        // reset this bullet's properties
        public void Init()
            // if needed, generate pixel-perfect data
            if (OpaqueData == null)
                OpaqueData = PixelPerfectHelper.GetOpaqueData(this);

            // assume this bullet didn't originate from a player
            Shooter = null;
        // actually draw the HUD
        public void Draw(SpriteBatch batch, Player player)
            // top, left of the three health lights
            Vector2 locHealthHUD = player.HudPosition;

            // top, left of the three shield lights
            Vector2 locShieldHUD = player.HudPosition;
            locShieldHUD.X += 3 * 32;

            // top, left of the score text and "press start" prompt
            Vector2 locPressStart = player.HudPosition;
            locPressStart.X += 16;
            locPressStart.Y += 32;

            if (FlashState && !player.IsActive)
                // alternate between score and prompt,
                // as long as player's game is over
                batch.Draw(Game1.Texture, locPressStart,
                    m_RectPressStart, Color.White);
                // if player is active, draw their score every time
                player.NumberSprite.Draw(batch, locPressStart);

            // render the health and shield lights
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                // render the shield lights
                if (player.Shield > i && player.IsActive)
                    // active! draw green light
                    batch.Draw(Game1.Texture, locShieldHUD,
                        m_RectShield, Color.PaleGreen);
                    // inactive, draw dim light
                    batch.Draw(Game1.Texture, locShieldHUD,
                        m_RectShield, Color.LightSlateGray);

                // render the health lights
                if (player.Health > i && player.IsActive)
                    // active! draw red light
                    batch.Draw(Game1.Texture, locHealthHUD,
                        m_RectHealth, Color.LightCoral);
                    // inactive, draw dim light
                    batch.Draw(Game1.Texture, locHealthHUD,
                        m_RectHealth, Color.LightSlateGray);

                // move to the next light's location
                locShieldHUD.X += 32;
                locHealthHUD.X += 32;
        // see if a player was hit by any enemy bullets
        protected static void CheckForHitPlayer(Player player)
            // is this player active?
            if (player.IsActive)
                // for each bullet
                for (int iBullet = 0; iBullet < m_Bullets.Length; iBullet++)
                    // is this bullet active and did it originate from an enemy?
                    if (m_Bullets[iBullet].IsActive &&
                        // is the bullet touching the player?
                        if (PixelPerfectHelper.DetectCollision(
                            player, m_Bullets[iBullet]))
                            // register the hit with the player

                            // if the player was destroyed by the hit,
                            // display a splat icon at their current
                            // location
                            if (!player.IsActive)

                            // return this bullet to the pool of available
                            // bullets
                            m_Bullets[iBullet].IsActive = false;

                // check for a collision between player and enemy aircraft
                for (int iEnemy = 0; iEnemy < m_Enemies.Length; iEnemy++)
                    // is this enemy active?
                    if (m_Enemies[iEnemy].IsActive)
                        // is this enemy touching the player?
                        if (PixelPerfectHelper.DetectCollision(
                            player, m_Enemies[iEnemy]))
                            // register the hit with the player

                            // add a new splat icon for the enemy plane

                            // if the player was destroyed, display a
                            // splat icon at their location as well
                            if (!player.IsActive)
        // see if the player is touching any bonus icons
        protected static void CheckForHitBonuses(Player player)
            // is this player active?
            if (player.IsActive)
                // for each bonus icon object
                for (int iBonus = 0; iBonus < m_Bonuses.Length; iBonus++)
                    // is this bonus active?
                    if (m_Bonuses[iBonus].IsActive)
                        // is this bonus touching the player?
                        if (PixelPerfectHelper.DetectCollision(
                            player, m_Bonuses[iBonus]))
                            // take action based on bonus type
                            switch (m_Bonuses[iBonus].BonusType)
                                case Bonus.Type.Health: // red
                                    // increase player's health
                                    player.Health += 1;
                                case Bonus.Type.Score: // blue
                                    // add bonus points to player score
                                    player.Score += 25;
                                case Bonus.Type.Shield: // green
                                    // increase player's shield
                                    player.Shield += 1;
                                case Bonus.Type.Weapon: // yellow
                                    // reduce delay between shots
                                    player.FireDelay -= 0.2 * player.FireDelay;

                            // return this bonus to the pool of available
                            // bonsuses
                            m_Bonuses[iBonus].IsActive = false;
        // handle player input from the keyboard
        public void ProcessInput(double elapsed, Player player, KeyboardState key)
            if (!player.IsActive && key.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter))
                // start or join the game
                player.IsActive = true;
            else if (player.IsActive)
                // change in location
                Vector2 delta = Vector2.Zero;

                // moving left or right?
                if (key.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left))
                    delta.X = (float)(-player.MovePixelsPerSecond * elapsed);
                else if (key.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right))
                    delta.X = (float)(player.MovePixelsPerSecond * elapsed);

                // moving up or down?
                if (key.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up))
                    delta.Y = (float)(-player.MovePixelsPerSecond * elapsed);
                else if (key.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down))
                    delta.Y = (float)(player.MovePixelsPerSecond * elapsed);

                // actually move the player
                player.Location += delta;

                // if the player is pressing the action
                // button, try to fire a bullet
                if (key.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) && player.Fire())
                    GameObjectManager.AddBullet(player, true);
        // handle game pad input
        public void ProcessInput(double elapsed, Player player, GamePadState pad)
            if (!player.IsActive && pad.Buttons.Start == ButtonState.Pressed)
                // start or join the game
                player.IsActive = true;
            else if (player.IsActive)
                // change in location
                Vector2 delta = Vector2.Zero;

                // moving left or right?
                if (pad.ThumbSticks.Left.X < 0)
                    delta.X = (float)(-player.MovePixelsPerSecond * elapsed);
                else if (pad.ThumbSticks.Left.X > 0)
                    delta.X = (float)(player.MovePixelsPerSecond * elapsed);

                // moving up or down?
                if (pad.ThumbSticks.Left.Y > 0)
                    delta.Y = (float)(-player.MovePixelsPerSecond * elapsed);
                else if (pad.ThumbSticks.Left.Y < 0)
                    delta.Y = (float)(player.MovePixelsPerSecond * elapsed);

                // actually move the player
                player.Location += delta;

                // if the player is pressing the action
                // button, try to fire a bullet
                if (pad.Buttons.A == ButtonState.Pressed && player.Fire())
                    GameObjectManager.AddBullet(player, true);