private static bool Prefix(TradeShip __instance, Thing toGive, int countToGive, Pawn playerNegotiator, List <Pawn> ___soldPrisoners) { if (__instance.Map != null) { MapParent_PocketDimension mapParent = as MapParent_PocketDimension; if (mapParent != null) { Map containingMap = PocketDimensionUtility.GetHighestContainingMap(__instance.Map); // If there was no containing map found (should mean box is in a caravan; could mean the box was nested inside itself, it which case, oh well, give them their goods anyway :P) if (containingMap == __instance.Map) { Building_PocketDimensionExit exit = PocketDimensionUtility.GetExit(mapParent.dimensionSeed); if (exit != null && exit.SpawnedOrAnyParentSpawned) { Thing thing = toGive.SplitOff(countToGive); thing.PreTraded(TradeAction.PlayerBuys, playerNegotiator, __instance); Pawn pawn = thing as Pawn; if (pawn != null) { ___soldPrisoners.Remove(pawn); } IntVec3 positionHeld = exit.PositionHeld; Map mapHeld = exit.MapHeld; GenPlace.TryPlaceThing(thing, positionHeld, mapHeld, ThingPlaceMode.Near); return(false); } } } } return(true); }
public float CalculateAdditionalMarketValue(float baseValue) { if (this.doingRecursiveThing) { Logger.MessageFormat(this, "Counting box wealth again recursively. Skipping..."); return(0.0f); } float componentValue = CalculateUsedComponentValue(); float contentValue = 0.0f; MapParent_PocketDimension innerMapParent = PocketDimensionUtility.GetMapParent(this.dimensionSeed); if (innerMapParent != null && innerMapParent.Map != null) { this.doingRecursiveThing = true; try { contentValue = innerMapParent.Map.wealthWatcher.WealthTotal; } finally { this.doingRecursiveThing = false; } } Logger.MessageFormat(this, "Adding value to box: {0}, {1} + {2} + {3} = {4}", this.Label, baseValue, contentValue, componentValue, (baseValue + contentValue + componentValue)); return(contentValue + componentValue); }
public static MapParent_PocketDimension GetMapParent(string dimensionSeed) { MapParent_PocketDimension mapParent = null; if (dimensionSeed != null) { MapParents.TryGetValue(dimensionSeed, out mapParent); } return(mapParent); }
public override void Destroy(DestroyMode mode = DestroyMode.Vanish) { base.Destroy(mode); MapParent_PocketDimension dimensionMapParent = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dimensionSeed) && PocketDimensionUtility.MapParents.TryGetValue(dimensionSeed, out dimensionMapParent)) { dimensionMapParent.Abandon(GetLost); } }
public static List <Thing> GetWalls(string dimensionSeed) { MapParent_PocketDimension mapParent = GetMapParent(dimensionSeed); if (mapParent != null && mapParent.Map != null) { List <Thing> wallList = mapParent.Map.listerThings.ThingsOfDef(PocketDimensionDefOf.CM_PocketDimensionWall); if (wallList.Count == 0) { return(null); } return(wallList); } return(null); }
public static Map GetHighestContainingMap(Map map) { Map result = map; if (map != null) { MapParent_PocketDimension mapParent = as MapParent_PocketDimension; if (mapParent != null) { Building_PocketDimensionBox box = PocketDimensionUtility.GetBox(mapParent.dimensionSeed); if (box == null) { Logger.ErrorFormat(map, "Looking for a map containing a box that does not exist!"); } else if (box.doingRecursiveThing) { Logger.WarningFormat(map, "Tried to find a containing map for a pocket dimension nested in a loop!"); } else if (box.SpawnedOrAnyParentSpawned) { box.doingRecursiveThing = true; try { result = GetHighestContainingMap(box.MapHeld); } finally { box.doingRecursiveThing = false; } } else { //Logger.WarningFormat(map, "Could not find map containing pocket dimension box. Is it in a caravan?"); } } else { //Logger.MessageFormat(map, "Not a pocket dimension."); } } return(result); }
public static void GetOutdoorTemp(ref float __result, Map ___map) { MapParent_PocketDimension mapParent = as MapParent_PocketDimension; if (mapParent != null) { Building_PocketDimensionEntranceBase box = PocketDimensionUtility.GetBox(mapParent.dimensionSeed); if (box != null) { __result = 21.0f; if (box.Spawned) { __result = GenTemperature.GetTemperatureForCell(box.Position, box.Map); } else if (box.ParentHolder != null) { for (IThingHolder parentHolder = box.ParentHolder; parentHolder != null; parentHolder = parentHolder.ParentHolder) { if (ThingOwnerUtility.TryGetFixedTemperature(parentHolder, box, out __result)) { return;// false; } } } else if (box.SpawnedOrAnyParentSpawned) { __result = GenTemperature.GetTemperatureForCell(box.PositionHeld, box.MapHeld); } else if (box.Tile >= 0) { __result = GenTemperature.GetTemperatureFromSeasonAtTile(GenTicks.TicksAbs, box.Tile); } // Above logic derived from the following function call. Can't call it here due to an edge case which results in infinite loop //__result = box.AmbientTemperature; return;// false; } } //return true; }
public static void OnCriticalMapObjectDestroyed(Thing thingInMap, bool getLost = false) { Thing thingHolder = thingInMap.SpawnedParentOrMe; Map map = thingInMap.Map; if (map == null) { map = thingHolder.Map; } if (map != null) { MapParent_PocketDimension parent = map.Parent as MapParent_PocketDimension; if (parent != null) { parent.Abandon(getLost); } } }
public override void Generate(Map map, GenStepParams parms) { MapParent_PocketDimension mapParent = map.Parent as MapParent_PocketDimension; List <IntVec3> list = new List <IntVec3>(); TerrainGrid terrainGrid = map.terrainGrid; RoofGrid roofGrid = map.roofGrid; string terrainDefName = "CM_PocketDimensionFloor"; ThingDef boxStuffDef = null; // Build terrain defname Building_PocketDimensionBox box = PocketDimensionUtility.GetBox(mapParent.dimensionSeed); if (box != null && box.Stuff != null) { boxStuffDef = box.Stuff; if (boxStuffDef.stuffProps.categories.Contains(StuffCategoryDefOf.Metallic)) { terrainDefName += "Metal"; } else if (boxStuffDef.stuffProps.categories.Contains(StuffCategoryDefOf.Stony)) { terrainDefName += "Stone"; } else if (boxStuffDef.stuffProps.categories.Contains(StuffCategoryDefOf.Woody)) { terrainDefName += "Wood"; } terrainDefName += "_" + boxStuffDef.defName; } // If that terrain was not found, use default metal terrain TerrainDef terrainDef = DefDatabase <TerrainDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(terrainDefName); if (terrainDef == null) { terrainDef = PocketDimensionDefOf.CM_PocketDimensionFloorMetal; } foreach (IntVec3 current in map.AllCells) { terrainGrid.SetTerrain(current, terrainDef); if (current.OnEdge(map)) { Thing wall = ThingMaker.MakeThing(PocketDimensionDefOf.CM_PocketDimensionWall, boxStuffDef); wall.SetFaction(Faction.OfPlayer); GenSpawn.Spawn(wall, current, map); } roofGrid.SetRoof(current, PocketDimensionDefOf.CM_PocketDimensionRoof); } MapGenFloatGrid elevation = MapGenerator.Elevation; foreach (IntVec3 allCell in map.AllCells) { elevation[allCell] = 0.0f; } MapGenFloatGrid fertility = MapGenerator.Fertility; foreach (IntVec3 allCell2 in map.AllCells) { fertility[allCell2] = 0.0f; } }
public override void SpawnSetup(Map map, bool respawningAfterLoad) { base.SpawnSetup(map, respawningAfterLoad); Logger.MessageFormat(this, "Spawning"); compCreator = this.GetComp <CompPocketDimensionCreator>(); compTransporter = this.GetComp <CompTransporter>(); if (mapSize == 0) { mapSize = 1; } if (fuel >= 1.0f) { if (compCreator != null) { compCreator.AddComponents((int)Mathf.Round(fuel)); fuel = 0.0f; if (compCreator.SupplyCount > desiredComponentCount) { int amountToRefund = compCreator.SupplyCount - desiredComponentCount; if (compCreator.ConsumeComponents(amountToRefund)) { ThingDef thingToRefundDef = compCreator.Props.componentDef; RefundComponents(thingToRefundDef, amountToRefund); } } } else { ThingDef thingToRefundDef = ThingDefOf.ComponentSpacer; int amountToRefund = (int)Mathf.Round(fuel); fuel = 0.0f; RefundComponents(thingToRefundDef, amountToRefund); } } // Reconfigure runtime-set comp property values SetDesiredMapSize(desiredMapSize); if (MapCreated) { MapParent_PocketDimension dimensionMapParent = PocketDimensionUtility.GetMapParent(this.dimensionSeed); // Looks like we just got installed somewhere. Make sure map tile is the same as our current tile if (this.Map != null && dimensionMapParent != null) { dimensionMapParent.Tile = this.Map.Parent.Tile; } } else { if (compCreator != null && compCreator.Props.preMadeMapSize > 0) { SetDesiredMapSize(compCreator.Props.preMadeMapSize); mapSize = desiredMapSize; CreateMap(this.MapDiameter); } } }