static async Task queryAirportsByTimezoneOffset(string tzOffset) { // SELECT * FROM c where c.timezone_num = "-5" // SELECT FROM c where c.timezone_num = "-5" offset 1 limit 2 // SELECT COUNT(1) FROM c <-- 1459 // SELECT COUNT(1) FROM c where c.timezone_num = "-5" <-- 522 // log("queryAirportsByTimezoneOffset"); CosmosUtil cu = new CosmosUtil(); string dbname = dbNameEnvVar(); string cname = "airports"; await cu.setCurrentDatabase(dbname); await cu.setCurrentContainer(cname); string sql = $"select,, c.longitude, c.timezone_num from c where c.timezone_num = '{tzOffset}'"; List <dynamic> items = await cu.queryDocuments(sql); for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(items[i]); } return; }
static async Task deleteDocuments(string dbname, string cname, int maxCount) { log($"deleteDocuments; db: {dbname}, container: {cname}, maxCount: {maxCount}"); CosmosUtil cu = new CosmosUtil(); await cu.setCurrentDatabase(dbname); await cu.setCurrentContainer(cname); string sql = $"select * from c"; List <dynamic> items = await cu.queryDocuments(sql, maxCount); log($"deleteDocuments, count: {items.Count}"); for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(items[i]); log($"deleting item: {items[i].id}, {items[i].pk}"); string id = items[i].id; string pk = items[i].pk; GenericDocument doc = new GenericDocument(); = items[i].id; = items[i].pk; ItemResponse <GenericDocument> response = await cu.deleteGenericDocument(doc); log($"status code: {response.StatusCode}"); log($"request charge: {response.RequestCharge}"); } }
static async Task upsertAirports(int maxCount) { log($"upsertAirports: {maxCount}"); FileUtil fsu = new FileUtil(); List <Airport> airports = new FileUtil().ReadAirportsCsv(); log($"airports read from csv file: {airports.Count}"); CosmosUtil cu = new CosmosUtil(); string dbname = dbNameEnvVar(); string cname = "airports"; await cu.setCurrentDatabase(dbname); await cu.setCurrentContainer(cname); for (int i = 0; i < airports.Count; i++) { if (i < maxCount) { Airport a = airports[i]; Console.WriteLine(a.ToJson()); ItemResponse <Airport> response = await cu.upsertAirportDocument(a); log($"status code: {response.StatusCode}"); log($"request charge: {response.RequestCharge}"); log($"diagnostics: {response.Diagnostics}"); log($"resource: {response.Resource}"); } } return; }
static async Task queryAirportsPaginated() { // SELECT COUNT(1) FROM c <-- 1459 // SELECT COUNT(1) FROM c where c.timezone_num = "-5" <-- 522 // SELECT FROM c where c.timezone_num = '-5' order by offset 140 limit 20 // // // // // "The rows skipped by an OFFSET clause still have to be computed inside the server; // therefore a large OFFSET can be inefficient." log("queryAirportsPaginated"); CosmosUtil cu = new CosmosUtil(); string dbname = dbNameEnvVar(); string cname = "airports"; await cu.setCurrentDatabase(dbname); await cu.setCurrentContainer(cname); string predicate = "where c.timezone_num = '-5'"; int itemCount = await cu.count(predicate); int offset = 0; int itemsPerPage = 20; log("itemCount: " + itemCount); log("itemsPerPage: " + itemsPerPage); double pagesDouble = ((double)itemCount / (double)itemsPerPage); double pagesCount = Math.Ceiling(pagesDouble); log("pagesCount: " + pagesCount); for (int p = 0; p < pagesCount; p++) { offset = offset + itemsPerPage; string sql = $"SELECT FROM c {predicate} order by offset {offset} limit {itemsPerPage}"; log("==="); log($"page: {p} sql: {sql}"); List <dynamic> items = await cu.queryDocuments(sql, itemsPerPage, true); for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(items[i]); } } return; }
static async Task queryAirportsByPkId(string pk, string id) { log("queryAirportsByPkId"); CosmosUtil cu = new CosmosUtil(); string dbname = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_IOT_COSMOSDB_SQLDB_DBNAME"); string cname = "airports"; await cu.setCurrentDatabase(dbname); await cu.setCurrentContainer(cname); string sql = $"select * from c where = '{pk}' and = '{id}'"; List <dynamic> items = await cu.queryDocuments(sql); for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(items[i]); } return; }
static async Task queryAirportsByPk(string pk) { log("queryAirportsByPk"); CosmosUtil cu = new CosmosUtil(); string dbname = dbNameEnvVar(); string cname = "airports"; await cu.setCurrentDatabase(dbname); await cu.setCurrentContainer(cname); string sql = $"select * from c where = '{pk}'"; List <dynamic> items = await cu.queryDocuments(sql); for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(items[i]); } return; }
static async Task queryAirportsByTimezoneCode(string tzCode) { log("queryAirportsByTimezoneCode"); CosmosUtil cu = new CosmosUtil(); string dbname = dbNameEnvVar(); string cname = "airports"; await cu.setCurrentDatabase(dbname); await cu.setCurrentContainer(cname); string sql = $"select,, c.longitude, c.timezone_num from c where c.TimezoneCode = '{tzCode}'"; List <dynamic> items = await cu.queryDocuments(sql); for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(items[i]); } return; }
static async Task queryLatestEvents(int limit) { log("queryLatestEvents"); CosmosUtil cu = new CosmosUtil(); string dbname = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_IOT_COSMOSDB_SQLDB_DBNAME"); string cname = "events"; await cu.setCurrentDatabase(dbname); await cu.setCurrentContainer(cname); string sql = $"select * from c order by c.epoch desc offset 0 limit {limit}"; List <dynamic> items = await cu.queryDocuments(sql); for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(items[i]); } return; }
static async Task queryEvents(double startEpoch, double endEpoch) { log($"queryEvents: {startEpoch} to {endEpoch}"); CosmosUtil cu = new CosmosUtil(); string dbname = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_IOT_COSMOSDB_SQLDB_DBNAME"); string cname = "events"; await cu.setCurrentDatabase(dbname); await cu.setCurrentContainer(cname); string sql = $"select * from c where c.epoch >= {startEpoch} and c.epoch < {endEpoch}"; List <dynamic> items = await cu.queryDocuments(sql); for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(items[i]); } return; }
static async Task queryAirportsByGPS(double lng, double lat, double meters) { log("queryAirportsByGPS"); CosmosUtil cu = new CosmosUtil(); string dbname = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_IOT_COSMOSDB_SQLDB_DBNAME"); string cname = "airports"; await cu.setCurrentDatabase(dbname); await cu.setCurrentContainer(cname); string location = $"[{lng}, {lat}]"; string sql = "select, c.Name, c.City, c.location.coordinates from c " + "where ST_DISTANCE(c.location, { \"type\": \"Point\", \"coordinates\":" + location + "}) < " + meters; List <dynamic> items = await cu.queryDocuments(sql); for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(items[i]); } return; }
static async Task upsertAirports(int maxCount, int pauseMs) { log($"upsertAirports: {maxCount} pauseMs: {pauseMs}"); FileUtil fsu = new FileUtil(); List <Airport> airports = new FileUtil().ReadAirportsCsv(); log($"airports read from csv file: {airports.Count}"); CosmosUtil cu = new CosmosUtil(); string dbname = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_IOT_COSMOSDB_SQLDB_DBNAME"); string cname = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_IOT_COSMOSDB_SQLDB_COLLNAME"); await cu.setCurrentDatabase(dbname); await cu.setCurrentContainer(cname); for (int i = 0; i < airports.Count; i++) { if (i < maxCount) { Airport a = airports[i]; a.UpdateEpoch(); log("==="); Console.WriteLine(a.ToJson()); ItemResponse <Airport> response = await cu.upsertAirportDocument(a); log("---"); log($"status code: {response.StatusCode}"); log($"request charge: {response.RequestCharge}"); //log($"diagnostics: {response.Diagnostics}"); //log($"resource: {response.Resource}"); Thread.Sleep(pauseMs); } } log($"airports read from csv file: {airports.Count}"); return; }