public bool Delete() { // if (!JPermission.CheckPermission("BusManagment.WorkOrder.JTariff.Delete")) // return false; EzamBeTable AT = new EzamBeTable(); AT.SetValueProperty(this); //if (JMessages.Question("آیا میخواهید سرویس انتخاب شده حذف شود؟", "") == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) // { ClassLibrary.JDataBase Db = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(); Db.setQuery(@"DELETE FROM AutBusServices WHERE Date = '" + this.StartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND isok<>11 and EzamBeCode = " + Code + @" declare @tarrif_code int = (select TarrifCode from AutTarrifEzamBe where code = " + Code + @") if((select Status from AUTTariff where code = @tarrif_code) = 1) begin exec [dbo].[SP_TarrifeTaeeidByTarrifCode] @tarif_code = @tarrif_code end select 1"); Db.beginTransaction("EzamBeDelete"); try { if (Convert.ToInt32(Db.Query_DataTable().Rows[0][0]) == 1) { if (AT.Delete()) { Db.Commit(); return(true); } else { Db.Rollback("EzamBeDelete"); return(false); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ClassLibrary.JSystem.Except.AddException(ex); Db.Rollback("EzamBeDelete"); return(false); } finally { Db.Dispose(); } // } return(false); }
public int Insert(bool isWeb = false) { //if (!JPermission.CheckPermission("BusManagment.WorkOrder.JTariff.Insert")) // return 0; string Query = @" DECLARE @EzamBeCode int = (SELECT ISNULL(MAX(Code), 0) + 1 FROM [dbo].[AutTarrifEzamBe]) INSERT INTO [dbo].[AutTarrifEzamBe] ([Code] ,[TarrifCode] ,[DriverPCode] ,[LineCode] ,[EzamBe] ,[BusCodeBeJa] ,[NumOfSevice] ,[FirstStationCode] ,[LastStationCode] ,[StartTime] ,[FinishTime] ,[IsOk] ,[InsertDate]) VALUES (@EzamBeCode ," + this.TarrifCode + @" ," + this.DriverPCode + @" ," + this.LineCode + @" ," + this.EzamBe + @" ," + this.BusCodeBeJa + @" ," + this.NumOfSevice + @" ,null ,null ,'" + this.StartTime + @"' ,'" + this.FinishTime + @"' ,1 ,GETDATE()) INSERT INTO [dbo].[AutBusServices] ([Date] ,[BusNumber] ,[FirstStationCode] ,[FirstStationDate] ,[LastStationCode] ,[LastStationDate] ,[DriverCardSerial] ,[DriverPersonCode] ,[InsertDate] ,[FromConsole] ,[IsOk] ,[Deleted] ,[NumOfService] ,[EzamBeCode] ,[LineNumber]) VALUES ('" + this.StartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"' ,(SELECT BusNumber FROM AUTBus WHERE Code = (SELECT BusCode FROM AUTTAriff WHERE Code = " + this.TarrifCode + @")) ,null ,'" + this.StartTime + @"' ,null ,'" + this.FinishTime + @"' ,null ," + this.DriverPCode + @" ,GETDATE() ,0 ,4 ,0 ," + this.NumOfSevice + @" ,@EzamBeCode ,(Select LineNumber from AUTLine Where Code=" + this.LineCode + @" )) declare @tarrif_code int = (select TarrifCode from AutTarrifEzamBe where code = @EzamBeCode) if((select Status from AUTTariff where code = @tarrif_code) = 1) begin exec [dbo].[SP_TarrifeTaeeidByTarrifCode] @tarif_code = @tarrif_code end SELECT @EzamBeCode"; //,(SELECT BusNumber FROM AUTBus WHERE Code = " + (this.BusCodeBeJa > 0 ? this.BusCodeBeJa.ToString() : "(SELECT BusCode FROM AUTTAriff WHERE Code = " + this.TarrifCode + ")") + @") EzamBeTable AT = new EzamBeTable(); ClassLibrary.JDataBase Db = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); Db.setQuery(Query); Db.beginTransaction("EzamBeInsert"); try { dt = Db.Query_DataTable(); Code = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0][0]); Db.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { ClassLibrary.JSystem.Except.AddException(ex); Db.Rollback("EzamBeInsert"); } finally { Db.Dispose(); } if (Code > 0 && !isWeb) { Nodes.DataTable.Merge(JEzamBes.GetDataTable(Code)); } return(Code); }
public bool Update(bool isWeb = false) { //if (!JPermission.CheckPermission("BusManagment.WorkOrder.JTariff.Update")) // return false; string Query = @" UPDATE [dbo].[AutTarrifEzamBe] SET DriverPCode = " + this.DriverPCode + @" ,LineCode = " + this.LineCode + @" ,EzamBe = " + this.EzamBe + @" ,BusCodeBeJa = " + this.BusCodeBeJa + @" ,NumOfSevice = " + this.NumOfSevice + @" ,StartTime = '" + this.StartTime + @"' ,FinishTime = '" + this.FinishTime + @"' WHERE Code = " + Code + @" UPDATE AutBusServices SET Date = '" + this.StartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + @"' ,FirstStationDate = '" + this.StartTime + @"' ,LastStationDate = '" + this.FinishTime + @"' ,DriverPersonCode = " + this.DriverPCode + @" ,NumOfService = " + this.NumOfSevice + @" WHERE Date = '" + this.StartTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' AND isok<>11 and EzamBeCode = " + Code + @" declare @tarrif_code int = (select TarrifCode from AutTarrifEzamBe where code = " + Code + @") if((select Status from AUTTariff where code = @tarrif_code) = 1) begin exec [dbo].[SP_TarrifeTaeeidByTarrifCode] @tarif_code = @tarrif_code end select 1" ; //,BusNumber = (SELECT BusNumber FROM AUTBus WHERE Code = " + (this.BusCodeBeJa > 0 ? this.BusCodeBeJa.ToString() : "(SELECT BusCode FROM AUTTAriff WHERE Code = " + this.TarrifCode + ")") + @") EzamBeTable AT = new EzamBeTable(); ClassLibrary.JDataBase Db = new ClassLibrary.JDataBase(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); Db.setQuery(Query); Db.beginTransaction("EzamBeUpdate"); try { if (Convert.ToInt32(Db.Query_DataTable().Rows[0][0]) == 1) { if (!isWeb) { Nodes.Refreshdata(Nodes.CurrentNode, JEzamBes.GetDataTable(Code).Rows[0]); } Db.Commit(); return(true); } else { Db.Rollback("EzamBeUpdate"); return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { ClassLibrary.JSystem.Except.AddException(ex); Db.Rollback("EzamBeUpdate"); return(false); } finally { Db.Dispose(); } }