        /// <summary>
        /// 获取该楼层下房屋列表
        /// </summary>
        public string GetFloorRoomList(DataRow row)
            if (!row.Table.Columns.Contains("CommunityId") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["CommunityId"].ToString()))
                return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "小区ID不能为空"));

            if (!row.Table.Columns.Contains("BuildSNum") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["BuildSNum"].ToString()))
                return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "楼栋不能为空"));

            if (!row.Table.Columns.Contains("UnitSNum") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["UnitSNum"].ToString()))
                return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "单元不能为空"));

            if (!row.Table.Columns.Contains("FloorNum") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["FloorNum"].ToString()))
                return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "楼层不能为空"));

            string communityId = row["CommunityId"].ToString();
            int    buildSNum   = AppGlobal.StrToInt(row["BuildSNum"].ToString());
            int    unitSNum    = AppGlobal.StrToInt(row["UnitSNum"].ToString());
            int    floorNum    = AppGlobal.StrToInt(row["FloorNum"].ToString());

            Tb_Community Community = new MobileSoft.BLL.Unified.Bll_Tb_Community().GetModel(communityId);

            if (Community == null)
                return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "该小区不存在"));
            string strcon = new CostInfo().GetConnectionStringStr(Community);

            using (IDbConnection con = new SqlConnection(strcon))
                string sql = string.Format(@"SELECT a.RoomID,isnull(a.RoomSign,a.RoomName) AS RoomSign,a.RoomName,b.CustID,c.CustName,c.MobilePhone,a.ContSubDate
                                            FROM Tb_HSPR_Room a
                                            LEFT JOIN Tb_HSPR_CustomerLive b ON a.RoomID=b.RoomID
                                            LEFT JOIN Tb_HSPR_Customer c ON b.CustID=c.CustID
                                            WHERE isnull(b.IsDelLive,0)=0 AND b.LiveType=1 AND isnull(c.IsDelete,0)=0
                                            AND isnull(a.IsDelete, 0)=0 AND a.CommID={0} AND a.BuildSNum={1} AND a.UnitSNum={2} AND a.FloorSNum={3}",
                                           Community.CommID, buildSNum, unitSNum, floorNum);

        /// <summary>
        /// 检查该绑定关系的业主信息是否还存在,不存在则删除绑定关系
        /// </summary>
        private void CheckRoomInfoCanDelete(string CommunityId, string RoomID, string MobilePhone, string RelationId)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CommunityId))
            Tb_Community Community = new MobileSoft.BLL.Unified.Bll_Tb_Community().GetModel(CommunityId);

            if (null == Community)
            string strcon = new CostInfo().GetConnectionStringStr(Community);

            int count = 1;

            using (IDbConnection conn = new SqlConnection(strcon))
                count = conn.Query(@"SELECT b.CustID,b.CustName,b.MobilePhone,c.RoomSign FROM Tb_HSPR_CustomerLive a 
                                    LEFT JOIN Tb_HSPR_Customer b ON a.CustID=b.CustID 
                                    LEFT JOIN Tb_HSPR_Room c on a.RoomID=c.RoomID 
                                    WHERE a.LiveType=1 AND isnull(a.IsDelLive,0)=0 AND a.RoomID = @RoomID 
                                    AND b.MobilePhone like @MobilePhone",
                                   new { RoomID = RoomID, MobilePhone = "%" + MobilePhone + "%" }).Count();
            if (count <= 0)
                using (IDbConnection conn = new SqlConnection(PubConstant.UnifiedContionString))
                    conn.Execute("DELETE Tb_User_Relation WHERE Id = @Id", new { Id = RelationId });
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取欠费或预存信息
        /// </summary>
        private string GetFeesStatistics_ZhongJi(DataRow row)
            if (!row.Table.Columns.Contains("CommunityId") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["CommunityId"].ToString()))
                return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "小区编码不能为空"));
            if (!row.Table.Columns.Contains("RoomID") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["RoomID"].ToString()))
                return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "房间编码不能为空"));

            string communityId = row["CommunityId"].ToString();
            string RoomID      = row["RoomID"].ToString();

            Tb_Community Community = new MobileSoft.BLL.Unified.Bll_Tb_Community().GetModel(communityId);

            if (Community == null)
                return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "该小区不存在"));
            string strcon = new CostInfo().GetConnectionStringStr(Community);

            string  sql = string.Format(@"SELECT PrecAmount FROM
		                                    SELECT SUM(a.PrecAmount) AS PrecAmount FROM view_HSPR_PreCosts_Filter a
			                                    WHERE a.CommID={0} AND a.RoomID={1}
				                                    AND convert(varchar(8000),a.CostNames)='住宅物业服务费'
						                                    AND a.PrecAmount>0 AND a.IsPrec=1
	                                    ) AS t"    , Community.CommID, RoomID);
            DataSet ds  = new DbHelperSQLP(strcon).Query(sql);

            if (ds != null & ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                decimal PrecAmount = AppGlobal.StrToDec(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PrecAmount"].ToString());

                DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1);
                dateTime = new DateTime(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, 1).AddDays(-1);

                // 读取未缴
                sql  = string.Format(@"SELECT SUM(ISNULL(x.DebtsAmount,0) + ISNULL(x.LateFeeAmount,0)) AS DebtsAmount FROM 
						view_HSPR_Fees_SearchFilter x WHERE x.DebtsAmount > 0 AND ISNULL(x.IsCharge, 0) = 0 AND ISNULL(x.IsBank, 0) = 0 AND ISNULL(x.IsPrec, 0) = 0 AND ISNULL(IsFreeze, 0) = 0
						 AND x.RoomID = {0}"                        , RoomID);
                sql += " AND x.CustID IN(SELECT CustID FROM Tb_HSPR_CustomerLive xx where xx.RoomID=x.RoomID AND ISNULL(IsDelLive,0)=0 AND LiveType = 1) ";

                DataTable dt = new DbHelperSQLP(strcon).Query(sql).Tables[0];

                decimal DebtsAmount = AppGlobal.StrToDec(dt.Rows[0]["DebtsAmount"].ToString());

                // 俊发判断是不是成都地区,如果是成都,按月缴费,其他地区按年
                int BillingCycle = 1;
                if (Community.CorpID == 1985)
                    using (var conn = new SqlConnection(strcon))
                        if (conn.Query(@"SELECT * FROM Tb_HSPR_Community WHERE CommID=@CommID AND OrganCode='0104'",
                                       new { CommID = Community.CommID }).Count() > 0)
                            BillingCycle = 1;
                            BillingCycle = 12;

                return(new ApiResult(true, new { PrecAmount = PrecAmount, DebtsAmount = DebtsAmount, BillingCycle = BillingCycle }).toJson());
                return(new ApiResult(true, new { PrecAmount = 0, DebtsAmount = 0, BillingCycle = 1 }).toJson());
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取该账号在当前房屋下的身份以及绑定了当前房屋的账号数量
        /// </summary>
        private string GetIdentityAndBindingCount(DataRow row)
            if (!row.Table.Columns.Contains("Mobile") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["Mobile"].ToString()))
                return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "用户手机号不能为空"));
            if (!row.Table.Columns.Contains("CommunityId") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["CommunityId"].ToString()))
                return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "小区编号不能为空"));
            if (!row.Table.Columns.Contains("RoomID") || string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["RoomID"].ToString()))
                return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "房屋编号不能为空"));

            string communityId = row["CommunityId"].AsString();
            string roomID      = row["RoomID"].AsString();
            string mobile      = row["Mobile"].AsString();

            Tb_Community Community = new MobileSoft.BLL.Unified.Bll_Tb_Community().GetModel(communityId);

            if (Community == null)
                return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "该小区不存在"));
            string strcon = new CostInfo().GetConnectionStringStr(Community);

            using (var conn = new SqlConnection(PubConstant.UnifiedContionString))
                string sql          = string.Format(@"SELECT count(1) AS Count FROM Tb_User_Relation WHERE isnull(Locked,0)=0 AND RoomId='{0}';", roomID);
                string bindingCount = conn.Query(sql).First().Count.ToString();

                using (var conn2 = new SqlConnection(strcon))
                    sql = string.Format(@"DECLARE @RoomID BIGINT, @IsCust INT, @IsTenant INT, @IsHousehold INT;
                                        SET @RoomID={0};
                                        SELECT @IsCust=count(1) FROM Tb_HSPR_CustomerLive a LEFT JOIN Tb_HSPR_Customer b ON a.CustID = b.CustID
                                            WHERE isnull(IsDelLive,0)= 0 AND LiveType = 1
                                                AND a.RoomID = @RoomID AND b.MobilePhone LIKE '%{1}%';
                                        SELECT @IsTenant=count(1) FROM Tb_HSPR_Household a
                                            WHERE a.RoomID=@RoomID AND a.Relationship='{4}' AND a.MobilePhone LIKE '%{1}%';
                                        SELECT @IsHousehold = count(1) FROM Tb_HSPR_Household
                                            WHERE isnull(IsDelete, 0) = 0 AND RoomID = @RoomID AND MobilePhone LIKE '%{1}%'
                                                AND Relationship NOT IN('{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}');

                                        IF @IsCust=0 AND @IsTenant=0 AND @IsHousehold=0
                                                IF exists(SELECT * FROM Tb_HSPR_Household WHERE RoomID=@RoomID AND MobilePhone LIKE '%{1}%' 
                                                AND Relationship='{3}')
                                                        SET @IsCust=1;
                                        IF @IsCust=1 AND @IsHousehold=1
                                                SET @IsHousehold=0;
                                        SELECT @IsCust AS IsCust, @IsTenant AS IsTenant, @IsHousehold AS IsHousehold; ",
                                        roomID, mobile, UserRoomIdentityCode.Customer1, UserRoomIdentityCode.Customer2,
                                        UserRoomIdentityCode.Tenant, UserRoomIdentityCode.Other);

                    GridReader multi = conn2.QueryMultiple(sql);
                    int        isCust = 0, isTenant = 0, isHousehold = 0;
                    while (!multi.IsConsumed)
                        var result = multi.Read().ToList()[0];
                        if (result != null)
                            isCust      = result.IsCust;
                            isTenant    = result.IsTenant;
                            isHousehold = result.IsHousehold;

                    return(new ApiResult(true, new { BindingCount = bindingCount, IsCust = isCust, IsTenant = isTenant, IsHousehold = isHousehold }).toJson());
        private string AddRoomAndUserInfo(DataRow row)
                string CustID       = row["CustID"].ToString();
                string CommID       = row["CommID"].ToString();
                string RoomID       = row["RoomID"].ToString();
                string Phone        = row["Phone"].ToString();
                string CustName     = row["CustName"].ToString();
                string RoomSign     = row["RoomSign"].ToString();
                string BuildingName = row["BuildingName"].ToString();
                string floor        = row["floor"].ToString();
                string Unit         = row["Unit"].ToString();
                Tb_Community Community = new MobileSoft.BLL.Unified.Bll_Tb_Community().GetModel(CommID);
                if (Community == null)
                    return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "该小区不存在"));

                DateTime dtNow   = DateTime.Now;
                string   connStr = new CostInfo().GetConnectionStringStr(Community);
                using (IDbConnection con = new SqlConnection(connStr))
                    string    sql = "select CustID from Tb_HSPR_Customer with(nolock) where CustID='" + CustID.Trim() + "'";
                    DataTable dt2 = con.ExecuteReader(sql).ToDataSet().Tables[0];
                    if (dt2.Rows.Count <= 0)
                        string insertSql = @"INSERT INTO Tb_HSPR_Customer(CustID,CommID,CustName,IsDelete,MobilePhone,Memo) VALUES(" + CustID + "," + Community.CommID + ",'" + CustName + "',0,'" + Phone + "','通过同步接口自动添加')";

                    sql = "select RoomID from Tb_HSPR_Room with(nolock) where RoomID='" + RoomID.Trim() + "'";
                    dt2 = con.ExecuteReader(sql).ToDataSet().Tables[0];
                    if (dt2.Rows.Count <= 0)
                        string buildSnum = "1";
                        string buildID   = Community.CommID + "000001";
                        sql = "select BuildID,BuildSNum from Tb_HSPR_Building with(nolock) where BuildName='" + BuildingName.Trim() + "' and CommID=" + Community.CommID;
                        DataTable dt = con.ExecuteReader(sql).ToDataSet().Tables[0];
                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            buildID   = dt.Rows[0]["BuildID"].ToString();
                            buildSnum = dt.Rows[0]["BuildSNum"].ToString();
                            sql = "select top 1 BuildID,BuildSNum from tb_hspr_building with(nolock) where commid=" + Community.CommID + " order by BuildID desc";
                            dt  = con.ExecuteReader(sql).ToDataSet().Tables[0];
                            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                                buildID   = (long.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["BuildID"].ToString()) + 1).ToString();
                                buildSnum = (int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["BuildSNum"].ToString()) + 1).ToString();

                            string insertSq1l = @"INSERT INTO tb_hspr_building(BuildID,CommID,BuildSign,BuildName,BuildSNum,IsDelete) VALUES(" + buildID + "," + Community.CommID + ",'" + BuildingName + "','" + BuildingName + "'," + buildSnum + ",0)";

                        string insertSql2 = @"INSERT INTO Tb_HSPR_Room(RoomID,CommID,RoomSign,RoomName,RegionSNum,BuildSNum,UnitSNum,FloorSNum,PropertyRights,BuildArea,InteriorArea,CommonArea,PropertyUses,RoomState,ChargeTypeID,UsesState
,IsDelete,PoolRatio,TakeOverDate,ActualSubDate,BuildsRenovation) VALUES(" + RoomID + "," + Community.CommID + ",'" + RoomSign + "','" + RoomSign + "',0," + buildSnum + "," + Unit + "," + floor + ",'自有产权',0.00,0.00,0.00,'住宅',1,0,0,0,0.00,'" + dtNow.ToString() + "','" + dtNow.ToString() + "','非精装')";

                    sql = "select LiveID,CustID from Tb_HSPR_CustomerLive with(nolock) where RoomID='" + RoomID.Trim() + "'";
                    DataTable dt1 = con.ExecuteReader(sql).ToDataSet().Tables[0];
                    if (dt1.Rows.Count > 0)
                        if (!CustID.Equals(dt1.Rows[0]["CustID"].ToString()))
                            string updateSq1 = @"update Tb_HSPR_CustomerLive set CustID=" + CustID + "where LiveID=" + dt1.Rows[0]["LiveID"].ToString();
                        long liveID = long.Parse(dtNow.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff") + "1");
                        string insertSq1l = @"INSERT INTO Tb_HSPR_CustomerLive(LiveID,RoomID,CustID,LiveType,ChargingTime,IsActive,IsDelLive,IsDebts,IsSale,LiveState) VALUES(" + liveID + "," + RoomID + "," + CustID + ",1,'" + dtNow.ToString() + "',1,0,1,0,0)";

                return(JSONHelper.FromString(true, "添加成功"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(JSONHelper.FromString(false, "添加失败,请联系管理员"));