public void SetUp()
     _console = new UnitTestConsole();
     _console.Interface.BufferWidth = 100;
     _console.Interface.WindowWidth = 100;
     _settings = StaticUtilities.GenerateKeyPair();
        public void Handle(IConsoleAdapter console, IErrorAdapter error, Settings keyPair)
            var data = BufferUtils.GetFileContents(EncryptedFile);

            string key;

            if (!SkipPassword)
                var pword = SetupSystem.RequestPassword();
                //the key is decrypted with CipherTools decryption, using the AES algorithm
                key = CipherTools.Decrypt<AesManaged>(keyPair.PrivateKey, pword, "salty");
                key = keyPair.PrivateKey;

            byte[] dataOut;
            if (NoDecompression)
                //data is decrypted with the private key
                dataOut = PrivateKeyDecryption.Decrypt(key, data);
                //data is decrypted with the private key
                data =  PrivateKeyDecryption.Decrypt(key, data);
                //data is decompressed
                dataOut = Compression.Decompress(data);

            //data is written to file
            BufferUtils.WriteToFile(DecryptedFile, dataOut);

            console.WrapLine("EncryptedFile = {0}".Yellow(), EncryptedFile.Cyan());
            console.WrapLine("DecryptedFile = {0}".Yellow(), DecryptedFile.Cyan());
        public void Handle(IConsoleAdapter console, IErrorAdapter error, Settings settings)
            console.WrapLine("Exporting public key file".Green());
            console.WrapLine("The file will be in XML format".Green());

            string location = null;

            //user is prompted to specify a location until select a valid one - either option one or option two
            while (location == null)
                console.WrapLine("Please Select a valid location to export the file to:".Yellow());
                console.WrapLine("      (1) Desktop".White());
                console.WrapLine("      (2) Documents".White());
                console.WrapLine("Enter number:".Yellow());
                var option = Console.ReadLine();

                location = GetLocation(option);

                if (location == null)
                    console.WrapLine("Invalid Location, Please choose again".Red());

            XmlHandler.CreateFile(settings, location);
 //serialises a new XML file
 public static void CreateFile(Settings settings, String path)
     using (var writer = new StreamWriter(path))
         var ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Settings));
         ser.Serialize(writer, settings);
        //reads an XML file into the settings class and returns true for successful reading and false if not
        public static bool ReadFile(Settings settings)
            var path = SetupSystem.CreateFilePath();
            if (!File.Exists(path))
                return false;

            using (var reader = new StreamReader(path))
                var ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Settings));
                var loadedSettings = ser.Deserialize(reader) as Settings;
                return true;
        public void Handle(IConsoleAdapter console, IErrorAdapter error, Settings settings)
            console.WriteLine("On average, encryption with compression is taking {0} to complete, press enter to continue..", ProcessingTime.GetAverageTime());

            //the file is stored in a byte array called data
            var data = BufferUtils.GetFileContents(OriginalFile);

            //if they have selected the option of external key then the variable key will contain the
            //external key, otherwise the public key is taken from the settings object
            var key = OtherKey ? GetExternalKey() : settings.PublicKey;

            if (NoCompression)
                //if the user selected the option no compression then the file is encrypted without compressing first

                data = PublicKeyEncryption.Encrypt(key, data);
                console.WrapLine("Encryption complete".Blue());
                //if the user didn't specify the option no compression then the file is compressed and then encrypted
                data = Compression.Compress(data);
                console.WrapLine("Compression complete".Green());
                data = PublicKeyEncryption.Encrypt(key, data);
                console.WrapLine("Encryption complete".Blue());

            //the byte array is then written to the encrypted file location
            BufferUtils.WriteToFile(EncryptedFile, data);

            console.WrapLine("OriginalFile = {0}".Yellow(), OriginalFile.Cyan());
            console.WrapLine("EncryptedFile = {0}".Yellow(), EncryptedFile.Cyan());
 public void CopyFrom(Settings loadedSettings)
     PublicKey = loadedSettings.PublicKey;
     PrivateKey = loadedSettings.PrivateKey;
 //uses CipherTools to encrypt the private key using an AES encryption algorithm
 private static string EncyrptPrivateKey(Settings keyPair, string pword)
     return CipherTools.Encrypt<AesManaged>(keyPair.PrivateKey, pword, "salty");
 public void SetUp()
     _data = "test data".ToCharArray().Select(c => (byte)c).ToArray();
        _settings = StaticUtilities.GenerateKeyPair();
 public void SetUp()
     _keyPair = SetupSystem.GenerateKeyPair();
 public void SetUp()
     _settings = StaticUtilities.GenerateKeyPair();
     _documents = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + "/keys.xml";
     _desktop = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + "/keys.xml";