        //gives the player items
        public void Get_Items()
            //generates a random amount of gold for the player to find in the room * [(the number of visited rooms/5), rounded up]
            int grand = (int)(new Random().Next(1, 11)) * (roomsVisited / 5);

            gold         += grand;
            Gold.Content  = "Gold: " + gold;
            textCRWL.Text = $"Searching around the room you find {grand} gold coins.";

            //variable to hold the item found
            string name = "";

            //adds new item to the player's inventory
            using (DungeonContext context = new DungeonContext())
                context.Inventories.Add(new Inventory()
                    InventoryName = "Health Potion"

                var query = context.Inventories.Select(b => b.InventoryName).ToList();

                inventoryList.ItemsSource = query;
                foreach (var item in query)
                    name = item;

                textCRWL.Text += $" Additionally you've found {name}.";
        private void RightB_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (exploreMode == true)
                Explore_Click(sender, e);
            //buy mode
                if (rightBougth == false)
                    //checks if player has enough gold to buy the item
                    if (gold >= 10)
                        rightItem.Source = null;

                        //the bought potion gets added to the inventory
                        using (DungeonContext context = new DungeonContext())
                            context.Inventories.Add(new Inventory()
                                InventoryName = "Health Potion"

                            var query = context.Inventories.Select(b => b.InventoryName).ToList();

                            inventoryList.ItemsSource = query;

                        textCRWL.Text = "You bought a Health Potion.";

                        //bought gets set to true stopping from buying a non exsistant item
                        rightBougth = true;

                        //the display for gold changes and then the gold gets subtracted
                        Gold.Content = "Gold: " + (gold - 10);
                        gold        -= 10;
                        textCRWL.Text = "You don't have enough gold to buy this item.";
                //excutes if the item has been bought
                    textCRWL.Text = "You've already bought this item.";
文件: Beastiary.cs 项目: spre11/CRWL
 //HP: 10
 //DMG: 5
 //the function assign the values from the databse into the Beatiary properties
 static public void Putrid_Sludge()
     using (var db = new DungeonContext())
         var query = db.Monsters.Where(b => b.MonsterName == "Putrid Sludge").Select(b => b.MonsterHealth);
         foreach (int health in query)
             MonsterHealth = health;
         var query1 = db.Monsters.Where(b => b.MonsterName == "Putrid Sludge").Select(b => b.MonsterAttack);
         foreach (int attack in query1)
             MonsterAttack = attack;
        //the function executes per enemy attack
        public void Enemy_Attack()
            //first checks if the enemy is alive
            if (Beastiary.MonsterHealth > 0)
                //then the enemy attacks the player
                healthBar.Value -= Beastiary.MonsterAttack;
                textCRWL.Text   += $" The enemy strikes you, dealing {Beastiary.MonsterAttack} damage to you!";

                //then it checks if the player has died. if they did the game is closed
                if (healthBar.Value == 0)
            //when the enemy dies, the player can progress again and is given an item
                textCRWL.Text      = "Victory!";
                enemyScreen.Source = null;
                //the enemy is declared dead allowing the player to explore once again
                isEnemyAlive = false;

                //variable to hold the item found
                string name = "";
                using (DungeonContext context = new DungeonContext())
                    context.Inventories.Add(new Inventory()
                        InventoryName = "Sludge"

                    var query = context.Inventories.Select(b => b.InventoryName).ToList();

                    inventoryList.ItemsSource = query;
                    foreach (var item in query)
                        name = item;

                    textCRWL.Text += $" You got {name}! It smells awful...";
        //room naming convention: XYZ. Example: 1NE
        //X: number of corridors (after 3, evens: two corridors, odds: one or three corridors)
        //Y: type of room. N ormal (nothing in it), E nemy, M erchant
        //Z: type of type. There are different types of shops and enemies.
        //Example 1: 1NE (one corridoe, normal room, empty)
        //Example 2: 1EN (one corridor, enemy, normal type)

        //current number of screens: 4
        //current number of enemies: 1
        //current number of merchants: 0

        //string lore = "";

        public MainWindow()

            using (DungeonContext context = new DungeonContext())

            textCRWL.Text = "You venture into the dark depths of these decrepit catacombs. You search for treasure, but you may find more than you might have bargained for. For even though these Catacombs are Rampant With Loot, they also hold death.";

            //uncomment only when you add new rooms

            //using (DungeonContext context = new DungeonContext())
            //    context.Rooms.Add(new Room() { RoomName = "1EN" });
            //    context.Rooms.Add(new Room() { RoomName = "1NE" });
            //    context.Rooms.Add(new Room() { RoomName = "2NE" });
            //    context.Rooms.Add(new Room() { RoomName = "3M3" });
            //    context.Rooms.Add(new Room() { RoomName = "3NE" });
            //    context.Monsters.Add(new Monster() { MonsterName = "Putrid Sludge", MonsterAttack = 5, MonsterHealth = 10 });
            //    context.SaveChanges();

            //var path = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "\\images\\lorem.txt");
            //lore = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path);
            //for(int i = 0; i < lore.Length; i++)
            //    textCRWL.Text = textCRWL.Text + lore[i];

            //using (DungeonContext context = new DungeonContext())

            //    context.Inventories.Remove(b);
        private void Explore_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (exploreMode == true)
                //the game lets you only explore if you're not fighting an enemy
                if (isEnemyAlive == false)
                    //generates a random index for the room
                    Random rand = new Random();
                    //the second int in the Next corresponds to total amount of rooms in the game -1
                    int nrand = rand.Next(1, 6);

                    //the query ruturns room name correspondin to the random index
                    using (var db = new DungeonContext())
                        var query = db.Rooms.Where(b => b.RoomId == nrand).Select(b => b.RoomName);
                        foreach (string name in query)
                            nameOfRoom = name;

                    //thwe X value of the naming conventiont corresponding to the number of corridors in the room is passed into the variable
                    roomNum = Int32.Parse(nameOfRoom.Substring(0, 1));
                    //the Y value of the naming convention is stored corresponding to the type of room
                    roomType = nameOfRoom.Substring(1, 1);
                    //the Z value of the naming convention is stored corresponding to the type of enemy
                    specialType = nameOfRoom.Substring(2, 1);

                    //the screen of the room is set to the corresponding random room
                    roomScreen.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri($"/images/{nameOfRoom}.png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));

                    //unneaded buttons get turned off
                    switch (roomNum)
                    case 1:
                        ForwardB.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                        LeftB.Visibility    = Visibility.Hidden;
                        RightB.Visibility   = Visibility.Hidden;

                    case 2:
                        ForwardB.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                        LeftB.Visibility    = Visibility.Visible;
                        RightB.Visibility   = Visibility.Visible;

                    case 3:
                        ForwardB.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                        LeftB.Visibility    = Visibility.Visible;
                        RightB.Visibility   = Visibility.Visible;

                        if (roomType == "M")
                            exploreMode = false;

                            ForwardB.Content = "BUY";
                            LeftB.Content    = "BUY";
                            RightB.Content   = "BUY";

                            textCRWL.Text = "Welcome, welcome dear costumer! Are you intrested in my wares?";

                            leftItem.Source   = new BitmapImage(new Uri($"/items/HP Potion.png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));
                            middleItem.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri($"/items/HP Potion.png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));
                            rightItem.Source  = new BitmapImage(new Uri($"/items/HP Potion.png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));

                    //resets the flag for visiting a room and updates the count of rooms visited
                    visitedFlag = false;
                    textCRWL.Text = "The room is dark and filthy.";

                    enemyScreen.Source = null;
                    textCRWL.Text = "You can't run away, you're currently in a fight!";
            //if the room has a merchant and the explore button is clicked again, the player explores a new room
                exploreMode = true;

                //the bought item flags reset themselves
                leftBougth   = false;
                middleBougth = false;
                rightBougth  = false;

                //the items get erased of the screen
                leftItem.Source   = null;
                middleItem.Source = null;
                rightItem.Source  = null;

                //the button names get set back to normal
                LeftB.Content    = "LEFT";
                ForwardB.Content = "FORWARD";
                RightB.Content   = "RIGHT";

                Explore_Click(sender, e);