public static bool compareWUDImage(WUDImage firstImage, WUDImage secondImage) { //if (firstImage.getWUDFileSize() != secondImage.getWUDFileSize()) { //"Filesize is different"); // return false; //} //InputStream in1 = firstImage.getWUDDiscReader().readEncryptedToInputStream(0, WUDImage.WUD_FILESIZE); //InputStream in2 = secondImage.getWUDDiscReader().readEncryptedToInputStream(0, WUDImage.WUD_FILESIZE); bool result = true; //int bufferSize = 1024 * 1024 + 19; //long totalread = 0; //byte[] blockBuffer1 = new byte[bufferSize]; //byte[] blockBuffer2 = new byte[bufferSize]; //ByteArrayBuffer overflow1 = new ByteArrayBuffer(bufferSize); //ByteArrayBuffer overflow2 = new ByteArrayBuffer(bufferSize); //long curSector = 0; //do { // int read1 = StreamUtils.getChunkFromStream(in1, blockBuffer1, overflow1, bufferSize); // int read2 = StreamUtils.getChunkFromStream(in2, blockBuffer2, overflow2, bufferSize); // if (read1 != read2) { //"Verification error"); // result = false; // break; // } // if (!Arrays.equals(blockBuffer1, blockBuffer2)) { //"Verification error"); // result = false; // break; // } // totalread += read1; // curSector++; // if (curSector % 1 == 0) { // double readMB = totalread / 1024.0 / 1024.0; // double percent = ((double) totalread / WUDImage.WUD_FILESIZE) * 100; // System.out.print(String.format("\rVerification: %.2fMB done (%.2f%%)", readMB, percent)); // } //} while (totalread < WUDImage.WUD_FILESIZE); //System.out.println(); //System.out.print("Verfication done!"); //in1.close(); //in2.close(); return(result); }
public static NUSTitle loadNUSTitle(String WUDPath, byte[] titleKey) { NUSTitleLoader loader = new NUSTitleLoaderWUD(); NUSTitleConfig config = new NUSTitleConfig(); byte[] usedTitleKey = titleKey; FileInfo wudFile = new FileInfo(WUDPath); if (!wudFile.Exists) { //MessageBox.Show(WUDPath + " does not exist."); //System.exit(1); } WUDImage image = new WUDImage(wudFile); if (usedTitleKey == null) { FileInfo keyFile = new FileInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(wudFile.FullName) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Settings.WUD_KEY_FILENAME); if (!keyFile.Exists) { //MessageBox.Show(keyFile.FullName + " does not exist and no title key was provided."); return(null); } usedTitleKey = File.ReadAllBytes(keyFile.FullName); } WUDInfo wudInfo = WUDInfoParser.createAndLoad(image.WUDDiscReader, usedTitleKey); if (wudInfo == null) { return(null); } config.WUDInfo = (wudInfo); return(loader.loadNusTitle(config)); }
public WUDDiscReader(WUDImage image) { this.image = image; }
public static FileInfo compressWUDToWUX(WUDImage image, String outputFolder, String filename, bool overwrite) { if (image.isCompressed) { //"Given image is already compressed"); return(null); } if (image.getWUDFileSize() != WUDImage.WUD_FILESIZE) { //"Given WUD has not the expected filesize"); return(null); } String usedOutputFolder = outputFolder; if (usedOutputFolder == null) { usedOutputFolder = ""; } Utils.createDir(usedOutputFolder); String filePath; if (usedOutputFolder == String.Empty) { filePath = filename; } else { filePath = usedOutputFolder + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + filename; } FileInfo outputFile = new FileInfo(filePath); if (outputFile.Exists && !overwrite) { //"Couldn't compress wud, target file already exists (" + outputFile.getAbsolutePath() + ")"); return(null); } //"Writing compressed file to: " + outputFile.getAbsolutePath()); FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(outputFile.FullName, FileMode.Create); BinaryWriter fileOutput = new BinaryWriter(fileStream); WUDImageCompressedInfo info = WUDImageCompressedInfo.getDefaultCompressedInfo(); byte[] header = info.getHeaderAsBytes(); //"Writing header"); fileOutput.Write(header); int sectorTableEntryCount = (int)((image.getWUDFileSize() + WUDImageCompressedInfo.SECTOR_SIZE - 1) / (long)WUDImageCompressedInfo.SECTOR_SIZE); long sectorTableStart = fileOutput.BaseStream.Position; long sectorTableEnd = Utils.align(sectorTableEntryCount * 0x04, WUDImageCompressedInfo.SECTOR_SIZE); byte[] sectorTablePlaceHolder = new byte[(int)(sectorTableEnd - sectorTableStart)]; fileOutput.Write(sectorTablePlaceHolder); Dictionary <ByteArrayWrapper, int> sectorHashes = new Dictionary <ByteArrayWrapper, int>(); Dictionary <int, int> sectorMapping = new Dictionary <int, int>(); MemoryStream min = image.WUDDiscReader.readEncryptedToInputStream(0, image.getWUDFileSize()); int bufferSize = WUDImageCompressedInfo.SECTOR_SIZE; byte[] blockBuffer = new byte[bufferSize]; ByteArrayBuffer overflow = new ByteArrayBuffer(bufferSize); long written = 0; int curSector = 0; int realSector = 0; //"Writing sectors"); Int32 oldOffset = int.MinValue; min.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); do { //int read = StreamUtils.getChunkFromStream(in, blockBuffer, overflow, bufferSize); int read = min.Read(blockBuffer, 0, bufferSize); ByteArrayWrapper hash = new ByteArrayWrapper(HashUtil.hashSHA1(blockBuffer)); if (!sectorHashes.TryGetValue(hash, out oldOffset)) { sectorMapping.Add(curSector, realSector); sectorHashes.Add(hash, realSector); fileOutput.Write(blockBuffer); realSector++; } else { sectorMapping.Add(curSector, oldOffset); oldOffset = int.MinValue; } written += read; curSector++; if (curSector % 10 == 0) { double readMB = written / 1024.0 / 1024.0; double writtenMB = ((long)realSector * (long)bufferSize) / 1024.0 / 1024.0; double percent = ((double)written / image.getWUDFileSize()) * 100; double ratio = 1 / (writtenMB / readMB); //System.out.print(String.format(Locale.ROOT, "\rCompressing into .wux | Progress %.2f%% | Ratio: 1:%.2f | Read: %.2fMB | Written: %.2fMB\t", percent, ratio, readMB, writtenMB)); } } while (written < image.getWUDFileSize()); //System.out.println(); //System.out.println("Sectors compressed."); //"Writing sector table"); fileOutput.BaseStream.Seek(sectorTableStart, SeekOrigin.Begin); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(sectorTablePlaceHolder.Length); //buffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); foreach (var e in sectorMapping) { buffer.putInt(e.Value); } fileOutput.Write(buffer.array()); fileOutput.Close(); return(outputFile); }
public static FileInfo compressWUDToWUX(WUDImage image, String outputFolder, bool overwrite) { return(compressWUDToWUX(image, outputFolder, "game.wux", overwrite)); }
public static FileInfo compressWUDToWUX(WUDImage image, String outputFolder) { return(compressWUDToWUX(image, outputFolder, "game.wux", false)); }
public WUDDiscReaderSplitted(WUDImage image) : base(image) { }
public WUDDiscReaderUncompressed(WUDImage wudFile) : base(wudFile) { }
public WUDDiscReaderCompressed(WUDImage image) : base(image) { }