		public override void addConstraint( btTypedConstraint constraint, bool disableCollisionsBetweenLinkedBodies = false )
			m_constraints.Add( constraint );
			//Make sure the two bodies of a type constraint are different (possibly add this to the btTypedConstraint constructor?)
			Debug.Assert( constraint.getRigidBodyA() != constraint.getRigidBodyB() );

			if( disableCollisionsBetweenLinkedBodies )
				constraint.m_rbA.addConstraintRef( constraint );
				constraint.m_rbB.addConstraintRef( constraint );
		public override void removeConstraint( btTypedConstraint constraint )
			m_constraints.Remove( constraint );
			constraint.m_rbA.removeConstraintRef( constraint );
			constraint.m_rbB.removeConstraintRef( constraint );
			public void setup( btContactSolverInfo solverInfo
				, btTypedConstraint[] sortedConstraints, int numConstraints
				, btIDebugDraw debugDrawer )
				Debug.Assert( solverInfo != null );
				m_solverInfo = solverInfo;
				m_sortedConstraints = sortedConstraints;
				m_numConstraints = numConstraints;
				m_debugDrawer = debugDrawer;
				m_bodies.Count = ( 0 );
				m_manifolds.Count = ( 0 );
				m_constraints.Count = ( 0 );
		public static int btGetConstraintIslandId( btTypedConstraint lhs )
			int islandId;

			btCollisionObject rcolObj0 = lhs.getRigidBodyA();
			btCollisionObject rcolObj1 = lhs.getRigidBodyB();
			islandId = rcolObj0.getIslandTag() >= 0 ? rcolObj0.getIslandTag() : rcolObj1.getIslandTag();
			return islandId;

		static bool compare( btTypedConstraint lhs, btTypedConstraint rhs )
			int rIslandId0, lIslandId0;
			rIslandId0 = btDiscreteDynamicsWorld.btGetConstraintIslandId( rhs );
			lIslandId0 = btDiscreteDynamicsWorld.btGetConstraintIslandId( lhs );
			return lIslandId0 < rIslandId0;
		internal void debugDrawConstraint( btTypedConstraint constraint )
			bool drawFrames = ( getDebugDrawer().getDebugMode() & btIDebugDraw.DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawConstraints ) != 0;
			bool drawLimits = ( getDebugDrawer().getDebugMode() & btIDebugDraw.DebugDrawModes.DBG_DrawConstraintLimits ) != 0;
			double dbgDrawSize = constraint.getDbgDrawSize();
			if( dbgDrawSize <= (double)( 0 ) )

			switch( constraint.getConstraintType() )
						btPoint2PointConstraint p2pC = (btPoint2PointConstraint)constraint;
						btTransform tr = btTransform.Identity;
						btVector3 pivot;
						p2pC.getPivotInA( out pivot );
						btVector3 tmp;
						p2pC.getRigidBodyA().m_worldTransform.Apply( ref pivot, out tmp );
						tr.setOrigin( ref tmp );
						getDebugDrawer().drawTransform( ref tr, dbgDrawSize );
						// that ideally should draw the same frame
						p2pC.getPivotInB( out pivot );
						p2pC.getRigidBodyB().m_worldTransform.Apply( ref pivot, out tmp );
						tr.setOrigin( ref tmp );
						if( drawFrames ) getDebugDrawer().drawTransform( ref tr, dbgDrawSize );
				case btObjectTypes.HINGE_CONSTRAINT_TYPE:
						btHingeConstraint pHinge = (btHingeConstraint)constraint;
						btTransform tr; pHinge.getRigidBodyA().m_worldTransform.Apply( ref pHinge.m_rbAFrame, out tr );
						if( drawFrames ) getDebugDrawer().drawTransform( ref tr, dbgDrawSize );
						pHinge.getRigidBodyB().m_worldTransform.Apply( ref pHinge.m_rbBFrame, out tr );
						if( drawFrames ) getDebugDrawer().drawTransform( ref tr, dbgDrawSize );
						double minAng = pHinge.getLowerLimit();
						double maxAng = pHinge.getUpperLimit();
						if( minAng == maxAng )
						bool drawSect = true;
						if( !pHinge.hasLimit() )
							minAng = (double)( 0 );
							maxAng = btScalar.SIMD_2_PI;
							drawSect = false;
						if( drawLimits )
							btVector3 center = tr.m_origin;
							btVector3 normal; tr.m_basis.getColumn( 2, out normal );
							btVector3 axis; tr.m_basis.getColumn( 0, out axis );
							getDebugDrawer().drawArc( ref tr.m_origin, ref normal, ref axis, dbgDrawSize, dbgDrawSize, minAng, maxAng, ref btVector3.Zero, drawSect );
						btConeTwistConstraint pCT = (btConeTwistConstraint)constraint;
						btTransform tr; pCT.getRigidBodyA().m_worldTransform.Apply( ref pCT.m_rbAFrame, out tr );
						if( drawFrames ) getDebugDrawer().drawTransform( ref tr, dbgDrawSize );
						pCT.m_rbB.m_worldTransform.Apply( ref pCT.m_rbBFrame, out tr );
						if( drawFrames ) getDebugDrawer().drawTransform( ref tr, dbgDrawSize );
						if( drawLimits )
							//double length = (double)(5);
							double length = dbgDrawSize;
							int nSegments = 8 * 4;
							double fAngleInRadians = btScalar.SIMD_2_PI * (double)( nSegments - 1 ) / (double)( nSegments );
							btVector3 tmp;
							btVector3 pPrev; pCT.GetPointForAngle( fAngleInRadians, length, out tmp );
							tr.Apply( ref tmp, out pPrev );
							for( int i = 0; i < nSegments; i++ )
								fAngleInRadians = btScalar.SIMD_2_PI * (double)i / (double)( nSegments );
								btVector3 pCur; pCT.GetPointForAngle( fAngleInRadians, length, out pCur );
								//btVector3 tmp;
								tr.Apply( ref pCur, out tmp );
								getDebugDrawer().drawLine( ref pPrev, ref tmp, ref btVector3.Zero );

								if( i % ( nSegments / 8 ) == 0 )
									getDebugDrawer().drawLine( ref tr.m_origin, ref pCur, ref btVector3.Zero );

								pPrev = pCur;
							double tws = pCT.getTwistSpan();
							double twa = pCT.getTwistAngle();
							bool useFrameB = ( pCT.getRigidBodyB().getInvMass() > (double)( 0 ) );
							if( useFrameB )
								pCT.getRigidBodyB().m_worldTransform.Apply( ref pCT.m_rbBFrame, out tr );
								pCT.getRigidBodyA().m_worldTransform.Apply( ref pCT.m_rbBFrame, out tr );
							btVector3 pivot = tr.m_origin;
							btVector3 normal; tr.m_basis.getColumn( 0, out normal );
							btVector3 axis1; tr.m_basis.getColumn( 1, out axis1 );
							getDebugDrawer().drawArc( ref pivot, ref normal, ref axis1, dbgDrawSize, dbgDrawSize, -twa - tws, -twa + tws, ref btVector3.Zero, true );
				case btObjectTypes.D6_SPRING_CONSTRAINT_TYPE:
				case btObjectTypes.D6_CONSTRAINT_TYPE:
						btGeneric6DofConstraint p6DOF = (btGeneric6DofConstraint)constraint;
						btTransform tr;// = p6DOF.getCalculatedTransformA();
						if( drawFrames ) getDebugDrawer().drawTransform( ref p6DOF.m_calculatedTransformA, dbgDrawSize );
						//tr = p6DOF.getCalculatedTransformB();
						if( drawFrames ) getDebugDrawer().drawTransform( ref p6DOF.m_calculatedTransformB, dbgDrawSize );
						if( drawLimits )
							tr = p6DOF.m_calculatedTransformA;
							btVector3 center = p6DOF.m_calculatedTransformB.m_origin;
							btVector3 up = tr.m_basis.getColumn( 2 );
							btVector3 axis = tr.m_basis.getColumn( 0 );
							double minTh = p6DOF.getRotationalLimitMotor( 1 ).m_loLimit;
							double maxTh = p6DOF.getRotationalLimitMotor( 1 ).m_hiLimit;
							double minPs = p6DOF.getRotationalLimitMotor( 2 ).m_loLimit;
							double maxPs = p6DOF.getRotationalLimitMotor( 2 ).m_hiLimit;
							getDebugDrawer().drawSpherePatch( ref center, ref up, ref axis, dbgDrawSize * (double)( .9f ), minTh, maxTh, minPs, maxPs, ref btVector3.Zero );
							axis = tr.m_basis.getColumn( 1 );
							double ay = p6DOF.getAngle( 1 );
							double az = p6DOF.getAngle( 2 );
							double cy = btScalar.btCos( ay );
							double sy = btScalar.btSin( ay );
							double cz = btScalar.btCos( az );
							double sz = btScalar.btSin( az );
							btVector3 ref_point;
							ref_point.x = cy * cz * axis[0] + cy * sz * axis[1] - sy * axis[2];
							ref_point.y = -sz * axis[0] + cz * axis[1];
							ref_point.z = cz * sy * axis[0] + sz * sy * axis[1] + cy * axis[2];
							ref_point.w = 0;
							tr = p6DOF.m_calculatedTransformB;
							btVector3 normal; tr.m_basis.getColumn( 0, out normal );
							normal.Invert( out normal );
							double minFi = p6DOF.getRotationalLimitMotor( 0 ).m_loLimit;
							double maxFi = p6DOF.getRotationalLimitMotor( 0 ).m_hiLimit;
							if( minFi > maxFi )
								getDebugDrawer().drawArc( ref center, ref normal, ref ref_point, dbgDrawSize, dbgDrawSize, -btScalar.SIMD_PI, btScalar.SIMD_PI, ref btVector3.Zero, false );
							else if( minFi < maxFi )
								getDebugDrawer().drawArc( ref center, ref normal, ref ref_point, dbgDrawSize, dbgDrawSize, minFi, maxFi, ref btVector3.Zero, true );
							tr = p6DOF.m_calculatedTransformA;
							btVector3 bbMin = p6DOF.getTranslationalLimitMotor().m_lowerLimit;
							btVector3 bbMax = p6DOF.getTranslationalLimitMotor().m_upperLimit;
							getDebugDrawer().drawBox( ref bbMin, ref bbMax, ref tr, ref btVector3.Zero );
				///note: the code for D6_SPRING_2_CONSTRAINT_TYPE is identical to D6_CONSTRAINT_TYPE, the D6_CONSTRAINT_TYPE+D6_SPRING_CONSTRAINT_TYPE will likely become obsolete/deprecated at some stage
				case btObjectTypes.D6_SPRING_2_CONSTRAINT_TYPE:
							btGeneric6DofSpring2Constraint p6DOF = (btGeneric6DofSpring2Constraint)constraint;
							//btTransform tr;// = p6DOF.getCalculatedTransformA();
							if( drawFrames ) getDebugDrawer().drawTransform( ref p6DOF.m_calculatedTransformA, dbgDrawSize );
							//tr = p6DOF.getCalculatedTransformB();
							if( drawFrames ) getDebugDrawer().drawTransform( ref p6DOF.m_calculatedTransformB, dbgDrawSize );
							if( drawLimits )
								//tr = p6DOF.getCalculatedTransformA();
								btVector3 center = p6DOF.m_calculatedTransformB.m_origin;
								btVector3 up = p6DOF.m_calculatedTransformA.m_basis.getColumn( 2 );
								btVector3 axis = p6DOF.m_calculatedTransformA.m_basis.getColumn( 0 );
								double minTh = p6DOF.getRotationalLimitMotor( 1 ).m_loLimit;
								double maxTh = p6DOF.getRotationalLimitMotor( 1 ).m_hiLimit;
								double minPs = p6DOF.getRotationalLimitMotor( 2 ).m_loLimit;
								double maxPs = p6DOF.getRotationalLimitMotor( 2 ).m_hiLimit;
								getDebugDrawer().drawSpherePatch( ref center, ref up, ref axis, dbgDrawSize * (double)( .9f ), minTh, maxTh, minPs, maxPs, ref btVector3.Zero );
								axis = p6DOF.m_calculatedTransformA.m_basis.getColumn( 1 );
								double ay = p6DOF.getAngle( 1 );
								double az = p6DOF.getAngle( 2 );
								double cy = btScalar.btCos( ay );
								double sy = btScalar.btSin( ay );
								double cz = btScalar.btCos( az );
								double sz = btScalar.btSin( az );
								btVector3 ref_point;
								ref_point.x = cy * cz * axis[0] + cy * sz * axis[1] - sy * axis[2];
								ref_point.y = -sz * axis[0] + cz * axis[1];
								ref_point.z = cz * sy * axis[0] + sz * sy * axis[1] + cy * axis[2];
								ref_point.w = 0;
								//tr = p6DOF.getCalculatedTransformB();
								btVector3 normal; p6DOF.m_calculatedTransformB.m_basis.getColumn( 0, out normal );
								normal.Invert( out normal );
								double minFi = p6DOF.getRotationalLimitMotor( 0 ).m_loLimit;
								double maxFi = p6DOF.getRotationalLimitMotor( 0 ).m_hiLimit;
								if( minFi > maxFi )
									getDebugDrawer().drawArc( ref center, ref normal, ref ref_point, dbgDrawSize, dbgDrawSize, -btScalar.SIMD_PI, btScalar.SIMD_PI, ref btVector3.Zero, false );
								else if( minFi < maxFi )
									getDebugDrawer().drawArc( ref center, ref normal, ref ref_point, dbgDrawSize, dbgDrawSize, minFi, maxFi, ref btVector3.Zero, true );
								//tr = p6DOF.getCalculatedTransformA();
								btVector3 bbMin = p6DOF.getTranslationalLimitMotor().m_lowerLimit;
								btVector3 bbMax = p6DOF.getTranslationalLimitMotor().m_upperLimit;
								getDebugDrawer().drawBox( ref bbMin, ref bbMax, ref p6DOF.m_calculatedTransformA, ref btVector3.Zero );
				case btObjectTypes.SLIDER_CONSTRAINT_TYPE:
						btSliderConstraint pSlider = (btSliderConstraint)constraint;
						//btTransform tr = pSlider.m_calculatedTransformA;
						if( drawFrames ) getDebugDrawer().drawTransform( ref pSlider.m_calculatedTransformA, dbgDrawSize );
						//tr = pSlider.getCalculatedTransformB();
						if( drawFrames ) getDebugDrawer().drawTransform( ref pSlider.m_calculatedTransformB, dbgDrawSize );
						if( drawLimits )
							btTransform tr = pSlider.getUseLinearReferenceFrameA()
								? pSlider.m_calculatedTransformA
								: pSlider.m_calculatedTransformB;
							btVector3 tmp = new btVector3( pSlider.getLowerLinLimit(), 0, 0 );
							btVector3 li_min; tr.Apply( ref tmp, out li_min );
							tmp = new btVector3( pSlider.getUpperLinLimit(), 0, 0 );
							btVector3 li_max; tr.Apply( ref tmp, out li_max );
							getDebugDrawer().drawLine( ref li_min, ref li_max, ref btVector3.Zero );
							btVector3 normal = tr.m_basis.getColumn( 0 );
							btVector3 axis = tr.m_basis.getColumn( 1 );
							double a_min = pSlider.getLowerAngLimit();
							double a_max = pSlider.getUpperAngLimit();
							btVector3 center = pSlider.m_calculatedTransformB.m_origin;
							getDebugDrawer().drawArc( ref center, ref normal, ref axis, dbgDrawSize, dbgDrawSize, a_min, a_max, ref btVector3.Zero, true );
		public virtual void addConstraint( btTypedConstraint constraint, bool disableCollisionsBetweenLinkedBodies = false )
			//(void)constraint; (void)disableCollisionsBetweenLinkedBodies;
		protected virtual double solveGroupCacheFriendlySetup( btCollisionObject[] bodies, int numBodies
			, btPersistentManifold[] manifoldPtr, int start_manifold, int numManifolds
			, btTypedConstraint[] constraints, int startConstraint, int numConstraints, btContactSolverInfo infoGlobal, btIDebugDraw debugDrawer )
			if( m_fixedBody != null )
				BulletGlobals.SolverBodyPool.Free( m_fixedBody );
				m_fixedBody = null;
			//m_fixedBodyId = -1;
			CProfileSample sample = new CProfileSample( "solveGroupCacheFriendlySetup" );

			m_maxOverrideNumSolverIterations = 0;

	 //make sure that dynamic bodies exist for all (enabled)raints
	for (int i=0;i<numConstraints;i++)
		btTypedConstraint* constraint = constraints[i];
		if (constraint.isEnabled())
			if (!constraint.getRigidBodyA().isStaticOrKinematicObject())
				bool found=false;
				for (int b=0;b<numBodies;b++)

					if (&constraint.getRigidBodyA()==bodies[b])
						found = true;
			if (!constraint.getRigidBodyB().isStaticOrKinematicObject())
				bool found=false;
				for (int b=0;b<numBodies;b++)
					if (&constraint.getRigidBodyB()==bodies[b])
						found = true;
    //make sure that dynamic bodies exist for all contact manifolds
    for (int i=0;i<numManifolds;i++)
        if (!manifoldPtr[i].getBody0().isStaticOrKinematicObject())
            bool found=false;
            for (int b=0;b<numBodies;b++)

                if (manifoldPtr[i].getBody0()==bodies[b])
                    found = true;
        if (!manifoldPtr[i].getBody1().isStaticOrKinematicObject())
            bool found=false;
            for (int b=0;b<numBodies;b++)
                if (manifoldPtr[i].getBody1()==bodies[b])
                    found = true;

			for( int i = 0; i < numBodies; i++ )
				bodies[i].setCompanionBody( null );

			m_tmpSolverBodyPool.Capacity = ( numBodies + 1 );
			m_tmpSolverBodyPool.Count = ( 0 );

			//btSolverBody fixedBody = m_tmpSolverBodyPool.expand();

			//convert all bodies

			for( int i = 0; i < numBodies; i++ )
				//int bodyId = getOrInitSolverBody( bodies[i], infoGlobal.m_timeStep );

				btRigidBody body = btRigidBody.upcast( bodies[i] );
				if( body != null && body.getInvMass() != 0 )
					btSolverBody solverBody = getOrInitSolverBody( bodies[i], infoGlobal.m_timeStep );
					btVector3 gyroForce = btVector3.Zero;
					if( ( body.getFlags() & btRigidBodyFlags.BT_ENABLE_GYROSCOPIC_FORCE_EXPLICIT ) != 0 )
						body.computeGyroscopicForceExplicit( infoGlobal.m_maxGyroscopicForce, out gyroForce );
						btVector3 tmp;
						body.m_invInertiaTensorWorld.ApplyInverse( ref gyroForce, out tmp );
						//solverBody.m_externalTorqueImpulse -= gyroForce * body.m_invInertiaTensorWorld * infoGlobal.m_timeStep;
						solverBody.m_externalTorqueImpulse.SubScale( ref tmp, infoGlobal.m_timeStep, out solverBody.m_externalTorqueImpulse );
					if( ( body.getFlags() & btRigidBodyFlags.BT_ENABLE_GYROSCOPIC_FORCE_IMPLICIT_WORLD ) != 0 )
						body.computeGyroscopicImpulseImplicit_World( infoGlobal.m_timeStep, out gyroForce );
						solverBody.m_externalTorqueImpulse.Add( ref gyroForce, out solverBody.m_externalTorqueImpulse );
					if( ( body.getFlags() & btRigidBodyFlags.BT_ENABLE_GYROSCOPIC_FORCE_IMPLICIT_BODY ) != 0 )
						body.computeGyroscopicImpulseImplicit_Body( infoGlobal.m_timeStep, out gyroForce );
						btScalar.Dbg( "Gyroforce " + gyroForce );
						solverBody.m_externalTorqueImpulse.Add( ref gyroForce, out solverBody.m_externalTorqueImpulse );

			if( true )
				int j;
				for( j = 0; j < numConstraints; j++ )
					btTypedConstraint constraint = constraints[j + startConstraint];
					constraint.internalSetAppliedImpulse( 0.0f );

			//btRigidBody rb0=0,*rb1=0;

			//if (1)

					int totalNumRows = 0;
					int i;

					m_tmpConstraintSizesPool.Capacity = ( numConstraints );
					//calculate the total number of contraint rows
					for( i = 0; i < numConstraints; i++ )
						int infoNumConstraintRows = m_tmpConstraintSizesPool[i].m_numConstraintRows;
						//btTypedConstraint.btConstraintInfo1 info1 = m_tmpConstraintSizesPool[i];
						btTypedConstraint.btJointFeedback fb = constraints[i + startConstraint].getJointFeedback();
						if( fb != null )

						if( constraints[i + startConstraint].isEnabled() )
							constraints[i + startConstraint].getInfo1( ref m_tmpConstraintSizesPool.InternalArray[i] );
							m_tmpConstraintSizesPool.InternalArray[i].m_numConstraintRows = 0;
							m_tmpConstraintSizesPool.InternalArray[i].nub = 0;
						totalNumRows += m_tmpConstraintSizesPool.InternalArray[i].m_numConstraintRows;
					m_tmpSolverNonContactConstraintPool.Count = ( totalNumRows );
					for( i = 0; i < totalNumRows; i++ )
						m_tmpSolverNonContactConstraintPool[i] = BulletGlobals.SolverConstraintPool.Get();

					///setup the btSolverConstraints
					int currentRow = 0;

					for( i = 0; i < numConstraints; i++ )
						int infoConstraintRows = m_tmpConstraintSizesPool[i].m_numConstraintRows;

						if( infoConstraintRows != 0 )
							Debug.Assert( currentRow < totalNumRows );

							btSolverConstraint currentConstraintRow = m_tmpSolverNonContactConstraintPool[currentRow];
							btTypedConstraint constraint = constraints[i + startConstraint];
							btRigidBody rbA = constraint.getRigidBodyA();
							btRigidBody rbB = constraint.getRigidBodyB();

							//int solverBodyIdA = ;
							//int solverBodyIdB = ;

							btSolverBody bodyAPtr = getOrInitSolverBody( rbA, infoGlobal.m_timeStep );
							btSolverBody bodyBPtr = getOrInitSolverBody( rbB, infoGlobal.m_timeStep );

							int overrideNumSolverIterations = constraint.getOverrideNumSolverIterations() > 0 ? constraint.getOverrideNumSolverIterations() : infoGlobal.m_numIterations;
							if( overrideNumSolverIterations > m_maxOverrideNumSolverIterations )
								m_maxOverrideNumSolverIterations = overrideNumSolverIterations;

							int j;
							for( j = 0; j < infoConstraintRows; j++ )
								btSolverConstraint current = m_tmpSolverNonContactConstraintPool[currentRow + j];
								//memset( &currentConstraintRow[j], 0, sizeof( btSolverConstraint ) );
								current.m_lowerLimit = btScalar.SIMD_NEG_INFINITY;
								current.m_upperLimit = btScalar.SIMD_INFINITY;
								current.m_appliedImpulse = 0;
								current.m_appliedPushImpulse = 0;
								current.m_solverBodyA = bodyAPtr;
								current.m_solverBodyB = bodyBPtr;
								current.m_overrideNumSolverIterations = overrideNumSolverIterations;


							btTypedConstraint.btConstraintInfo2 info2 = m_tmpConstraintInfo2Pool.Get();// new btTypedConstraint.btConstraintInfo2();
							info2.m_numRows = infoConstraintRows;

							for( j = 0; j < infoConstraintRows; ++j )
								info2.m_solverConstraints[j] = m_tmpSolverNonContactConstraintPool[currentRow + j];

							info2.fps = 1 / infoGlobal.m_timeStep;
							info2.erp = infoGlobal.m_erp;
							info2.m_J1linearAxis = currentConstraintRow.m_contactNormal1;
							info2.m_J1angularAxis = currentConstraintRow.m_relpos1CrossNormal;
							info2.m_J2linearAxis = currentConstraintRow.m_contactNormal2;
							info2.m_J2angularAxis = currentConstraintRow.m_relpos2CrossNormal;
							info2.rowskip = 0;// sizeof( btSolverConstraint ) / sizeof( double );//check this
																							///the size of btSolverConstraint needs be a multiple of double
							//Debug.Assert( info2.rowskip * sizeof( double ) == sizeof( btSolverConstraint ) );
							info2.m_constraintError = currentConstraintRow.m_rhs;
							info2.cfm = currentConstraintRow.m_cfm;
							info2.m_lowerLimit = currentConstraintRow.m_lowerLimit;
							info2.m_upperLimit = currentConstraintRow.m_upperLimit;

							currentConstraintRow.m_cfm = infoGlobal.m_globalCfm;
							info2.m_damping = infoGlobal.m_damping;
							info2.m_numIterations = infoGlobal.m_numIterations;
							constraint.getInfo2( info2 );

							///finalize the constraint setup
							for( j = 0; j < infoConstraintRows; j++ )
								btSolverConstraint solverConstraint = m_tmpSolverNonContactConstraintPool[currentRow + j];

								if( solverConstraint.m_upperLimit >= constraint.getBreakingImpulseThreshold() )
									solverConstraint.m_upperLimit = constraint.getBreakingImpulseThreshold();

								if( solverConstraint.m_lowerLimit <= -constraint.getBreakingImpulseThreshold() )
									solverConstraint.m_lowerLimit = -constraint.getBreakingImpulseThreshold();

								solverConstraint.m_originalContactPoint = constraint;

								btVector3 tmp;
									//solverConstraint.m_angularComponentA = constraint.getRigidBodyA().m_invInertiaTensorWorld
									//	*solverConstraint.m_relpos1CrossNormal * constraint.getRigidBodyA().getAngularFactor();

									constraint.m_rbA.m_invInertiaTensorWorld.Apply( ref solverConstraint.m_relpos1CrossNormal, out tmp );
									tmp.Mult( ref constraint.m_rbA.m_angularFactor, out solverConstraint.m_angularComponentA );
									//solverConstraint.m_angularComponentB = constraint.getRigidBodyB().m_invInertiaTensorWorld
									//	* solverConstraint.m_relpos2CrossNormal * constraint.getRigidBodyB().getAngularFactor();
									constraint.m_rbB.m_invInertiaTensorWorld.Apply( ref solverConstraint.m_relpos2CrossNormal, out tmp );
									tmp.Mult( ref constraint.m_rbB.m_angularFactor, out solverConstraint.m_angularComponentB );

									btVector3 iMJlA; solverConstraint.m_contactNormal1.Mult( rbA.m_inverseMass, out iMJlA );
									btVector3 iMJaA; rbA.m_invInertiaTensorWorld.Apply( ref solverConstraint.m_relpos1CrossNormal, out iMJaA );
									btVector3 iMJlB; solverConstraint.m_contactNormal2.Mult( rbB.m_inverseMass, out iMJlB );//sign of normal?
									btVector3 iMJaB; rbB.m_invInertiaTensorWorld.Apply( ref solverConstraint.m_relpos2CrossNormal, out iMJaB );

									double sum = iMJlA.dot( ref solverConstraint.m_contactNormal1 );
									sum += iMJaA.dot( ref solverConstraint.m_relpos1CrossNormal );
									sum += iMJlB.dot( ref solverConstraint.m_contactNormal2 );
									sum += iMJaB.dot( ref solverConstraint.m_relpos2CrossNormal );
									double fsum = btScalar.btFabs( sum );
									Debug.Assert( fsum > btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON );
									btScalar.Dbg( "m_jacDiagABInv 4 set to " + ( fsum > btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON ? btScalar.BT_ONE / sum : 0 ).ToString( "g17" ) );
									solverConstraint.m_jacDiagABInv = fsum > btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON ? btScalar.BT_ONE / sum : 0;

									double rel_vel;
									btVector3 externalForceImpulseA = bodyAPtr.m_originalBody != null ? bodyAPtr.m_externalForceImpulse : btVector3.Zero;
									btVector3 externalTorqueImpulseA = bodyAPtr.m_originalBody != null ? bodyAPtr.m_externalTorqueImpulse : btVector3.Zero;

									btVector3 externalForceImpulseB = bodyBPtr.m_originalBody != null ? bodyBPtr.m_externalForceImpulse : btVector3.Zero;
									btVector3 externalTorqueImpulseB = bodyBPtr.m_originalBody != null ? bodyBPtr.m_externalTorqueImpulse : btVector3.Zero;
									btScalar.Dbg( "external torque2 impulses " + externalTorqueImpulseA + externalTorqueImpulseB );

									double vel1Dotn = solverConstraint.m_contactNormal1.dotAdded( ref rbA.m_linearVelocity, ref externalForceImpulseA )
														+ solverConstraint.m_relpos1CrossNormal.dotAdded( ref rbA.m_angularVelocity, ref externalTorqueImpulseA );

									double vel2Dotn = solverConstraint.m_contactNormal2.dotAdded( ref rbB.m_linearVelocity, ref externalForceImpulseB )
														+ solverConstraint.m_relpos2CrossNormal.dotAdded( ref rbB.m_angularVelocity, ref externalTorqueImpulseB );

									rel_vel = vel1Dotn + vel2Dotn;
									double restitution = 0;
									double positionalError = solverConstraint.m_rhs;//already filled in by getConstraintInfo2
									double velocityError = restitution - rel_vel * info2.m_damping;
									double penetrationImpulse = positionalError * solverConstraint.m_jacDiagABInv;
									double velocityImpulse = velocityError * solverConstraint.m_jacDiagABInv;
									solverConstraint.m_rhs = penetrationImpulse + velocityImpulse;
									btScalar.Dbg( "Constraint 5 m_rhs " + solverConstraint.m_rhs.ToString( "g17" ) );
									solverConstraint.m_appliedImpulse = 0;
						currentRow += m_tmpConstraintSizesPool[i].m_numConstraintRows;
				btScalar.Dbg( "About to convert contacts " + start_manifold + " " + numManifolds );
				convertContacts( manifoldPtr, start_manifold, numManifolds, infoGlobal );


			//	btContactSolverInfo info = infoGlobal;

			int numNonContactPool = m_tmpSolverNonContactConstraintPool.Count;
			int numConstraintPool = m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool.Count;
			int numFrictionPool = m_tmpSolverContactFrictionConstraintPool.Count;

			///@todo: use stack allocator for such temporarily memory, same for solver bodies/constraints
			m_orderNonContactConstraintPool.Capacity = ( numNonContactPool );
			if( ( infoGlobal.m_solverMode & btSolverMode.SOLVER_USE_2_FRICTION_DIRECTIONS ) != 0 )
				m_orderTmpConstraintPool.Count = m_orderTmpConstraintPool.Capacity = ( numConstraintPool * 2 );
				m_orderTmpConstraintPool.Count = m_orderTmpConstraintPool.Capacity = ( numConstraintPool );

			m_orderFrictionConstraintPool.Count = m_orderFrictionConstraintPool.Capacity = ( numFrictionPool );
				int i;
				for( i = 0; i < numNonContactPool; i++ )
					m_orderNonContactConstraintPool[i] = i;
				for( i = 0; i < numConstraintPool; i++ )
					m_orderTmpConstraintPool[i] = i;
				for( i = 0; i < numFrictionPool; i++ )
					m_orderFrictionConstraintPool[i] = i;

			return 0;

		/// btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver Sequentially applies impulses
		internal override double solveGroup( btCollisionObject[] bodies, int numBodies
			, btPersistentManifold[] manifoldPtr, int start_manifold, int numManifolds
			, btTypedConstraint[] constraints, int startConstraint, int numConstraints
			, btContactSolverInfo infoGlobal
			, btIDebugDraw debugDrawer, btDispatcher dispatcher )
			CProfileSample sample = new CProfileSample( "solveGroup" );
			//you need to provide at least some bodies

			solveGroupCacheFriendlySetup( bodies, numBodies, manifoldPtr, start_manifold, numManifolds, constraints, startConstraint, numConstraints, infoGlobal, debugDrawer );

			solveGroupCacheFriendlyIterations( bodies, numBodies, manifoldPtr, start_manifold, numManifolds, constraints, startConstraint, numConstraints, infoGlobal, debugDrawer );

			solveGroupCacheFriendlyFinish( bodies, numBodies, infoGlobal );

			return 0;
		///override the default global value of a parameter (such as ERP or CFM), optionally provide the axis (0..5). 
		///If no axis is provided, it uses the default axis for this constraint.
		public override void setParam( btTypedConstraint.btConstraintParams num, double value, int axis = -1 )
			if( ( axis == -1 ) || ( axis == 5 ) )
				switch( num )
					case btConstraintParams.BT_CONSTRAINT_STOP_ERP:
						m_stopERP = value;
						m_flags |= btHingeFlags.BT_HINGE_FLAGS_ERP_STOP;
					case btConstraintParams.BT_CONSTRAINT_STOP_CFM:
						m_stopCFM = value;
						m_flags |= btHingeFlags.BT_HINGE_FLAGS_CFM_STOP;
					case btConstraintParams.BT_CONSTRAINT_CFM:
						m_normalCFM = value;
						m_flags |= btHingeFlags.BT_HINGE_FLAGS_CFM_NORM;
					case btConstraintParams.BT_CONSTRAINT_ERP:
						m_normalERP = value;
						m_flags |= btHingeFlags.BT_HINGE_FLAGS_ERP_NORM;
						btAssertConstrParams( false );
				btAssertConstrParams( false );
		protected virtual double solveGroupCacheFriendlyIterations( btCollisionObject[] bodies, int numBodies
			, btPersistentManifold[] manifoldPtr, int start_manifold, int numManifolds
			, btTypedConstraint[] constraints, int startConstraint, int numConstraints
			, btContactSolverInfo infoGlobal, btIDebugDraw debugDrawer )
			CProfileSample sample = new CProfileSample( "solveGroupCacheFriendlyIterations" );

				///this is a special step to resolve penetrations (just for contacts)
				solveGroupCacheFriendlySplitImpulseIterations( bodies, numBodies, manifoldPtr, start_manifold, numManifolds, constraints, startConstraint, numConstraints, infoGlobal, debugDrawer );

				int maxIterations = m_maxOverrideNumSolverIterations > infoGlobal.m_numIterations ? m_maxOverrideNumSolverIterations : infoGlobal.m_numIterations;

				for( int iteration = 0; iteration < maxIterations; iteration++ )
				//for ( int iteration = maxIterations-1  ; iteration >= 0;iteration--)
					solveSingleIteration( iteration, bodies, numBodies, manifoldPtr, start_manifold, numManifolds, constraints, startConstraint, numConstraints, infoGlobal, debugDrawer );

			return 0;
		protected virtual void solveGroupCacheFriendlySplitImpulseIterations( btCollisionObject[] bodies, int numBodies
			, btPersistentManifold[] manifoldPtr, int start_manifold, int numManifolds
			, btTypedConstraint[] constraints, int startConstraint, int numConstraints, btContactSolverInfo infoGlobal, btIDebugDraw debugDrawer )
			int iteration;
			if( infoGlobal.m_splitImpulse )
				if( ( infoGlobal.m_solverMode & btSolverMode.SOLVER_SIMD ) != 0 )
					for( iteration = 0; iteration < infoGlobal.m_numIterations; iteration++ )
							int numPoolConstraints = m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool.Count;
							int j;
							for( j = 0; j < numPoolConstraints; j++ )
								btSolverConstraint solveManifold = m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool[m_orderTmpConstraintPool[j]];

								resolveSplitPenetrationSIMD( solveManifold.m_solverBodyA, solveManifold.m_solverBodyB, solveManifold );
					for( iteration = 0; iteration < infoGlobal.m_numIterations; iteration++ )
							int numPoolConstraints = m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool.Count;
							int j;
							for( j = 0; j < numPoolConstraints; j++ )
								btSolverConstraint solveManifold = m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool[m_orderTmpConstraintPool[j]];

								resolveSplitPenetrationImpulseCacheFriendly( solveManifold.m_solverBodyA, solveManifold.m_solverBodyB, solveManifold );
		protected virtual double solveSingleIteration( int iteration, btCollisionObject[] bodies, int numBodies
			, btPersistentManifold[] manifoldPtr, int start_manifold, int numManifolds
			, btTypedConstraint[] constraints, int startConstraint, int numConstraints
			, btContactSolverInfo infoGlobal, btIDebugDraw debugDrawer )

			int numNonContactPool = m_tmpSolverNonContactConstraintPool.Count;
			int numConstraintPool = m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool.Count;
			int numFrictionPool = m_tmpSolverContactFrictionConstraintPool.Count;

			if( ( infoGlobal.m_solverMode & btSolverMode.SOLVER_RANDMIZE_ORDER ) != 0 )
				if( true )         // uncomment this for a bit less random ((iteration & 7) == 0)

					for( int j = 0; j < numNonContactPool; ++j )
						int tmp = m_orderNonContactConstraintPool[j];
						int swapi = btRandInt2( j + 1 );
						m_orderNonContactConstraintPool[j] = m_orderNonContactConstraintPool[swapi];
						m_orderNonContactConstraintPool[swapi] = tmp;

					//contact/friction constraints are not solved more than
					if( iteration < infoGlobal.m_numIterations )
						for( int j = 0; j < numConstraintPool; ++j )
							int tmp = m_orderTmpConstraintPool[j];
							int swapi = btRandInt2( j + 1 );
							m_orderTmpConstraintPool[j] = m_orderTmpConstraintPool[swapi];
							m_orderTmpConstraintPool[swapi] = tmp;

						for( int j = 0; j < numFrictionPool; ++j )
							int tmp = m_orderFrictionConstraintPool[j];
							int swapi = btRandInt2( j + 1 );
							m_orderFrictionConstraintPool[j] = m_orderFrictionConstraintPool[swapi];
							m_orderFrictionConstraintPool[swapi] = tmp;

			if( ( infoGlobal.m_solverMode & btSolverMode.SOLVER_SIMD ) != 0 )
				///solve all joint constraints, using SIMD, if available
				for( int j = 0; j < m_tmpSolverNonContactConstraintPool.Count; j++ )
					btSolverConstraint constraint = m_tmpSolverNonContactConstraintPool[m_orderNonContactConstraintPool[j]];
					if( iteration < constraint.m_overrideNumSolverIterations )
						resolveSingleConstraintRowGenericSIMD( constraint.m_solverBodyA
							, constraint.m_solverBodyB, constraint );

				if( iteration < infoGlobal.m_numIterations )
					for( int j = 0; j < numConstraints; j++ )
						btTypedConstraint constraint = constraints[j + startConstraint];
						if( constraint.isEnabled() )
							btSolverBody bodyA = getOrInitSolverBody( constraint.getRigidBodyA(), infoGlobal.m_timeStep );
							btSolverBody bodyB = getOrInitSolverBody( constraint.getRigidBodyB(), infoGlobal.m_timeStep );
							constraint.solveConstraintObsolete( bodyA, bodyB, infoGlobal.m_timeStep );

					///solve all contact constraints using SIMD, if available
					if( ( infoGlobal.m_solverMode & btSolverMode.SOLVER_INTERLEAVE_CONTACT_AND_FRICTION_CONSTRAINTS ) != 0 )
						int numPoolConstraints = m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool.Count;
						int multiplier = ( ( infoGlobal.m_solverMode & btSolverMode.SOLVER_USE_2_FRICTION_DIRECTIONS ) != 0 ) ? 2 : 1;

						for( int c = 0; c < numPoolConstraints; c++ )
							double totalImpulse = 0;

								btSolverConstraint solveManifold = m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool[m_orderTmpConstraintPool[c]];
								resolveSingleConstraintRowLowerLimitSIMD( solveManifold.m_solverBodyA, solveManifold.m_solverBodyB, solveManifold );
								totalImpulse = solveManifold.m_appliedImpulse;
							bool applyFriction = true;
							if( applyFriction )

									btSolverConstraint solveManifold = m_tmpSolverContactFrictionConstraintPool[m_orderFrictionConstraintPool[c * multiplier]];

									if( totalImpulse > (double)( 0 ) )
										solveManifold.m_lowerLimit = -( solveManifold.m_friction * totalImpulse );
										solveManifold.m_upperLimit = solveManifold.m_friction * totalImpulse;

										resolveSingleConstraintRowGenericSIMD( solveManifold.m_solverBodyA, solveManifold.m_solverBodyB, solveManifold );

								if( ( infoGlobal.m_solverMode & btSolverMode.SOLVER_USE_2_FRICTION_DIRECTIONS ) != 0 )

									btSolverConstraint solveManifold = m_tmpSolverContactFrictionConstraintPool[m_orderFrictionConstraintPool[c * multiplier + 1]];

									if( totalImpulse > (double)( 0 ) )
										solveManifold.m_lowerLimit = -( solveManifold.m_friction * totalImpulse );
										solveManifold.m_upperLimit = solveManifold.m_friction * totalImpulse;

										resolveSingleConstraintRowGenericSIMD( solveManifold.m_solverBodyA, solveManifold.m_solverBodyB, solveManifold );

						//solve the friction constraints after all contact constraints, don't interleave them
						int numPoolConstraints = m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool.Count;
						int j;

						for( j = 0; j < numPoolConstraints; j++ )
							btSolverConstraint solveManifold = m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool[m_orderTmpConstraintPool[j]];
							//resolveSingleConstraintRowLowerLimitSIMD( solveManifold.m_solverBodyA, solveManifold.m_solverBodyB, solveManifold );
							gResolveSingleConstraintRowLowerLimit_scalar_reference( solveManifold.m_solverBodyA, solveManifold.m_solverBodyB, solveManifold );


						///solve all friction constraints, using SIMD, if available

						int numFrictionPoolConstraints = m_tmpSolverContactFrictionConstraintPool.Count;
						for( j = 0; j < numFrictionPoolConstraints; j++ )
							btSolverConstraint solveManifold = m_tmpSolverContactFrictionConstraintPool[m_orderFrictionConstraintPool[j]];
							double totalImpulse = m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool[solveManifold.m_frictionIndex].m_appliedImpulse;

							if( totalImpulse > (double)( 0 ) )
								solveManifold.m_lowerLimit = -( solveManifold.m_friction * totalImpulse );
								solveManifold.m_upperLimit = solveManifold.m_friction * totalImpulse;

								btScalar.Dbg( "PreFriction Impulse?" + solveManifold.m_appliedImpulse.ToString( "g17" ) );
								gResolveSingleConstraintRowGeneric_scalar_reference( solveManifold.m_solverBodyA, solveManifold.m_solverBodyB, solveManifold );
								//resolveSingleConstraintRowGenericSIMD( solveManifold.m_solverBodyA, solveManifold.m_solverBodyB, solveManifold );
								btScalar.Dbg( "Friction Impulse?" + solveManifold.m_appliedImpulse.ToString( "g17" ) );

						int numRollingFrictionPoolConstraints = m_tmpSolverContactRollingFrictionConstraintPool.Count;
						for( j = 0; j < numRollingFrictionPoolConstraints; j++ )

							btSolverConstraint rollingFrictionConstraint = m_tmpSolverContactRollingFrictionConstraintPool[j];
							double totalImpulse = m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool[rollingFrictionConstraint.m_frictionIndex].m_appliedImpulse;
							if( totalImpulse > (double)( 0 ) )
								double rollingFrictionMagnitude = rollingFrictionConstraint.m_friction * totalImpulse;
								if( rollingFrictionMagnitude > rollingFrictionConstraint.m_friction )
									rollingFrictionMagnitude = rollingFrictionConstraint.m_friction;

								rollingFrictionConstraint.m_lowerLimit = -rollingFrictionMagnitude;
								rollingFrictionConstraint.m_upperLimit = rollingFrictionMagnitude;
								gResolveSingleConstraintRowGeneric_scalar_reference( rollingFrictionConstraint.m_solverBodyA, rollingFrictionConstraint.m_solverBodyB, rollingFrictionConstraint );
								//resolveSingleConstraintRowGenericSIMD( rollingFrictionConstraint.m_solverBodyA, rollingFrictionConstraint.m_solverBodyB, rollingFrictionConstraint );

				//non-SIMD version
				///solve all joint constraints
				for( int j = 0; j < m_tmpSolverNonContactConstraintPool.Count; j++ )
					btSolverConstraint constraint = m_tmpSolverNonContactConstraintPool[m_orderNonContactConstraintPool[j]];
					if( iteration < constraint.m_overrideNumSolverIterations )
						resolveSingleConstraintRowGeneric( constraint.m_solverBodyA, constraint.m_solverBodyB, constraint );

				if( iteration < infoGlobal.m_numIterations )
					for( int j = 0; j < numConstraints; j++ )
						btTypedConstraint constraint = constraints[j + startConstraint];
						if( constraint.isEnabled() )
							//int bodyAid = ;
							//int bodyBid = ;
							btSolverBody bodyA = getOrInitSolverBody( constraint.getRigidBodyA(), infoGlobal.m_timeStep );
							btSolverBody bodyB = getOrInitSolverBody( constraint.getRigidBodyB(), infoGlobal.m_timeStep );
							constraint.solveConstraintObsolete( bodyA, bodyB, infoGlobal.m_timeStep );
					///solve all contact constraints
					int numPoolConstraints = m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool.Count;
					for( int j = 0; j < numPoolConstraints; j++ )
						btSolverConstraint solveManifold = m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool[m_orderTmpConstraintPool[j]];
						resolveSingleConstraintRowLowerLimit( solveManifold.m_solverBodyA, solveManifold.m_solverBodyB, solveManifold );
					///solve all friction constraints
					int numFrictionPoolConstraints = m_tmpSolverContactFrictionConstraintPool.Count;
					for( int j = 0; j < numFrictionPoolConstraints; j++ )
						btSolverConstraint solveManifold = m_tmpSolverContactFrictionConstraintPool[m_orderFrictionConstraintPool[j]];
						double totalImpulse = m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool[solveManifold.m_frictionIndex].m_appliedImpulse;

						if( totalImpulse > (double)( 0 ) )
							solveManifold.m_lowerLimit = -( solveManifold.m_friction * totalImpulse );
							solveManifold.m_upperLimit = solveManifold.m_friction * totalImpulse;

							resolveSingleConstraintRowGeneric( solveManifold.m_solverBodyA, solveManifold.m_solverBodyB, solveManifold );

					int numRollingFrictionPoolConstraints = m_tmpSolverContactRollingFrictionConstraintPool.Count;
					for( int j = 0; j < numRollingFrictionPoolConstraints; j++ )
						btSolverConstraint rollingFrictionConstraint = m_tmpSolverContactRollingFrictionConstraintPool[j];
						double totalImpulse = m_tmpSolverContactConstraintPool[rollingFrictionConstraint.m_frictionIndex].m_appliedImpulse;
						if( totalImpulse > (double)( 0 ) )
							double rollingFrictionMagnitude = rollingFrictionConstraint.m_friction * totalImpulse;
							if( rollingFrictionMagnitude > rollingFrictionConstraint.m_friction )
								rollingFrictionMagnitude = rollingFrictionConstraint.m_friction;

							rollingFrictionConstraint.m_lowerLimit = -rollingFrictionMagnitude;
							rollingFrictionConstraint.m_upperLimit = rollingFrictionMagnitude;

							resolveSingleConstraintRowGeneric( rollingFrictionConstraint.m_solverBodyA, rollingFrictionConstraint.m_solverBodyB, rollingFrictionConstraint );
			return 0;
		internal void addConstraintRef( btTypedConstraint c )
			///disable collision with the 'other' body

			int index = m_constraintRefs.IndexOf( c );
			//don't add constraints that are already referenced
			//Debug.Assert(index == m_constraintRefs.Count);
			if( index == -1 )
				m_constraintRefs.Add( c );
				btCollisionObject colObjA = c.getRigidBodyA();
				btCollisionObject colObjB = c.getRigidBodyB();
				if( colObjA == this )
					colObjA.setIgnoreCollisionCheck( colObjB, true );
					colObjB.setIgnoreCollisionCheck( colObjA, true );
		public virtual void removeConstraint( btTypedConstraint constraint ) { }
		internal void removeConstraintRef( btTypedConstraint c )
			int index = m_constraintRefs.IndexOf( c );
			//don't remove constraints that are not referenced
			if( index != -1 )
				m_constraintRefs.Remove( c );
				btCollisionObject colObjA = c.getRigidBodyA();
				btCollisionObject colObjB = c.getRigidBodyB();
				if( colObjA == this )
					colObjA.setIgnoreCollisionCheck( colObjB, false );
					colObjB.setIgnoreCollisionCheck( colObjA, false );
		///solve a group of constraints
		internal abstract double solveGroup( btCollisionObject[] bodies, int numBodies
					, btPersistentManifold[] manifold, int first_manifold, int numManifolds
					, btTypedConstraint[] constraints, int startConstraint, int numConstraints
					, btContactSolverInfo info
					, btIDebugDraw debugDrawer
					, btDispatcher dispatcher );