protected override void OnNewRecord() { base.OnNewRecord(); orgEntity = BL.ORG.ORG_Entity.Load(orgEntityId, DataContext, new List <string> { }); orgEntitysysEntity = BL.SYS.SYS_Entity.Load(orgEntity.EntityId, DataContext); switch (Type) { case BL.ORG.ORG_Type.Customer: { orgCompany = BL.ORG.ORG_Company.NewCustomerCompany; orgCompany.ORG_Entity = orgEntity; } break; case BL.ORG.ORG_Type.Supplier: { orgCompany = BL.ORG.ORG_Company.NewSupplierCompany; orgCompany.ORG_Entity = orgEntity; } break; } if (orgCompany.ORG_Distribution.Count == 0) { orgDistribution = BL.ORG.ORG_Distribution.New; orgCompany.ORG_Distribution.Add(orgDistribution); } else { orgDistribution = orgCompany.ORG_Distribution.FirstOrDefault(); } orgBillingAddress = BL.ORG.ORG_CompanyAddress.NewCompanyBillingAddress; orgShippingAddress = BL.ORG.ORG_CompanyAddress.NewCompanyShippingAddress; orgCompany.ORG_CompanyAddress.Add(orgBillingAddress); orgCompany.ORG_CompanyAddress.Add(orgShippingAddress); sysBillingAddress = BL.SYS.SYS_Address.NewBillingAddress; sysShippingAddress = BL.SYS.SYS_Address.NewShippingAddress; orgCompany.SiteId = Convert.ToInt64(BL.ApplicationDataContext.Instance.LoggedInUser.DefaultSiteId); if (BL.ORG.ORG_Contact.LoadSalesContact(orgEntitysysEntity.Id, DataContext) != null) { orgSalesContact = BL.ORG.ORG_Contact.LoadSalesContact(orgEntitysysEntity.Id, DataContext); } //else //{ // orgSalesContact = BL.ORG.ORG_Contact.NewSalesContact; //} if (BL.ORG.ORG_Contact.LoadAccountsContact(orgEntitysysEntity.Id, DataContext) != null) { orgAccountsContact = BL.ORG.ORG_Contact.LoadAccountsContact(orgEntitysysEntity.Id, DataContext); } //else //{ // orgAccountsContact = BL.ORG.ORG_Contact.NewAccountsContact; //} }
/// <summary> /// Open an ORG Entity record from the database. /// </summary> /// <param name="Id">The id (primary key) of the ORG Entity to open.</param> /// <remarks>Created: Theo Crous 14/11/2011</remarks> public override void OpenRecord(Int64 Id) { try { base.OpenRecord(Id); orgEntitySYSEntity = BL.SYS.SYS_Entity.Load(Id, DataContext); orgEntity = BL.ORG.ORG_Entity.LoadByEntity(Id, DataContext, new List<string>() { "ORG_Company" }); } catch (Exception ex) { if (CDS.Shared.Exception.UserInterfaceExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex)) { throw ex; } } }
/// <summary> /// The binding source is bound to a new instance of an ORG Entity. This is for the instances where a new record is to be created. /// </summary> /// <remarks>Created: Theo Crous 17/11/2011</remarks> protected override void OnNewRecord() { try { base.OnNewRecord(); orgEntity = BL.ORG.ORG_Entity.New; orgEntitySYSEntity = BL.SYS.SYS_Entity.NewCompany; orgEntitySYSEntity.CodeSub = "00000"; } catch (Exception ex) { if (CDS.Shared.Exception.UserInterfaceExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex)) { throw ex; } } }
public override void OpenRecord(long Id) { try { base.OpenRecord(Id); orgCompany = BL.ORG.ORG_Company.Load(Id, DataContext, new List <string>() { "ORG_Entity" }); orgEntity = (DB.ORG_Entity)orgCompany.ORG_Entity; orgEntitysysEntity = BL.SYS.SYS_Entity.Load(orgEntity.EntityId, DataContext); if (BL.ORG.ORG_Contact.LoadSalesContact(orgEntitysysEntity.Id, DataContext) != null) { orgSalesContact = BL.ORG.ORG_Contact.LoadSalesContact(orgEntitysysEntity.Id, DataContext); ddlSalesContact.EditValue = orgSalesContact.Id; } //else //{ // orgSalesContact = BL.ORG.ORG_Contact.NewSalesContact; //} if (BL.ORG.ORG_Contact.LoadAccountsContact(orgEntitysysEntity.Id, DataContext) != null) { orgAccountsContact = BL.ORG.ORG_Contact.LoadAccountsContact(orgEntitysysEntity.Id, DataContext); ddlAccountContact.EditValue = orgAccountsContact.Id; } //else //{ // orgAccountsContact = BL.ORG.ORG_Contact.NewAccountsContact; //} orgDistribution = DataContext.EntityOrganisationContext.ORG_Distribution.FirstOrDefault(n => n.EntityId == orgCompany.Id); var orgCompanyAddress = DataContext.EntityOrganisationContext.ORG_CompanyAddress.Where(n => n.CompanyId == orgCompany.Id && n.AddressId.HasValue == true); List <Int64> addressIds = orgCompanyAddress.Select(l => l.AddressId.Value).ToList(); var sysAddress = DataContext.EntitySystemContext.SYS_Address.Where(n => addressIds.Contains(n.Id)).ToList(); sysBillingAddress = sysAddress.FirstOrDefault(n => n.TypeId == (byte)BL.SYS.SYS_Type.BillingAddress); orgBillingAddress = orgCompanyAddress.FirstOrDefault(n => n.AddressId == sysBillingAddress.Id && n.CompanyId == orgCompany.Id); sysShippingAddress = sysAddress.FirstOrDefault(n => n.TypeId == (byte)BL.SYS.SYS_Type.ShippingAddress); orgShippingAddress = orgCompanyAddress.FirstOrDefault(n => n.AddressId == sysShippingAddress.Id && n.CompanyId == orgCompany.Id); } catch (Exception ex) { if (CDS.Shared.Exception.UserInterfaceExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex)) { throw ex; } } }
protected override void Archive() { base.Archive(); throw new Exception("Fix this"); DB.ORG_Entity org_entity = (DB.ORG_Entity)BindingSource.DataSource; DB.SYS_Entity sys_entity = BL.SYS.SYS_Entity.Load(org_entity.EntityId, DataContext); if (!sys_entity.Archived) { try { //000 = Archived or Un-Archived //001 = Outstanding Balance //002 = Control Account //003 = Is Parent //004 = Parent is Archived int code = -1;/* Context.Database.SqlQuery<int>( "DECLARE @return_value int" + Environment.NewLine + "EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[spArchiveAccount]" + Environment.NewLine + " @AccountId = " + glxAccount.Id + "," + Environment.NewLine + " @Archive = 1" + Environment.NewLine + "SELECT @return_value"); */ if (code.Equals(0)) { sys_entity.Archived = !sys_entity.Archived; btnArchive.Caption = sys_entity.Archived ? "Un-Archive" : "Archive"; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (CDS.Shared.Exception.UserInterfaceExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex)) { throw ex; } } } else { try { //TODO: Find a way to do this //returns 1 if sp was able to unarchive account int code = -1; /* Context.Database.SqlQuery<int>( "DECLARE @return_value int" + Environment.NewLine + "EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[spArchiveAccount]" + Environment.NewLine + " @AccountId = " + glxAccount.Id + "," + Environment.NewLine + " @Archive = 0" + Environment.NewLine + "SELECT @return_value"); */ if (code.Equals(0)) { sys_entity.Archived = !sys_entity.Archived; btnArchive.Caption = sys_entity.Archived ? "Un-Archive" : "Archive"; } else { Essential.BaseAlert.ShowAlert("Archive", "Entity could not be un-archived.", Essential.BaseAlert.Buttons.Ok, Essential.BaseAlert.Icons.Information); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (CDS.Shared.Exception.UserInterfaceExceptionHandler.HandleException(ref ex)) { throw ex; } } } }