public override Func <T> CreateSetFunction <T>(object value, CompilerData cdata)
            if (CompilerUtility.IsFunc(value))
                Func <T> valueFunc = (Func <T>)value;
                return(() =>
                    T ob = valueFunc();
                    //Type checking
                    Type refType = cdata._environment[_environmentIndex].type;
                    if (refType != typeof(Object) && refType != ob.GetType())
                        throw new RuntimeException("data type does not match: " + refType.Name + " is not " + ob.GetType().Name);

                    //Assign data
                    cdata._environment[_environmentIndex].data = ob;
                    return (T)(cdata._environment[_environmentIndex].data);
                T val = (T)value;
                return(() =>
                    //Type checking
                    Type refType = cdata._environment[_environmentIndex].type;
                    if (refType != typeof(Object) && refType != val.GetType())
                        throw new RuntimeException("data type does not match");

                    //Assign data
                    cdata._environment[_environmentIndex].data = val;
                    return val;
        protected virtual Func <T[]> CreateArrayLiteral <T>(object[] elements, CompilerData cdata)
            Type elemType = typeof(T);

            return((Func <T[]>)(() =>
                int length = elements.Length;
                IList output = Array.CreateInstance(type, length);
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 1)
                    var func = elements[i] as Func <T>;

                    if (func != null)
                        output[i] = func();
                        output[i] = (T)elements[i];
                return (T[])output;
        public override Func <T> CreateSetFunction <T>(object value, CompilerData cdata)
            Func <object> targetFunc = CompilerUtility.ForceGetFunction <object>(_targetObject, cdata);
            Func <T>      valueFunc  = CompilerUtility.ForceGetFunction <T>(value, cdata);

            if (targetFunc == null && valueFunc == null)
                T val = (T)value;
                return(() =>
                    return (T)RunTimeUtility.SetMemberValue(_targetObject, _identifer, cdata, val);
            else if (targetFunc == null && valueFunc != null)
                return(() =>
                    return (T)RunTimeUtility.SetMemberValue(_targetObject, _identifer, cdata, valueFunc());
            else if (targetFunc != null && valueFunc == null)
                T val = (T)value;
                return(() =>
                    return (T)RunTimeUtility.SetMemberValue(targetFunc(), _identifer, cdata, val);
                return(() =>
                    return (T)RunTimeUtility.SetMemberValue(targetFunc(), _identifer, cdata, valueFunc());
 public virtual object CreateArrayLiteral(object[] elements, CompilerData cdata)
     return(CreateArrayLiteral <object>(elements, cdata));
 public virtual object CastArray(object arg, CompilerData _internal)
     return((Func <object[]>)(() => { return (object[])arg; }));
        public MethodCall(MethodInfo methodInfo, object target, object[] argumentNodes, CompilerData cdata) : base(DelegateUtility.GetMethodType(methodInfo), methodInfo.Name, target, methodInfo.DeclaringType)
            _method        = methodInfo;
            _returnType    = CompilerUtility.GetReturnType(DelegateUtility.GetMethodType(methodInfo));
            _cdata         = cdata;
            _argNodeBuffer = (argumentNodes != null) ? argumentNodes : new object[0];
            _argBuffer     = new object[_argNodeBuffer.Length];

            if (!ValidateArguments())
                throw new Exception("Arguments suppied do not match the spefied signaure: " + _identifer + _type.ToString());
        public override Func <T> CreateSetFunction <T>(object value, CompilerData cdata)
            Func <object> accessorFunc = CompilerUtility.ForceGetFunction(_accessor, cdata);
            Func <object> targetFunc   = CompilerUtility.ForceGetFunction(_targetObject, cdata);
            Func <object> valueFunc    = CompilerUtility.ForceGetFunction(value, cdata);

            if (valueFunc == null && targetFunc == null && accessorFunc == null)
                IList list          = _accessor as IList;
                int   accessorCount = list.Count;
                return(() =>
                    for (int i = 0; i < accessorCount; i += 1)
                        ((IList)_targetObject)[(int)list[i]] = value;
                    return (T)value;
            else if (valueFunc == null && targetFunc == null && accessorFunc != null)
                return(() =>
                    IList list = accessorFunc() as IList;
                    int accessorCount = list.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < accessorCount; i += 1)
                        ((IList)_targetObject)[(int)list[i]] = value;
                    return (T)value;
            else if (valueFunc == null && targetFunc != null && accessorFunc == null)
                IList list          = _accessor as IList;
                int   accessorCount = list.Count;
                return(() =>
                    IList targetObject = (IList)targetFunc();
                    for (int i = 0; i < accessorCount; i += 1)
                        targetObject[(int)list[i]] = value;
                    return (T)value;
            else if (valueFunc == null && targetFunc != null && accessorFunc != null)
                return(() =>
                    IList targetObject = (IList)targetFunc();
                    IList list = accessorFunc() as IList;
                    int accessorCount = list.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < accessorCount; i += 1)
                        targetObject[(int)list[i]] = value;
                    return (T)value;
            else if (valueFunc != null && targetFunc == null && accessorFunc == null)
                IList targetObject  = (IList)targetFunc();
                IList list          = _accessor as IList;
                int   accessorCount = list.Count;
                return(() =>
                    T val = (T)valueFunc();
                    for (int i = 0; i < accessorCount; i += 1)
                        targetObject[(int)list[i]] = val;
                    return (T)val;
            else if (valueFunc != null && targetFunc == null && accessorFunc != null)
                return(() =>
                    T val = (T)valueFunc();
                    IList list = accessorFunc() as IList;
                    int accessorCount = list.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < accessorCount; i += 1)
                        ((IList)_targetObject)[(int)list[i]] = val;
                    return (T)val;
            else if (valueFunc != null && targetFunc != null && accessorFunc == null)
                IList targetObject  = (IList)targetFunc();
                IList list          = _accessor as IList;
                int   accessorCount = list.Count;
                return(() =>
                    T val = (T)valueFunc();
                    for (int i = 0; i < accessorCount; i += 1)
                        targetObject[(int)list[i]] = val;
                    return (T)val;
                return(() =>
                    IList targetObject = (IList)targetFunc();
                    T val = (T)valueFunc();
                    IList list = accessorFunc() as IList;
                    int accessorCount = list.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < accessorCount; i += 1)
                        targetObject[(int)list[i]] = val;
                    return (T)val;
        public override Func <T> CreateGetFunction <T>(CompilerData cdata)
            Func <object> accessorFunc = CompilerUtility.ForceGetFunction(_accessor, cdata);
            Func <object> targetFunc   = (CompilerUtility.IsFunc(_targetObject)) ? (Func <object>)_targetObject : null;

            if (targetFunc == null && accessorFunc == null)
                IList list          = _accessor as IList;
                int   accessorCount = list.Count;
                return(() =>
                    Type et = (_elemType != typeof(object)) ? _elemType : _targetObject.GetType().GetElementType();
                    IList arr = System.Array.CreateInstance(et, accessorCount);
                    for (int i = 0; i < accessorCount; i += 1)
                        arr[i] = ((IList)_targetObject)[(int)list[i]];
                    return (T)arr;
            else if (targetFunc == null && accessorFunc != null)
                return(() =>
                    IList list = accessorFunc() as IList;
                    int accessorCount = list.Count;
                    Type et = (_elemType != typeof(object)) ? _elemType : _targetObject.GetType().GetElementType();
                    IList arr = System.Array.CreateInstance(et, accessorCount);
                    for (int i = 0; i < accessorCount; i += 1)
                        arr[i] = ((IList)_targetObject)[(int)list[i]];
                    return (T)arr;
            else if (targetFunc != null && accessorFunc == null)
                IList list          = _accessor as IList;
                int   accessorCount = list.Count;
                return(() =>
                    object targetObject = targetFunc();
                    Type et = (_elemType != typeof(object)) ? _elemType : targetObject.GetType().GetElementType();
                    IList arr = System.Array.CreateInstance(et, accessorCount);
                    for (int i = 0; i < accessorCount; i += 1)
                        arr[i] = ((IList)targetObject)[(int)list[i]];
                    return (T)arr;
                return(() =>
                    IList list = accessorFunc() as IList;
                    int accessorCount = list.Count;
                    object targetObject = targetFunc();
                    Type et = (_elemType != typeof(object)) ? _elemType : targetObject.GetType().GetElementType();
                    IList arr = System.Array.CreateInstance(et, accessorCount);
                    for (int i = 0; i < accessorCount; i += 1)
                        arr[i] = ((IList)targetObject)[(int)list[i]];
                    return (T)arr;
 public virtual Func <object> CreateGetFunction(CompilerData cdata)
     return(CreateGetFunction <object>(cdata));
 public abstract Func <T> CreateGetFunction <T>(CompilerData cdata);
 public CompiledScript(Func <object> function, CompilerData cdata)
     _function = function;
     _cdata    = cdata;
        public override Func <T> CreateModifyFunction <T>(object value, CompilerData cdata, Token.Type operation)
            Type rtype = CompilerUtility.GetReturnType(value);

            Operation.BinaryOperationDelegate del = cdata._assembly.GetBinaryOperation(operation, type, rtype);

            // This section was made for runtime type inference
            // May cause some weird issues, definitely check this out if there are problems
            if (del == null && type != typeof(Object) && rtype == typeof(Object))
                del = cdata._assembly.GetBinaryOperation(operation, type, type);

            if (del == null && type == typeof(Object) && rtype != typeof(Object))
                del = cdata._assembly.GetBinaryOperation(operation, rtype, rtype);

            if (del == null)
                throw new CompilationException("Cannot perform the operation " + operation.ToString() + " on " + type.Name + " and " + rtype.Name);

            Func <object> targetFunc   = CompilerUtility.ForceGetFunction <object>(_targetObject, cdata);
            Func <object> accessorFunc = CompilerUtility.ForceGetFunction <object>(_accessor, cdata);

            object  func          = del(this, value, cdata);
            Type    returnType    = CompilerUtility.GetReturnType(func);
            TypeDef returnTypeDef = cdata._assembly.GetTypeDef(returnType);

            if (targetFunc == null && accessorFunc == null)
                return(() =>
                    object ob = returnTypeDef.CallFunction(func);
                    ((IList)(_targetObject))[(int)_accessor] = ob;
                    return (T)ob;
            if (targetFunc == null && accessorFunc != null)
                return(() =>
                    object ob = returnTypeDef.CallFunction(func);
                    ((IList)(_targetObject))[(int)accessorFunc()] = ob;
                    return (T)ob;
            if (targetFunc != null && accessorFunc == null)
                return(() =>
                    object ob = returnTypeDef.CallFunction(func);
                    ((IList)(targetFunc()))[(int)_accessor] = ob;
                    return (T)ob;
                return(() =>
                    object ob = returnTypeDef.CallFunction(func);
                    ((IList)(targetFunc()))[(int)accessorFunc()] = ob;
                    return (T)ob;
        public override Func <T> CreateSetFunction <T>(object value, CompilerData cdata)
            Func <object> accessorFunc = CompilerUtility.ForceGetFunction(_accessor, cdata);
            Func <object> targetFunc   = CompilerUtility.ForceGetFunction(_targetObject, cdata);
            Func <object> valueFunc    = CompilerUtility.ForceGetFunction(value, cdata);

            if (valueFunc == null && targetFunc == null && accessorFunc == null)
                return(() =>
                    ((IList)(_targetObject))[(int)_accessor] = value;
                    return (T)value;
            else if (valueFunc == null && targetFunc == null && accessorFunc != null)
                return(() =>
                    ((IList)(_targetObject))[(int)accessorFunc()] = value;
                    return (T)value;
            else if (valueFunc == null && targetFunc != null && accessorFunc == null)
                return(() =>
                    ((IList)(targetFunc()))[(int)_accessor] = value;
                    return (T)value;
            else if (valueFunc == null && targetFunc != null && accessorFunc != null)
                return(() =>
                    ((IList)(targetFunc()))[(int)accessorFunc()] = value;
                    return (T)value;
            else if (valueFunc != null && targetFunc == null && accessorFunc == null)
                return(() =>
                    object val = valueFunc();
                    ((IList)(_targetObject))[(int)_accessor] = val;
                    return (T)val;
            else if (valueFunc != null && targetFunc == null && accessorFunc != null)
                return(() =>
                    object val = valueFunc();
                    ((IList)(_targetObject))[(int)accessorFunc()] = val;
                    return (T)val;
            else if (valueFunc != null && targetFunc != null && accessorFunc == null)
                return(() =>
                    object val = valueFunc();
                    ((IList)(targetFunc()))[(int)_accessor] = val;
                    return (T)val;
                return(() =>
                    object val = valueFunc();
                    ((IList)(targetFunc()))[(int)accessorFunc()] = val;
                    return (T)val;
 public static Func <object> ForceGetFunction(object refOrFunc, CompilerData cdata)
     return(ForceGetFunction <object>(refOrFunc, cdata));
        public override Func <T> CreateSetFunction <T>(object value, CompilerData cdata)
            Func <object> accessorFunc = CompilerUtility.ForceGetFunction(_accessor, cdata);
            Func <T>      valueFunc    = CompilerUtility.ForceGetFunction <T>(value, cdata);

            if (valueFunc == null && accessorFunc == null)
                T     val           = (T)value;
                IList list          = _accessor as IList;
                int   accessorCount = list.Count;
                return(() =>
                    for (int i = 0; i < accessorCount; i += 1)
                        ((IList)cdata._environment[_environmentIndex].data)[(int)list[i]] = val;
                    return (T)val;
            else if (valueFunc == null && accessorFunc != null)
                T val = (T)value;
                return(() =>
                    IList list = accessorFunc() as IList;
                    int accessorCount = list.Count;

                    for (int i = 0; i < accessorCount; i += 1)
                        ((IList)cdata._environment[_environmentIndex].data)[(int)list[i]] = val;
                    return (T)val;
            if (valueFunc != null && accessorFunc == null)
                T     val           = valueFunc();
                IList list          = _accessor as IList;
                int   accessorCount = list.Count;
                return(() =>
                    for (int i = 0; i < accessorCount; i += 1)
                        ((IList)cdata._environment[_environmentIndex].data)[(int)list[i]] = val;
                    return (T)val;
                return(() =>
                    T val = valueFunc();
                    IList list = accessorFunc() as IList;
                    int accessorCount = list.Count;

                    for (int i = 0; i < accessorCount; i += 1)
                        ((IList)cdata._environment[_environmentIndex].data)[(int)list[i]] = val;
                    return (T)val;
 public virtual Func <T> CreateModifyFunction <T>(object value, CompilerData cdata, Token.Type operation)
     throw new System.NotImplementedException();
 public abstract Func <T> CreateSetFunction <T>(object value, CompilerData cdata);
        public FunctionCall(Type t, string identifier, int envIndex, object[] argumentNodes, CompilerData cdata) : base(t, identifier, envIndex)
            UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Creating Function");
            _returnType    = (t != null) ? CompilerUtility.GetReturnType(t) : typeof(object);
            _cdata         = cdata;
            _argNodeBuffer = (argumentNodes != null) ? argumentNodes : new object[0];
            _typeDef       = _cdata._assembly.GetTypeDef(CompilerUtility.GetReturnType(t));
            _argBuffer     = new object[0]; //always zero, on a function call the variables are injected right into the envrionment array

            if (!ValidateArguments())
                throw new Exception("Arguments suppied do not match the spefied signaure: " + _identifer + _type.ToString());
 public virtual Func <object> CreateSetFunction(object value, CompilerData cdata)
     return(CreateSetFunction <object>(value, cdata));
 public override Func <T> CreateModifyFunction <T>(object value, CompilerData cdata, Token.Type operation)
     throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Cannot modify array indexed results");
 public virtual object Cast(object arg, CompilerData _internal)
     return((Func <object>)(() => { return arg; }));
        public static object SubtractFromMemberValue(object target, string identifier, CompilerData cdata, object value)
            Type t = target.GetType();

            MethodCache.CachedMember cached = cdata._methodCache.GetCached(t, identifier);
            if (cached == null)
                cached = cdata._methodCache.CacheMember(t, identifier);
            switch (cached.memberType)
            case MemberTypes.Field:
                FieldInfo field = (FieldInfo)cached.main;
                if (field.FieldType == typeof(int))
                    int mod = ((int)field.GetValue(target) - (int)value);
                    field.SetValue(target, mod);
                else if (field.FieldType == typeof(float))
                    float mod = ((float)field.GetValue(target) - (float)value);
                    field.SetValue(target, mod);

                throw new Exception("Runtime Error: Cannot cast");

            case MemberTypes.Property:
                PropertyInfo prop = (PropertyInfo)cached.main;
                if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(int))
                    int mod = ((int)prop.GetValue(target) - (int)value);
                    prop.SetValue(target, mod);
                else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(float))
                    float mod = ((float)prop.GetValue(target) - (float)value);
                    prop.SetValue(target, mod);

                throw new Exception("Runtime Error: Cannot cast");

                throw new Exception("Runtime Error: No Setter for " + + " " + cached.memberType.ToString());
        public MethodCall(Type t, string identifier, object target, object[] argumentNodes, CompilerData cdata, Type targetType) : base(t, identifier, target, targetType)
            _returnType    = (t != null) ? CompilerUtility.GetReturnType(t) : typeof(object);
            _cdata         = cdata;
            _argNodeBuffer = (argumentNodes != null) ? argumentNodes : new object[0];
            //_method = targetType.GetMethod(identifier);
            _argBuffer = new object[_argNodeBuffer.Length];

            if (!ValidateArguments())
                throw new Exception("Arguments suppied do not match the spefied signaure: " + _identifer + _type.ToString());