private void submitBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //The "Submit" button will create a Container and Item object for each Item the user wants to store. Each Item object is //stored within the associated Container object. Container container; Item item; container = new Container(double.Parse(widthText.Text), double.Parse(lengthText.Text), double.Parse(heightText.Text)); item = new Item(nameText.Text, int.Parse(quantityText.Text), double.Parse(weightText.Text)); container.addItem(item); contList.Add(container); itemList.Add(item); //Flag variable for the number of Items the user wishes to enter. numOfItems--; //If the number of items left to enter is more than zero, create a new version of the same Form and prompt the //user for the information for their next Item. if (numOfItems != 0) { newCustItemForm newForm = new newCustItemForm(numOfItems, contList, itemList, customer); newForm.Show(); this.Hide(); } else { //If all Items have been entered, pass all applicable information and create the Main Customer Portal Form. mainCustScreen mainScreen = new mainCustScreen(customer, contList, itemList); mainScreen.Show(); this.Hide(); } }
private void submitBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Container container = new Container(); for (int i = 0; i < int.Parse(quantityText.Text); i++) { Item item = new Item(nameText.Text, int.Parse(lengthText.Text), int.Parse(widthText.Text), int.Parse(heightText.Text), int.Parse(quantityText.Text), double.Parse(weightText.Text)); container.addItem(item); } contList.Add(container); itemList = container.getItemList(); for (int i = 0; i < itemList.Count(); i++) { MessageBox.Show(itemList[i].ToString()); } numOfItems--; if (numOfItems != 0) { newCustItemForm newForm = new newCustItemForm(numOfItems, itemList, contList, customer); newForm.Show(); this.Close(); } else { mainCustScreen mainScreen = new mainCustScreen(customer, contList); mainScreen.Show(); this.Close(); } }
private void backBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //The "Back" button takes the user back to the Main Customer Portal screen. mainCustScreen mainScreen = new mainCustScreen(customer); mainScreen.Show(); this.Hide(); }
private void submitBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!fNameText.Text.Equals("") || !lNameText.Text.Equals("")) { string firstName = fNameText.Text; string lastName = lNameText.Text; new DBConnect(out connection); DBQueries dbQ = new DBQueries(); Customer cus = dbQ.getCustomer(connection, firstName, lastName); mainCustScreen mainScreen = new mainCustScreen(cus); mainScreen.Show(); this.Hide(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error: please fill out the fields with correct information."); } }