protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { TimeBoundAccessRequest tbar = BussinessLogic.IsAccessRequestIsValid(Session, "SERVER"); if (tbar.StatusCode != Globals.SUCCESS_STATUS_CODE) { string msg = "ERROR:" + tbar.StatusDesc; Master.ErrorMessage = msg; Multiview1.ActiveViewIndex = 0; return; } if (IsPostBack) { return; } LoadData(tbar); } catch (Exception ex) { //Show Error Message string msg = "ERROR:" + ex.Message; Master.ErrorMessage = msg; return; } }
protected void ddSystemTypes_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string systemType = ddSystemTypes.SelectedValue.ToUpper(); if (systemType == "DATABASE") { BussinessLogic.LoadDataIntoDropDown("GetDatabasesForDropDown", ddSystems, Session["User"] as SystemUser); BussinessLogic.LoadDataIntoDropDown("GetDatabaseAccessTypesForDropDown", ddTypeOfAccess, Session["User"] as SystemUser); return; } else if (systemType == "SERVER") { BussinessLogic.LoadDataIntoDropDown("GetServersForDropDown", ddSystems, Session["User"] as SystemUser); BussinessLogic.LoadDataIntoDropDown("GetServerAccessTypesForDropDown", ddTypeOfAccess, Session["User"] as SystemUser); return; } //Show Error Message ddSystems.Items.Clear(); ddTypeOfAccess.Items.Clear(); string msg = "ERROR: SYSTEM TYPE SPECIFIED IS NOT YET SUPPORTED FOR TBAR"; Master.ErrorMessage = msg; return; } catch (Exception ex) { //Show Error Message string msg = "ERROR:" + ex.Message; Master.ErrorMessage = msg; return; } }
private void LoadData() { BussinessLogic.LoadDataIntoDropDown("GetApproversForDropDown", ddApprover, Session["User"] as SystemUser); BussinessLogic.LoadDataIntoDropDown("GetSystemTypesForDropDown", ddSystemTypes, Session["User"] as SystemUser); BussinessLogic.LoadDataIntoDropDown("GetDatabasesForDropDown", ddSystems, Session["User"] as SystemUser); BussinessLogic.LoadDataIntoDropDown("GetDatabaseAccessTypesForDropDown", ddTypeOfAccess, Session["User"] as SystemUser); txtStartDateTime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString(Globals.DATE_TIME_FORMAT); }
protected void btnComplete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { TimeBoundAccessRequest tbar = Session["TBAR"] as TimeBoundAccessRequest; string sqlText = txtQuery.Text; //check if tbar has expired ApiResult checkResult = BussinessLogic.CheckIfTbarIsStillValid(tbar); //tbar has expired if (checkResult.StatusCode != Globals.SUCCESS_STATUS_CODE) { lblErrorMsg.Text = checkResult.StatusDesc; Multiview1.ActiveViewIndex = 0; return; } //see if the dude is fooling around with his query checkResult = CheckIfQueryIsValidForTbar(sqlText, tbar); //failed check if (checkResult.StatusCode != Globals.SUCCESS_STATUS_CODE) { //return error Master.ErrorMessage = checkResult.StatusDesc; return; } int dt = BussinessLogic.cRSystemAPIClient.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlText, tbar); //Show Error Message string msg1 = $"SUCCESS: {dt} ROWS WHERE AFFECTED."; Master.ErrorMessage = msg1; btnComplete.Visible = false; btnExecute.Visible = true; txtQuery.Enabled = true; return; } catch (Exception ex) { //Show Error Message string msg = "ERROR:" + ex.Message; Master.ErrorMessage = msg; return; } }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { ChangeRequest changeRequest = new ChangeRequest { ApprovalStatus = "PENDING", ApprovalReason = "", ChangeCategoryId = ddChangeCategories.SelectedValue, ChangeRequestId = BussinessLogic.GenerateUniqueId("CR-"), ChangeEndDateTime = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtImplementationStartDate.Text)? DateTime.ParseExact(txtImplementationStartDate.Text, Globals.DATE_TIME_FORMAT, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture):throw new Exception("Please Supply a Start Date"), ChangeStartDateTime = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtImplementationEndDateTime.Text) ? DateTime.ParseExact(txtImplementationEndDateTime.Text, Globals.DATE_TIME_FORMAT, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : throw new Exception("Please Supply a End Date"), ImpactOfNotImplementing = txtImpact.Text, ImplementerCompany = (Session["User"] as SystemUser)?.CompanyCode, ImplementerEmail = txtImplementerEmail.Text, ImplementerName = txtImplementerName.Text, ImplementerPhone = txtImplementerPhone.Text, Justification = txtJustification.Text, RequesterCompany = txtReqAddress.Text, RequesterEmail = txtReqEmail.Text, RequesterName = txtReqName.Text, RequesterPhone = txtReqPhone.Text, Title = txtTitle.Text, Problem = txtProblemDesc.Text, Solution = txtSolutionDesc.Text }; ApiResult apiResult = BussinessLogic.cRSystemAPIClient.SaveChangeRequest(changeRequest); if (apiResult.StatusCode != Globals.SUCCESS_STATUS_CODE) { //Show Error Message string msg = "ERROR:" + apiResult.StatusDesc; Master.ErrorMessage = msg; return; } Response.Redirect("~/AttachSystemsAffected.aspx?Id=" + changeRequest.ChangeRequestId); } catch (Exception ex) { //Show Error Message string msg = "ERROR:" + ex.Message; Master.ErrorMessage = msg; return; } }
protected void btnNextStep_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { TimeBoundAccessRequest req = new TimeBoundAccessRequest(); string dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"; req.Approver = ddApprover.SelectedValue; req.CreatedBy = (Session["User"] as SystemUser)?.Username; req.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now; req.ApproverReason = "PENDING"; req.Status = "PENDING"; req.DurationInMinutes = int.Parse(ddDuration.SelectedValue); req.Reason = txtReason.Text; req.StartTime = DateTime.ParseExact(txtStartDateTime.Text, dateFormat, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); req.SystemCode = ddSystems.SelectedValue; req.TypeOfAccess = ddTypeOfAccess.SelectedValue; req.UserId = (Session["User"] as SystemUser)?.Username; req.TBPAccessId = BussinessLogic.GenerateUniqueId("TBPA-"); req.ModifiedBy = (Session["User"] as SystemUser)?.Username; req.ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now; ApiResult apiResult = BussinessLogic.cRSystemAPIClient.SaveTimeBoundAccessRequest(req); if (apiResult.StatusCode != Globals.SUCCESS_STATUS_CODE) { //Show Error Message string msg = "ERROR:" + apiResult.StatusDesc; Master.ErrorMessage = msg; return; } Response.Redirect("~/Finished.aspx"); } catch (Exception ex) { //Show Error Message string msg = "ERROR:" + ex.Message; Master.ErrorMessage = msg; return; } }
protected void btnExecute_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { TimeBoundAccessRequest tbar = Session["TBAR"] as TimeBoundAccessRequest; string sqlText = txtQuery.Text; //check if tbar has expired ApiResult checkResult = BussinessLogic.CheckIfTbarIsStillValid(tbar); //tbar has expired if (checkResult.StatusCode != Globals.SUCCESS_STATUS_CODE) { lblErrorMsg.Text = checkResult.StatusDesc; Multiview1.ActiveViewIndex = 0; return; } //see if the dude is fooling around with his query checkResult = CheckIfQueryIsValidForTbar(sqlText, tbar); //failed check if (checkResult.StatusCode != Globals.SUCCESS_STATUS_CODE) { //return error Master.ErrorMessage = checkResult.StatusDesc; return; } ApiResult result = ConvertToSelect(); if (result.StatusCode == Globals.PARSE_ERROR_CODE) { //Show Error Message string msg = "ERROR:" + result.StatusDesc; dataGridResults.DataSource = null; dataGridResults.DataBind(); Master.ErrorMessage = msg; return; } if (result.StatusCode == Globals.FAILURE_STATUS_CODE) { //Show Error Message string msg = "ERROR:" + result.StatusDesc; Master.ErrorMessage = msg; dataGridResults.DataSource = null; dataGridResults.DataBind(); return; } //he input an update or delete statement if (result.StatusCode == Globals.SUCCESS_STATUS_CODE) { DataTable dt = BussinessLogic.cRSystemAPIClient.ExecuteSqlQuery(result.PegPayID, tbar).Tables[0]; dataGridResults.DataSource = dt; dataGridResults.DataBind(); string msg = $"SUCCESS: {dt.Rows.Count} ROWS WILL BE AFFECTED. PLEASE CONFIRM QUERY EXECUTION"; Master.ErrorMessage = msg; btnComplete.Visible = true; btnExecute.Visible = false; txtQuery.Enabled = false; return; } //this is most likely an Insert or create Statment string msg2 = $"SUCCESS: {result.PegPayID} DETECTED. PLEASE CONFIRM QUERY EXECUTION"; Master.ErrorMessage = msg2; txtQuery.Enabled = false; btnComplete.Visible = true; btnExecute.Visible = false; } catch (Exception ex) { //Show Error Message string msg = "ERROR, Query Failed:" + ex.Message; Master.ErrorMessage = msg; return; } }
private void LoadData() { BussinessLogic.LoadDataIntoDropDown("GetSystemsForDropDown", ddTypeOfSystem, Session["User"] as SystemUser); }
private void LoadData() { BussinessLogic.LoadDataIntoDropDown("GetSystemTypesForDropDown", ddSysTypes, Session["User"] as SystemUser); txtSysCode.Text = BussinessLogic.GenerateUniqueId("SYS-"); }
private void LoadData() { BussinessLogic.LoadDataIntoDropDown("GetSystemUsersForDropDown", ddUsers, Session["User"] as SystemUser); txtEndDate.Text = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToString(Globals.DATE_TIME_FORMAT); txtStartDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString(Globals.DATE_TIME_FORMAT); }