public override IList <Item> GetItemsByOwner(string owner)
     using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration))
         ItemDataStore dataStore = new ItemDataStore(transaction);
 public override IList <Item> GetItems()
     using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration))
         ItemDataStore dataStore = new ItemDataStore(transaction);
 public override IList <Item> GetItemsByGroup(string groupId)
     using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration))
         ItemDataStore dataStore = new ItemDataStore(transaction);
 public override Item GetItem(string id)
     using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration))
         ItemDataStore dataStore = new ItemDataStore(transaction);
 public override void UpdateItem(Item item)
     using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration))
         ItemDataStore dataStore = new ItemDataStore(transaction);
 public override IList <Item> FindItems(Filter <string> categoryName,
                                        Filter <string> tag,
                                        DateTime?fromDate, DateTime?toDate,
                                        PagingInfo paging)
     using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration))
         ItemDataStore dataStore = new ItemDataStore(transaction);
         return(dataStore.FindByFields(categoryName, tag, fromDate, toDate, paging));
        public override IList <Item> GetPublishedItems(Category category, bool recursive)
            IList <Item> publishedItems = null;

            using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration))
                ItemDataStore dataStore = new ItemDataStore(transaction);
                publishedItems = dataStore.FindPublishedByCategory(category);
        public override Item CreateItem(Category category, string owner,
                                        string title, string description, string url, string urlName,
                                        DateTime newsDate, bool acknowledge, bool approve, string groups,
                                        Attachment.FileInfo attachment, DateTime?expiry, ItemApprovalStatus approvalStatus)
            using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration))
                ItemDataStore dataStore = new ItemDataStore(transaction);

                Item item = new Item(category, owner, title, description, url, urlName, newsDate, expiry, approvalStatus);
                item.Tag        = acknowledge.ToString() + ":" + approve.ToString();
                item.Groups     = groups;
                item.Attachment = attachment;

        public override void DeleteCategory(Category category)
            using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration))
                CategoryDataStore dataStore = new CategoryDataStore(transaction);

                // Delete should only be allowed if the following conditions are true:
                // 1. There are no child categories.
                if (dataStore.FindAllChildren(category.Id).Count > 0)
                    throw new SchemaIntegrityException("Category has child categories");

                // 2. There are no articles associated with this category.
                ItemDataStore ads = new ItemDataStore(transaction);
                if (ads.FindByCategory(category).Count > 0)
                    throw new SchemaIntegrityException("News items are associated with this category");

                // Delete all Access records.
                AccessDataStore accessDs  = new AccessDataStore(transaction);
                IList <Access>  allAccess = accessDs.FindAllByItem(category.Id);

                foreach (Access access in allAccess)
                    access.Deleted = true;

                category.Deleted = true;
                category.Name   += DateTimeHelper.GetCurrentTimestamp();

        public override IList <Item> GetItems(Category category, bool recursive)
            IList <Item> items = null;

            using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope(mConfiguration))
                ItemDataStore dataStore = new ItemDataStore(transaction);
                items = dataStore.FindByCategory(category);
                if (recursive)
                    CategoryDataStore ds       = new CategoryDataStore(transaction);
                    IList <Category>  children = ds.FindAllChildren(category.Id);
                    foreach (Category child in children)
                        IList <Item> childItems = GetItems(child, recursive);
                        foreach (Item item in childItems)