        private void retrieveAllOfOneBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //The "Retrieve All of One Item" button retrieves all of a user-selected Item from the Warehouse.

            MySqlCommand cmd     = new MySqlCommand();
            DBQueries    queries = new DBQueries();

            //If an invalid Item Name is selected, alert user and return to orderViewForm.
            if (orderView.SelectedCells[0].Value == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid Item Name selected, please select an Item Name and try again.");

            string itemName = orderView.SelectedCells[0].Value.ToString();

            //If an invalid Item Name is selected, alert user and return to orderViewForm.
            if (orderView.Columns[orderView.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex].Name == orderView.Columns["Container ID:"].Name || orderView.Columns[orderView.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex].Name == orderView.Columns["Item Quantity:"].Name || itemName == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid Item Name selected, please select an Item Name and try again.");

            //Get necessary Customer Info from database
            int itemID = queries.getItemID(connection, itemName);
            int contID = queries.getSingleContainerID(connection, itemID);
            int custID = customer.getID();

            //Retrieve all of specified Item from warehouse
            queries.retrieveAllOfOneItem(connection, itemID, custID, contID);

            //Refresh the DGV, displaying the newly updated Invoice with Item removed.
            custContList = queries.getCustStorageOrder(connection, custID);


            for (int i = 0; i < custContList.Count(); i++)
                itemList = custContList[i].getItemList();
                orderView.Rows.Add(custContList[i].getID().ToString(), "", "");

                for (int j = 0; j < itemList.Count(); j++)
                    orderView.Rows.Add("", itemList[j].getName(), itemList[j].getQuantity());

            //Alert user that Item has been retrieved successfully.
            MessageBox.Show("Item: " + itemName + " has been successfully retrieved.");
        private void retrieveXBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //The "Retrieve X Of One Item" button retrieves a specified quantity of a specific Item that the user has selected.

            MySqlCommand cmd     = new MySqlCommand();
            DBQueries    queries = new DBQueries();

            //If an invalid Item Name is selected, alert user and return to orderViewForm.
            if (orderView.SelectedCells[0].Value == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid Item Name selected, please select an Item Name and try again.");

            string itemName = orderView.SelectedCells[0].Value.ToString();

            //If an invalid Item Name is selected, alert user and return to orderViewForm.
            if (orderView.Columns[orderView.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex].Name == orderView.Columns["Container ID:"].Name || orderView.Columns[orderView.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex].Name == orderView.Columns["Item Quantity:"].Name || itemName == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid Item Name selected, please select an Item Name and try again.");

            //Get necessary info from database
            int    curItemQuantity = queries.getItemQuantity(connection, itemName);
            int    itemID          = queries.getItemID(connection, itemName);
            string value           = "";
            int    numOfItems;

            //Prompt user to enter the quantity of Items they wish to retrieve.
            if (Dialog.InputBox("Enter the number of Items you would like to retrieve:", "Number of Items:", ref value) == DialogResult.OK)
                numOfItems = int.Parse(value);

                int newQty = curItemQuantity - numOfItems;

                //If the user-entered quantity is larger than that remaining in the warehouse, alert user and return to orderViewForm
                if (newQty < 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Not enough quantity remaining to retrieve " + numOfItems + " of Item: " + itemName + ", please enter a quantity less than " + curItemQuantity);

                //Update quantity in the database.
                queries.retrieveXOfOneItem(connection, newQty, itemID);

                custContList = queries.getCustStorageOrder(connection, customer.getID());

                //Refresh the DGV, displaying the newly updated Invoice with Item quantity updated.

                for (int i = 0; i < custContList.Count(); i++)
                    itemList = custContList[i].getItemList();
                    orderView.Rows.Add(custContList[i].getID().ToString(), "", "");

                    for (int j = 0; j < itemList.Count(); j++)
                        orderView.Rows.Add("", itemList[j].getName(), itemList[j].getQuantity());

                //Alert the user that the quantity they have requested has been retrieved.
                MessageBox.Show("Quantity: " + numOfItems.ToString() + " of Item: " + itemName + " successfully retrieved.");