public static void DeleteNode(Dbvt pdbvt, DbvtNode node) { //btAlignedFree(pdbvt.m_free); //pdbvt.m_free = node; node.Reset(); BulletGlobals.DbvtNodePool.Free(node); }
// public static void BottomUp(Dbvt pdbvt, ObjectArray <DbvtNode> leaves) { while (leaves.Count > 1) { float minsize = float.MaxValue; int[] minidx = { -1, -1 }; for (int i = 0; i < leaves.Count; ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < leaves.Count; ++j) { DbvtAabbMm mergeResults = DbvtAabbMm.Merge(ref leaves[i].volume, ref leaves[j].volume); float sz = Size(ref mergeResults); if (sz < minsize) { minsize = sz; minidx[0] = i; minidx[1] = j; } } } DbvtNode[] n = { leaves[minidx[0]], leaves[minidx[1]] }; DbvtNode p = CreateNode(pdbvt, null, ref n[0].volume, ref n[1].volume, null); p._children[0] = n[0]; p._children[1] = n[1]; n[0].parent = p; n[1].parent = p; leaves[minidx[0]] = p; leaves.Swap(minidx[1], leaves.Count - 1); leaves.PopBack(); } }
public DbvtBroadphase(IOverlappingPairCache paircache) { m_sets[0] = new Dbvt(); m_sets[1] = new Dbvt(); m_deferedcollide = false; m_needcleanup = true; m_releasepaircache = (paircache != null) ? false : true; m_prediction = 0; m_stageCurrent = 0; m_fixedleft = 0; m_fupdates = 1; m_dupdates = 0; m_cupdates = 10; m_newpairs = 1; m_updates_call = 0; m_updates_done = 0; m_updates_ratio = 0; m_paircache = paircache != null ? paircache : new HashedOverlappingPairCache(); m_gid = 0; m_pid = 0; m_cid = 0; #if DBVT_BP_PROFILE m_profiling = new ProfileBlock(); m_profiling.clear(); #endif }
public virtual void AabbTest(ref IndexedVector3 aabbMin, ref IndexedVector3 aabbMax, IBroadphaseAabbCallback aabbCallback) { BroadphaseAabbTester callback = new BroadphaseAabbTester(aabbCallback); DbvtAabbMm bounds = DbvtAabbMm.FromMM(ref aabbMin, ref aabbMax); Dbvt.CollideTV(m_sets[0].m_root, ref bounds, callback); Dbvt.CollideTV(m_sets[1].m_root, ref bounds, callback); }
// public static DbvtNode CreateNode(Dbvt pdbvt, DbvtNode parent, ref DbvtAabbMm volume, Object data) { DbvtNode node = CreateNode(pdbvt, parent, data); node.volume = volume; return(node); }
public DbvtNode(Dbvt tree, DbvtNode aparent, ref DbvtAabbMm avolume, Object adata) : this() { volume = avolume; parent = aparent; data = adata; if (data is int) { dataAsInt = (int)data; } }
public static DbvtNode CreateNode(Dbvt pdbvt, DbvtNode parent, int data) { DbvtNode node = BulletGlobals.DbvtNodePool.Get(); node.parent = parent; = null; node.dataAsInt = data; node._children[0] = null; node._children[1] = null; return(node); }
// public static DbvtNode CreateNode(Dbvt pdbvt, DbvtNode parent, ref DbvtAabbMm volume0, ref DbvtAabbMm volume1, Object data) { DbvtNode node = CreateNode(pdbvt, parent, data); DbvtAabbMm.Merge(ref volume0, ref volume1, ref node.volume); return(node); }
public static void InsertLeaf(Dbvt pdbvt, DbvtNode root, DbvtNode leaf) { if (pdbvt.Root == null) { pdbvt.Root = leaf; leaf.parent = null; } else { if (!root.IsLeaf()) { do { root = root._children[DbvtAabbMm.Select(ref leaf.volume, ref root._children[0].volume, ref root._children[1].volume)]; } while (!root.IsLeaf()); } DbvtNode prev = root.parent; DbvtAabbMm mergeResults = DbvtAabbMm.Merge(ref leaf.volume, ref root.volume); DbvtNode node = CreateNode2(pdbvt, prev, ref mergeResults, null); if (prev != null) { prev._children[IndexOf(root)] = node; node._children[0] = root; root.parent = node; node._children[1] = leaf; leaf.parent = node; do { if (!prev.volume.Contain(ref node.volume)) { DbvtAabbMm.Merge(ref prev._children[0].volume, ref prev._children[1].volume, ref prev.volume); } else { break; } node = prev; } while (null != (prev = node.parent)); } else { node._children[0] = root; root.parent = node; node._children[1] = leaf; leaf.parent = node; pdbvt.Root = node; } } }
public static void FetchLeafs(Dbvt pdbvt, DbvtNode root, ObjectArray <DbvtNode> leafs, int depth) { if (root.IsInternal() && depth != 0) { FetchLeafs(pdbvt, root._children[0], leafs, depth - 1); FetchLeafs(pdbvt, root._children[1], leafs, depth - 1); DeleteNode(pdbvt, root); } else { leafs.Add(root); } }
public static void RecurseDeleteNode(Dbvt pdbvt, DbvtNode node) { if (!node.IsLeaf()) { RecurseDeleteNode(pdbvt, node._children[0]); RecurseDeleteNode(pdbvt, node._children[1]); } if (node == pdbvt.m_root) { pdbvt.m_root = null; } DeleteNode(pdbvt, node); }
public CompoundShape(bool enableDynamicAabbTree) { m_children = new ObjectArray <CompoundShapeChild>(); m_localAabbMax = new IndexedVector3(float.MinValue); m_localAabbMin = new IndexedVector3(float.MaxValue); m_collisionMargin = 0f; m_localScaling = new IndexedVector3(1f); m_dynamicAabbTree = null; m_updateRevision = 1; m_shapeType = BroadphaseNativeTypes.COMPOUND_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE; if (enableDynamicAabbTree) { m_dynamicAabbTree = new Dbvt(); } }
public static DbvtNode CreateNode(Dbvt pdbvt, DbvtNode parent, Object data) { DbvtNode node = BulletGlobals.DbvtNodePool.Get(); node.parent = parent; = data; if ( is int) { //Debug.Assert(false); node.dataAsInt = (int); } node._children[0] = null; node._children[1] = null; return(node); }
public CompoundShape(bool enableDynamicAabbTree) { m_children = new ObjectArray<CompoundShapeChild>(); m_localAabbMax = new IndexedVector3(float.MinValue); m_localAabbMin = new IndexedVector3(float.MaxValue); m_collisionMargin = 0f; m_localScaling = new IndexedVector3(1f); m_dynamicAabbTree = null; m_updateRevision = 1; m_shapeType = BroadphaseNativeTypes.COMPOUND_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE; if (enableDynamicAabbTree) { m_dynamicAabbTree = new Dbvt(); } }
public static DbvtNode CreateNode2(Dbvt tree, DbvtNode aparent, ref DbvtAabbMm avolume, Object adata) { DbvtNode node = BulletGlobals.DbvtNodePool.Get(); node.volume = avolume; node.parent = aparent; = adata; node._children[0] = null; node._children[1] = null; if ( is int) { Debug.Assert(false); node.dataAsInt = (int); } return(node); }
public void CreateAabbTreeFromChildren() { if (m_dynamicAabbTree == null) { m_dynamicAabbTree = new Dbvt(); for (int index = 0; index < m_children.Count; index++) { CompoundShapeChild child = m_children[index]; //extend the local aabbMin/aabbMax IndexedVector3 localAabbMin, localAabbMax; child.m_childShape.GetAabb(ref child.m_transform, out localAabbMin, out localAabbMax); DbvtAabbMm bounds = DbvtAabbMm.FromMM(ref localAabbMin, ref localAabbMax); child.m_treeNode = m_dynamicAabbTree.Insert(ref bounds, (object)index); } } }
public static DbvtNode RemoveLeaf(Dbvt pdbvt, DbvtNode leaf) { if (leaf == pdbvt.Root) { pdbvt.Root = null; return(null); } else { DbvtNode parent = leaf.parent; DbvtNode prev = parent.parent; DbvtNode sibling = parent._children[1 - IndexOf(leaf)]; if (prev != null) { prev._children[IndexOf(parent)] = sibling; sibling.parent = prev; DeleteNode(pdbvt, parent); while (prev != null) { DbvtAabbMm pb = prev.volume; DbvtAabbMm.Merge(ref prev._children[0].volume, ref prev._children[1].volume, ref prev.volume); if (DbvtAabbMm.NotEqual(ref pb, ref prev.volume)) { sibling = prev; prev = prev.parent; } else { break; } } return(prev != null ? prev : pdbvt.Root); } else { pdbvt.Root = sibling; sibling.parent = null; DeleteNode(pdbvt, parent); return(pdbvt.Root); } } }
public virtual BroadphaseProxy CreateProxy(ref IndexedVector3 aabbMin, ref IndexedVector3 aabbMax, BroadphaseNativeTypes shapeType, Object userPtr, CollisionFilterGroups collisionFilterGroup, CollisionFilterGroups collisionFilterMask, IDispatcher dispatcher, Object multiSapProxy) { DbvtProxy proxy = new DbvtProxy(ref aabbMin, ref aabbMax, userPtr, collisionFilterGroup, collisionFilterMask); DbvtAabbMm aabb = DbvtAabbMm.FromMM(ref aabbMin, ref aabbMax); //bproxy.aabb = btDbvtAabbMm::FromMM(aabbMin,aabbMax); proxy.stage = m_stageCurrent; proxy.m_uniqueId = ++m_gid; proxy.leaf = m_sets[0].Insert(ref aabb, proxy); ListAppend(proxy, ref m_stageRoots[m_stageCurrent]); if (!m_deferedcollide) { DbvtTreeCollider collider = BulletGlobals.DbvtTreeColliderPool.Get(); collider.Initialize(this); collider.proxy = proxy; Dbvt.CollideTV(m_sets[0].m_root, ref aabb, collider); Dbvt.CollideTV(m_sets[1].m_root, ref aabb, collider); BulletGlobals.DbvtTreeColliderPool.Free(collider); } return(proxy); }
///this setAabbForceUpdate is similar to setAabb but always forces the aabb update. ///it is not part of the btBroadphaseInterface but specific to btDbvtBroadphase. ///it bypasses certain optimizations that prevent aabb updates (when the aabb shrinks), see /// public void SetAabbForceUpdate(BroadphaseProxy absproxy, ref IndexedVector3 aabbMin, ref IndexedVector3 aabbMax, IDispatcher dispatcher) { DbvtProxy proxy = absproxy as DbvtProxy; DbvtAabbMm bounds = DbvtAabbMm.FromMM(ref aabbMin, ref aabbMax); bool docollide = false; if (proxy.stage == STAGECOUNT) {/* fixed . dynamic set */ m_sets[1].Remove(proxy.leaf); proxy.leaf = m_sets[0].Insert(ref bounds, proxy); docollide = true; } else {/* dynamic set */ ++m_updates_call; /* Teleporting */ m_sets[0].Update(proxy.leaf, ref bounds); ++m_updates_done; docollide = true; } ListRemove(proxy, ref m_stageRoots[proxy.stage]); proxy.m_aabbMin = aabbMin; proxy.m_aabbMax = aabbMax; proxy.stage = m_stageCurrent; ListAppend(proxy, ref m_stageRoots[m_stageCurrent]); if (docollide) { m_needcleanup = true; if (!m_deferedcollide) { DbvtTreeCollider collider = BulletGlobals.DbvtTreeColliderPool.Get(); collider.Initialize(this); Dbvt.CollideTTpersistentStack(m_sets[1].m_root, proxy.leaf, collider); Dbvt.CollideTTpersistentStack(m_sets[0].m_root, proxy.leaf, collider); BulletGlobals.DbvtTreeColliderPool.Free(collider); } } }
public static DbvtNode CreateNode(Dbvt pdbvt, DbvtNode parent, Object data) { DbvtNode node = BulletGlobals.DbvtNodePool.Get(); node.parent = parent; = data; if ( is int) { //Debug.Assert(false); node.dataAsInt = (int); } node._children[0] = null; node._children[1] = null; return (node); }
public static DbvtNode TopDown(Dbvt pdbvt, ObjectArray <DbvtNode> leaves, int bu_treshold) { if (leaves.Count > 1) { if (leaves.Count > bu_treshold) { DbvtAabbMm vol = Bounds(leaves); IndexedVector3 org = vol.Center(); ObjectArray <DbvtNode>[] sets = { new ObjectArray <DbvtNode>(), new ObjectArray <DbvtNode>() }; int bestaxis = -1; int bestmidp = leaves.Count; int[] a1 = new int[] { 0, 0 }; int[] a2 = new int[] { 0, 0 }; int[] a3 = new int[] { 0, 0 }; int[][] splitcount = new int[][] { a1, a2, a3 }; int i; for (i = 0; i < leaves.Count; ++i) { IndexedVector3 x = leaves[i].volume.Center() - org; for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { ++splitcount[j][IndexedVector3.Dot(x, axis[j]) > 0 ? 1 : 0]; } } for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if ((splitcount[i][0] > 0) && (splitcount[i][1] > 0)) { int midp = (int)Math.Abs((splitcount[i][0] - splitcount[i][1])); if (midp < bestmidp) { bestaxis = i; bestmidp = midp; } } } if (bestaxis >= 0) { sets[0].EnsureCapacity(splitcount[bestaxis][0]); sets[1].EnsureCapacity(splitcount[bestaxis][1]); Split(leaves, sets[0], sets[1], ref org, ref axis[bestaxis]); } else { sets[0].EnsureCapacity(leaves.Count / 2 + 1); sets[1].EnsureCapacity(leaves.Count / 2); for (int i2 = 0, ni = leaves.Count; i2 < ni; ++i2) { sets[i2 & 1].Add(leaves[i2]); } } DbvtNode node = CreateNode(pdbvt, null, ref vol, null); node._children[0] = TopDown(pdbvt, sets[0], bu_treshold); node._children[1] = TopDown(pdbvt, sets[1], bu_treshold); node._children[0].parent = node; node._children[1].parent = node; return(node); } else { BottomUp(pdbvt, leaves); return(leaves[0]); } } return(leaves[0]); }
public override void ProcessCollision(CollisionObject body0, CollisionObject body1, DispatcherInfo dispatchInfo, ManifoldResult resultOut) { //resultOut = null; CollisionObject colObj = m_isSwapped ? body1 : body0; CollisionObject otherObj = m_isSwapped ? body0 : body1; Debug.Assert(colObj.GetCollisionShape().IsCompound()); CompoundShape compoundShape = (CompoundShape)(colObj.GetCollisionShape()); ///btCompoundShape might have changed: ////make sure the internal child collision algorithm caches are still valid if (compoundShape.GetUpdateRevision() != m_compoundShapeRevision) { ///clear and update all RemoveChildAlgorithms(); PreallocateChildAlgorithms(body0, body1); } Dbvt tree = compoundShape.GetDynamicAabbTree(); //use a dynamic aabb tree to cull potential child-overlaps using (CompoundLeafCallback callback = BulletGlobals.CompoundLeafCallbackPool.Get()) { callback.Initialize(colObj, otherObj, m_dispatcher, dispatchInfo, resultOut, this, m_childCollisionAlgorithms, m_sharedManifold); ///we need to refresh all contact manifolds ///note that we should actually recursively traverse all children, btCompoundShape can nested more then 1 level deep ///so we should add a 'refreshManifolds' in the btCollisionAlgorithm { m_manifoldArray.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < m_childCollisionAlgorithms.Count; i++) { if (m_childCollisionAlgorithms[i] != null) { m_childCollisionAlgorithms[i].GetAllContactManifolds(m_manifoldArray); for (int m = 0; m < m_manifoldArray.Count; m++) { if (m_manifoldArray[m].GetNumContacts() > 0) { resultOut.SetPersistentManifold(m_manifoldArray[m]); resultOut.RefreshContactPoints(); resultOut.SetPersistentManifold(null);//??necessary? } } m_manifoldArray.Clear(); } } } if (tree != null) { IndexedVector3 localAabbMin; IndexedVector3 localAabbMax; IndexedMatrix otherInCompoundSpace; //otherInCompoundSpace = MathUtil.BulletMatrixMultiply(colObj.GetWorldTransform(),otherObj.GetWorldTransform()); otherInCompoundSpace = colObj.GetWorldTransform().Inverse() * otherObj.GetWorldTransform(); otherObj.GetCollisionShape().GetAabb(ref otherInCompoundSpace, out localAabbMin, out localAabbMax); DbvtAabbMm bounds = DbvtAabbMm.FromMM(ref localAabbMin, ref localAabbMax); //process all children, that overlap with the given AABB bounds Dbvt.CollideTV(tree.m_root, ref bounds, callback, tree.CollideTVStack, ref tree.CollideTVCount); } else { //iterate over all children, perform an AABB check inside ProcessChildShape int numChildren = m_childCollisionAlgorithms.Count; for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) { callback.ProcessChildShape(compoundShape.GetChildShape(i), i); } } { //iterate over all children, perform an AABB check inside ProcessChildShape int numChildren = m_childCollisionAlgorithms.Count; m_manifoldArray.Clear(); CollisionShape childShape = null; IndexedMatrix orgTrans; IndexedMatrix orgInterpolationTrans; IndexedMatrix newChildWorldTrans; for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) { if (m_childCollisionAlgorithms[i] != null) { childShape = compoundShape.GetChildShape(i); //if not longer overlapping, remove the algorithm orgTrans = colObj.GetWorldTransform(); orgInterpolationTrans = colObj.GetInterpolationWorldTransform(); IndexedMatrix childTrans = compoundShape.GetChildTransform(i); newChildWorldTrans = orgTrans * childTrans; //perform an AABB check first IndexedVector3 aabbMin0; IndexedVector3 aabbMax0; IndexedVector3 aabbMin1; IndexedVector3 aabbMax1; childShape.GetAabb(ref newChildWorldTrans, out aabbMin0, out aabbMax0); otherObj.GetCollisionShape().GetAabb(otherObj.GetWorldTransform(), out aabbMin1, out aabbMax1); if (!AabbUtil2.TestAabbAgainstAabb2(ref aabbMin0, ref aabbMax0, ref aabbMin1, ref aabbMax1)) { m_dispatcher.FreeCollisionAlgorithm(m_childCollisionAlgorithms[i]); m_childCollisionAlgorithms[i] = null; } } } } } }
// // depth is defaulted to -1 public static void FetchLeafs(Dbvt pdbvt, DbvtNode root, ObjectArray<DbvtNode> leafs) { FetchLeafs(pdbvt, root, leafs, -1); }
// public static void BottomUp(Dbvt pdbvt, ObjectArray<DbvtNode> leaves) { while (leaves.Count > 1) { float minsize = float.MaxValue; int[] minidx = { -1, -1 }; for (int i = 0; i < leaves.Count; ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < leaves.Count; ++j) { DbvtAabbMm mergeResults = DbvtAabbMm.Merge(ref leaves[i].volume, ref leaves[j].volume); float sz = Size(ref mergeResults); if (sz < minsize) { minsize = sz; minidx[0] = i; minidx[1] = j; } } } DbvtNode[] n = { leaves[minidx[0]], leaves[minidx[1]] }; DbvtNode p = CreateNode(pdbvt, null, ref n[0].volume, ref n[1].volume, null); p._children[0] = n[0]; p._children[1] = n[1]; n[0].parent = p; n[1].parent = p; leaves[minidx[0]] = p; leaves.Swap(minidx[1], leaves.Count - 1); leaves.PopBack(); } }
public void Visualise() { DbvtDraw dd = new DbvtDraw(); Dbvt.EnumNodes(m_sets[0].m_root, dd); }
public void Collide(IDispatcher dispatcher) { BulletGlobals.StartProfile("BroadphaseCollide"); //SPC(m_profiling.m_total); /* optimize */ m_sets[0].OptimizeIncremental(1 + (m_sets[0].m_leaves * m_dupdates) / 100); if (m_fixedleft > 0) { int count = 1 + (m_sets[1].m_leaves * m_fupdates) / 100; m_sets[1].OptimizeIncremental(1 + (m_sets[1].m_leaves * m_fupdates) / 100); m_fixedleft = Math.Max(0, m_fixedleft - count); } /* dynamic . fixed set */ m_stageCurrent = (m_stageCurrent + 1) % STAGECOUNT; DbvtProxy current = m_stageRoots[m_stageCurrent]; if (current != null) { DbvtTreeCollider collider = BulletGlobals.DbvtTreeColliderPool.Get(); collider.Initialize(this); do { DbvtProxy next = current.links[1]; ListRemove(current, ref m_stageRoots[current.stage]); ListAppend(current, ref m_stageRoots[STAGECOUNT]); #if DBVT_BP_ACCURATESLEEPING m_paircache.removeOverlappingPairsContainingProxy(current, dispatcher); collider.proxy = current; btDbvt::collideTV(m_sets[0].m_root, current.aabb, collider); btDbvt::collideTV(m_sets[1].m_root, current.aabb, collider); #endif m_sets[0].Remove(current.leaf); DbvtAabbMm curAabb = DbvtAabbMm.FromMM(ref current.m_aabbMin, ref current.m_aabbMax); current.leaf = m_sets[1].Insert(ref curAabb, current); current.stage = STAGECOUNT; current = next; } while (current != null); m_fixedleft = m_sets[1].m_leaves; BulletGlobals.DbvtTreeColliderPool.Free(collider); m_needcleanup = true; } /* collide dynamics */ { DbvtTreeCollider collider = BulletGlobals.DbvtTreeColliderPool.Get(); collider.Initialize(this); if (m_deferedcollide) { //Stopwatch fdCollideStopwatch = new Stopwatch(); //fdCollideStopwatch.Start(); //SPC(m_profiling.m_fdcollide); Dbvt.CollideTTpersistentStack(m_sets[0].m_root, m_sets[1].m_root, collider); //fdCollideStopwatch.Stop(); //m_profiling.m_fdcollide += (ulong)fdCollideStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; } if (m_deferedcollide) { //Stopwatch ddCollideStopwatch = new Stopwatch(); //ddCollideStopwatch.Start(); //SPC(m_profiling.m_ddcollide); Dbvt.CollideTTpersistentStack(m_sets[0].m_root, m_sets[0].m_root, collider); //ddCollideStopwatch.Stop(); //m_profiling.m_ddcollide += (ulong)ddCollideStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; } BulletGlobals.DbvtTreeColliderPool.Free(collider); } /* clean up */ if (m_needcleanup) { Stopwatch cleanupStopwatch = new Stopwatch(); cleanupStopwatch.Start(); //SPC(m_profiling.m_cleanup); IList <BroadphasePair> pairs = m_paircache.GetOverlappingPairArray(); if (pairs.Count > 0) { int ni = Math.Min(pairs.Count, Math.Max(m_newpairs, (pairs.Count * m_cupdates) / 100)); for (int i = 0; i < ni; ++i) { BroadphasePair p = pairs[(m_cid + i) % pairs.Count]; DbvtProxy pa = p.m_pProxy0 as DbvtProxy; DbvtProxy pb = p.m_pProxy1 as DbvtProxy; if (!DbvtAabbMm.Intersect(ref pa.leaf.volume, ref pb.leaf.volume)) { #if DBVT_BP_SORTPAIRS if (pa.m_uniqueId > pb.m_uniqueId) { btSwap(pa, pb); } #endif m_paircache.RemoveOverlappingPair(pa, pb, dispatcher); --ni; --i; } } if (pairs.Count > 0) { m_cid = (m_cid + ni) % pairs.Count; } else { m_cid = 0; } } cleanupStopwatch.Stop(); //m_profiling.m_cleanup += (ulong)cleanupStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; } ++m_pid; m_newpairs = 1; m_needcleanup = false; if (m_updates_call > 0) { m_updates_ratio = m_updates_done / (float)m_updates_call; } else { m_updates_ratio = 0; } m_updates_done /= 2; m_updates_call /= 2; BulletGlobals.StopProfile(); }
public static DbvtNode CreateNode(Dbvt pdbvt, DbvtNode parent, int data) { DbvtNode node = BulletGlobals.DbvtNodePool.Get(); node.parent = parent; = null; node.dataAsInt = data; node._children[0] = null; node._children[1] = null; return (node); }
public static DbvtNode TopDown(Dbvt pdbvt, ObjectArray<DbvtNode> leaves, int bu_treshold) { if (leaves.Count > 1) { if (leaves.Count > bu_treshold) { DbvtAabbMm vol = Bounds(leaves); IndexedVector3 org = vol.Center(); ObjectArray<DbvtNode>[] sets = { new ObjectArray<DbvtNode>(), new ObjectArray<DbvtNode>() }; int bestaxis = -1; int bestmidp = leaves.Count; int[] a1 = new int[] { 0, 0 }; int[] a2 = new int[] { 0, 0 }; int[] a3 = new int[] { 0, 0 }; int[][] splitcount = new int[][] { a1, a2, a3 }; int i; for (i = 0; i < leaves.Count; ++i) { IndexedVector3 x = leaves[i].volume.Center() - org; for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { ++splitcount[j][IndexedVector3.Dot(x, axis[j]) > 0 ? 1 : 0]; } } for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if ((splitcount[i][0] > 0) && (splitcount[i][1] > 0)) { int midp = (int)Math.Abs((splitcount[i][0] - splitcount[i][1])); if (midp < bestmidp) { bestaxis = i; bestmidp = midp; } } } if (bestaxis >= 0) { sets[0].EnsureCapacity(splitcount[bestaxis][0]); sets[1].EnsureCapacity(splitcount[bestaxis][1]); Split(leaves, sets[0], sets[1], ref org, ref axis[bestaxis]); } else { sets[0].EnsureCapacity(leaves.Count / 2 + 1); sets[1].EnsureCapacity(leaves.Count / 2); for (int i2 = 0, ni = leaves.Count; i2 < ni; ++i2) { sets[i2 & 1].Add(leaves[i2]); } } DbvtNode node = CreateNode(pdbvt, null, ref vol, null); node._children[0] = TopDown(pdbvt, sets[0], bu_treshold); node._children[1] = TopDown(pdbvt, sets[1], bu_treshold); node._children[0].parent = node; node._children[1].parent = node; return (node); } else { BottomUp(pdbvt, leaves); return (leaves[0]); } } return (leaves[0]); }
public static void FetchLeafs(Dbvt pdbvt, DbvtNode root, ObjectArray<DbvtNode> leafs, int depth) { if (root.IsInternal() && depth != 0) { FetchLeafs(pdbvt, root._children[0], leafs, depth - 1); FetchLeafs(pdbvt, root._children[1], leafs, depth - 1); DeleteNode(pdbvt, root); } else { leafs.Add(root); } }
// public static DbvtNode CreateNode(Dbvt pdbvt, DbvtNode parent, ref DbvtAabbMm volume0, ref DbvtAabbMm volume1, Object data) { DbvtNode node = CreateNode(pdbvt, parent, data); DbvtAabbMm.Merge(ref volume0, ref volume1, ref node.volume); return (node); }
// // depth is defaulted to -1 public static void FetchLeafs(Dbvt pdbvt, DbvtNode root, ObjectArray <DbvtNode> leafs) { FetchLeafs(pdbvt, root, leafs, -1); }
// public static DbvtNode CreateNode(Dbvt pdbvt, DbvtNode parent, ref DbvtAabbMm volume, Object data) { DbvtNode node = CreateNode(pdbvt, parent, data); node.volume = volume; return (node); }
public static DbvtNode CreateNode2(Dbvt tree, DbvtNode aparent, ref DbvtAabbMm avolume, Object adata) { DbvtNode node = BulletGlobals.DbvtNodePool.Get(); node.volume = avolume; node.parent = aparent; = adata; node._children[0] = null; node._children[1] = null; if ( is int) { Debug.Assert(false); node.dataAsInt = (int); } return node; }
public virtual void SetAabb(BroadphaseProxy absproxy, ref IndexedVector3 aabbMin, ref IndexedVector3 aabbMax, IDispatcher dispatcher) { DbvtProxy proxy = absproxy as DbvtProxy; DbvtAabbMm aabb = DbvtAabbMm.FromMM(ref aabbMin, ref aabbMax); #if DBVT_BP_PREVENTFALSEUPDATE if (NotEqual(ref aabb, proxy, leaf.volume)) #endif { bool docollide = false; if (proxy.stage == STAGECOUNT) {/* fixed . dynamic set */ m_sets[1].Remove(proxy.leaf); proxy.leaf = m_sets[0].Insert(ref aabb, proxy); docollide = true; } else {/* dynamic set */ ++m_updates_call; if (DbvtAabbMm.Intersect(ref proxy.leaf.volume, ref aabb)) {/* Moving */ IndexedVector3 delta = aabbMin - proxy.m_aabbMin; IndexedVector3 velocity = (((proxy.m_aabbMax - proxy.m_aabbMin) / 2f) * m_prediction); if (delta.X < 0) { velocity.X = -velocity.X; } if (delta.Y < 0) { velocity.Y = -velocity.Y; } if (delta.Z < 0) { velocity.Z = -velocity.Z; } if ( #if DBVT_BP_MARGIN m_sets[0].Update(proxy.leaf, ref aabb, ref velocity, DBVT_BP_MARGIN) #else m_sets[0].update(proxy.leaf, aabb, ref velocity) #endif ) { ++m_updates_done; docollide = true; } } else {/* Teleporting */ m_sets[0].Update(proxy.leaf, ref aabb); ++m_updates_done; docollide = true; } } ListRemove(proxy, ref m_stageRoots[proxy.stage]); proxy.m_aabbMin = aabbMin; proxy.m_aabbMax = aabbMax; proxy.stage = m_stageCurrent; ListAppend(proxy, ref m_stageRoots[m_stageCurrent]); if (docollide) { m_needcleanup = true; if (!m_deferedcollide) { DbvtTreeCollider collider = BulletGlobals.DbvtTreeColliderPool.Get(); collider.Initialize(this); Dbvt.CollideTTpersistentStack(m_sets[1].m_root, proxy.leaf, collider); Dbvt.CollideTTpersistentStack(m_sets[0].m_root, proxy.leaf, collider); BulletGlobals.DbvtTreeColliderPool.Free(collider); } } } }
public static DbvtNode RemoveLeaf(Dbvt pdbvt, DbvtNode leaf) { if (leaf == pdbvt.Root) { pdbvt.Root = null; return null; } else { DbvtNode parent = leaf.parent; DbvtNode prev = parent.parent; DbvtNode sibling = parent._children[1 - IndexOf(leaf)]; if (prev != null) { prev._children[IndexOf(parent)] = sibling; sibling.parent = prev; DeleteNode(pdbvt, parent); while (prev != null) { DbvtAabbMm pb = prev.volume; DbvtAabbMm.Merge(ref prev._children[0].volume, ref prev._children[1].volume, ref prev.volume); if (DbvtAabbMm.NotEqual(ref pb, ref prev.volume)) { sibling = prev; prev = prev.parent; } else { break; } } return (prev != null ? prev : pdbvt.Root); } else { pdbvt.Root = sibling; sibling.parent = null; DeleteNode(pdbvt, parent); return (pdbvt.Root); } } }