASK;
									// Update state information (significant bit,
									// visited bit, neighbor significant bit of
									// neighbors, non zero context of neighbors,
									// sign of neighbors)
									if (!causal)
										// If in causal mode do not change
										// contexts of previous stripe.
										state[j + off_ul] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DR_R2;
										state[j + off_ur] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DL_R2;
									// Update sign state information of neighbors
									if (sym != 0)
										if (!causal)
											// If in causal mode do not change
											// contexts of previous stripe.
											state[j - sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_V_D_R2 | STATE_V_D_SIGN_R2;
										state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_L_R1 | STATE_H_L_SIGN_R1 | STATE_D_UL_R2;
										state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_R_R1 | STATE_H_R_SIGN_R1 | STATE_D_UR_R2;
										if (!causal)
											// If in causal mode do not change
											// contexts of previous stripe.
											state[j - sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_V_D_R2;
										state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_L_R1 | STATE_D_UL_R2;
										state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_R_R1 | STATE_D_UR_R2;
									// Update distortion
									normval = (data[k] >> downshift) << upshift;
									dist += fs[normval & ((1 << (MSE_LKP_BITS - 1)) - 1)];
							if (sheight < 2)
								csj &= ~ (STATE_VISITED_R1 | STATE_VISITED_R2);
								state[j] = csj;
							// Scan second row
							if ((csj & (STATE_SIG_R2 | STATE_VISITED_R2)) == 0)
								k += dscanw;
								// Apply zero coding
								ctxtbuf[nsym] = zc_lut[(SupportClass.URShift(csj, STATE_SEP)) & ZC_MASK];
								if ((symbuf[nsym++] = SupportClass.URShift((data[k] & mask), bp)) != 0)
									// Became significant
									// Apply sign coding
									sym = SupportClass.URShift(data[k], 31);
									ctxt = SC_LUT[(SupportClass.URShift(csj, SC_SHIFT_R2)) & SC_MASK];
									symbuf[nsym] = sym ^ (SupportClass.URShift(ctxt, SC_SPRED_SHIFT));
									ctxtbuf[nsym++] = ctxt & SC_LUT_MASK;
									// Update state information (significant bit,
									// visited bit, neighbor significant bit of
									// neighbors, non zero context of neighbors,
									// sign of neighbors)
									state[j + off_dl] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_D_UR_R1;
									state[j + off_dr] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_D_UL_R1;
									// Update sign state information of neighbors
									if (sym != 0)
										state[j + sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_V_U_R1 | STATE_V_U_SIGN_R1;
										state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DL_R1 | STATE_H_L_R2 | STATE_H_L_SIGN_R2;
										state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DR_R1 | STATE_H_R_R2 | STATE_H_R_SIGN_R2;
										state[j + sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_V_U_R1;
										state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DL_R1 | STATE_H_L_R2;
										state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DR_R1 | STATE_H_R_R2;
									// Update distortion
									normval = (data[k] >> downshift) << upshift;
									dist += fs[normval & ((1 << (MSE_LKP_BITS - 1)) - 1)];
						csj &= ~ (STATE_VISITED_R1 | STATE_VISITED_R2);
						state[j] = csj;
						// Do half bottom of column
						if (sheight < 3)
						j += sscanw;
						csj = state[j];
					//UPGRADE_NOTE: Label 'top_half_brk' was added. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1011'"

top_half_brk: ;
					 // end of 'top_half' block
					// If any of the two samples is not significant and has
					// not been visited in the current bit-plane we can not
					// skip them
					if ((((csj >> 1) | csj) & VSTD_MASK_R1R2) != VSTD_MASK_R1R2)
						k = sk + (dscanw << 1);
						// Scan first row
						if ((csj & (STATE_SIG_R1 | STATE_VISITED_R1)) == 0)
							// Apply zero coding
							ctxtbuf[nsym] = zc_lut[csj & ZC_MASK];
							if ((symbuf[nsym++] = SupportClass.URShift((data[k] & mask), bp)) != 0)
								// Became significant
								// Apply sign coding
								sym = SupportClass.URShift(data[k], 31);
								ctxt = SC_LUT[(SupportClass.URShift(csj, SC_SHIFT_R1)) & SC_MASK];
								symbuf[nsym] = sym ^ (SupportClass.URShift(ctxt, SC_SPRED_SHIFT));
								ctxtbuf[nsym++] = ctxt & SC_LUT_MASK;
								// Update state information (significant bit,
								// visited bit, neighbor significant bit of
								// neighbors, non zero context of neighbors,
								// sign of neighbors)
								state[j + off_ul] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DR_R2;
								state[j + off_ur] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DL_R2;
								// Update sign state information of neighbors
								if (sym != 0)
									state[j - sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_V_D_R2 | STATE_V_D_SIGN_R2;
									state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_L_R1 | STATE_H_L_SIGN_R1 | STATE_D_UL_R2;
									state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_R_R1 | STATE_H_R_SIGN_R1 | STATE_D_UR_R2;
									state[j - sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_V_D_R2;
									state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_L_R1 | STATE_D_UL_R2;
									state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_R_R1 | STATE_D_UR_R2;
								// Update distortion
								normval = (data[k] >> downshift) << upshift;
								dist += fs[normval & ((1 << (MSE_LKP_BITS - 1)) - 1)];
						if (sheight < 4)
							csj &= ~ (STATE_VISITED_R1 | STATE_VISITED_R2);
							state[j] = csj;
						// Scan second row
						if ((csj & (STATE_SIG_R2 | STATE_VISITED_R2)) == 0)
							k += dscanw;
							// Apply zero coding
							ctxtbuf[nsym] = zc_lut[(SupportClass.URShift(csj, STATE_SEP)) & ZC_MASK];
							if ((symbuf[nsym++] = SupportClass.URShift((data[k] & mask), bp)) != 0)
								// Became significant
								// Apply sign coding
								sym = SupportClass.URShift(data[k], 31);
								ctxt = SC_LUT[(SupportClass.URShift(csj, SC_SHIFT_R2)) & SC_MASK];
								symbuf[nsym] = sym ^ (SupportClass.URShift(ctxt, SC_SPRED_SHIFT));
								ctxtbuf[nsym++] = ctxt & SC_LUT_MASK;
								// Update state information (significant bit,
								// visited bit, neighbor significant bit of
								// neighbors, non zero context of neighbors,
								// sign of neighbors)
								state[j + off_dl] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_D_UR_R1;
								state[j + off_dr] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_D_UL_R1;
								// Update sign state information of neighbors
								if (sym != 0)
									state[j + sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_V_U_R1 | STATE_V_U_SIGN_R1;
									state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DL_R1 | STATE_H_L_R2 | STATE_H_L_SIGN_R2;
									state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DR_R1 | STATE_H_R_R2 | STATE_H_R_SIGN_R2;
									state[j + sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_V_U_R1;
									state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DL_R1 | STATE_H_L_R2;
									state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DR_R1 | STATE_H_R_R2;
								// Update distortion
								normval = (data[k] >> downshift) << upshift;
								dist += fs[normval & ((1 << (MSE_LKP_BITS - 1)) - 1)];
					csj &= ~ (STATE_VISITED_R1 | STATE_VISITED_R2);
					state[j] = csj;
				// Code all buffered symbols, if any
				if (nsym > 0)
					mq.codeSymbols(symbuf, ctxtbuf, nsym);
			// Insert a segment marker if we need to
			if ((options & CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.OPT_SEG_SYMBOLS) != 0)
				mq.codeSymbols(SEG_SYMBOLS, SEG_SYMB_CTXTS, SEG_SYMBOLS.Length);
			// Reset the MQ context states if we need to
			if ((options & CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.OPT_RESET_MQ) != 0)
			// Terminate the MQ bit stream if we need to
			if (doterm)
				ratebuf[pidx] = mq.terminate(); // Termination has special length
				// Use normal length calculation
				ratebuf[pidx] = mq.NumCodedBytes;
			// Add length of previous segments, if any
			if (ltpidx >= 0)
				ratebuf[pidx] += ratebuf[ltpidx];
			// Finish length calculation if needed
			if (doterm)
				mq.finishLengthCalculation(ratebuf, pidx);
			// Return the reduction in distortion
			return dist;
		/// <summary> Performs the significance propagation pass on the specified data and
		/// bit-plane. It codes all insignificant samples which have, at least, one
		/// of its immediate eight neighbors already significant, using the ZC and
		/// SC primitives as needed. It toggles the "visited" state bit to 1 for
		/// all those samples.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="srcblk">The code-block data to code
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="mq">The MQ-coder to use
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="doterm">If true it performs an MQ-coder termination after the end
		/// of the pass
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="bp">The bit-plane to code
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="state">The state information for the code-block
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="fs">The distortion estimation lookup table for SC
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="zc_lut">The ZC lookup table to use in ZC.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="symbuf">The buffer to hold symbols to send to the MQ coder
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="ctxtbuf">A buffer to hold the contexts to use in sending the
		/// buffered symbols to the MQ coder.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="ratebuf">The buffer where to store the rate (i.e. coded lenth) at 
		/// the end of this coding pass.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="pidx">The coding pass index. Is the index in the 'ratebuf' array
		/// where to store the coded length after this coding pass.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="ltpidx">The index of the last pass that was terminated, or
		/// negative if none.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="options">The bitmask of entropy coding options to apply to the
		/// code-block
		/// </param>
		/// <returns> The decrease in distortion for this pass, in the fixed-point
		/// normalized representation of the 'FS_LOSSY' and 'FS_LOSSLESS' tables.
		/// </returns>
		static private int sigProgPass(CBlkWTData srcblk, MQCoder mq, bool doterm, int bp, int[] state, int[] fs, int[] zc_lut, int[] symbuf, int[] ctxtbuf, int[] ratebuf, int pidx, int ltpidx, int options)
			int j, sj; // The state index for line and stripe
			int k, sk; // The data index for line and stripe
			int nsym = 0; // Symbol counter for symbol and context buffers
			int dscanw; // The data scan-width
			int sscanw; // The state and packed state scan-width
			int jstep; // Stripe to stripe step for 'sj'
			int kstep; // Stripe to stripe step for 'sk'
			int stopsk; // The loop limit on the variable sk
			int csj; // Local copy (i.e. cached) of 'state[j]'
			int mask; // The mask for the current bit-plane
			int sym; // The symbol to code
			int ctxt; // The context to use
			int[] data; // The data buffer
			int dist; // The distortion reduction for this pass
			int shift; // Shift amount for distortion
			int upshift; // Shift left amount for distortion
			int downshift; // Shift right amount for distortion
			int normval; // The normalized sample magnitude value
			int s; // The stripe index
			bool causal; // Flag to indicate if stripe-causal context
			// formation is to be used
			int nstripes; // The number of stripes in the code-block
			int sheight; // Height of the current stripe
			int off_ul, off_ur, off_dr, off_dl; // offsets
			// Initialize local variables
			dscanw = srcblk.scanw;
			sscanw = srcblk.w + 2;
			jstep = sscanw * CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT / 2 - srcblk.w;
			kstep = dscanw * CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT - srcblk.w;
			mask = 1 << bp;
			data = (int[]) srcblk.Data;
			nstripes = (srcblk.h + CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT - 1) / CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT;
			dist = 0;
			// We use the MSE_LKP_BITS-1 bits below the bit just coded for
			// distortion estimation.
			shift = bp - (MSE_LKP_BITS - 1);
			upshift = (shift >= 0)?0:- shift;
			downshift = (shift <= 0)?0:shift;
			causal = (options & CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.OPT_VERT_STR_CAUSAL) != 0;
			// Pre-calculate offsets in 'state' for diagonal neighbors
			off_ul = - sscanw - 1; // up-left
			off_ur = - sscanw + 1; // up-right
			off_dr = sscanw + 1; // down-right
			off_dl = sscanw - 1; // down-left
			// Code stripe by stripe
			sk = srcblk.offset;
			sj = sscanw + 1;
			for (s = nstripes - 1; s >= 0; s--, sk += kstep, sj += jstep)
				sheight = (s != 0)?CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT:srcblk.h - (nstripes - 1) * CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT;
				stopsk = sk + srcblk.w;
				// Scan by set of 1 stripe column at a time
				for (nsym = 0; sk < stopsk; sk++, sj++)
					// Do half top of column
					j = sj;
					csj = state[j];
					// If any of the two samples is not significant and has a
					// non-zero context (i.e. some neighbor is significant) we can 
					// not skip them
					if ((((~ csj) & (csj << 2)) & SIG_MASK_R1R2) != 0)
						k = sk;
						// Scan first row
						if ((csj & (STATE_SIG_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1)) == STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1)
							// Apply zero coding
							ctxtbuf[nsym] = zc_lut[csj & ZC_MASK];
							if ((symbuf[nsym++] = SupportClass.URShift((data[k] & mask), bp)) != 0)
								// Became significant
								// Apply sign coding
								sym = SupportClass.URShift(data[k], 31);
								ctxt = SC_LUT[(SupportClass.URShift(csj, SC_SHIFT_R1)) & SC_MASK];
								symbuf[nsym] = sym ^ (SupportClass.URShift(ctxt, SC_SPRED_SHIFT));
								ctxtbuf[nsym++] = ctxt & SC_LUT_MASK;
								// Update state information (significant bit,
								// visited bit, neighbor significant bit of
								// neighbors, non zero context of neighbors, sign
								// of neighbors)
								if (!causal)
									// If in causal mode do not change contexts of 
									// previous stripe.
									state[j + off_ul] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DR_R2;
									state[j + off_ur] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DL_R2;
								// Update sign state information of neighbors
								if (sym != 0)
									if (!causal)
										// If in causal mode do not change
										// contexts of previous stripe.
										state[j - sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_V_D_R2 | STATE_V_D_SIGN_R2;
									state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_L_R1 | STATE_H_L_SIGN_R1 | STATE_D_UL_R2;
									state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_R_R1 | STATE_H_R_SIGN_R1 | STATE_D_UR_R2;
									if (!causal)
										// If in causal mode do not change
										// contexts of previous stripe.
										state[j - sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_V_D_R2;
									state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_L_R1 | STATE_D_UL_R2;
									state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_R_R1 | STATE_D_UR_R2;
								// Update distortion
								normval = (data[k] >> downshift) << upshift;
								dist += fs[normval & ((1 << (MSE_LKP_BITS - 1)) - 1)];
								csj |= STATE_VISITED_R1;
						if (sheight < 2)
							state[j] = csj;
						// Scan second row
						if ((csj & (STATE_SIG_R2 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2)) == STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2)
							k += dscanw;
							// Apply zero coding
							ctxtbuf[nsym] = zc_lut[(SupportClass.URShift(csj, STATE_SEP)) & ZC_MASK];
							if ((symbuf[nsym++] = SupportClass.URShift((data[k] & mask), bp)) != 0)
								// Became significant
								// Apply sign coding
								sym = SupportClass.URShift(data[k], 31);
								ctxt = SC_LUT[(SupportClass.URShift(csj, SC_SHIFT_R2)) & SC_MASK];
								symbuf[nsym] = sym ^ (SupportClass.URShift(ctxt, SC_SPRED_SHIFT));
								ctxtbuf[nsym++] = ctxt & SC_LUT_MASK;
								// Update state information (significant bit,
								// visited bit, neighbor significant bit of
								// neighbors, non zero context of neighbors, sign
								// of neighbors)
								state[j + off_dl] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_D_UR_R1;
								state[j + off_dr] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_D_UL_R1;
								// Update sign state information of neighbors
								if (sym != 0)
									state[j + sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_V_U_R1 | STATE_V_U_SIGN_R1;
									state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DL_R1 | STATE_H_L_R2 | STATE_H_L_SIGN_R2;
									state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DR_R1 | STATE_H_R_R2 | STATE_H_R_SIGN_R2;
									state[j + sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_V_U_R1;
									state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DL_R1 | STATE_H_L_R2;
									state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DR_R1 | STATE_H_R_R2;
								// Update distortion
								normval = (data[k] >> downshift) << upshift;
								dist += fs[normval & ((1 << (MSE_LKP_BITS - 1)) - 1)];
								csj |= STATE_VISITED_R2;
						state[j] = csj;
					// Do half bottom of column
					if (sheight < 3)
					j += sscanw;
					csj = state[j];
					// If any of the two samples is not significant and has a
					// non-zero context (i.e. some neighbor is significant) we can 
					// not skip them
					if ((((~ csj) & (csj << 2)) & SIG_MASK_R1R2) != 0)
						k = sk + (dscanw << 1);
						// Scan first row
						if ((csj & (STATE_SIG_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1)) == STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1)
							// Apply zero coding
							ctxtbuf[nsym] = zc_lut[csj & ZC_MASK];
							if ((symbuf[nsym++] = SupportClass.URShift((data[k] & mask), bp)) != 0)
								// Became significant
								// Apply sign coding
								sym = SupportClass.URShift(data[k], 31);
								ctxt = SC_LUT[(SupportClass.URShift(csj, SC_SHIFT_R1)) & SC_MASK];
								symbuf[nsym] = sym ^ (SupportClass.URShift(ctxt, SC_SPRED_SHIFT));
								ctxtbuf[nsym++] = ctxt & SC_LUT_MASK;
								// Update state information (significant bit,
								// visited bit, neighbor significant bit of
								// neighbors, non zero context of neighbors, sign
								// of neighbors)
								state[j + off_ul] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DR_R2;
								state[j + off_ur] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DL_R2;
								// Update sign state information of neighbors
								if (sym != 0)
									state[j - sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_V_D_R2 | STATE_V_D_SIGN_R2;
									state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_L_R1 | STATE_H_L_SIGN_R1 | STATE_D_UL_R2;
									state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_R_R1 | STATE_H_R_SIGN_R1 | STATE_D_UR_R2;
									state[j - sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_V_D_R2;
									state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_L_R1 | STATE_D_UL_R2;
									state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_R_R1 | STATE_D_UR_R2;
								// Update distortion
								normval = (data[k] >> downshift) << upshift;
								dist += fs[normval & ((1 << (MSE_LKP_BITS - 1)) - 1)];
								csj |= STATE_VISITED_R1;
						if (sheight < 4)
							state[j] = csj;
						// Scan second row
						if ((csj & (STATE_SIG_R2 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2)) == STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2)
							k += dscanw;
							// Apply zero coding
							ctxtbuf[nsym] = zc_lut[(SupportClass.URShift(csj, STATE_SEP)) & ZC_MASK];
							if ((symbuf[nsym++] = SupportClass.URShift((data[k] & mask), bp)) != 0)
								// Became significant
								// Apply sign coding
								sym = SupportClass.URShift(data[k], 31);
								ctxt = SC_LUT[(SupportClass.URShift(csj, SC_SHIFT_R2)) & SC_MASK];
								symbuf[nsym] = sym ^ (SupportClass.URShift(ctxt, SC_SPRED_SHIFT));
								ctxtbuf[nsym++] = ctxt & SC_LUT_MASK;
								// Update state information (significant bit,
								// visited bit, neighbor significant bit of
								// neighbors, non zero context of neighbors, sign
								// of neighbors)
								state[j + off_dl] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_D_UR_R1;
								state[j + off_dr] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_D_UL_R1;
								// Update sign state information of neighbors
								if (sym != 0)
									state[j + sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_V_U_R1 | STATE_V_U_SIGN_R1;
									state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DL_R1 | STATE_H_L_R2 | STATE_H_L_SIGN_R2;
									state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DR_R1 | STATE_H_R_R2 | STATE_H_R_SIGN_R2;
									state[j + sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_V_U_R1;
									state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DL_R1 | STATE_H_L_R2;
									state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DR_R1 | STATE_H_R_R2;
								// Update distortion
								normval = (data[k] >> downshift) << upshift;
								dist += fs[normval & ((1 << (MSE_LKP_BITS - 1)) - 1)];
								csj |= STATE_VISITED_R2;
						state[j] = csj;
				// Code all buffered symbols
				mq.codeSymbols(symbuf, ctxtbuf, nsym);
			// Reset the MQ context states if we need to
			if ((options & CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.OPT_RESET_MQ) != 0)
			// Terminate the MQ bit stream if we need to
			if (doterm)
				ratebuf[pidx] = mq.terminate(); // Termination has special length
				// Use normal length calculation
				ratebuf[pidx] = mq.NumCodedBytes;
			// Add length of previous segments, if any
			if (ltpidx >= 0)
				ratebuf[pidx] += ratebuf[ltpidx];
			// Finish length calculation if needed
			if (doterm)
				mq.finishLengthCalculation(ratebuf, pidx);
			// Return the reduction in distortion
			return dist;