private void buttonCalibrate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CalibrationForm cf = new CalibrationForm(ss); DialogResult r = cf.ShowDialog(); if (r == DialogResult.OK) /** Calibration successful */ { if(cf.generatedSpot!=null) curveViewer.AddCurve(new CurveViewer.Curve(cf.generatedSpot, Color.Red)); ss =; foreach (DataGridViewRow dgvr in dataGridViewFutures.Rows) { DataGridViewCellCollection cells = dgvr.Cells; double mat = (double)cells[0].Value; cells[1].Value = PriceFuture(mat); } foreach (DataGridViewRow dgvr in dataGridViewOption.Rows) { DataGridViewCellCollection cells = dgvr.Cells; Option newOpt = new Option() { Value = (double)cells[0].Value, StrikePrice = (double)cells[1].Value, DaysTilExpiry = (int)cells[2].Value, Type = (string)cells[3].Value, }; cells[4].Value = PriceOption(newOpt); } } }
private double PriceOption(Option o) { // price option with ss double price = 0.0; double xt = ss.Sigma_x; double delta = (double)7 / (double)360; double et = Math.Log(o.Value) - ss.Sigma_x; double nbWeeks = (o.DaysTilExpiry / 7); for (int i = 0; i < nbWeeks; i++) { double dx, de; dx = gr.NextGuassian(); de = ss.P_xe * delta / dx; // xt = Math.Exp(-ss.K * delta) * xt + gr.NextGuassian() * delta; // et = ss.Mu_e * delta + et + gr.NextGuassian() * delta; xt += (-ss.K * xt - ss.Lambda_X) * delta + ss.Sigma_x * dx * delta; et += (ss.Mu_e - ss.Lambda_e) * delta + ss.Sigma_e * de * delta; } double f = Math.Exp(et + xt); // afficher if (o.Type == "Call") price = Math.Exp(-0.03/* to change.?*/* nbWeeks) * Math.Max(f - o.StrikePrice, 0); else price = Math.Exp(-0.03/* to change.?*/* nbWeeks) * Math.Max(o.StrikePrice - f, 0); //while (true) // Console.WriteLine(gr.NextGuassian()); Console.WriteLine("f:{0}, xt:{1}, et:{2}, price:{3}", f, xt, et, price); return price; }
private void buttonLoadOption_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { TextReader tw = new StreamReader(openFileDialog1.FileName); while (tw.Peek() >= 0) { string line = tw.ReadLine(); string[] parts = line.Split(','); if (parts.Length != 4) continue; try { Option newOpt = new Option() { Value = Double.Parse(parts[0], NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint | NumberStyles.Float), StrikePrice = Double.Parse(parts[1], NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint | NumberStyles.Float), DaysTilExpiry = Int32.Parse(parts[2]), Type = parts[3], }; dataGridViewOption.Rows.Add(new object[] { newOpt.Value, newOpt.StrikePrice, newOpt.DaysTilExpiry, newOpt.Type, PriceOption(newOpt) }); } catch (Exception) { continue; } } tw.Close(); } }