private void ReloadData() { if (node != null) { if (node.IsRoot()) { // Hide inheritance options for root node pnlInherits.Visible = false; } else { inheritElem.Value = node.NodeWireframeInheritPageLevels; } var currentUser = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser; // Check read permissions if (currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(node, NodePermissionsEnum.Read) == AuthorizationResultEnum.Denied) { RedirectToAccessDenied(String.Format(GetString("cmsdesk.notauthorizedtoreaddocument"), node.NodeAliasPath)); } // Check modify permissions else if (!currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("CMS.Design", "Wireframing") || (currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(node, NodePermissionsEnum.Modify) == AuthorizationResultEnum.Denied)) { hasModifyPermission = false; txtComment.Enabled = false; EditMenu.Enabled = false; } txtComment.Text = node.GetStringValue("NodeWireframeComment", ""); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Display separator AbstractMasterPage mPage = CurrentMaster as AbstractMasterPage; if (mPage != null) { mPage.DisplaySeparatorPanel = true; } // Add the document name to the properties header title TreeNode node = DocumentManager.Node; if (node != null) { string nodeName = node.GetDocumentName(); // Get name for root document if (node.IsRoot()) { nodeName = SiteContext.CurrentSite.DisplayName; } PageTitle.TitleText += " \"" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ResHelper.LocalizeString(nodeName)) + "\""; } }
private void SetSeoPanelVisibility(TreeNode node) { // It doesn't make sense to display this panel for root or content only documents if (node.IsRoot() || node.NodeIsContentOnly) { pnlSeo.Enabled = pnlSeo.Visible = false; } }
private void SetSeoPanelVisibility(TreeNode node) { // Hide SEO panel for root or content only documents if (node.IsRoot() || node.NodeIsContentOnly) { pnlSeo.Enabled = pnlSeo.Visible = false; } }
/// <summary> /// Processes the callback action. /// </summary> void ICallbackEventHandler.RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument) { eventArgument = eventArgument.ToLowerCSafe(); string[] parameters = eventArgument.Split(';'); if (parameters.Length < 3) { return; } // Get the arguments string action = parameters[0]; int nodeId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(parameters[1], 0); int targetId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(parameters[2], 0); // Get the target node TreeNode targetNode = TreeProvider.SelectSingleNode(targetId, TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES); if (targetNode == null) { AddError(GetString("ContentRequest.ErrorMissingTarget") + " " + eventArgument); mCallbackResult += GetFallBackToRootScript(true); return; } // Get the node TreeNode node = TreeProvider.SelectSingleNode(nodeId); if (node == null) { AddError(GetString("ContentRequest.ErrorMissingSource")); mCallbackResult += GetFallBackToRootScript(true); return; } // Get new parent ID int newParentId = targetNode.NodeID; if (action.Contains("position")) { if (action.Contains("move") && (nodeId == targetId)) { // There is no need to change position return; } if (!targetNode.IsRoot()) { newParentId = targetNode.NodeParentID; } } else if (node.NodeParentID == newParentId) { // Move/Copy/Link as the first node under the same parent if (action.EndsWithCSafe("position")) { action = action.Substring(0, action.Length - 8); } action += "first"; } bool copy = (action.Contains("copy")); bool link = (action.Contains("link")); // Do not allow to move or copy under itself if ((node.NodeID == newParentId) && !copy && !link) { AddError(GetString("ContentRequest.CannotMoveToItself")); return; } // Local action - Only position change if ((node.NodeParentID == newParentId) && !copy && !link) { // Local action - Only position change int originalPosition = node.NodeOrder; TreeNode newNode = ProcessAction(node, targetNode, action, false, false, true); if ((newNode != null) && (originalPosition != newNode.NodeOrder)) { // Log the synchronization tasks for the entire tree level DocumentSynchronizationHelper.LogDocumentChangeOrder(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, newNode.NodeAliasPath, TreeProvider); mCallbackResult += "CancelDragOperation(); RefreshTree(" + newNode.NodeParentID + ", currentNodeId);"; } } else { // Different parent mCallbackResult += "DragOperation(" + nodeId + ", " + targetId + ", '" + action + "');"; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Register script files ScriptHelper.RegisterCMS(this); ScriptHelper.RegisterScriptFile(this, "~/CMSModules/Content/CMSDesk/Operation.js"); // Set current UI culture currentCulture = CultureHelper.PreferredUICultureCode; // Initialize current user currentUser = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser; // Initialize current site currentSite = SiteContext.CurrentSite; // Initialize events ctlAsync.OnFinished += ctlAsync_OnFinished; ctlAsync.OnError += ctlAsync_OnError; ctlAsync.OnRequestLog += ctlAsync_OnRequestLog; ctlAsync.OnCancel += ctlAsync_OnCancel; if (!RequestHelper.IsCallback()) { DataSet allDocs = null; TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(currentUser); btnCancel.Text = GetString("general.cancel"); // Current Node ID to delete string parentAliasPath = string.Empty; if (Parameters != null) { parentAliasPath = ValidationHelper.GetString(Parameters["parentaliaspath"], string.Empty); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentAliasPath)) { nodeIdsArr = QueryHelper.GetString("nodeid", string.Empty).Trim('|').Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string nodeId in nodeIdsArr) { int id = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(nodeId, 0); if (id != 0) { nodeIds.Add(id); } } } else { string where = "ClassName <> 'CMS.Root'"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(WhereCondition)) { where = SqlHelper.AddWhereCondition(where, WhereCondition); } allDocs = tree.SelectNodes(currentSite.SiteName, parentAliasPath.TrimEnd(new[] { '/' }) + "/%", TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, true, ClassID > 0 ? DataClassInfoProvider.GetClassName(ClassID) : TreeProvider.ALL_CLASSNAMES, where, "DocumentName", TreeProvider.ALL_LEVELS, false, 0, TreeProvider.SELECTNODES_REQUIRED_COLUMNS + ",DocumentName,NodeParentID,NodeSiteID,NodeAliasPath,NodeSKUID"); if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(allDocs)) { foreach (DataTable table in allDocs.Tables) { foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { nodeIds.Add(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["NodeID"], 0)); } } } } // Setup page title text and image PageTitle.TitleText = GetString("Content.DeleteTitle"); EnsureDocumentBreadcrumbs(PageBreadcrumbs, action: PageTitle.TitleText); btnCancel.Attributes.Add("onclick", ctlAsync.GetCancelScript(true) + "return false;"); // Register the dialog script ScriptHelper.RegisterDialogScript(this); titleElemAsync.TitleText = GetString("ContentDelete.DeletingDocuments"); // Set visibility of panels pnlContent.Visible = true; pnlLog.Visible = false; bool isMultilingual = CultureSiteInfoProvider.IsSiteMultilingual(currentSite.SiteName); if (!isMultilingual) { // Set all cultures checkbox chkAllCultures.Checked = true; chkAllCultures.Visible = false; } if (nodeIds.Count > 0) { if (nodeIds.Count == 1) { // Single document deletion int nodeId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(nodeIds[0], 0); TreeNode node = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentAliasPath)) { // Get any culture if current not found node = tree.SelectSingleNode(nodeId, CultureCode) ?? tree.SelectSingleNode(nodeId, TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES); } else { if (allDocs != null) { DataRow dr = allDocs.Tables[0].Rows[0]; node = TreeNode.New(ValidationHelper.GetString(dr["ClassName"], string.Empty), dr, tree); } } if (node != null) { bool rootDeleteDisabled = false; if (IsProductsMode) { string startingPath = SettingsKeyInfoProvider.GetStringValue(CurrentSiteName + ".CMSStoreProductsStartingPath"); if (node.NodeAliasPath.CompareToCSafe(startingPath) == 0) { string closeLink = "<a href=\"#\"><span style=\"cursor: pointer;\" " + "onclick=\"SelectNode(" + node.NodeID + "); return false;\">" + GetString("general.back") + "</span></a>"; ShowError(string.Format(GetString("com.productsection.deleteroot"), closeLink, "")); pnlDelete.Visible = false; rootDeleteDisabled = true; } } if (node.IsRoot() && isMultilingual) { // Hide 'Delete all cultures' checkbox chkAllCultures.Visible = false; if (!URLHelper.IsPostback()) { // Check if there are any documents in another culture or current culture has some documents pnlDeleteRoot.Visible = IsAnyDocumentInAnotherCulture(node) && (tree.SelectNodesCount(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, "/%", LocalizationContext.PreferredCultureCode, false, null, null, null, TreeProvider.ALL_LEVELS, false) > 0); if (pnlDeleteRoot.Visible) { // Insert 'Delete current root' option if current root node is translated to current culture if (node.DocumentCulture == LocalizationContext.PreferredCultureCode) { rblRoot.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("rootdeletion.currentroot"), "current")); } rblRoot.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("rootdeletion.currentculture"), "allculturepages")); rblRoot.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("rootdeletion.allpages"), "allpages")); } else { rblRoot.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("rootdeletion.allpages"), "allpages")); } if (rblRoot.SelectedIndex < 0) { rblRoot.SelectedIndex = 0; } } } // Display warning for root node if (!rootDeleteDisabled && node.IsRoot()) { if (!currentUser.IsGlobalAdministrator) { pnlDelete.Visible = false; ShowInformation(GetString("delete.rootonlyglobaladmin")); } else { if ((rblRoot.SelectedValue == "allpages") || !isMultilingual || ((rblRoot.SelectedValue == "allculturepages") && !IsAnyDocumentInAnotherCulture(node))) { messagesPlaceholder.ShowWarning(GetString("Delete.RootWarning")); plcDeleteRoot.Visible = true; } else { plcDeleteRoot.Visible = false; } } } hasChildren = node.NodeHasChildren; bool authorizedToDeleteSKU = !node.HasSKU || IsUserAuthorizedToModifySKU(node); if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { bool authorizedToDeleteDocument = IsUserAuthorizedToDeleteDocument(node); if (!authorizedToDeleteDocument || !authorizedToDeleteSKU) { pnlDelete.Visible = false; RedirectToAccessDenied(String.Format(GetString("cmsdesk.notauthorizedtodeletedocument"), HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(node.NodeAliasPath))); } } if (node.IsLink) { PageTitle.TitleText = GetString("Content.DeleteTitleLink") + " \"" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ResHelper.LocalizeString(node.GetDocumentName())) + "\""; headQuestion.Text = GetString("ContentDelete.QuestionLink"); chkAllCultures.Checked = true; plcCheck.Visible = false; } else { string nodeName = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(node.GetDocumentName()); // Get name for root document if (node.NodeClassName.ToLowerCSafe() == "cms.root") { nodeName = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(currentSite.DisplayName); } PageTitle.TitleText = GetString("Content.DeleteTitle") + " \"" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ResHelper.LocalizeString(nodeName)) + "\""; bool showSKUGroup = false; if (NodeHasChildWithProduct(tree, node)) { // Deleting product section lblSKUActionInfo.Text = GetString("ContentDelete.SectionAssignedSKUInfo"); headDeleteSKU.Text = GetString("ContentDelete.AssignedSKUs"); showSKUGroup = true; } else if (node.HasSKU && authorizedToDeleteSKU) { // Deleting product if (!NodeSharesSKUWithOtherNode(tree, node)) { lblSKUActionInfo.Text = GetString("contentdelete.assignedskuinfo"); headDeleteSKU.Text = GetString("ContentDelete.AssignedSKU"); showSKUGroup = true; } } pnlDeleteSKU.Visible = showSKUGroup; rblSKUAction.Visible = showSKUGroup; } // Show or hide checkbox chkDestroy.Visible = CanDestroy(node); cancelNodeId = IsMultipleAction ? node.NodeParentID : node.NodeID; if (node.IsRoot()) { // Change SEO panel if root is selected pnlSeo.Visible = false; } } else { if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { URLHelper.Redirect(UIHelper.GetInformationUrl("editeddocument.notexists")); } else { // Hide everything pnlContent.Visible = false; } } headQuestion.Text = GetString("ContentDelete.Question"); chkAllCultures.Text = GetString("ContentDelete.AllCultures"); chkDestroy.Text = GetString("ContentDelete.Destroy"); headDeleteDocument.Text = GetString("ContentDelete.Document"); } else if (nodeIds.Count > 1) { pnlDocList.Visible = true; string where = "NodeID IN ("; foreach (int nodeID in nodeIds) { where += nodeID + ","; } where = where.TrimEnd(',') + ")"; DataSet ds = allDocs ?? tree.SelectNodes(currentSite.SiteName, "/%", TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, true, null, where, "DocumentName", -1, false); if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds)) { string docList = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentAliasPath)) { cancelNodeId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(DataHelper.GetDataRowValue(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0], "NodeParentID"), 0); } else { cancelNodeId = TreePathUtils.GetNodeIdByAliasPath(currentSite.SiteName, parentAliasPath); } bool canDestroy = true; bool permissions = true; foreach (DataTable table in ds.Tables) { foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows) { bool isLink = (dr["NodeLinkedNodeID"] != DBNull.Value); string name = (string)dr["DocumentName"]; docList += HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(name); if (isLink) { docList += DocumentHelper.GetDocumentMarkImage(Page, DocumentMarkEnum.Link); } docList += "<br />"; lblDocuments.Text = docList; // Set visibility of checkboxes TreeNode node = TreeNode.New(ValidationHelper.GetString(dr["ClassName"], string.Empty), dr); if (!IsUserAuthorizedToDeleteDocument(node)) { permissions = false; AddError(String.Format( GetString("cmsdesk.notauthorizedtodeletedocument"), HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(node.NodeAliasPath)), null); } // Can destroy if "can destroy all previous AND current" canDestroy = CanDestroy(node) && canDestroy; if (!hasChildren) { hasChildren = node.NodeHasChildren; } if ((node.HasSKU && IsUserAuthorizedToModifySKU(node)) || NodeHasChildWithProduct(tree, node)) { pnlDeleteSKU.Visible = true; rblSKUAction.Visible = true; } } } pnlDelete.Visible = permissions; chkDestroy.Visible = canDestroy; } else { if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { URLHelper.Redirect(UIHelper.GetInformationUrl("editeddocument.notexists")); } else { // Hide everything pnlContent.Visible = false; } } headQuestion.Text = GetString("ContentDelete.QuestionMultiple"); PageTitle.TitleText = GetString("Content.DeleteTitleMultiple"); chkAllCultures.Text = GetString("ContentDelete.AllCulturesMultiple"); chkDestroy.Text = GetString("ContentDelete.DestroyMultiple"); headDeleteDocument.Text = GetString("global.pages"); headDeleteSKU.Text = GetString("ContentDelete.AssignedSKUs"); lblSKUActionInfo.Text = GetString("ContentDelete.AssignedSKUsInfo"); } // Init product actions if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { rblSKUAction.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("ContentDelete.SKU.deleteordisable"), "deleteordisable")); rblSKUAction.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("ContentDelete.SKU.delete"), "delete")); rblSKUAction.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("ContentDelete.SKU.disable"), "disable")); rblSKUAction.Items.Add(new ListItem(GetString("ContentDelete.SKU.noaction"), "noaction")); rblSKUAction.SelectedValue = "deleteordisable"; } lblAltPath.AssociatedControlClientID = selAltPath.PathTextBox.ClientID; chkUseDeletedPath.CheckedChanged += chkUseDeletedPath_CheckedChanged; if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack()) { selAltPath.Enabled = false; chkAltSubNodes.Enabled = false; chkAltAliases.Enabled = false; // Set default path if is defined selAltPath.Value = SettingsKeyInfoProvider.GetStringValue(CurrentSiteName + ".CMSDefaultDeletedNodePath"); if (!hasChildren) { chkAltSubNodes.Checked = false; chkAltSubNodes.Enabled = false; } } // If user has allowed cultures specified if (currentUser.UserHasAllowedCultures) { // Get all site cultures DataSet siteCultures = CultureSiteInfoProvider.GetSiteCultures(currentSite.SiteName); bool denyAllCulturesDeletion = false; // Check that user can edit all site cultures foreach (DataRow culture in siteCultures.Tables[0].Rows) { string cultureCode = ValidationHelper.GetString(DataHelper.GetDataRowValue(culture, "CultureCode"), string.Empty); if (!currentUser.IsCultureAllowed(cultureCode, currentSite.SiteName)) { denyAllCulturesDeletion = true; } } // If user can't edit all site cultures if (denyAllCulturesDeletion) { // Hide all cultures selector chkAllCultures.Visible = false; chkAllCultures.Checked = false; } } pnlDeleteDocument.Visible = chkAllCultures.Visible || chkDestroy.Visible; } else { // Hide everything pnlContent.Visible = false; } } }
/// <summary> /// Page load. /// </summary> protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var currentUserInfo = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser; if (!RequiresDialog) { ScriptHelper.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(String), "ListingContentAppHash", "cmsListingContentApp = '" + UIContextHelper.GetApplicationHash("cms.content", "content") + "';", true); ScriptHelper.RegisterScriptFile(this, CONTENT_CMSDESK_FOLDER + "View/Listing.js"); } // Set selected document type docList.ClassID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(SelectClass.Value, UniSelector.US_ALL_RECORDS); if (docList.NodeID > 0) { TreeNode node = docList.Node; // Set edited document EditedDocument = node; if (node != null) { if (currentUserInfo.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(node, NodePermissionsEnum.ExploreTree) != AuthorizationResultEnum.Allowed) { RedirectToAccessDenied("CMS.Content", "exploretree"); } if (RequiresDialog) { ScriptHelper.RegisterScriptFile(this, CONTENT_CMSDESK_FOLDER + "View/ListingDialog.js"); // Set JavaScript for new button CurrentMaster.HeaderActions.AddAction(new HeaderAction { Text = GetString("content.newtitle"), OnClientClick = "AddItem(" + node.NodeID + ");" }); // Ensure breadcrumbs EnsureBreadcrumbs(node); } else { // Ensure breadcrumbs for UI EnsureDocumentBreadcrumbs(PageBreadcrumbs, node); // Setup the link to the parent document if (!node.IsRoot() && (currentUserInfo.UserStartingAliasPath.ToLowerCSafe() != node.NodeAliasPath.ToLowerCSafe())) { CurrentMaster.HeaderActions.AddAction(new HeaderAction { Text = GetString("Listing.ParentDirectory"), OnClientClick = "SelectItem(" + node.NodeParentID + ");" }); } } // Define target window for modal dialogs (used for mobile Android browser which cannot open more than one modal dialog window at a time). // If set: The target window will be used for opening the new dialog in the following way: targetWindow.location.href = ' dialog url...'; // If not set: New modal dialog window will be opened string actionTargetWindow = "var targetWindow = " + (DeviceContext.CurrentDevice.IsMobile ? "this" : "null"); ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "listingScript", actionTargetWindow, true); } } }