        /// <summary>
        /// Pushes content to another machine.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <PushFileResult> PushFileAsync(OperationContext context, ContentHash hash, Func <Task <Result <Stream> > > source)
                var pushRequest = new PushRequest(hash, context.TracingContext.Id);
                var headers     = pushRequest.GetMetadata();

                var call          = _client.PushFile(headers, cancellationToken: context.Token);
                var requestStream = call.RequestStream;

                var responseHeaders = await call.ResponseHeadersAsync;

                // If the remote machine couldn't be contacted, GRPC returns an empty
                // header collection. To avoid an exception, exit early instead.
                if (responseHeaders.Count == 0)

                var pushResponse = PushResponse.FromMetadata(responseHeaders);
                if (!pushResponse.ShouldCopy)
                    context.TraceDebug($"{nameof(PushFileAsync)}: copy of {hash.ToShortString()} was skipped.");

                var streamResult = await source();

                if (!streamResult)
                    await requestStream.CompleteAsync();

                    return(new PushFileResult(streamResult, "Failed to retrieve source stream."));

                using (var stream = streamResult.Value)
                    await StreamContentAsync(stream, new byte[_bufferSize], requestStream, context.Token);

                await requestStream.CompleteAsync();

                var responseStream = call.ResponseStream;
                await responseStream.MoveNext(context.Token);

                var response = responseStream.Current;

                    ? PushFileResult.PushSucceeded()
                    : new PushFileResult(response.Header.ErrorMessage));
            catch (RpcException r)
                return(new PushFileResult(r));
        /// <summary>
        /// Pushes content to another machine. Failure to open the source stream should return a null stream.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task <BoolResult> PushFileAsync(OperationContext context, ContentHash hash, Func <Task <Stream> > source)
                var pushRequest = new PushRequest(hash, context.TracingContext.Id);
                var headers     = pushRequest.GetMetadata();

                var call          = _client.PushFile(headers, cancellationToken: context.Token);
                var requestStream = call.RequestStream;

                var responseHeaders = await call.ResponseHeadersAsync;

                var pushResponse = PushResponse.FromMetadata(responseHeaders);
                if (!pushResponse.ShouldCopy)
                    context.TraceDebug($"{nameof(PushFileAsync)}: copy of {hash.ToShortString()} was skipped.");

                var stream = await source();

                if (stream == null)
                    await requestStream.CompleteAsync();

                    return(new BoolResult("Failed to retrieve source stream."));

                using (stream)
                    await StreamContentAsync(stream, new byte[_bufferSize], requestStream, context.Token);

                await requestStream.CompleteAsync();

                var responseStream = call.ResponseStream;
                await responseStream.MoveNext(context.Token);

                var response = responseStream.Current;

                    ? BoolResult.Success
                    : new BoolResult(response.Header.ErrorMessage));
            catch (RpcException r)
                return(new BoolResult(r));
        public async Task <PushFileResult> PushFileAsync(OperationContext context, ContentHash hash, Stream stream, CopyOptions options)
            using var cts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(context.Token);
            var            token              = cts.Token;
            bool           exceptionThrown    = false;
            TimeSpan?      headerResponseTime = null;
            PushFileResult?result             = null;

                var startingPosition = stream.Position;

                var pushRequest = new PushRequest(hash, traceId: context.TracingContext.Id);
                var headers     = pushRequest.GetMetadata();

                using var call = _client.PushFile(options: GetDefaultGrpcOptions(headers, token));
                var      requestStream = call.RequestStream;
                Metadata responseHeaders;

                var stopwatch = StopwatchSlim.Start();
                    var timeout = GetResponseHeadersTimeout(options);
                    responseHeaders = await call.ResponseHeadersAsync.WithTimeoutAsync(timeout, token);

                    headerResponseTime = stopwatch.Elapsed;
                catch (TimeoutException t)
                    result = new PushFileResult(GetCopyResultCodeForGetResponseHeaderTimeout(), t);

                // If the remote machine couldn't be contacted, GRPC returns an empty
                // header collection. To avoid an exception, exit early instead.
                if (responseHeaders.Count == 0)
                    result = PushFileResult.ServerUnavailable();

                var pushResponse = PushResponse.FromMetadata(responseHeaders);
                if (!pushResponse.ShouldCopy)
                    result = PushFileResult.Rejected(pushResponse.Rejection);

                // If we get a response before we finish streaming, it must be that the server cancelled the operation.
                var responseStream   = call.ResponseStream;
                var responseMoveNext = responseStream.MoveNext(token);

                var responseCompletedTask = responseMoveNext.ContinueWith(
                    t =>
                    // It is possible that the next operation in this method will fail
                    // causing stack unwinding that will dispose serverIsDoneSource.
                    // Then when responseMoveNext is done serverIsDoneSource is already disposed and
                    // serverIsDoneSource.Cancel will throw ObjectDisposedException.
                    // This exception is not observed because the stack could've been unwound before
                    // the result of this method is awaited.
                    IgnoreObjectDisposedException(() => cts.Cancel());

                result = await _bandwidthChecker.CheckBandwidthAtIntervalAsync(
                    innerToken => pushFileImplementation(stream, options, startingPosition, requestStream, responseStream, responseMoveNext, responseCompletedTask, innerToken),
                    getErrorResult : diagnostics => PushFileResult.BandwidthTimeout(diagnostics));

            catch (RpcException r)
                result = new PushFileResult(r);
            catch (Exception)
                exceptionThrown = true;
                // Even though we don't expect exceptions in this method, we can't assume they won't happen.
                // So asserting that the result is not null only when the method completes successfully or with a known errors.
                Contract.Assert(exceptionThrown || result != null);
                if (result != null)
                    result.HeaderResponseTime = headerResponseTime;

            async Task <PushFileResult> pushFileImplementation(Stream stream, CopyOptions options, long startingPosition, IClientStreamWriter <PushFileRequest> requestStream, IAsyncStreamReader <PushFileResponse> responseStream, Task <bool> responseMoveNext, Task responseCompletedTask, CancellationToken token)
                using (var primaryBufferHandle = _pool.Get())
                    using (var secondaryBufferHandle = _pool.Get())
                        await StreamContentAsync(stream, primaryBufferHandle.Value, secondaryBufferHandle.Value, requestStream, options, token);


                await requestStream.CompleteAsync();

                await responseCompletedTask;

                // Make sure that we only attempt to read response when it is available.
                var responseIsAvailable = await responseMoveNext;

                if (!responseIsAvailable)
                    return(new PushFileResult("Failed to get final response."));

                var response = responseStream.Current;

                var size = stream.Position - startingPosition;

                    ? PushFileResult.PushSucceeded(size)
                    : new PushFileResult(response.Header.ErrorMessage));
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles a request to copy content to this machine.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task HandlePushFileAsync(IAsyncStreamReader <PushFileRequest> requestStream, IServerStreamWriter <PushFileResponse> responseStream, ServerCallContext callContext)

            var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var pushRequest = PushRequest.FromMetadata(callContext.RequestHeaders);

            var hash         = pushRequest.Hash;
            var cacheContext = new Context(pushRequest.TraceId, Logger);
            var token        = callContext.CancellationToken;

            var store = _contentStoreByCacheName.Values.OfType <IPushFileHandler>().FirstOrDefault();

            if (store == null)
                Tracer.Debug(cacheContext, $"{nameof(HandlePushFileAsync)}: Copy of {hash.ToShortString()} skipped because no stores implement {nameof(IPushFileHandler)}.");
                await callContext.WriteResponseHeadersAsync(PushResponse.DontCopy.Metadata);


            if (store.HasContentLocally(cacheContext, hash))
                Tracer.Debug(cacheContext, $"{nameof(HandlePushFileAsync)}: Copy of {hash.ToShortString()} skipped because content is already local.");
                await callContext.WriteResponseHeadersAsync(PushResponse.DontCopy.Metadata);


            if (!_ongoingPushes.Add(hash))
                Tracer.Debug(cacheContext, $"{nameof(HandlePushFileAsync)}: Copy of {hash.ToShortString()} skipped because another request to push it is already being handled.");
                await callContext.WriteResponseHeadersAsync(PushResponse.DontCopy.Metadata);


                await callContext.WriteResponseHeadersAsync(PushResponse.Copy.Metadata);

                var tempFilePath = AbsolutePath.CreateRandomFileName(_tempDirectory);

                using (var tempFile = File.OpenWrite(tempFilePath.Path))
                    while (await requestStream.MoveNext())
                        if (token.IsCancellationRequested)

                        var request = requestStream.Current;
                        var bytes   = request.Content.ToByteArray();
                        await tempFile.WriteAsync(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

                var result = await store.HandlePushFileAsync(cacheContext, hash, tempFilePath, token);


                var response = result
                    ? new PushFileResponse {
                    Header = ResponseHeader.Success(startTime)
                    : new PushFileResponse {
                    Header = ResponseHeader.Failure(startTime, result.ErrorMessage)

                await responseStream.WriteAsync(response);
        public async Task HandlePushFileAsync(IAsyncStreamReader <PushFileRequest> requestStream, IServerStreamWriter <PushFileResponse> responseStream, ServerCallContext callContext)
            // Detaching from the calling thread to (potentially) avoid IO Completion port thread exhaustion
            await Task.Yield();

            var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var pushRequest = PushRequest.FromMetadata(callContext.RequestHeaders);

            var hash         = pushRequest.Hash;
            var cacheContext = new Context(pushRequest.TraceId, Logger);

            // Cancelling the operation when the instance is shut down.
            using var shutdownTracker = TrackShutdown(cacheContext, callContext.CancellationToken);
            var token = shutdownTracker.Context.Token;

            var store = _contentStoreByCacheName.Values.OfType <IPushFileHandler>().FirstOrDefault();

            var rejection = CanHandlePushRequest(cacheContext, hash, store);

            if (rejection != RejectionReason.Accepted)
                await callContext.WriteResponseHeadersAsync(PushResponse.DoNotCopy(rejection).Metadata);


                // Running the logic inside try/finally block to remove the hash being processed regardless of the result of this method.
                await callContext.WriteResponseHeadersAsync(PushResponse.Copy.Metadata);

                PutResult?result = null;
                using (var disposableFile = new DisposableFile(cacheContext, _fileSystem, _temporaryDirectory !.CreateRandomFileName()))
                    // NOTE(jubayard): DeleteOnClose not used here because the file needs to be placed into the CAS.
                    // Opening a file for read/write and then doing pretty much anything to it leads to weird behavior
                    // that needs to be tested on a case by case basis. Since we don't know what the underlying store
                    // plans to do with the file, it is more robust to just use the DisposableFile construct.
                    using (var tempFile = await _fileSystem.OpenSafeAsync(disposableFile.Path, FileAccess.Write, FileMode.CreateNew, FileShare.None))
                        // From the docs: On the server side, MoveNext() does not throw exceptions.
                        // In case of a failure, the request stream will appear to be finished (MoveNext will return false)
                        // and the CancellationToken associated with the call will be cancelled to signal the failure.
                        await GrpcExtensions.CopyChunksToStreamAsync(requestStream, tempFile.Stream, request => request.Content, cancellationToken : token);

                    if (token.IsCancellationRequested)
                        if (!callContext.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                            await responseStream.WriteAsync(new PushFileResponse()
                                Header = ResponseHeader.Failure(startTime, "Operation cancelled by handler.")

                        var cancellationSource = callContext.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested ? "caller" : "handler";
                        cacheContext.Debug($"{nameof(HandlePushFileAsync)}: Copy of {hash.ToShortString()} cancelled by {cancellationSource}.");

                    result = await store.HandlePushFileAsync(cacheContext, hash, disposableFile.Path, token);

                var response = result
                    ? new PushFileResponse {
                    Header = ResponseHeader.Success(startTime)
                    : new PushFileResponse {
                    Header = ResponseHeader.Failure(startTime, result.ErrorMessage)

                await responseStream.WriteAsync(response);
                lock (_pushesLock)
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles a request to copy content to this machine.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task HandlePushFileAsync(IAsyncStreamReader <PushFileRequest> requestStream, IServerStreamWriter <PushFileResponse> responseStream, ServerCallContext callContext)

            var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var pushRequest = PushRequest.FromMetadata(callContext.RequestHeaders);

            var hash         = pushRequest.Hash;
            var cacheContext = new Context(pushRequest.TraceId, Logger);
            var token        = callContext.CancellationToken;

            var store = _contentStoreByCacheName.Values.OfType <IPushFileHandler>().FirstOrDefault();

            if (store == null)
                Tracer.Debug(cacheContext, $"{nameof(HandlePushFileAsync)}: Copy of {hash.ToShortString()} skipped because no stores implement {nameof(IPushFileHandler)}.");
                await callContext.WriteResponseHeadersAsync(PushResponse.DontCopy.Metadata);


            if (store.HasContentLocally(cacheContext, hash))
                Tracer.Debug(cacheContext, $"{nameof(HandlePushFileAsync)}: Copy of {hash.ToShortString()} skipped because content is already local.");
                await callContext.WriteResponseHeadersAsync(PushResponse.DontCopy.Metadata);


            if (!_ongoingPushes.Add(hash))
                Tracer.Debug(cacheContext, $"{nameof(HandlePushFileAsync)}: Copy of {hash.ToShortString()} skipped because another request to push it is already being handled.");
                await callContext.WriteResponseHeadersAsync(PushResponse.DontCopy.Metadata);


                await callContext.WriteResponseHeadersAsync(PushResponse.Copy.Metadata);

                PutResult result = null;
                using (var disposableFile = new DisposableFile(cacheContext, _fileSystem, _temporaryDirectory.CreateRandomFileName()))
                    // NOTE(jubayard): DeleteOnClose not used here because the file needs to be placed into the CAS.
                    // Opening a file for read/write and then doing pretty much anything to it leads to weird behavior
                    // that needs to be tested on a case by case basis. Since we don't know what the underlying store
                    // plans to do with the file, it is more robust to just use the DisposableFile construct.
                    using (var tempFile = await _fileSystem.OpenSafeAsync(disposableFile.Path, FileAccess.Write, FileMode.CreateNew, FileShare.None))
                        while (await requestStream.MoveNext())
                            if (token.IsCancellationRequested)

                            var request = requestStream.Current;
                            var bytes   = request.Content.ToByteArray();
                            await tempFile.WriteAsync(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

                    result = await store.HandlePushFileAsync(cacheContext, hash, disposableFile.Path, token);

                var response = result
                    ? new PushFileResponse {
                    Header = ResponseHeader.Success(startTime)
                    : new PushFileResponse {
                    Header = ResponseHeader.Failure(startTime, result.ErrorMessage)

                await responseStream.WriteAsync(response);
        public async Task <PushFileResult> PushFileAsync(OperationContext context, ContentHash hash, Stream stream)
                var pushRequest = new PushRequest(hash, context.TracingContext.Id);
                var headers     = pushRequest.GetMetadata();

                using var call = _client.PushFile(headers, cancellationToken: context.Token);
                var      requestStream = call.RequestStream;
                Metadata responseHeaders;

                    responseHeaders = await call.ResponseHeadersAsync.WithTimeoutAsync(_copyConnectionTimeout);
                catch (TimeoutException t)
                    return(new PushFileResult(CopyResultCode.ConnectionTimeoutError, t));

                // If the remote machine couldn't be contacted, GRPC returns an empty
                // header collection. To avoid an exception, exit early instead.
                if (responseHeaders.Count == 0)

                var pushResponse = PushResponse.FromMetadata(responseHeaders);
                if (!pushResponse.ShouldCopy)

                // If we get a response before we finish streaming, it must be that the server cancelled the operation.
                using var serverIsDoneSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
                var pushCancellationToken = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(serverIsDoneSource.Token, context.Token).Token;

                var responseStream   = call.ResponseStream;
                var responseMoveNext = responseStream.MoveNext(context.Token);

                var responseCompletedTask = responseMoveNext.ContinueWith(
                    t =>
                    // It is possible that the next operation in this method will fail
                    // causing stack unwinding that will dispose serverIsDoneSource.
                    // Then when responseMoveNext is done serverIsDoneSource is already disposed and
                    // serverIsDoneSource.Cancel will throw ObjectDisposedException.
                    // This exception is not observed because the stack could've been unwound before
                    // the result of this method is awaited.
                    IgnoreObjectDisposedException(() => serverIsDoneSource.Cancel());

                await StreamContentAsync(stream, new byte[_bufferSize], requestStream, pushCancellationToken);


                await requestStream.CompleteAsync();

                await responseCompletedTask;

                // Make sure that we only attempt to read response when it is available.
                var responseIsAvailable = await responseMoveNext;
                if (!responseIsAvailable)
                    return(new PushFileResult("Failed to get final response."));

                var response = responseStream.Current;

                    ? PushFileResult.PushSucceeded()
                    : new PushFileResult(response.Header.ErrorMessage));
            catch (RpcException r)
                return(new PushFileResult(r));
        public async Task HandlePushFileAsync(IAsyncStreamReader <PushFileRequest> requestStream, IServerStreamWriter <PushFileResponse> responseStream, ServerCallContext callContext)
            // Detaching from the calling thread to (potentially) avoid IO Completion port thread exhaustion
            await Task.Yield();

            var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var pushRequest = PushRequest.FromMetadata(callContext.RequestHeaders);

            var hash         = pushRequest.Hash;
            var cacheContext = new Context(pushRequest.TraceId, Logger);
            var token        = callContext.CancellationToken;

            var store = _contentStoreByCacheName.Values.OfType <IPushFileHandler>().FirstOrDefault();

            if (!CanHandlePushRequest(cacheContext, hash, store))
                await callContext.WriteResponseHeadersAsync(PushResponse.DoNotCopy.Metadata);


                // Running the logic inside try/finally block to remove the hash being processed regardless of the result of this method.
                await callContext.WriteResponseHeadersAsync(PushResponse.Copy.Metadata);

                PutResult?result = null;
                using (var disposableFile = new DisposableFile(cacheContext, _fileSystem, _temporaryDirectory !.CreateRandomFileName()))
                    // NOTE(jubayard): DeleteOnClose not used here because the file needs to be placed into the CAS.
                    // Opening a file for read/write and then doing pretty much anything to it leads to weird behavior
                    // that needs to be tested on a case by case basis. Since we don't know what the underlying store
                    // plans to do with the file, it is more robust to just use the DisposableFile construct.
                    using (var tempFile = await _fileSystem.OpenSafeAsync(disposableFile.Path, FileAccess.Write, FileMode.CreateNew, FileShare.None))
                        while (await requestStream.MoveNext())
                            if (token.IsCancellationRequested)

                            var request = requestStream.Current;
                            var bytes   = request.Content.ToByteArray();
                            await tempFile.WriteAsync(bytes, 0, bytes.Length, token);

                    result = await store.HandlePushFileAsync(cacheContext, hash, disposableFile.Path, token);

                var response = result
                    ? new PushFileResponse {
                    Header = ResponseHeader.Success(startTime)
                    : new PushFileResponse {
                    Header = ResponseHeader.Failure(startTime, result.ErrorMessage)

                await responseStream.WriteAsync(response);