		private unsafe void BlitVoxelToSurface(DrawingSurface ds, DrawingSurface vxl_ds, GameObject obj, DrawProperties props) {
			Point d = new Point(obj.Tile.Dx * TileWidth / 2, (obj.Tile.Dy - obj.Tile.Z) * TileHeight / 2);
			d.Offset(-vxl_ds.BitmapData.Width / 2, -vxl_ds.BitmapData.Height / 2);

			// rows inverted!
			var w_low = (byte*)ds.BitmapData.Scan0;
			byte* w_high = w_low + ds.BitmapData.Stride * ds.BitmapData.Height;
			var zBuffer = ds.GetZBuffer();
			var shadowBufVxl = vxl_ds.GetShadows();
			var shadowBuf = ds.GetShadows();
			// int rowsTouched = 0;

			// short firstRowTouched = short.MaxValue;
			for (int y = 0; y < vxl_ds.Height; y++) {
				byte* src_row = (byte*)vxl_ds.BitmapData.Scan0 + vxl_ds.BitmapData.Stride * (vxl_ds.Height - y - 1);
				byte* dst_row = ((byte*)ds.BitmapData.Scan0 + (d.Y + y) * ds.BitmapData.Stride + d.X * 3);
				int zIdx = (d.Y + y) * ds.Width + d.X;
				if (dst_row < w_low || dst_row >= w_high) continue;

				for (int x = 0; x < vxl_ds.Width; x++) {
					// only non-transparent pixels
					if (*(src_row + x * 4 + 3) > 0) {
						*(dst_row + x * 3) = *(src_row + x * 4);
						*(dst_row + x * 3 + 1) = *(src_row + x * 4 + 1);
						*(dst_row + x * 3 + 2) = *(src_row + x * 4 + 2);

						// if (y < firstRowTouched)
						// 	firstRowTouched = (short)y;

						short zBufVal = (short)((obj.Tile.Rx + obj.Tile.Ry + obj.Tile.Z) * TileHeight / 2);
						if (zBufVal >= zBuffer[zIdx])
							zBuffer[zIdx] = zBufVal;
					// or shadows
					else if (shadowBufVxl[x + y * vxl_ds.Height]) {
						int shadIdx = (d.Y + y) * ds.Width + d.X + x;
						if (!shadowBuf[shadIdx]) {
							*(dst_row + x * 3) /= 2;
							*(dst_row + x * 3 + 1) /= 2;
							*(dst_row + x * 3 + 2) /= 2;
							shadowBuf[shadIdx] = true;
        public DrawingSurface Render(VxlFile vxl, HvaFile hva, GameObject obj, DrawProperties props)
            if (!_isInit)
            if (!_canRender)
                Logger.Warn("Not rendering {0} because no OpenGL context could be obtained", vxl.FileName);

            Logger.Debug("Rendering voxel {0}", vxl.FileName);

            GL.Viewport(0, 0, _surface.BitmapData.Width, _surface.BitmapData.Height);
            GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit);

            // RA2 uses dimetric projection with camera elevated 30° off the ground
            var persp = Matrix4.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(30), _surface.BitmapData.Width / (float)_surface.BitmapData.Height, 1, _surface.BitmapData.Height);

            GL.LoadMatrix(ref persp);


            var lookat = Matrix4.LookAt(0, 0, -10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);

            GL.MultMatrix(ref lookat);

            var trans = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(0, 0, 10);

            GL.MultMatrix(ref trans);

            // align and zoom
            var world = Matrix4.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(60));

            world = Matrix4.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(180)) * world;
            world = Matrix4.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(-45)) * world;
            world = Matrix4.Scale(0.028f, 0.028f, 0.028f) * world;
            GL.MultMatrix(ref world);

            // DrawAxes();

            // determine tilt vectors
            Matrix4 tilt = Matrix4.Identity;
            int     tiltPitch = 0, tiltYaw = 0;

            if (obj.Tile.Drawable != null)
                var img  = (obj.Tile.Drawable as TileDrawable).GetTileImage(obj.Tile);
                int ramp = img?.RampType ?? 0;
                if (ramp == 0 || ramp >= 17)
                    tiltPitch = tiltYaw = 0;
                else if (ramp <= 4)
                    // screen-diagonal facings (perpendicular to axes)
                    tiltPitch = 25;
                    tiltYaw   = -90 * ramp;
                    // world-diagonal facings (perpendicular to screen)
                    tiltPitch = 25;
                    tiltYaw   = 225 - 90 * ((ramp - 1) % 4);
                tilt *= Matrix4.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(tiltPitch));
                tilt *= Matrix4.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(tiltYaw));

                /*// show tilt direction
                 * GL.Color3(Color.Black);
                 * GL.Begin(BeginMode.Lines);
                 * GL.Vertex3(Vector3.Zero);
                 * var tiltVec = Vector3.UnitZ;
                 * tiltVec = Vector3.Transform(tiltVec, tilt);
                 * tiltVec = Vector3.Multiply(tiltVec, 1000f);
                 * GL.Vertex3(tiltVec);
                 * GL.End();*/

            /*// draw slope normals
             * GL.LineWidth(2);
             * var colors = new[] { Color.Red, Color.Green, Color.Blue, Color.Yellow, Color.Orange, Color.Black, Color.Purple, Color.SlateBlue, Color.DimGray, Color.White, Color.Teal, Color.Tan };
             * for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
             *      GL.Color3(colors[i]);
             *      const float roll = 25f;
             *      float syaw = 45f * i;
             *      var slopeNormal = Vector3.UnitZ;
             *      slopeNormal = Vector3.Transform(slopeNormal, Matrix4.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(roll)));
             *      slopeNormal = Vector3.Transform(slopeNormal, Matrix4.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(syaw)));
             *      GL.Begin(BeginMode.Lines);
             *      GL.Vertex3(0, 0, 0);
             *      GL.Vertex3(Vector3.Multiply(slopeNormal, 1000f));
             *      GL.End();
             * }*/

            // object rotation around Z
            float   direction      = (obj is OwnableObject) ? (obj as OwnableObject).Direction : 0;
            float   objectRotation = 90 - direction / 256f * 360f - tiltYaw;                                      // convert game rotation to world degrees
            Matrix4 @object        = Matrix4.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(objectRotation)) * tilt; // object facing

            // art.ini TurretOffset value positions some voxel parts over our x-axis
            @object = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(0.18f * props.TurretVoxelOffset, 0, 0) * @object;
            GL.MultMatrix(ref @object);

            // DrawAxes();

            float pitch = MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(210);
            float yaw   = MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(120);

            /*// helps to find good pitch/yaw
             * // direction of light vector given by pitch & yaw
             * for (int i = 0; i < 360; i += 30) {
             *      for (int j = 0; j < 360; j += 30) {
             *              GL.Color3(colors[i / 30]);
             *              var shadowTransform2 =
             *                      Matrix4.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(i))
             * Matrix4.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(j));
             *              GL.LineWidth(2);
             *              GL.Begin(BeginMode.Lines);
             *              GL.Vertex3(0, 0, 0);
             *              GL.Vertex3(Vector3.Multiply(ExtractRotationVector(ToOpenGL(Matrix4.Invert(world * shadowTransform2))), 100f));
             *              GL.End();
             *      }
             * }*/

            var shadowTransform = Matrix4.CreateRotationZ(pitch) * Matrix4.CreateRotationY(yaw);
            // clear shadowbuf
            var shadBuf = _surface.GetShadows();

            Array.Clear(shadBuf, 0, shadBuf.Length);

            foreach (var section in vxl.Sections)

                var frameRot = hva.LoadGLMatrix(section.Index);
                frameRot.M41 *= section.HVAMultiplier * section.ScaleX;
                frameRot.M42 *= section.HVAMultiplier * section.ScaleY;
                frameRot.M43 *= section.HVAMultiplier * section.ScaleZ;

                var frameTransl = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(section.MinBounds);
                var frame       = frameTransl * frameRot;
                GL.MultMatrix(ref frame);

                var shadowScale = Matrix4.Scale(0.5f);
                //var shadowTilt = null;
                var shadowToScreen = frameTransl * shadowScale * frameRot * (@object * world) * trans * lookat;

                // undo world transformations on light direction
                var v = @object * world * frame * shadowTransform;

                var lightDirection = (v.Determinant != 0.0) ? ExtractRotationVector(ToOpenGL(Matrix4.Invert(v))) : Vector3.Zero;

                // draw line in direction light comes from

                 * GL.LineWidth(4f);
                 * GL.Begin(BeginMode.Lines);
                 * GL.Vertex3(0, 0, 0);
                 * GL.Vertex3(Vector3.Multiply(lightDirection, 100f));
                 * GL.End();*/

                for (uint x = 0; x != section.SizeX; x++)
                    for (uint y = 0; y != section.SizeY; y++)
                        foreach (VxlFile.Voxel vx in section.Spans[x, y].Voxels)
                            Color   color  = obj.Palette.Colors[vx.ColorIndex];
                            Vector3 normal = section.GetNormal(vx.NormalIndex);
                            // shader function taken from https://github.com/OpenRA/OpenRA/blob/bleed/cg/vxl.fx
                            // thanks to pchote for a LOT of help getting it right
                            Vector3 colorMult = Vector3.Add(Ambient, Diffuse * Math.Max(Vector3.Dot(normal, lightDirection), 0f));
                                (byte)Math.Min(255, color.R * colorMult.X),
                                (byte)Math.Min(255, color.G * colorMult.Y),
                                (byte)Math.Min(255, color.B * colorMult.Z));

                            Vector3 vxlPos = Vector3.Multiply(new Vector3(x, y, vx.Z), section.Scale);

                            var shadpos   = new Vector3(x, y, 0);
                            var screenPos = Vector3.Transform(shadpos, shadowToScreen);
                            screenPos    = Vector3.Transform(screenPos, persp);
                            screenPos.X /= screenPos.Z;
                            screenPos.Y /= screenPos.Z;
                            screenPos.X  = (screenPos.X + 1) * _surface.Width / 2;
                            screenPos.Y  = (screenPos.Y + 1) * _surface.Height / 2;

                            if (0 <= screenPos.X && screenPos.X < _surface.Width && 0 <= screenPos.Y && screenPos.Y < _surface.Height)
                                shadBuf[(int)screenPos.X + (_surface.Height - 1 - (int)screenPos.Y) * _surface.Width] = true;

                            /* draw line in normal direction
                             * if (r.Next(100) == 4) {
                             *      float m = Math.Max(Vector3.Dot(normal, lightDirection), 0f);
                             *      GL.Color3(m, m, m);
                             *      GL.LineWidth(1);
                             *      GL.Begin(BeginMode.Lines);
                             *      GL.Vertex3(new Vector3(x, y, vx.Z));
                             *      GL.Vertex3(new Vector3(x, y, vx.Z) + Vector3.Multiply(normal, 100f));
                             *      GL.End();
                             * }*/

            // read pixels back to surface
            GL.ReadPixels(0, 0, _surface.BitmapData.Width, _surface.BitmapData.Height, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat.Bgra, PixelType.UnsignedByte, _surface.BitmapData.Scan0);
        private void canvas_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            StringBuilder sb             = new StringBuilder();
            var           canvas         = sender as ZoomableCanvas;
            var           pixelLocationF = canvas.PointToImagePixel(e.Location);
            var           location       = new Point((int)Math.Round(pixelLocationF.X, 0), (int)Math.Round(pixelLocationF.Y, 0));

            if (location.X < 0 || location.Y < 0 || location.X >= canvas.ImageSize.Width || location.Y >= canvas.ImageSize.Height)

            int rIdx = location.X + location.Y * _drawingSurface.Width;

            var tile = _tiles.GetTileScreen(location);

            if (tile == null || !(tile.Drawable is TileDrawable))
                sb.Append("No valid tile under mouse");
                sb.AppendFormat("Cells: {0} Coords (X, Y / H): {1}, {2} / {3}", _cells, tile.Rx, tile.Ry, tile.Z);

                var objs = _map.GetObjectsAt(tile.Dx, tile.Dy / 2);
                if (objs.Any())
                    sb.Append(" Objects:");
                    foreach (var obj in objs)
                        sb.Append(" " + obj);

                        if (obj is OverlayObject)
                            var ovl = (obj as OverlayObject);
                            if (ovl.IsGeneratedVeins)
                        sb.Append(" ");

                var tileFile = (tile.Drawable as TileDrawable).GetTileFile(tile);
                if (tileFile != null)
                    sb.AppendFormat("\nTile: {0}", (tileFile?.FileName ?? "").ToLower());
                    sb.AppendFormat(" TileNum: {0} SubTile: {1}", tile.TileNum, tile.SubTile);
                    if (tileFile.Images[tile.SubTile].RampType != 0)
                        sb.AppendFormat(" Ramp: {0}", tileFile.Images[tile.SubTile].RampType);
                    if (tileFile.Images[tile.SubTile].TerrainType != 0)
                        sb.AppendFormat(" Terrain: {0}", tileFile.Images[tile.SubTile].TerrainType);
                    if (tile.IceGrowth > 0)
                        sb.Append(" IceGrowth");

                sb.AppendFormat("\nMouse: ({0},{1}) ", location.X, location.Y);
                sb.AppendFormat(": d({0},{1}) ", tile.Dx, tile.Dy);

                var gridTilenoZ = _tiles.GetTileScreen(location, true, true);
                sb.AppendFormat(" Touched: {0}", _tiles.GridTouched[gridTilenoZ.Dx, gridTilenoZ.Dy / 2]);

                if (_tiles.GridTouchedBy[gridTilenoZ.Dx, gridTilenoZ.Dy / 2] != null)
                    sb.AppendFormat(" by {0} ", _tiles.GridTouchedBy[gridTilenoZ.Dx, gridTilenoZ.Dy / 2]);

                sb.AppendFormat(" Z-buf: {0}", _drawingSurface.GetZBuffer()[rIdx]);
                sb.AppendFormat(" S-buf: {0}", _drawingSurface.GetShadows()[rIdx]);

            toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = sb.ToString();

            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                Point newPoint = new Point(location.X - _oldPoint.X, location.Y - _oldPoint.Y);
                panel1.AutoScrollPosition = new Point(-panel1.AutoScrollPosition.X - newPoint.X, -panel1.AutoScrollPosition.Y - newPoint.Y);
        private void pictureBox1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            StringBuilder sb   = new StringBuilder();
            int           rIdx = e.Location.X + e.Location.Y * _drawingSurface.Width;

            sb.AppendFormat("Mouse: ({0},{1})", e.Location.X, e.Location.Y);
            var tile = _tiles.GetTileScreen(e.Location);

            if (tile == null || !(tile.Drawable is TileDrawable))
                sb.Append("No valid tile under mouse");
                var tileFile = (tile.Drawable as TileDrawable).GetTileFile(tile);
                sb.AppendFormat("   Tile {4}: d({0},{1}) r({2},{3})", tile.Dx, tile.Dy, tile.Rx, tile.Ry, (tileFile?.FileName ?? "").ToUpper());
                if (tileFile != null)
                    if (tileFile.Images[tile.SubTile].RampType != 0)
                        sb.AppendFormat(" ramp {0}", tileFile.Images[tile.SubTile].RampType);
                    if (tileFile.Images[tile.SubTile].TerrainType != 0)
                        sb.AppendFormat(" terrain {0}", tileFile.Images[tile.SubTile].TerrainType);
                var gridTilenoZ = _tiles.GetTileScreen(e.Location, true, true);
                sb.AppendFormat("   Touched: {0}", _tiles.GridTouched[gridTilenoZ.Dx, gridTilenoZ.Dy / 2]);

                if (_tiles.GridTouchedBy[gridTilenoZ.Dx, gridTilenoZ.Dy / 2] != null)
                    sb.AppendFormat(" by {0} ", _tiles.GridTouchedBy[gridTilenoZ.Dx, gridTilenoZ.Dy / 2]);

                sb.AppendFormat("   Z-buf: {0}", _drawingSurface.GetZBuffer()[rIdx]);
                sb.AppendFormat("   S-buf: {0}", _drawingSurface.GetShadows()[rIdx]);

                var objs = _map.GetObjectsAt(tile.Dx, tile.Dy / 2);
                if (objs.Any())
                    sb.Append("   Objects: ");
                    foreach (var obj in objs)

                        if (obj is OverlayObject)
                            var ovl = (obj as OverlayObject);
                            if (ovl.IsGeneratedVeins)

                        sb.Append(" ");

            toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = sb.ToString();
        public unsafe void DrawShadow(GameObject obj, ShpFile shp, DrawProperties props, DrawingSurface ds)
            int frameIndex = props.FrameDecider(obj);

            if (obj.Drawable.IsActualWall)
                frameIndex = ((StructureObject)obj).WallBuildingFrame;
            frameIndex  = DecideFrameIndex(frameIndex, shp.NumImages);
            frameIndex += shp.Images.Count / 2;             // latter half are shadow Images
            if (frameIndex >= shp.Images.Count)

            var img     = shp.GetImage(frameIndex);
            var imgData = img.GetImageData();

            if (imgData == null || img.Width * img.Height != imgData.Length)

            Point offset = props.GetShadowOffset(obj);

            offset.X += obj.Tile.Dx * _config.TileWidth / 2 - shp.Width / 2 + img.X;
            offset.Y += (obj.Tile.Dy - obj.Tile.Z) * _config.TileHeight / 2 - shp.Height / 2 + img.Y;
            Logger.Trace("Drawing SHP shadow {0} (frame {1}) at ({2},{3})", shp.FileName, frameIndex, offset.X, offset.Y);

            int stride       = ds.BitmapData.Stride;
            var shadows      = ds.GetShadows();
            var zBuffer      = ds.GetZBuffer();
            var heightBuffer = ds.GetHeightBuffer();

            var   w_low  = (byte *)ds.BitmapData.Scan0;
            byte *w_high = (byte *)ds.BitmapData.Scan0 + stride * ds.BitmapData.Height;

            byte *w          = (byte *)ds.BitmapData.Scan0 + offset.X * 3 + stride * offset.Y;
            int   zIdx       = offset.X + offset.Y * ds.Width;
            int   rIdx       = 0;
            short zOffset    = (short)((obj.Tile.Rx + obj.Tile.Ry) * _config.TileHeight / 2 - shp.Height / 2 + img.Y);
            int   castHeight = obj.Tile.Z * _config.TileHeight / 2;

            if (obj.Drawable != null && !obj.Drawable.Flat)
                castHeight += shp.Height;
                castHeight += obj.Drawable.TileElevation * _config.TileHeight / 2;

            for (int y = 0; y < img.Height; y++)
                if (offset.Y + y < 0)
                    w    += stride;
                    rIdx += img.Width;
                    zIdx += ds.Width;
                    continue;                     // out of bounds

                short zBufVal = zOffset;
                if (obj.Drawable.Flat)
                    zBufVal += (short)y;
                    zBufVal += img.Height;

                for (int x = 0; x < img.Width; x++)
                    if (0 <= offset.X + x && offset.X + x < ds.Width && 0 <= y + offset.Y && y + offset.Y < ds.Height &&
                        imgData[rIdx] != 0 && !shadows[zIdx] &&
                        // zBufVal >= zBuffer[zIdx] &&
                        castHeight >= heightBuffer[zIdx])
                        *(w + 0)     /= 2;
                        *(w + 1)     /= 2;
                        *(w + 2)     /= 2;
                        shadows[zIdx] = true;
                    // Up to the next pixel
                    w += 3;
                w    += stride - 3 * img.Width;                 // ... and if we're no more on the same row,
                zIdx += ds.Width - img.Width;
                // adjust the writing pointer accordingy
		unsafe public static void DrawShadow(GameObject obj, ShpFile shp, DrawProperties props, DrawingSurface ds) {
			int frameIndex = props.FrameDecider(obj);
			frameIndex = DecideFrameIndex(frameIndex, shp.NumImages);
			frameIndex += shp.Images.Count / 2; // latter half are shadow Images
			if (frameIndex >= shp.Images.Count)

			var img = shp.GetImage(frameIndex);
			var imgData = img.GetImageData();
			if (imgData == null || img.Width * img.Height != imgData.Length)

			Point offset = props.GetShadowOffset(obj);
			offset.X += obj.Tile.Dx * Drawable.TileWidth / 2 - shp.Width / 2 + img.X;
			offset.Y += (obj.Tile.Dy - obj.Tile.Z) * Drawable.TileHeight / 2 - shp.Height / 2 + img.Y;
			Logger.Trace("Drawing SHP shadow {0} (frame {1}) at ({2},{3})", shp.FileName, frameIndex, offset.X, offset.Y);

			int stride = ds.BitmapData.Stride;
			var shadows = ds.GetShadows();
			var zBuffer = ds.GetZBuffer();
			var heightBuffer = ds.GetHeightBuffer();

			var w_low = (byte*)ds.BitmapData.Scan0;
			byte* w_high = (byte*)ds.BitmapData.Scan0 + stride * ds.BitmapData.Height;

			byte* w = (byte*)ds.BitmapData.Scan0 + offset.X * 3 + stride * offset.Y;
			int zIdx = offset.X + offset.Y * ds.Width;
			int rIdx = 0;
			short zOffset = (short)((obj.Tile.Rx + obj.Tile.Ry) * Drawable.TileHeight / 2 - shp.Height / 2 + img.Y);
			int castHeight = obj.Tile.Z * Drawable.TileHeight / 2;
			if (obj.Drawable != null && !obj.Drawable.Flat) {
				castHeight += shp.Height;
				castHeight += obj.Drawable.TileElevation * Drawable.TileHeight / 2;

			for (int y = 0; y < img.Height; y++) {
				if (offset.Y + y < 0) {
					w += stride;
					rIdx += img.Width;
					zIdx += ds.Width;
					continue; // out of bounds

				short zBufVal = zOffset;
				if (obj.Drawable.Flat)
					zBufVal += (short)y;
					zBufVal += img.Height;

				for (int x = 0; x < img.Width; x++) {
					if (w_low <= w && w < w_high && imgData[rIdx] != 0 && !shadows[zIdx] 
						//&& zBufVal >= zBuffer[zIdx] 
						&& castHeight >= heightBuffer[zIdx]
						) {
						*(w + 0) /= 2;
						*(w + 1) /= 2;
						*(w + 2) /= 2;
						shadows[zIdx] = true;
					// Up to the next pixel
					w += 3;
				w += stride - 3 * img.Width;	// ... and if we're no more on the same row,
				zIdx += ds.Width - img.Width;
				// adjust the writing pointer accordingy