/// <summary>
        /// Resets the color scheme of the parameter rows in the parameter sheet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="application">
        /// The Excel application.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="workbook">
        /// The current <see cref="Workbook"/>.
        /// </param>
        public void ResetRows(Application application, Workbook workbook)
            var sw = new Stopwatch();


            application.Cursor = XlMousePointer.xlWait;

            application.StatusBar = "CDP4: Reset row color scheme in Parameter sheet";

            this.parameterSheet = ParameterSheetUtilities.RetrieveParameterSheet(workbook);

                var parameterRange = this.parameterSheet.Range(ParameterSheetConstants.ParameterRangeName);
                parameterRange.Interior.Color = XlRgbColor.rgbWhite;

                ParameterSheetUtilities.ApplyLocking(this.parameterSheet, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                application.Cursor = XlMousePointer.xlDefault;

                application.StatusBar = string.Format("CDP4: Reset row color scheme in {0} [ms]", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
        /// <summary>
        /// Highlight the rows of the <see cref="Thing"/>s in the <paramref name="things"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="application">
        /// The Excel application.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="workbook">
        /// The current <see cref="Workbook"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="things">
        /// The <see cref="Thing"/>s that need to be highlighted in the <see cref="Workbook"/>
        /// </param>
        public void HighlightRows(Application application, Workbook workbook, IReadOnlyDictionary <Guid, ProcessedValueSet> processedValueSets)
            var sw = new Stopwatch();


            application.Cursor = XlMousePointer.xlWait;

            application.StatusBar = "Highlighting rows in Parameter sheet";

            this.parameterSheet = ParameterSheetUtilities.RetrieveParameterSheet(workbook);

                ParameterSheetUtilities.ApplyLocking(this.parameterSheet, false);

                var parameterRange = this.parameterSheet.Range(ParameterSheetConstants.ParameterRangeName);


                this.parameterContent = (object[, ])parameterRange.Value;

                var currentRow = parameterRange.Row;

                application.StatusBar = string.Format("Processing Parameter sheet - row: {0}", currentRow);

                for (var i = 1; i < this.parameterContent.GetLength(0); i++)
                    var rowType = (string)this.parameterContent[i, ParameterSheetConstants.TypeColumn];

                    if (rowType != null)
                        var rowIid = Convert.ToString(this.parameterContent[i, ParameterSheetConstants.IdColumn]);

                        var rowIidChar = rowIid.Split(':');
                        var thingIid   = rowIidChar[0];

                        Guid iid;
                        var  isIid = Guid.TryParse(thingIid, out iid);

                        //TODO: fix for compites
                        if (isIid && processedValueSets.ContainsKey(iid))
                            var row = parameterRange.Rows[i];
                            row.Interior.Color = XlRgbColor.rgbYellow;


                ParameterSheetUtilities.ApplyLocking(this.parameterSheet, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                application.Cursor = XlMousePointer.xlDefault;

                application.StatusBar = string.Format("Highlighted rows in {0} [ms]", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate the values on the Parameter sheet and check for any changes that have been made by the user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="application">
        /// The excel application object that contains the <see cref="Workbook"/> in which the parameter sheet is to be processed.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="workbook">
        /// The <see cref="Workbook"/> that contains the Parameter sheet that is being processed
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="processedValueSets">
        /// A <see cref="List{ProcessedValueSet}"/> of clones that capture the updated <see cref="Thing"/>s with its value validation result
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Changed cells will be highlighted, cells containing invalid or out-of-bounds data will be marked.
        /// </remarks>
        public void ValidateValuesAndCheckForChanges(Application application, Workbook workbook, out IReadOnlyDictionary <Guid, ProcessedValueSet> processedValueSets)
            var sw = new Stopwatch();


            application.Cursor = XlMousePointer.xlWait;

            application.StatusBar = "Processing Parameter sheet";

            this.parameterSheet = ParameterSheetUtilities.RetrieveParameterSheet(workbook);

            var temporaryProcessedValueSets = new Dictionary <Guid, ProcessedValueSet>();

            var numberFormatInfo = this.QuerayNumberFormatInfo(application);

            var rowType = string.Empty;
            var rowIid  = string.Empty;

                ParameterSheetUtilities.ApplyLocking(this.parameterSheet, false);

                var parameterRange = this.parameterSheet.Range(ParameterSheetConstants.ParameterRangeName);

                this.parameterContent = (object[, ])parameterRange.Value;
                this.parameterFormula = (object[, ])parameterRange.Formula;

                var currentRow = parameterRange.Row;

                application.StatusBar = string.Format("Processing Parameter sheet - row: {0}", currentRow);

                var parameterContentRows = this.parameterContent.GetLength(0) + 1;

                for (var i = 1; i < parameterContentRows; i++)
                        rowType = (string)this.parameterContent[i, ParameterSheetConstants.TypeColumn];
                    catch (Exception ex)

                    if (rowType != string.Empty &&
                        (rowType == ParameterSheetConstants.PVS || rowType == ParameterSheetConstants.PVSCT ||
                         rowType == ParameterSheetConstants.POVS || rowType == ParameterSheetConstants.POVSCT ||
                         rowType == ParameterSheetConstants.PSVS || rowType == ParameterSheetConstants.PSVSCT))
                        rowIid = Convert.ToString(this.parameterContent[i, ParameterSheetConstants.IdColumn]);

                        var computedValue  = this.QueryComputedValue(i);
                        var formulaValue   = this.QueryFormulaValue(i);
                        var manualValue    = this.QueryManualValue(i);
                        var referenceValue = this.QueryReferenceValue(i);
                        var switchValue    = this.QuerySwitchValue(i);
                        var actualValue    = this.QueryActualValue(i);

                        var rowIidChar     = rowIid.Split(':');
                        var thingIid       = rowIidChar[0];
                        var componentIndex = 0;

                        if (rowIidChar.Length > 1)
                            componentIndex = int.Parse(rowIidChar[1]);

                        var lazyThing = this.workbookSession.Assembler.Cache.Select(item => item.Value).SingleOrDefault(item => item.Value.Iid == Guid.Parse(thingIid));
                        if (lazyThing != null)
                            var thing = lazyThing.Value;

                            if (rowType == ParameterSheetConstants.PVS || rowType == ParameterSheetConstants.PVSCT)
                                var parameterValueSet = (ParameterValueSet)thing;
                                this.ProcessValueSet(parameterValueSet, componentIndex, currentRow, manualValue, computedValue, referenceValue, actualValue, switchValue, formulaValue, ref temporaryProcessedValueSets, numberFormatInfo);

                            if (rowType == ParameterSheetConstants.POVS || rowType == ParameterSheetConstants.POVSCT)
                                var parameterOverrideValueSet = (ParameterOverrideValueSet)thing;
                                this.ProcessValueSet(parameterOverrideValueSet, componentIndex, currentRow, manualValue, computedValue, referenceValue, actualValue, switchValue, formulaValue, ref temporaryProcessedValueSets, numberFormatInfo);

                            if (rowType == ParameterSheetConstants.PSVS || rowType == ParameterSheetConstants.PSVSCT)
                                var parameterSubscriptionValueSet = (ParameterSubscriptionValueSet)thing;
                                this.ProcessValueSet(parameterSubscriptionValueSet, componentIndex, currentRow, manualValue, switchValue, ref temporaryProcessedValueSets, numberFormatInfo);
                            logger.Warn("The Thing of RowType {0} with unique id {1} could not be found in the workbook cache", rowType, thingIid);


                ParameterSheetUtilities.ApplyLocking(this.parameterSheet, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (rowType != string.Empty && rowIid != string.Empty)
                    this.errorMessage = $"{rowType}:{rowIid} - {ex.Message}";
                    this.errorMessage = ex.Message;

                application.Cursor = XlMousePointer.xlDefault;


                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.errorMessage))
                    application.StatusBar = string.Format("CDP4: Parameter sheet processed in {0} [ms]", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                    application.StatusBar = string.Format("CDP4: The following error occured while processing the sheet: {0}", this.errorMessage);

                processedValueSets = new Dictionary <Guid, ProcessedValueSet>(temporaryProcessedValueSets);