public C2SR(Form1 form, int numZone) { form1 = form; numZones = numZone; appAddress = ""; gpio = new C2gpio(numZones, appAddress); state = State.IDLE; voice = new C2Voice[numZones]; rtpClient = new RTPReceiver[numZones]; rtpServer = new RTPServer[numZones]; recoContext = new SpInProcRecoContext[numZones]; grammar = new ISpeechRecoGrammar[numZones]; //Set up unique variables (1 for all zones) myLocationMap = CreateLocationMap(); //Set up zones zoneAddresses = new String[numZones]; zoneMotion = new bool[numZones]; lightsOccupied = new bool[numZones]; for (int i = 0; i < numZones; i++) { zoneAddresses[i] = "192.168.113." + (100 + i + 1); zoneMotion[i] = false; lightsOccupied[i] = false; } missunderstandCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numZones; i++) { InitZone(i + 1); voice[i].Speak("Zone " + (i + 1) + " standing by."); } //Set up timers //Initialize c2attentionTimer to be ready for a time out to stop listening (don't start till listening) c2attentionTimer = new Timer(30000); //30 second time out for C2 to stop listening c2attentionTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(C2attentionTimer_Elapsed); c2attentionTimer.AutoReset = true; //Initialize c2MotionTimer to check motion sensors every 2 seconds c2MotionTimer = new Timer(2000); c2MotionTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(c2MotionTimer_Elapsed); c2MotionTimer.AutoReset = true; c2MotionTimer.Start(); voice[0].Speak("C2 standing by and awaiting your instructions!"); }
public C2SRold(Form1 form) { form1 = form; gpio = new C2gpio(1, ""); state = State.IDLE; voice = new C2Voice(1); C2attentionTimer = new Timer(30000); //60 second time out for C2 to stop listening C2attentionTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(C2attentionTimer_Elapsed); C2attentionTimer.AutoReset = false; missunderstandCount = 0; voice.Speak("C2 standing by and awaiting your instructions!"); //recoContext = new SpSharedRecoContext(); recoContext = new SpInProcRecoContext(); //set up the socket stream first //IPEndPoint receiver = new IPEndPoint(new IPAddress((""), 1234); // UdpClient udpClient = new UdpClient("", 1234); //UdpClient udpClient = new UdpClient(1234); //udpClient.Connect(receiver); // Socket socket = udpClient.Client; //TcpClient tcpClient = new TcpClient("", 1234); // Socket socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); // socket.Connect("", 1234); // if (!socket.Connected) // { // form1.statusMsg = "socket was never connected!"; // return; // } //SpMMAudioIn instream = new SpMMAudioIn(); // ASRStreamClass myAsrStream = new ASRStreamClass(); // mySrStream = new C2SRStream("", 1234); rtpClient = new RTPReceiver(1234); rtpClient.StartClient(); SpCustomStream stream = new SpCustomStream(); // stream.BaseStream = (System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream)mySrStream; // stream.BaseStream = (System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream)rtpClient.AudioStream; stream.BaseStream = rtpClient.AudioStream; //SpStream st = new SpStream(); //st. //m_GrammarID = 1; Grammar = this.recoContext.CreateGrammar(0); Grammar.DictationLoad("", SpeechLoadOption.SLOStatic); //our program doesn't do this Grammar.DictationSetState(SpeechRuleState.SGDSActive); //our program doesn't do this // ISpeechGrammarRule CommandsRule; // CommandsRule = Grammar.Rules.Add("CommandsRule", SpeechRuleAttributes.SRATopLevel | SpeechRuleAttributes.SRADynamic, 1); // CommandsRule.Clear(); // object dummy = 0; // string sCommand = "see"; // CommandsRule.InitialState.AddWordTransition(null, sCommand, " ", SpeechGrammarWordType.SGLexical, null, 0, ref dummy, 0); // Grammar.Rules.Commit(); // Grammar.CmdSetRuleState("CommandsRule", SpeechRuleState.SGDSActive); //stream.get this.recoContext.Recognizer.AudioInputStream = stream; //this.recoContext.Recognizer.AudioInputStream = (ISpeechBaseStream) stream.BaseStream; //this.recoContext.Recognizer.AudioInputStream = (ISpeechBaseStream)rtpClient.Stream; //RecoContext.EventInterests = SpeechRecoEvents.SREAllEvents; //RecoContext.RetainedAudioFormat.Type = SpeechAudioFormatType.SAFT32kHz16BitMono; recoContext.RetainedAudioFormat.Type = SpeechAudioFormatType.SAFT24kHz16BitMono; //RecoContext.EventInterests = SPSEMANTICFORMAT. SRERecognition + SRESoundEnd + SREStreamEnd + SREStreamStart + SRESoundEnd; recoContext.Recognition += new SpeechLib._ISpeechRecoContextEvents_RecognitionEventHandler(InterpretCommand); //RecoContext.Recognition += new _ISpeechRecoContextEvents_ recoContext.Recognizer.SetPropertyNumber("AdaptationOn", 0); }