public void deal_To_Split(BlackjackTable bjt) { if (bjt.deck.Count() > 0) { Card tmp = bjt.deck[bjt.deck.Count() - 1]; this.second_Hand.Add(tmp); bjt.deck.RemoveAt(bjt.deck.Count() - 1); } }
//Possible infinite loop, check logic with group public void auto_Deal(BlackjackTable bjt) { if(this.get_Turn()) { bjt.deal_Card_To_Person(5); bjt.deal_Card_To_Person(5); while(sum_Hand() < 17) { bjt.deal_Card_To_Person(5); if (sum_Hand() > 21) { for (int i = 0; i < hand.Count(); i++) { if (hand[i].get_Rank() == 'a' && sum_Hand() > 21) { hand[i].change_Ace(); } } } } } }
public static void Main() { //This game is complete other than: //finding auto winners (i.e. people with blackjacks) //Dealing with split hands(currently the game can split cards and dectect when to split, still needs to be check against dealer though) BlackjackTable test = new BlackjackTable(); //test for start_Round() test.create_Deck(1); test.shuffle_deck(); Player p1 = new Player("Marshall", 001); p1.hand.Add(new Card('5', "diamond")); p1.hand.Add(new Card('5', "diamond")); //Player p2 = new Player("Patrick", 002); //Player p3 = new Player("SpongeBob", 003); test.add_Player(p1); //test.add_Player(p2); //test.add_Player(p3); p1.set_Bet(10); //p2.set_Bet(3); //p3.set_Bet(100); test.start_Round();;; Console.WriteLine("Dealer has a total of " +; test.check_Players_Vs_Dealer(); test.clean_Up(); Console.WriteLine("\nTest clean_Up()"); for(int i=0; i < test.table.Count(); i++) { if (test.table[i] != null) { test.table[i].print_Hand(); Console.WriteLine(test.table[i].get_Name() + "'s current bet is " + test.table[i].get_Bet()); } } ////test to create deck and shuffle //test.create_Deck(1); //test.shuffle_deck(); //test.print_Deck(); ////test to create players //Player p1 = new Player("Marshall", 001); //Player p2 = new Player("Ethan", 002); //Player p3 = new Player("Logan", 003); //Player p4 = new Player("Nick", 004); //Player p5 = new Player("Scott", 005); //Player p6 = new Player("Roman", 006); //Player p7 = new Player("LeBron", 007); ////test to fill table with players //test.print_Table(); //test.add_Player(p1); //test.add_Player(p2); //test.add_Player(p3); //test.add_Player(p4); //test.add_Player(p5); //test.add_Player(p6); ////test to try and add player to full table //test.add_Player(p7); ////test for removing player //test.print_Table(); //test.remove_Player(p1); //test.print_Table(); //test.remove_Player(p7); //test.add_Player(p7); //test.print_Table(); //test.remove_Player(p7); //test.print_Table(); ////tests to see if players get dealt cards and sums up total of cards //test.deal_Card_To_Person(0); //test.deal_Card_To_Person(0); //p1.print_Hand(); //Console.WriteLine(p1.get_Name() + " has a total score of " + p1.sum_Hand()); ////tests for spliting hand and dealing to split hand //Console.WriteLine(); //Console.WriteLine("Player hand:"); //p1.hand.Add(new Card('k', "diamond")); //p1.hand.Add(new Card('k', "spade")); //p1.print_Hand(); //p1.check_Split_Hand(); //p1.deal_To_Split(0, test); //test.deal_Card_To_Person(0); //Console.WriteLine(); //Console.WriteLine("Player hand after split:"); //p1.print_Hand(); //Console.WriteLine(); //Console.WriteLine("Player split hand:"); //p1.print_Split_Hand(); }