 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DestinyDefinitionsRecordsDestinyRecordDefinition" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="displayProperties">displayProperties.</param>
 /// <param name="scope">Indicates whether this Record&#39;s state is determined on a per-character or on an account-wide basis..</param>
 /// <param name="presentationInfo">presentationInfo.</param>
 /// <param name="loreHash">loreHash.</param>
 /// <param name="objectiveHashes">objectiveHashes.</param>
 /// <param name="recordValueStyle">recordValueStyle.</param>
 /// <param name="titleInfo">titleInfo.</param>
 /// <param name="completionInfo">completionInfo.</param>
 /// <param name="stateInfo">stateInfo.</param>
 /// <param name="requirements">requirements.</param>
 /// <param name="expirationInfo">expirationInfo.</param>
 /// <param name="intervalInfo">Some records have multiple &#39;interval&#39; objectives, and the record may be claimed at each completed interval.</param>
 /// <param name="rewardItems">If there is any publicly available information about rewards earned for achieving this record, this is the list of those items.   However, note that some records intentionally have \&quot;hidden\&quot; rewards. These will not be returned in this list..</param>
 /// <param name="presentationNodeType">presentationNodeType.</param>
 /// <param name="traitIds">traitIds.</param>
 /// <param name="traitHashes">traitHashes.</param>
 /// <param name="parentNodeHashes">A quick reference to presentation nodes that have this node as a child. Presentation nodes can be parented under multiple parents..</param>
 /// <param name="hash">The unique identifier for this entity. Guaranteed to be unique for the type of entity, but not globally.  When entities refer to each other in Destiny content, it is this hash that they are referring to..</param>
 /// <param name="index">The index of the entity as it was found in the investment tables..</param>
 /// <param name="redacted">If this is true, then there is an entity with this identifier/type combination, but BNet is not yet allowed to show it. Sorry!.</param>
 public DestinyDefinitionsRecordsDestinyRecordDefinition(DestinyDefinitionsCommonDestinyDisplayPropertiesDefinition displayProperties = default(DestinyDefinitionsCommonDestinyDisplayPropertiesDefinition), int scope = default(int), DestinyDefinitionsPresentationDestinyPresentationChildBlock presentationInfo = default(DestinyDefinitionsPresentationDestinyPresentationChildBlock), long loreHash = default(long), List <long> objectiveHashes = default(List <long>), int recordValueStyle = default(int), DestinyDefinitionsRecordsDestinyRecordTitleBlock titleInfo = default(DestinyDefinitionsRecordsDestinyRecordTitleBlock), DestinyDefinitionsRecordsDestinyRecordCompletionBlock completionInfo = default(DestinyDefinitionsRecordsDestinyRecordCompletionBlock), DestinyDefinitionsRecordsSchemaRecordStateBlock stateInfo = default(DestinyDefinitionsRecordsSchemaRecordStateBlock), DestinyDefinitionsPresentationDestinyPresentationNodeRequirementsBlock requirements = default(DestinyDefinitionsPresentationDestinyPresentationNodeRequirementsBlock), DestinyDefinitionsRecordsDestinyRecordExpirationBlock expirationInfo = default(DestinyDefinitionsRecordsDestinyRecordExpirationBlock), DestinyDefinitionsRecordsDestinyRecordIntervalBlock intervalInfo = default(DestinyDefinitionsRecordsDestinyRecordIntervalBlock), List <DestinyDestinyItemQuantity> rewardItems = default(List <DestinyDestinyItemQuantity>), int presentationNodeType = default(int), List <string> traitIds = default(List <string>), List <long> traitHashes = default(List <long>), List <long> parentNodeHashes = default(List <long>), long hash = default(long), int index = default(int), bool redacted = default(bool))
     this.DisplayProperties    = displayProperties;
     this.Scope                = scope;
     this.PresentationInfo     = presentationInfo;
     this.LoreHash             = loreHash;
     this.ObjectiveHashes      = objectiveHashes;
     this.RecordValueStyle     = recordValueStyle;
     this.TitleInfo            = titleInfo;
     this.CompletionInfo       = completionInfo;
     this.StateInfo            = stateInfo;
     this.Requirements         = requirements;
     this.ExpirationInfo       = expirationInfo;
     this.IntervalInfo         = intervalInfo;
     this.RewardItems          = rewardItems;
     this.PresentationNodeType = presentationNodeType;
     this.TraitIds             = traitIds;
     this.TraitHashes          = traitHashes;
     this.ParentNodeHashes     = parentNodeHashes;
     this.Hash     = hash;
     this.Index    = index;
     this.Redacted = redacted;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DestinyDefinitionsCollectiblesDestinyCollectibleDefinition" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="displayProperties">displayProperties.</param>
 /// <param name="scope">Indicates whether the state of this Collectible is determined on a per-character or on an account-wide basis..</param>
 /// <param name="sourceString">A human readable string for a hint about how to acquire the item..</param>
 /// <param name="sourceHash">This is a hash identifier we are building on the BNet side in an attempt to let people group collectibles by similar sources.  I can&#39;t promise that it&#39;s going to be 100% accurate, but if the designers were consistent in assigning the same source strings to items with the same sources, it *ought to* be. No promises though.  This hash also doesn&#39;t relate to an actual definition, just to note: we&#39;ve got nothing useful other than the source string for this data..</param>
 /// <param name="itemHash">itemHash.</param>
 /// <param name="acquisitionInfo">acquisitionInfo.</param>
 /// <param name="stateInfo">stateInfo.</param>
 /// <param name="presentationInfo">presentationInfo.</param>
 /// <param name="presentationNodeType">presentationNodeType.</param>
 /// <param name="traitIds">traitIds.</param>
 /// <param name="traitHashes">traitHashes.</param>
 /// <param name="parentNodeHashes">A quick reference to presentation nodes that have this node as a child. Presentation nodes can be parented under multiple parents..</param>
 /// <param name="hash">The unique identifier for this entity. Guaranteed to be unique for the type of entity, but not globally.  When entities refer to each other in Destiny content, it is this hash that they are referring to..</param>
 /// <param name="index">The index of the entity as it was found in the investment tables..</param>
 /// <param name="redacted">If this is true, then there is an entity with this identifier/type combination, but BNet is not yet allowed to show it. Sorry!.</param>
 public DestinyDefinitionsCollectiblesDestinyCollectibleDefinition(DestinyDefinitionsCommonDestinyDisplayPropertiesDefinition displayProperties = default(DestinyDefinitionsCommonDestinyDisplayPropertiesDefinition), int scope = default(int), string sourceString = default(string), long sourceHash = default(long), long itemHash = default(long), DestinyDefinitionsCollectiblesDestinyCollectibleAcquisitionBlock acquisitionInfo = default(DestinyDefinitionsCollectiblesDestinyCollectibleAcquisitionBlock), DestinyDefinitionsCollectiblesDestinyCollectibleStateBlock stateInfo = default(DestinyDefinitionsCollectiblesDestinyCollectibleStateBlock), DestinyDefinitionsPresentationDestinyPresentationChildBlock presentationInfo = default(DestinyDefinitionsPresentationDestinyPresentationChildBlock), int presentationNodeType = default(int), List <string> traitIds = default(List <string>), List <long> traitHashes = default(List <long>), List <long> parentNodeHashes = default(List <long>), long hash = default(long), int index = default(int), bool redacted = default(bool))
     this.DisplayProperties    = displayProperties;
     this.Scope                = scope;
     this.SourceString         = sourceString;
     this.SourceHash           = sourceHash;
     this.ItemHash             = itemHash;
     this.AcquisitionInfo      = acquisitionInfo;
     this.StateInfo            = stateInfo;
     this.PresentationInfo     = presentationInfo;
     this.PresentationNodeType = presentationNodeType;
     this.TraitIds             = traitIds;
     this.TraitHashes          = traitHashes;
     this.ParentNodeHashes     = parentNodeHashes;
     this.Hash     = hash;
     this.Index    = index;
     this.Redacted = redacted;