Inheritance: QueryModel
 public BasePageList<CustRelationsCarViewModel> GetHaveCarCustList(CustRelationsCarQueryModel query)
     return _service.GetHaveCarCustList(query);
        /// <summary>
        /// 社交圈搜车
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query">查询条件</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public BasePageList<CustRelationsCarViewModel> GetHaveCarCustList(CustRelationsCarQueryModel query)
            const string spName = "sp_common_pager";
            const string tableName = @"car_info as a
                                    inner join cust_info as b on a.custid=b.innerid
                                    left join base_carmodel as c3 on a.model_id=c3.innerid
                                    left join cust_wechat as c on a.custid=c.custid
                                    left join wechat_friend as d on d.openid=c.openid
                                    left join base_city as ct on b.cityid=ct.innerid ";
            const string fields = "b.innerid, b.custname, b.mobile, b.email, b.headportrait,d.photo ,c3.modelname as model_name,ct.cityname as custcityname";
            var orderField = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.Order) ? "a.createdtime desc" : query.Order;

            #region 查询条件
            var sqlWhere = new StringBuilder("1=1");

            if (query.model_id != null)
                sqlWhere.Append($" and a.model_id='{query.model_id}'");
            if (query.custprovid != null)
                sqlWhere.Append($" and b.provid={query.custprovid}");
            if (query.cuscityid != null)
                sqlWhere.Append($" and b.cityid={query.cuscityid}");


            var model = new PagingModel(spName, tableName, fields, orderField, sqlWhere.ToString(), query.PageSize, query.PageIndex);
            var list = Helper.ExecutePaging<CustRelationsCarViewModel>(model, query.Echo);
            return list;