private static void ModifyCompany() { Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Modify a Company"); ListCompany(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the ID you want to modify:"); string id = Console.ReadLine(); var sql = $"select id, company_name FROM Company WHERE id = {id}"; DataEntry data = new DataEntry(); data.ConnectToDatabase(); var results = data.RunSQL(sql); string old_company_name = ""; if (results.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in results.Rows) { old_company_name = row.Field <string>("company_name"); } } string name; bool is_active; Console.WriteLine($"Enter new Company Name for ID {id} blank to keep the same:"); Console.WriteLine($"Old Company Name: {old_company_name}"); name = Console.ReadLine(); if (name.Trim() == "") { name = old_company_name; } Console.WriteLine($"Is {id} still Active? (y/n)"); if (Console.ReadLine().ToLower() == "y") { is_active = true; } else { is_active = false; } sql = $"update Company set company_name='{name}', is_active={is_active} WHERE id = {id}"; data.ConnectToDatabase(); data.RunSQL(sql); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(""); }
private static void CreateUser() { // @TODO check to see if currently logged in user is admin if not check to see if there are any users in company // if 0 users in current company then create user and give admin rights Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Create a new User"); string sql = $"SELECT id FROM Company Where company_name = '{Globals.currentCompany}'"; DataEntry data = new DataEntry(); data.ConnectToDatabase(); var results = data.RunSQL(sql); int company_id = 0; if (results.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in results.Rows) { company_id = row.Field <int>("id"); } } string name = "", display_name, email, password; do { Console.WriteLine("Enter User Name:"); name = Console.ReadLine(); } while (DoesUserExist(name)); Console.WriteLine("Enter User Display Name:"); display_name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter Email:"); email = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter Password:"******"key"), password); sql = $"INSERT INTO Users (company_id, user_name, display_name, email, password, is_active) VALUES ('{company_id}', '{name}', '{display_name}', '{email}', '{encryptedPw}', 1)"; data.ConnectToDatabase(); data.RunSQL(sql); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(""); }
private static void ListCompany() { Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("List Companies"); var sql = "select id, company_name, is_active from Company;"; DataEntry data = new DataEntry(); data.ConnectToDatabase(); var results = data.RunSQL(sql); if (results.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in results.Rows) { Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("ID: " + row.Field <int>("id")); Console.WriteLine("Company Name: " + row.Field <string>("company_name")); Console.WriteLine("Is Active: " + row.Field <bool>("is_active")); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(""); } } else { Console.WriteLine("No Companies Found"); CompanyMenu(); } }
private static void DeleteCompany() { Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Delete a Company"); ListCompany(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the ID you want to delete:"); string id = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Are you sure you would like to delete ID {id}? (y/n)"); string answer = Console.ReadLine(); if (answer.ToLower() == "y") { string sql = $"DELETE FROM Company WHERE id = {id}"; DataEntry data = new DataEntry(); data.ConnectToDatabase(); data.RunSQL(sql); } Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(""); }
private static void ListUsers() { Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("List Users"); var sql = $"select, U.user_name, U.display_name,, U.is_active from Users U, Company C WHERE U.company_id = AND C.company_name = '{Globals.currentCompany}';"; DataEntry data = new DataEntry(); data.ConnectToDatabase(); var results = data.RunSQL(sql); if (results.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in results.Rows) { Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Id: " + row.Field <int>("id")); Console.WriteLine("User Name: " + row.Field <string>("user_name")); Console.WriteLine("Display Name: " + row.Field <string>("display_name")); Console.WriteLine("Email: " + row.Field <string>("email")); Console.WriteLine("Is Active: " + row.Field <bool>("is_active")); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(""); } } else { Console.WriteLine("No Users Found"); UserMenu(); } }
private static void DeleteUser() { Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Delete a User"); ListUsers(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the ID you want to delete:"); string id = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Are you sure you would like to delete ID {id}? (y/n)"); string answer = Console.ReadLine(); if (answer.ToLower() == "y") { string sql = $"DELETE FROM Users U, Company C WHERE U.company_id = AND C.company_name = '{Globals.currentCompany}' AND = {id}"; DataEntry data = new DataEntry(); data.ConnectToDatabase(); data.RunSQL(sql); } Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(""); }
private static void ListProject() { Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("List Projects"); var sql = $"select, P.project_name, P.is_active from Project P, Company C WHERE P.company_id = AND C.company_name = '{Globals.currentCompany}';"; DataEntry data = new DataEntry(); data.ConnectToDatabase(); var results = data.RunSQL(sql); if (results.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in results.Rows) { Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Id: " + row.Field <int>("id")); Console.WriteLine("Project Name: " + row.Field <string>("project_name")); Console.WriteLine("Is Active: " + row.Field <bool>("is_active")); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(""); } } else { Console.WriteLine("No Projects Found"); ProjectMenu(); } }
private static void ChangeProject() { Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Change Current Project"); ListProject(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the ID for current project selection"); string id = Console.ReadLine(); string sql = $"SELECT, P.project_name FROM Project P, Company C WHERE P.company_id = AND C.company_name = '{Globals.currentCompany}' AND = {id}"; DataEntry data = new DataEntry(); data.ConnectToDatabase(); var results = data.RunSQL(sql); if (results.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in results.Rows) { Globals.currentProject = row.Field <string>("project_name"); Users.SetUserDefaultProject(row.Field <int>("id")); } } }
public static void SetUserDefaultProject(int project_id) { DataEntry data = new DataEntry(); data.ConnectToDatabase(); string sql = $"update Users U, Company C set default_active_project='{project_id}' WHERE U.company_id = AND C.company_name = '{Globals.currentCompany}' AND U.user_name = '{Globals.currentUser}'"; data.ConnectToDatabase(); data.RunSQL(sql); }
private static void CreateProject() { Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Create a new Project"); string sql = $"SELECT id FROM Company WHERE company_name = '{Globals.currentCompany}'"; DataEntry data = new DataEntry(); data.ConnectToDatabase(); var results = data.RunSQL(sql); int company_id = 0; if (results.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in results.Rows) { company_id = row.Field <int>("id"); } } string name = ""; do { Console.WriteLine("Enter Project Name:"); name = Console.ReadLine(); } while (DoesProjectExist(name)); sql = $"INSERT INTO Project (company_id, project_name, is_active) VALUES ({company_id}, '{name}', 1)"; data.ConnectToDatabase(); data.RunSQL(sql); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(""); }
public static bool DoesCompanyExist(string name) { var sql = $"select company_name from Company WHERE company_name = '{name}';"; DataEntry data = new DataEntry(); data.ConnectToDatabase(); var results = data.RunSQL(sql); if (results.Rows.Count > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public static bool DoesUserExist(string name) { var sql = $"select user_name from Users U, Company C WHERE U.company_id = AND C.company_name = '{Globals.currentCompany}' AND U.user_name = '{name}';"; DataEntry data = new DataEntry(); data.ConnectToDatabase(); var results = data.RunSQL(sql); if (results.Rows.Count > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
private static bool DoesProjectExist(string name) { var sql = $"select P.project_name from Project P, Company C WHERE P.company_id = AND C.company_name = '{Globals.currentCompany}' AND P.project_name = '{name}';"; DataEntry data = new DataEntry(); data.ConnectToDatabase(); var results = data.RunSQL(sql); if (results.Rows.Count > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public static void GetUserDefaultProject() { DataEntry data = new DataEntry(); data.ConnectToDatabase(); string sql = $"SELECT P.project_name FROM Project P, Users U, Company C WHERE = U.default_active_project AND U.company_id = AND C.company_name = '{Globals.currentCompany}' AND U.user_name = '{Globals.currentUser}'"; data.ConnectToDatabase(); var results = data.RunSQL(sql); if (results.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in results.Rows) { Globals.currentProject = row.Field <string>("project_name"); } } }
private static void CreateCompany() { Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Create a new Company"); string name = ""; DataEntry data = new DataEntry(); do { Console.WriteLine("Enter Company Name:"); name = Console.ReadLine(); } while (DoesCompanyExist(name)); string sql = $"INSERT INTO Company (company_name, is_active) VALUES ('{name}', 1)"; data.ConnectToDatabase(); data.RunSQL(sql); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(""); }
private static void ModifyUser() { Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Modify a User"); ListUsers(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the ID you want to modify:"); string id = Console.ReadLine(); string sql = $"select, U.company_id, U.user_name, U.display_name,, U.is_active from Users U, Company C WHERE U.company_id = AND C.company_name = '{Globals.currentCompany}' AND = {id}"; DataEntry data = new DataEntry(); data.ConnectToDatabase(); var results = data.RunSQL(sql); string old_name = "", old_display_name = "", old_email = ""; int company_id = 0; if (results.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in results.Rows) { company_id = row.Field <int>("company_id"); old_name = row.Field <string>("user_name"); old_display_name = row.Field <string>("display_name"); old_email = row.Field <string>("email"); } } string name, display_name, email, password; bool is_active; Console.WriteLine($"Enter new User Name for ID {id} blank to keep the same:"); Console.WriteLine($"Old User Name: {old_name}"); name = Console.ReadLine(); if (name.Trim() == "") { name = old_name; } Console.WriteLine($"Enter new User Display Name for ID {id} blank to keep the same:"); Console.WriteLine($"Old User Display Name: {old_display_name}"); display_name = Console.ReadLine(); if (display_name.Trim() == "") { display_name = old_display_name; } Console.WriteLine($"Enter new Email for ID {id} blank to keep the same:"); Console.WriteLine($"Old Email: {old_email}"); email = Console.ReadLine(); if (email.Trim() == "") { email = old_email; } Console.WriteLine($"Enter new Password for ID {id}:"); password = Console.ReadLine(); string encryptedPw = EncryptionDecryptionService.Encrypt(data.getResource("key"), password); Console.WriteLine($"Is {id} still Active? (y/n)"); if (Console.ReadLine().ToLower() == "y") { is_active = true; } else { is_active = false; } sql = $"update Users set user_name='{name}', display_name='{display_name}', email='{email}', password='******', is_active={is_active} WHERE id = {id} AND company_id = {company_id}"; data.ConnectToDatabase(); data.RunSQL(sql); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(""); }