public static CollisionObject ScreenPointToRay(Camera cam, Vector3 inputScreenCoords, CollisionFilterGroups rayFilterGroup, CollisionFilterGroups rayFilterMask) { /* Returns the first CollisionObject the ray hits. * Requires as Input: * - Camera cam, UnityCamera from which the ray should be cast, e.g. Camera.main * - Vector3 inputScreenCoords, the screenpoint through which the ray should be cast. E.g. mousepointer Input.mousePosition * - CollisionFilterGroups rayFilterGroup, of which FilterGroup the ray belongs to * - CollisionFilterGroups rayFilterMask, which FilterMask the ray has (to map to other Objects FilterGroups * Be aware the Bulletphysics probably needs Group/Mask to match in both ways, i.e. Ray needs to collide with otherObj, as otherObj needs to collide with Ray. * To get all Ray hits, see commented out Callback AllHitsRayResultCallback below. * First version. Adapt to your needs. Refer to for info. Make Pull Request to Phong BulletUnity with improvements.*/ CollisionWorld collisionWorld = BPhysicsWorld.Get().world; BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 rayFrom = cam.transform.position.ToBullet(); BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 rayTo = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(inputScreenCoords.x, inputScreenCoords.y, cam.farClipPlane)).ToBullet(); BulletSharp.ClosestRayResultCallback rayCallBack = new BulletSharp.ClosestRayResultCallback(ref rayFrom, ref rayTo); rayCallBack.CollisionFilterGroup = (short)rayFilterGroup; rayCallBack.CollisionFilterMask = (short)rayFilterMask; //BulletSharp.AllHitsRayResultCallback rayCallBack = new BulletSharp.AllHitsRayResultCallback(rayFrom, rayTo); //Debug.Log("Casting ray from: " + rayFrom + " to: " + rayTo); collisionWorld.RayTest(rayFrom, rayTo, rayCallBack); closestRayResultReturnObj = null; if (rayCallBack.HasHit) { //Debug.Log("rayCallBack " + rayCallBack.GetType() + " had a hit: " + rayCallBack.CollisionObject.UserObject + " / of type: " + rayCallBack.CollisionObject.UserObject.GetType()); closestRayResultReturnObj = rayCallBack.CollisionObject; } rayCallBack.Dispose(); return(closestRayResultReturnObj); }
public unsafe static void SetHitNormalWorld(this ClosestRayResultCallback obj, ref OpenTK.Vector3 value) { fixed(OpenTK.Vector3 *valuePtr = &value) { obj.HitNormalWorld = *(BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 *)valuePtr; } }
public unsafe static void GetRayToWorld(this ClosestRayResultCallback obj, out OpenTK.Vector3 value) { fixed(OpenTK.Vector3 *valuePtr = &value) { *(BulletSharp.Math.Vector3 *)valuePtr = obj.RayToWorld; } }
public ResolveStepUp(DynamicCharacterController controller, CollisionWorld world, short staticRaycatGroup, short staticRaycastMask) { _controller = controller; _world = world; _closestRay = new ClosestRayResultCallback(); _closestRay.CollisionFilterGroup = staticRaycatGroup; _closestRay.CollisionFilterMask = staticRaycastMask; }
public object CastRay(ref Vector3 from, ref Vector3 to, VehicleRaycasterResult result) { // RayResultCallback& resultCallback; using (var rayCallback = new ClosestRayResultCallback(ref from, ref to)) { _dynamicsWorld.RayTestRef(ref from, ref to, rayCallback); if (rayCallback.HasHit) { var body = RigidBody.Upcast(rayCallback.CollisionObject); if (body != null && body.HasContactResponse) { result.HitPointInWorld = rayCallback.HitPointWorld; Vector3 hitNormalInWorld = rayCallback.HitNormalWorld; hitNormalInWorld.Normalize(); result.HitNormalInWorld = hitNormalInWorld; result.DistFraction = rayCallback.ClosestHitFraction; return(body); } } } return(null); }
public virtual void OnHandleInput() { if (Input.KeysPressed.Count != 0) { switch (Input.KeysPressed[0]) { case Keys.Escape: case Keys.Q: Graphics.Form.Close(); return; case Keys.F1: MessageBox.Show( "Move using WASD + shift\n" + "Left click - point camera\n" + "Right click - pick up an object using a Point2PointConstraint\n" + "Right click + shift - pick up an object using a fixed Generic6DofConstraint\n" + "Space - shoot box\n" + "Q - quit\n\n" + Graphics.InfoText, "Help"); // Key release won't be captured Input.KeysDown.Remove(Keys.F1); break; case Keys.F3: IsDebugDrawEnabled = !IsDebugDrawEnabled; break; case Keys.F8: Input.ClearKeyCache(); GraphicsLibraryManager.ExitWithReload = true; Graphics.Form.Close(); break; case Keys.F11: Graphics.IsFullScreen = !Graphics.IsFullScreen; break; case (Keys.Control | Keys.F): const int maxSerializeBufferSize = 1024 * 1024 * 5; using (var serializer = new DefaultSerializer(maxSerializeBufferSize)) { World.Serialize(serializer); byte[] dataBytes = new byte[serializer.CurrentBufferSize]; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(serializer.BufferPointer, dataBytes, 0, dataBytes.Length); using (var file = new System.IO.FileStream("world.bullet", System.IO.FileMode.Create)) { file.Write(dataBytes, 0, dataBytes.Length); } } break; case Keys.G: //shadowsEnabled = !shadowsEnabled; break; case Keys.Space: ShootBox(Freelook.Eye, GetRayTo(Input.MousePoint, Freelook.Eye, Freelook.Target, Graphics.FieldOfView)); break; case Keys.Return: ClientResetScene(); break; } } if (Input.MousePressed != MouseButtons.None) { Vector3 rayTo = GetRayTo(Input.MousePoint, Freelook.Eye, Freelook.Target, Graphics.FieldOfView); if (Input.MousePressed == MouseButtons.Right) { if (World != null) { Vector3 rayFrom = Freelook.Eye; ClosestRayResultCallback rayCallback = new ClosestRayResultCallback(ref rayFrom, ref rayTo); World.RayTestRef(ref rayFrom, ref rayTo, rayCallback); if (rayCallback.HasHit) { Vector3 pickPos = rayCallback.HitPointWorld; RigidBody body = rayCallback.CollisionObject as RigidBody; if (body != null) { if (!(body.IsStaticObject || body.IsKinematicObject)) { pickedBody = body; pickedBody.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation; Vector3 localPivot = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(pickPos, Matrix.Invert(body.CenterOfMassTransform)); if (Input.KeysDown.Contains(Keys.ShiftKey)) { Generic6DofConstraint dof6 = new Generic6DofConstraint(body, Matrix.Translation(localPivot), false) { LinearLowerLimit = Vector3.Zero, LinearUpperLimit = Vector3.Zero, AngularLowerLimit = Vector3.Zero, AngularUpperLimit = Vector3.Zero }; World.AddConstraint(dof6); pickConstraint = dof6; dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 0); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 1); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 2); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 3); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 4); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 5); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 0); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 1); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 2); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 3); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 4); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 5); } else { Point2PointConstraint p2p = new Point2PointConstraint(body, localPivot); World.AddConstraint(p2p); pickConstraint = p2p; p2p.Setting.ImpulseClamp = 30; //very weak constraint for picking p2p.Setting.Tau = 0.001f; /* p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 0); p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 1); p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 2); p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 0); p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 1); p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 2); */ } } } else { MultiBodyLinkCollider multiCol = rayCallback.CollisionObject as MultiBodyLinkCollider; if (multiCol != null && multiCol.MultiBody != null) { MultiBody mb = multiCol.MultiBody; prevCanSleep = mb.CanSleep; mb.CanSleep = false; Vector3 pivotInA = mb.WorldPosToLocal(multiCol.Link, pickPos); MultiBodyPoint2Point p2p = new MultiBodyPoint2Point(mb, multiCol.Link, null, pivotInA, pickPos); p2p.MaxAppliedImpulse = 2; (World as MultiBodyDynamicsWorld).AddMultiBodyConstraint(p2p); pickingMultiBodyPoint2Point = p2p; } } oldPickingDist = (pickPos - rayFrom).Length; } rayCallback.Dispose(); } } } else if (Input.MouseReleased == MouseButtons.Right) { RemovePickingConstraint(); } // Mouse movement if (Input.MouseDown == MouseButtons.Right) { MovePickedBody(); } }
public void Cast(CollisionWorld cw, float frameDelta) { #if BATCH_RAYCASTER if (!gBatchRaycaster) return; gBatchRaycaster->clearRays (); for (int i = 0; i < NumRays; i++) { gBatchRaycaster->addRay (source[i], dest[i]); } gBatchRaycaster->performBatchRaycast (); for (int i = 0; i < gBatchRaycaster->getNumRays(); i++) { const SpuRaycastTaskWorkUnitOut& out = (*gBatchRaycaster)[i]; _hitPoint[i].setInterpolate3(_source[i], _destination[i], out.HitFraction); _normal[i] = out.hitNormal; _normal[i].Normalize(); } #else for (int i = 0; i < NumRays; i++) { using (var cb = new ClosestRayResultCallback(ref _source[i], ref _destination[i])) { cw.RayTestRef(ref _source[i], ref _destination[i], cb); if (cb.HasHit) { _hitPoint[i] = cb.HitPointWorld; _normal[i] = cb.HitNormalWorld; _normal[i].Normalize(); } else { _hitPoint[i] = _destination[i]; _normal[i] = new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } } } _time += frameDelta; _frameCount++; if (_frameCount > 50) { if (_time < _timeMin) _timeMin = _time; if (_time > _timeMax) _timeMax = _time; _timeTotal += _time; _sampleCount++; float timeMean = _timeTotal / _sampleCount; Console.WriteLine("{0} rays in {1} s, min {2}, max {3}, mean {4}", NumRays * _frameCount, _time.ToString("0.000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), _timeMin.ToString("0.000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), _timeMax.ToString("0.000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), timeMean.ToString("0.000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); _time = 0; _frameCount = 0; } #endif }
public static OpenTK.Vector3 GetRayToWorld(this ClosestRayResultCallback obj) { OpenTK.Vector3 value; GetRayToWorld(obj, out value); return(value); }
public static void SetRayToWorld(this ClosestRayResultCallback obj, OpenTK.Vector3 value) { SetRayToWorld(obj, ref value); }
public void Cast(CollisionWorld cw) { #if BATCH_RAYCASTER if (!gBatchRaycaster) return; gBatchRaycaster->clearRays (); for (int i = 0; i < NUMRAYS_IN_BAR; i++) { gBatchRaycaster->addRay (source[i], dest[i]); } gBatchRaycaster->performBatchRaycast (); for (int i = 0; i < gBatchRaycaster->getNumRays (); i++) { const SpuRaycastTaskWorkUnitOut& out = (*gBatchRaycaster)[i]; hit[i].setInterpolate3(source[i],dest[i],out.HitFraction); normal[i] = out.hitNormal; normal[i].Normalize(); } #else for (int i = 0; i < NUMRAYS_IN_BAR; i++) { using (var cb = new ClosestRayResultCallback(ref source[i], ref dest[i])) { cw.RayTest(ref source[i], ref dest[i], cb); if (cb.HasHit) { hit[i] = cb.HitPointWorld; normal[i] = cb.HitNormalWorld; normal[i].Normalize(); } else { hit[i] = dest[i]; normal[i] = new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } } } frame_counter++; if (frame_counter > 50) { min_ms = ms < min_ms ? ms : min_ms; max_ms = ms > max_ms ? ms : max_ms; sum_ms += ms; sum_ms_samples++; float mean_ms = (float)sum_ms / (float)sum_ms_samples; Console.WriteLine("{0} rays in {1} ms {2} {3} {4}", NUMRAYS_IN_BAR * frame_counter, ms, min_ms, max_ms, mean_ms); ms = 0; frame_counter = 0; } #endif }
public virtual void OnHandleInput() { if (_input.KeysPressed.Count != 0) { switch (_input.KeysPressed[0]) { case Keys.Escape: case Keys.Q: Graphics.Form.Close(); return; case Keys.F3: IsDebugDrawEnabled = !IsDebugDrawEnabled; break; case Keys.F8: Input.ClearKeyCache(); LibraryManager.ExitWithReload = true; Graphics.Form.Close(); break; case Keys.F11: Graphics.IsFullScreen = !Graphics.IsFullScreen; break; case (Keys.Control | Keys.F): const int maxSerializeBufferSize = 1024 * 1024 * 5; DefaultSerializer serializer = new DefaultSerializer(maxSerializeBufferSize); World.Serialize(serializer); byte[] dataBytes = new byte[serializer.CurrentBufferSize]; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(serializer.BufferPointer, dataBytes, 0, dataBytes.Length); System.IO.FileStream file = new System.IO.FileStream("world.bullet", System.IO.FileMode.Create); file.Write(dataBytes, 0, dataBytes.Length); file.Dispose(); break; case Keys.G: //shadowsEnabled = !shadowsEnabled; break; case Keys.Space: ShootBox(_freelook.Eye, GetRayTo(_input.MousePoint, _freelook.Eye, _freelook.Target, Graphics.FieldOfView)); break; case Keys.Return: ClientResetScene(); break; } } if (_input.MousePressed != MouseButtons.None) { Vector3 rayTo = GetRayTo(_input.MousePoint, _freelook.Eye, _freelook.Target, Graphics.FieldOfView); if (_input.MousePressed == MouseButtons.Right) { if (_world != null) { Vector3 rayFrom = _freelook.Eye; ClosestRayResultCallback rayCallback = new ClosestRayResultCallback(ref rayFrom, ref rayTo); _world.RayTestRef(ref rayFrom, ref rayTo, rayCallback); if (rayCallback.HasHit) { RigidBody body = rayCallback.CollisionObject as RigidBody; if (body != null) { if (!(body.IsStaticObject || body.IsKinematicObject)) { pickedBody = body; pickedBody.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation; Vector3 pickPos = rayCallback.HitPointWorld; Vector3 localPivot = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(pickPos, Matrix.Invert(body.CenterOfMassTransform)); if (_input.KeysDown.Contains(Keys.ShiftKey)) { Generic6DofConstraint dof6 = new Generic6DofConstraint(body, Matrix.Translation(localPivot), false) { LinearLowerLimit = Vector3.Zero, LinearUpperLimit = Vector3.Zero, AngularLowerLimit = Vector3.Zero, AngularUpperLimit = Vector3.Zero }; _world.AddConstraint(dof6); pickConstraint = dof6; dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 0); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 1); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 2); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 3); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 4); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 5); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 0); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 1); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 2); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 3); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 4); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 5); } else { Point2PointConstraint p2p = new Point2PointConstraint(body, localPivot); _world.AddConstraint(p2p); pickConstraint = p2p; p2p.Setting.ImpulseClamp = 30; //very weak constraint for picking p2p.Setting.Tau = 0.001f; /* p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 0); p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 1); p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 2); p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 0); p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 1); p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 2); */ } oldPickingDist = (pickPos - rayFrom).Length; } } } rayCallback.Dispose(); } } } else if (_input.MouseReleased == MouseButtons.Right) { RemovePickingConstraint(); } // Mouse movement if (_input.MouseDown == MouseButtons.Right) { if (pickConstraint != null) { Vector3 newRayTo = GetRayTo(_input.MousePoint, _freelook.Eye, _freelook.Target, Graphics.FieldOfView); if (pickConstraint.ConstraintType == TypedConstraintType.D6) { Generic6DofConstraint pickCon = pickConstraint as Generic6DofConstraint; //keep it at the same picking distance Vector3 rayFrom = _freelook.Eye; Vector3 dir = newRayTo - rayFrom; dir.Normalize(); dir *= oldPickingDist; Vector3 newPivotB = rayFrom + dir; Matrix tempFrameOffsetA = pickCon.FrameOffsetA; tempFrameOffsetA.M41 = newPivotB.X; tempFrameOffsetA.M42 = newPivotB.Y; tempFrameOffsetA.M43 = newPivotB.Z; pickCon.SetFrames(tempFrameOffsetA, pickCon.FrameOffsetB); } else { Point2PointConstraint pickCon = pickConstraint as Point2PointConstraint; //keep it at the same picking distance Vector3 rayFrom = _freelook.Eye; Vector3 dir = newRayTo - rayFrom; dir.Normalize(); dir *= oldPickingDist; pickCon.PivotInB = rayFrom + dir; } } } }
public Object CastRay(ref Vector3 from, ref Vector3 to, VehicleRaycasterResult result) { // RayResultCallback& resultCallback; using (var rayCallback = new ClosestRayResultCallback(ref from, ref to)) { m_dynamicsWorld.RayTestRef(ref from, ref to, rayCallback); if (rayCallback.HasHit) { RigidBody body = RigidBody.Upcast(rayCallback.CollisionObject); if (body != null && body.HasContactResponse) { result.HitPointInWorld = rayCallback.HitPointWorld; Vector3 hitNormalInWorld = rayCallback.HitNormalWorld; hitNormalInWorld.Normalize(); result.HitNormalInWorld = hitNormalInWorld; result.DistFraction = rayCallback.ClosestHitFraction; return body; } } } return null; }
protected virtual void OnHandleInput() { if (Input.KeysPressed.Count != 0) { Keys key = Input.KeysPressed[0]; switch (key) { case Keys.Escape: case Keys.Q: Form.Close(); return; case Keys.F3: //IsDebugDrawEnabled = !IsDebugDrawEnabled; break; case Keys.F11: //ToggleFullScreen(); break; case Keys.G: shadowsEnabled = !shadowsEnabled; break; case Keys.Space: PhysicsContext.ShootBox(Freelook.Eye, GetRayTo(Input.MousePoint, Freelook.Eye, Freelook.Target, FieldOfView)); break; } } if (Input.MousePressed != MouseButtons.None) { Vector3 rayTo = GetRayTo(Input.MousePoint, Freelook.Eye, Freelook.Target, FieldOfView); if (Input.MousePressed == MouseButtons.Right) { if (PhysicsContext.World != null) { Vector3 rayFrom = Freelook.Eye; ClosestRayResultCallback rayCallback = new ClosestRayResultCallback(rayFrom, rayTo); PhysicsContext.World.RayTest(rayFrom, rayTo, rayCallback); if (rayCallback.HasHit) { RigidBody body = rayCallback.CollisionObject as RigidBody; if (body != null) { if (!(body.IsStaticObject || body.IsKinematicObject)) { pickedBody = body; pickedBody.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation; Vector3 pickPos = rayCallback.HitPointWorld; Vector3 localPivot = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(pickPos, Matrix.Invert(body.CenterOfMassTransform)); if (use6Dof) { Generic6DofConstraint dof6 = new Generic6DofConstraint(body, Matrix.Translation(localPivot), false); dof6.LinearLowerLimit = Vector3.Zero; dof6.LinearUpperLimit = Vector3.Zero; dof6.AngularLowerLimit = Vector3.Zero; dof6.AngularUpperLimit = Vector3.Zero; PhysicsContext.World.AddConstraint(dof6); pickConstraint = dof6; dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 0); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 1); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 2); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 3); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 4); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 5); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 0); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 1); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 2); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 3); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 4); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 5); } else { Point2PointConstraint p2p = new Point2PointConstraint(body, localPivot); PhysicsContext.World.AddConstraint(p2p); pickConstraint = p2p; p2p.Setting.ImpulseClamp = 30; //very weak constraint for picking p2p.Setting.Tau = 0.001f; /* p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 0); p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 1); p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 2); p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 0); p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 1); p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 2); */ } use6Dof = !use6Dof; oldPickingDist = (pickPos - rayFrom).Length(); } } } } } } else if (Input.MouseReleased == MouseButtons.Right) { RemovePickingConstraint(); } // Mouse movement if (Input.MouseDown == MouseButtons.Right) { if (pickConstraint != null) { Vector3 newRayTo = GetRayTo(Input.MousePoint, Freelook.Eye, Freelook.Target, FieldOfView); if (pickConstraint.ConstraintType == TypedConstraintType.D6) { Generic6DofConstraint pickCon = pickConstraint as Generic6DofConstraint; //keep it at the same picking distance Vector3 rayFrom = Freelook.Eye; Vector3 dir = newRayTo - rayFrom; dir.Normalize(); dir *= oldPickingDist; Vector3 newPivotB = rayFrom + dir; Matrix tempFrameOffsetA = pickCon.FrameOffsetA; tempFrameOffsetA.M41 = newPivotB.X; tempFrameOffsetA.M42 = newPivotB.Y; tempFrameOffsetA.M43 = newPivotB.Z; pickCon.FrameOffsetA = tempFrameOffsetA; } else { Point2PointConstraint pickCon = pickConstraint as Point2PointConstraint; //keep it at the same picking distance Vector3 rayFrom = Freelook.Eye; Vector3 dir = newRayTo - rayFrom; dir.Normalize(); dir *= oldPickingDist; pickCon.PivotInB = rayFrom + dir; } } } }
public virtual void OnHandleInput() { if (Input.KeysPressed.Count != 0) { switch (Input.KeysPressed[0]) { case Keys.Escape: case Keys.Q: Graphics.Form.Close(); return; case Keys.F3: IsDebugDrawEnabled = !IsDebugDrawEnabled; break; case Keys.F8: Input.ClearKeyCache(); GraphicsLibraryManager.ExitWithReload = true; Graphics.Form.Close(); break; case Keys.F11: Graphics.IsFullScreen = !Graphics.IsFullScreen; break; case Keys.G: //shadowsEnabled = !shadowsEnabled; break; case Keys.Space: ShootBox(Freelook.Eye, GetRayTo(Input.MousePoint, Freelook.Eye, Freelook.Target, Graphics.FieldOfView)); break; case Keys.Return: ClientResetScene(); break; } } if (Input.MousePressed != MouseButtons.None) { Vector3 rayTo = GetRayTo(Input.MousePoint, Freelook.Eye, Freelook.Target, Graphics.FieldOfView); if (Input.MousePressed == MouseButtons.Right) { if (_world != null) { Vector3 rayFrom = Freelook.Eye; ClosestRayResultCallback rayCallback = new ClosestRayResultCallback(ref rayFrom, ref rayTo); _world.RayTest(ref rayFrom, ref rayTo, rayCallback); if (rayCallback.HasHit) { Vector3 pickPos = rayCallback.HitPointWorld; RigidBody body = rayCallback.CollisionObject as RigidBody; if (body != null) { if (!(body.IsStaticObject || body.IsKinematicObject)) { pickedBody = body; pickedBody.ActivationState = ActivationState.DisableDeactivation; Vector3 localPivot = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(pickPos, Matrix.Invert(body.CenterOfMassTransform)); if (Input.KeysDown.Contains(Keys.ShiftKey)) { Generic6DofConstraint dof6 = new Generic6DofConstraint(body, Matrix.Translation(localPivot), false) { LinearLowerLimit = Vector3.Zero, LinearUpperLimit = Vector3.Zero, AngularLowerLimit = Vector3.Zero, AngularUpperLimit = Vector3.Zero }; _world.AddConstraint(dof6); pickConstraint = dof6; dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 0); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 1); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 2); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 3); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 4); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopCfm, 0.8f, 5); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 0); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 1); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 2); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 3); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 4); dof6.SetParam(ConstraintParam.StopErp, 0.1f, 5); } else { Point2PointConstraint p2p = new Point2PointConstraint(body, localPivot); _world.AddConstraint(p2p); pickConstraint = p2p; p2p.Setting.ImpulseClamp = 30; //very weak constraint for picking p2p.Setting.Tau = 0.001f; /* p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 0); p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 1); p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Cfm, 0.8f, 2); p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 0); p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 1); p2p.SetParam(ConstraintParams.Erp, 0.1f, 2); */ } } } else { MultiBodyLinkCollider multiCol = rayCallback.CollisionObject as MultiBodyLinkCollider; if (multiCol != null && multiCol.MultiBody != null) { MultiBody mb = multiCol.MultiBody; prevCanSleep = mb.CanSleep; mb.CanSleep = false; Vector3 pivotInA = mb.WorldPosToLocal(multiCol.Link, pickPos); MultiBodyPoint2Point p2p = new MultiBodyPoint2Point(mb, multiCol.Link, null, pivotInA, pickPos); p2p.MaxAppliedImpulse = 2; (World as MultiBodyDynamicsWorld).AddMultiBodyConstraint(p2p); pickingMultiBodyPoint2Point = p2p; } } oldPickingDist = (pickPos - rayFrom).Length; } rayCallback.Dispose(); } } } else if (Input.MouseReleased == MouseButtons.Right) { RemovePickingConstraint(); } // Mouse movement if (Input.MouseDown == MouseButtons.Right) { MovePickedBody(); } }
public Mesh3d RayCastMesh3d() { var dir = GetDirection(); ClosestRayResultCallback rrc = new ClosestRayResultCallback(Transformation.GetPosition() + dir, Transformation.GetPosition() + dir * 10000.0f); World.Root.PhysicalWorld.RayTest(Transformation.GetPosition() + dir, Transformation.GetPosition() + dir * 10000.0f, rrc); if(rrc.HasHit) { return rrc.CollisionObject.UserObject as Mesh3d; } else return null; }
public Vector3 RayCastPosition() { var dir = GetDirection(); ClosestRayResultCallback rrc = new ClosestRayResultCallback(Transformation.GetPosition() + dir, Transformation.GetPosition() + dir * 10000.0f); World.Root.PhysicalWorld.RayTest(Transformation.GetPosition() + dir, Transformation.GetPosition() + dir * 10000.0f, rrc); if(rrc.HasHit) { return rrc.HitPointWorld; } else return Vector3.Zero; }