		/// <summary> Performs the magnitude refinement pass on the specified data and
		/// bit-plane. It decodes the samples which are significant and which do
		/// not have the "visited" state bit turned on, using the MR primitive. The
		/// "visited" state bit is not mofified for any samples.
		/// <P>This method bypasses the arithmetic coder and reads "raw" symbols
		/// from the bit stream.
		/// <P>This method also checks for segmentation markers if those are
		/// present and returns true if an error is detected, or false
		/// otherwise. If an error is detected it measn that the bit stream
		/// contains some erroneous bit that have led to the decoding of incorrect
		/// data. This data affects the whole last decoded bit-plane
		/// (i.e. 'bp'). If 'true' is returned the 'conceal' method should be
		/// called and no more passes should be decoded for this code-block's bit
		/// stream.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="cblk">The code-block data to decode
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="bin">The raw bit based input
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="bp">The bit-plane to decode
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="state">The state information for the code-block
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="isterm">If this pass has been terminated. If the pass has been
		/// terminated it can be used to check error resilience.
		/// </param>
		/// <returns> True if an error was detected in the bit stream, false
		/// otherwise.
		/// </returns>
		private bool rawMagRefPass(DataBlk cblk, ByteToBitInput bin, int bp, int[] state, bool isterm)
			int j, sj; // The state index for line and stripe
			int k, sk; // The data index for line and stripe
			int dscanw; // The data scan-width
			int sscanw; // The state scan-width
			int jstep; // Stripe to stripe step for 'sj'
			int kstep; // Stripe to stripe step for 'sk'
			int stopsk; // The loop limit on the variable sk
			int csj; // Local copy (i.e. cached) of 'state[j]'
			int setmask; // The mask to set lower bit-planes to 1/2 approximation
			int resetmask; // The mask to reset approximation bit-planes
			int sym; // The symbol to decode
			int[] data; // The data buffer
			int s; // The stripe index
			int nstripes; // The number of stripes in the code-block
			int sheight; // Height of the current stripe
			bool error; // The error condition
			// Initialize local variables
			dscanw = cblk.scanw;
			sscanw = cblk.w + 2;
			jstep = sscanw * CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT / 2 - cblk.w;
			kstep = dscanw * CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT - cblk.w;
			setmask = (1 << bp) >> 1;
			resetmask = (- 1) << (bp + 1);
			data = (int[]) cblk.Data;
			nstripes = (cblk.h + CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT - 1) / CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT;
			// Decode stripe by stripe
			sk = cblk.offset;
			sj = sscanw + 1;
			for (s = nstripes - 1; s >= 0; s--, sk += kstep, sj += jstep)
				sheight = (s != 0)?CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT:cblk.h - (nstripes - 1) * CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT;
				stopsk = sk + cblk.w;
				// Scan by set of 1 stripe column at a time
				for (; sk < stopsk; sk++, sj++)
					// Do half top of column
					j = sj;
					csj = state[j];
					// If any of the two samples is significant and not yet
					// visited in the current bit-plane we can not skip them
					if ((((SupportClass.URShift(csj, 1)) & (~ csj)) & VSTD_MASK_R1R2) != 0)
						k = sk;
						// Scan first row
						if ((csj & (STATE_SIG_R1 | STATE_VISITED_R1)) == STATE_SIG_R1)
							// Read raw bit (no MR primative)
							sym = bin.readBit();
							// Update the data
							data[k] &= resetmask;
							data[k] |= (sym << bp) | setmask;
							// No need to set STATE_PREV_MR_R1 since all magnitude 
							// refinement passes to follow are "raw"
						if (sheight < 2)
						// Scan second row
						if ((csj & (STATE_SIG_R2 | STATE_VISITED_R2)) == STATE_SIG_R2)
							k += dscanw;
							// Read raw bit (no MR primative)
							sym = bin.readBit();
							// Update the data
							data[k] &= resetmask;
							data[k] |= (sym << bp) | setmask;
							// No need to set STATE_PREV_MR_R1 since all magnitude 
							// refinement passes to follow are "raw"
					// Do half bottom of column
					if (sheight < 3)
					j += sscanw;
					csj = state[j];
					// If any of the two samples is significant and not yet
					// visited in the current bit-plane we can not skip them
					if ((((SupportClass.URShift(csj, 1)) & (~ csj)) & VSTD_MASK_R1R2) != 0)
						k = sk + (dscanw << 1);
						// Scan first row
						if ((csj & (STATE_SIG_R1 | STATE_VISITED_R1)) == STATE_SIG_R1)
							// Read raw bit (no MR primative)
							sym = bin.readBit();
							// Update the data
							data[k] &= resetmask;
							data[k] |= (sym << bp) | setmask;
							// No need to set STATE_PREV_MR_R1 since all magnitude 
							// refinement passes to follow are "raw"
						if (sheight < 4)
						// Scan second row
						if ((state[j] & (STATE_SIG_R2 | STATE_VISITED_R2)) == STATE_SIG_R2)
							k += dscanw;
							// Read raw bit (no MR primative)
							sym = bin.readBit();
							// Update the data
							data[k] &= resetmask;
							data[k] |= (sym << bp) | setmask;
							// No need to set STATE_PREV_MR_R1 since all magnitude 
							// refinement passes to follow are "raw"
			error = false;
			//  Check the byte padding if the pass is terminated and the
			// predictable termination is signaled in COx marker.
			if (isterm && (options & CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.OPT_PRED_TERM) != 0)
				error = bin.checkBytePadding();
			// Return error condition
			return error;
		/// <summary> Performs the significance propagation pass on the specified data and
		/// bit-plane. It decodes all insignificant samples which have, at least,
		/// one of its immediate eight neighbors already significant, using the ZC
		/// and SC primitives as needed. It toggles the "visited" state bit to 1
		/// for all those samples.
		/// <p>This method bypasses the arithmetic coder and reads "raw" symbols
		/// from the bit stream.</p>
		/// <p>This method also checks for segmentation markers if those are
		/// present and returns true if an error is detected, or false
		/// otherwise. If an error is detected it measn that the bit stream contains
		/// some erroneous bit that have led to the decoding of incorrect
		/// data. This data affects the whole last decoded bit-plane (i.e. 'bp'). If
		/// 'true' is returned the 'conceal' method should be called and no more
		/// passes should be decoded for this code-block's bit stream.</p>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="cblk">The code-block data to decode
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="bin">The raw bit based input
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="bp">The bit-plane to decode
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="state">The state information for the code-block
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="isterm">If this pass has been terminated. If the pass has been
		/// terminated it can be used to check error resilience.
		/// </param>
		/// <returns> True if an error was detected in the bit stream, false
		/// otherwise.
		/// </returns>
		private bool rawSigProgPass(DataBlk cblk, ByteToBitInput bin, int bp, int[] state, bool isterm)
			int j, sj; // The state index for line and stripe
			int k, sk; // The data index for line and stripe
			int dscanw; // The data scan-width
			int sscanw; // The state scan-width
			int jstep; // Stripe to stripe step for 'sj'
			int kstep; // Stripe to stripe step for 'sk'
			int stopsk; // The loop limit on the variable sk
			int csj; // Local copy (i.e. cached) of 'state[j]'
			int setmask; // The mask to set current and lower bit-planes to 1/2
			// approximation
			int sym; // The symbol to code
			int[] data; // The data buffer
			int s; // The stripe index
			bool causal; // Flag to indicate if stripe-causal context
			// formation is to be used
			int nstripes; // The number of stripes in the code-block
			int sheight; // Height of the current stripe
			int off_ul, off_ur, off_dr, off_dl; // offsets
			bool error; // The error condition
			// Initialize local variables
			dscanw = cblk.scanw;
			sscanw = cblk.w + 2;
			jstep = sscanw * CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT / 2 - cblk.w;
			kstep = dscanw * CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT - cblk.w;
			setmask = (3 << bp) >> 1;
			data = (int[]) cblk.Data;
			nstripes = (cblk.h + CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT - 1) / CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT;
			causal = (options & CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.OPT_VERT_STR_CAUSAL) != 0;
			// Pre-calculate offsets in 'state' for diagonal neighbors
			off_ul = - sscanw - 1; // up-left
			off_ur = - sscanw + 1; // up-right
			off_dr = sscanw + 1; // down-right
			off_dl = sscanw - 1; // down-left
			// Decode stripe by stripe
			sk = cblk.offset;
			sj = sscanw + 1;
			for (s = nstripes - 1; s >= 0; s--, sk += kstep, sj += jstep)
				sheight = (s != 0)?CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT:cblk.h - (nstripes - 1) * CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.STRIPE_HEIGHT;
				stopsk = sk + cblk.w;
				// Scan by set of 1 stripe column at a time
				for (; sk < stopsk; sk++, sj++)
					// Do half top of column
					j = sj;
					csj = state[j];
					// If any of the two samples is not significant and has a
					// non-zero context (i.e. some neighbor is significant) we can 
					// not skip them
					if ((((~ csj) & (csj << 2)) & SIG_MASK_R1R2) != 0)
						k = sk;
						// Scan first row
						if ((csj & (STATE_SIG_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1)) == STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1)
							// Use zero coding
							if (bin.readBit() != 0)
								// Became significant
								// Use sign coding
								sym = bin.readBit();
								// Update data
								data[k] = (sym << 31) | setmask;
								// Update state information (significant bit,
								// visited bit, neighbor significant bit of
								// neighbors, non zero context of neighbors, sign
								// of neighbors)
								if (!causal)
									// If in causal mode do not change contexts of 
									// previous stripe.
									state[j + off_ul] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DR_R2;
									state[j + off_ur] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DL_R2;
								// Update sign state information of neighbors
								if (sym != 0)
									if (!causal)
										// If in causal mode do not change
										// contexts of previous stripe.
										state[j - sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_V_D_R2 | STATE_V_D_SIGN_R2;
									state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_L_R1 | STATE_H_L_SIGN_R1 | STATE_D_UL_R2;
									state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_R_R1 | STATE_H_R_SIGN_R1 | STATE_D_UR_R2;
									if (!causal)
										// If in causal mode do not change
										// contexts of previous stripe.
										state[j - sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_V_D_R2;
									state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_L_R1 | STATE_D_UL_R2;
									state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_R_R1 | STATE_D_UR_R2;
								csj |= STATE_VISITED_R1;
						if (sheight < 2)
							state[j] = csj;
						if ((csj & (STATE_SIG_R2 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2)) == STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2)
							k += dscanw;
							// Use zero coding
							if (bin.readBit() != 0)
								// Became significant
								// Use sign coding
								sym = bin.readBit();
								// Update data
								data[k] = (sym << 31) | setmask;
								// Update state information (significant bit,
								// visited bit, neighbor significant bit of
								// neighbors, non zero context of neighbors, sign
								// of neighbors)
								state[j + off_dl] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_D_UR_R1;
								state[j + off_dr] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_D_UL_R1;
								// Update sign state information of neighbors
								if (sym != 0)
									state[j + sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_V_U_R1 | STATE_V_U_SIGN_R1;
									state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DL_R1 | STATE_H_L_R2 | STATE_H_L_SIGN_R2;
									state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DR_R1 | STATE_H_R_R2 | STATE_H_R_SIGN_R2;
									state[j + sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_V_U_R1;
									state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DL_R1 | STATE_H_L_R2;
									state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DR_R1 | STATE_H_R_R2;
								csj |= STATE_VISITED_R2;
						state[j] = csj;
					// Do half bottom of column
					if (sheight < 3)
					j += sscanw;
					csj = state[j];
					// If any of the two samples is not significant and has a
					// non-zero context (i.e. some neighbor is significant) we can 
					// not skip them
					if ((((~ csj) & (csj << 2)) & SIG_MASK_R1R2) != 0)
						k = sk + (dscanw << 1);
						// Scan first row
						if ((csj & (STATE_SIG_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1)) == STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1)
							// Use zero coding
							if (bin.readBit() != 0)
								// Became significant
								// Use sign coding
								sym = bin.readBit();
								// Update data
								data[k] = (sym << 31) | setmask;
								// Update state information (significant bit,
								// visited bit, neighbor significant bit of
								// neighbors, non zero context of neighbors, sign
								// of neighbors)
								state[j + off_ul] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DR_R2;
								state[j + off_ur] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DL_R2;
								// Update sign state information of neighbors
								if (sym != 0)
									state[j - sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_V_D_R2 | STATE_V_D_SIGN_R2;
									state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_L_R1 | STATE_H_L_SIGN_R1 | STATE_D_UL_R2;
									state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_R_R1 | STATE_H_R_SIGN_R1 | STATE_D_UR_R2;
									state[j - sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_V_D_R2;
									state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_L_R1 | STATE_D_UL_R2;
									state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_H_R_R1 | STATE_D_UR_R2;
								csj |= STATE_VISITED_R1;
						if (sheight < 4)
							state[j] = csj;
						// Scan second row
						if ((csj & (STATE_SIG_R2 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2)) == STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2)
							k += dscanw;
							// Use zero coding
							if (bin.readBit() != 0)
								// Became significant
								// Use sign coding
								sym = bin.readBit();
								// Update data
								data[k] = (sym << 31) | setmask;
								// Update state information (significant bit,
								// visited bit, neighbor significant bit of
								// neighbors, non zero context of neighbors, sign
								// of neighbors)
								state[j + off_dl] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_D_UR_R1;
								state[j + off_dr] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_D_UL_R1;
								// Update sign state information of neighbors
								if (sym != 0)
									state[j + sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_V_U_R1 | STATE_V_U_SIGN_R1;
									state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DL_R1 | STATE_H_L_R2 | STATE_H_L_SIGN_R2;
									state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DR_R1 | STATE_H_R_R2 | STATE_H_R_SIGN_R2;
									state[j + sscanw] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_V_U_R1;
									state[j + 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DL_R1 | STATE_H_L_R2;
									state[j - 1] |= STATE_NZ_CTXT_R1 | STATE_NZ_CTXT_R2 | STATE_D_DR_R1 | STATE_H_R_R2;
								csj |= STATE_VISITED_R2;
						state[j] = csj;
			error = false;
			// Check the byte padding if the pass is terminated and if the error
			// resilience predictable termination is signaled in COx marker.
			if (isterm && (options & CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.OPT_PRED_TERM) != 0)
				error = bin.checkBytePadding();
			// Return error condition
			return error;