public DataTable Action_ExecuteGetSPSForDT(Data_SqlSPEntry activeEntry, SqlConnection ActiveConnection) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); if (activeEntry != null && ActiveConnection != null) { Data_SqlSPEntry.ModifySPParameter(ref activeEntry, "@operation", SqlDbType.NVarChar, ParameterDirection.Input, "get"); Data_SqlDataHelper activeSqlSPHelper = new Data_SqlDataHelper(); activeSqlSPHelper.ActiveConnection = ActiveConnection; activeSqlSPHelper.Action_ExecuteForDT(activeEntry, out dt); return(dt); } else { return(null); } }
public static List <string> Action_GetAllUserStoreProcs(SqlConnection ActiveConnection) { List <string> result = new List <string>(); string sql_getALLTables = "select * from sys.all_objects where type='P' and is_ms_shipped=0"; if (ActiveConnection != null) { Data_SqlDataHelper obj_dataHelper = new Data_SqlDataHelper(); obj_dataHelper.ActiveConnection = ActiveConnection; DataTable TablesInfo = new DataTable(); obj_dataHelper.Action_ExecuteForDT(sql_getALLTables, out TablesInfo); foreach (DataRow activeDR_1 in TablesInfo.Rows) { string tableName = ""; obj_dataHelper.Static_GetColumnData(activeDR_1, "name", out tableName); result.Add(tableName); } return(result); } else { return(result); } }
public static Dictionary <string, Data_SqlSPEntry> Action_AutoLoadingAllSPS(SqlConnection ActiveConnection, string SPType) { if (ActiveConnection != null) { Data_SqlDataHelper obj = new Data_SqlDataHelper(); obj.ActiveConnection = ActiveConnection; string sql_getallsps = "select * from sys.all_objects where (type = 'P') AND (is_ms_shipped = 0)"; DataTable activeSPSDT = new DataTable(); Dictionary <string, Data_SqlSPEntry> result = new Dictionary <string, Data_SqlSPEntry>(); if (obj.Action_ExecuteForDT(sql_getallsps, out activeSPSDT)) { foreach (DataRow activeRow in activeSPSDT.Rows) { Data_SqlSPEntry newSPEntry = new Data_SqlSPEntry(); string spName = ""; obj.Static_GetColumnData(activeRow, "name", out spName); if (SPType != "") { if (SPType == Data_SqlSPEntryType.SelectAction) { if (!spName.StartsWith(Data_SqlSPEntryNameFiler.StartNamed_SelectAction)) { continue; } } else if (SPType == Data_SqlSPEntryType.UpdateAction) { if (!spName.StartsWith(Data_SqlSPEntryNameFiler.StartNamed_Update)) { continue; } } } newSPEntry.SPName = spName; newSPEntry.KeyName = spName; string spObjectID = ""; obj.Static_GetColumnData(activeRow, "object_id", out spObjectID); string sql_paramters = "select * from sys.all_parameters where object_id = " + spObjectID; DataTable activeSPParametersDT = new DataTable(); string sql_paramstype = "select * from sys.types"; DataTable paramstypeDT = new DataTable(); if (!obj.Action_ExecuteForDT(sql_paramstype, out paramstypeDT)) { return(null); } if (obj.Action_ExecuteForDT(sql_paramters, out activeSPParametersDT)) { foreach (DataRow activeParamterRow in activeSPParametersDT.Rows) { string activeSystemType_ID = ""; obj.Static_GetColumnData(activeParamterRow, "system_type_id", out activeSystemType_ID); string activeUserType_ID = ""; obj.Static_GetColumnData(activeParamterRow, "user_type_id", out activeUserType_ID); string activeParamsMaxLength = ""; obj.Static_GetColumnData(activeParamterRow, "max_length", out activeParamsMaxLength); string activeParamsName = ""; obj.Static_GetColumnData(activeParamterRow, "name", out activeParamsName); string activeIsOutPut = ""; obj.Static_GetColumnData(activeParamterRow, "is_output", out activeIsOutPut); string max_length = ""; obj.Static_GetColumnData(activeParamterRow, "max_length", out max_length); string activeDBType = ""; DataRow[] dbtyps = paramstypeDT.Select("system_type_id=" + activeSystemType_ID + " and user_type_id=" + activeUserType_ID); if (dbtyps.Length > 0) { obj.Static_GetColumnData(dbtyps[0], "name", out activeDBType); Data_SqlSPEntry.AddSPParameter(ref newSPEntry, activeParamsName, Data_SqlSPHelper.Static_GetDbTypeFromConfigStr(activeDBType), ParameterDirection.Input, int.Parse(max_length), null); } else { continue; } } } else { continue; } result.Add(newSPEntry.KeyName, newSPEntry); } } return(result); } else { return(null); } }
public static bool Action_AutoCreateSPS(SqlConnection ActiveConnection) { if (ActiveConnection != null) { string sql_getALLTables = "select * from sys.all_objects where (type = 'U')"; Data_SqlDataHelper obj_dataHelper = new Data_SqlDataHelper(); obj_dataHelper.ActiveConnection = ActiveConnection; DataTable TablesInfo = new DataTable(); DataTable ColumnInfo = new DataTable(); DataTable TypesInfo = new DataTable(); if (obj_dataHelper.Action_ExecuteForDT(sql_getALLTables, out TablesInfo)) { if (TablesInfo.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow activeDR_1 in TablesInfo.Rows) { string sql_getALLColumns = "select * from sys.syscolumns"; string tableName = ""; obj_dataHelper.Static_GetColumnData(activeDR_1, "name", out tableName); string objectID = ""; obj_dataHelper.Static_GetColumnData(activeDR_1, "object_id", out objectID); if (tableName != "") { if (objectID != "") { sql_getALLColumns = sql_getALLColumns + " where id='" + objectID + "'"; List <string> activeColumn = new List <string>(); List <string> activeKeyColumn = new List <string>(); List <string> filterColumn = new List <string>(); if (obj_dataHelper.Action_ExecuteForDT(sql_getALLColumns, out ColumnInfo)) { StringBuilder sql_CreateNewSp = new StringBuilder("IF OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(N'SPA_Operation_" + tableName + "'), N'IsProcedure') = 1"); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine(); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("DROP PROCEDURE SPA_Operation_" + tableName); obj_dataHelper.Action_ExecuteForNonQuery(sql_CreateNewSp.ToString()); sql_CreateNewSp.Clear(); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("CREATE PROCEDURE {SPNAME}"); StringBuilder sql_insertSourceColumns = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sql_insertValueColumns = new StringBuilder(); sql_CreateNewSp.Replace("{SPNAME}", "SPA_Operation_" + tableName); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("("); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("@operation nvarchar(20) = '',"); foreach (DataRow activeDR_2 in ColumnInfo.Rows) { string sql_getALLTypes = "select * from sys.types"; string columnname = ""; obj_dataHelper.Static_GetColumnData(activeDR_2, "name", out columnname); string typeid = ""; string length = ""; string status = ""; obj_dataHelper.Static_GetColumnData(activeDR_2, "xtype", out typeid); obj_dataHelper.Static_GetColumnData(activeDR_2, "status", out status); obj_dataHelper.Static_GetColumnData(activeDR_2, "prec", out length); sql_getALLTypes = sql_getALLTypes + " where system_type_id=" + typeid; obj_dataHelper.Action_ExecuteForDT(sql_getALLTypes, out TypesInfo); string typename = ""; obj_dataHelper.Static_GetColumnData(TypesInfo.Rows[0], "name", out typename); if (typename.Contains("nvarchar")) { sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("@" + columnname + " nvarchar(" + length + ") = null ,"); } else if (typename.Contains("char")) { sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("@" + columnname + " char(" + length + ") = null ,"); } else if (typename.Contains("varcahr")) { sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("@" + columnname + " varchar(" + length + ") = null ,"); } else if (typename.Contains("binary")) { sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("@" + columnname + " binary(" + length + ") = null ,"); filterColumn.Add(columnname); } else if (typename.Contains("varbinary")) { sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("@" + columnname + " varbinary(" + length + ") = null ,"); filterColumn.Add(columnname); } else if (typename.Contains("nchar")) { sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("@" + columnname + " nchar(" + length + ") = null ,"); } else if (typename.Contains("decimal")) { sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("@" + columnname + " decimal" + " = null ,"); } else { sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("@" + columnname + " " + typename + " = null ,"); filterColumn.Add(columnname); } activeColumn.Add(columnname); if (status == "128") { activeKeyColumn.Add(columnname); } if (status != "128") { sql_insertSourceColumns.Append("[" + columnname + "],"); sql_insertValueColumns.Append("@" + columnname + ","); } } sql_CreateNewSp = sql_CreateNewSp.Remove(sql_CreateNewSp.Length - 3, 3); sql_insertSourceColumns = sql_insertSourceColumns.Remove(sql_insertSourceColumns.Length - 1, 1); sql_insertValueColumns = sql_insertValueColumns.Remove(sql_insertValueColumns.Length - 1, 1); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine(")"); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("AS"); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("if @operation='get'"); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("begin"); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("select * from [" + tableName + "]"); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("end"); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("else if @operation='insert'"); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("begin"); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("insert into " + tableName + "(" + sql_insertSourceColumns + ") values(" + sql_insertValueColumns + ")"); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("end"); foreach (string activeCommonColumn in activeColumn) { if (!activeKeyColumn.Contains(activeCommonColumn)) { if (!filterColumn.Contains(activeCommonColumn)) { sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("if @operation='update' and @" + activeCommonColumn + " is not null"); } else { sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("if @operation='update'"); } sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("begin"); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("update " + tableName); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("set " + activeCommonColumn + "=@" + activeCommonColumn); if (activeKeyColumn.Count > 0) { sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("where "); foreach (string keyColumn in activeKeyColumn) { sql_CreateNewSp.Append(keyColumn + "=@" + keyColumn + " and"); } sql_CreateNewSp = sql_CreateNewSp.Remove(sql_CreateNewSp.Length - 4, 4); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine(); } sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("end"); } } sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("else if @operation='delete'"); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("begin"); /*if (activeKeyColumn.Count > 0) * { * sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("if "); * foreach (string keyColumn in activeKeyColumn) * { * sql_CreateNewSp.Append("@" + keyColumn + "<>'' and"); * } * sql_CreateNewSp = sql_CreateNewSp.Remove(sql_CreateNewSp.Length - 4, 4); * sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("begin"); * sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("delete from " + tableName); * sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("where "); * foreach (string keyColumn in activeKeyColumn) * { * sql_CreateNewSp.Append(keyColumn + "=@" + keyColumn + " and"); * } * sql_CreateNewSp = sql_CreateNewSp.Remove(sql_CreateNewSp.Length - 4, 4); * sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine(); * sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("end"); * } * else * {*/ sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("delete from " + tableName); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine(" where "); foreach (string keyColumn in activeKeyColumn) { sql_CreateNewSp.Append(keyColumn + "=@" + keyColumn + " and"); } sql_CreateNewSp = sql_CreateNewSp.Remove(sql_CreateNewSp.Length - 4, 4); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine(""); //} sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("end"); obj_dataHelper.Action_ExecuteForNonQuery(sql_CreateNewSp.ToString()); } } } } } } return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public DataTable Action_ExecuteGetSPSForDT(Data_SqlSPEntry activeEntry, SqlConnection ActiveConnection) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); if (activeEntry != null && ActiveConnection!=null) { Data_SqlSPEntry.ModifySPParameter(ref activeEntry, "@operation", SqlDbType.NVarChar, ParameterDirection.Input, "get"); Data_SqlDataHelper activeSqlSPHelper = new Data_SqlDataHelper(); activeSqlSPHelper.ActiveConnection = ActiveConnection; activeSqlSPHelper.Action_ExecuteForDT(activeEntry, out dt); return dt; } else return null; }
public static List<string> Action_GetAllUserTables(SqlConnection ActiveConnection) { List<string> result = new List<string>(); string sql_getALLTables = "select * from sys.all_objects where (type = 'U')"; if (ActiveConnection != null) { Data_SqlDataHelper obj_dataHelper = new Data_SqlDataHelper(); obj_dataHelper.ActiveConnection = ActiveConnection; DataTable TablesInfo = new DataTable(); obj_dataHelper.Action_ExecuteForDT(sql_getALLTables, out TablesInfo); foreach (DataRow activeDR_1 in TablesInfo.Rows) { string tableName = ""; obj_dataHelper.Static_GetColumnData(activeDR_1, "name", out tableName); result.Add(tableName); } return result; } else return result; }
public static Dictionary<string, Data_SqlSPEntry> Action_AutoLoadingAllSPS(SqlConnection ActiveConnection, string SPType) { if (ActiveConnection != null) { Data_SqlDataHelper obj = new Data_SqlDataHelper(); obj.ActiveConnection = ActiveConnection; string sql_getallsps = "select * from sys.all_objects where (type = 'P') AND (is_ms_shipped = 0)"; DataTable activeSPSDT = new DataTable(); Dictionary<string, Data_SqlSPEntry> result = new Dictionary<string, Data_SqlSPEntry>(); if (obj.Action_ExecuteForDT(sql_getallsps, out activeSPSDT)) { foreach (DataRow activeRow in activeSPSDT.Rows) { Data_SqlSPEntry newSPEntry = new Data_SqlSPEntry(); string spName = ""; obj.Static_GetColumnData(activeRow, "name", out spName); if (SPType != "") { if (SPType == Data_SqlSPEntryType.SelectAction) { if (!spName.StartsWith(Data_SqlSPEntryNameFiler.StartNamed_SelectAction)) continue; } else if (SPType == Data_SqlSPEntryType.UpdateAction) { if (!spName.StartsWith(Data_SqlSPEntryNameFiler.StartNamed_Update)) continue; } } newSPEntry.SPName = spName; newSPEntry.KeyName = spName; string spObjectID = ""; obj.Static_GetColumnData(activeRow, "object_id", out spObjectID); string sql_paramters = "select * from sys.all_parameters where object_id = " + spObjectID; DataTable activeSPParametersDT = new DataTable(); string sql_paramstype = "select * from sys.types"; DataTable paramstypeDT = new DataTable(); if (!obj.Action_ExecuteForDT(sql_paramstype, out paramstypeDT)) { return null; } if (obj.Action_ExecuteForDT(sql_paramters, out activeSPParametersDT)) { foreach (DataRow activeParamterRow in activeSPParametersDT.Rows) { string activeSystemType_ID = ""; obj.Static_GetColumnData(activeParamterRow, "system_type_id", out activeSystemType_ID); string activeUserType_ID = ""; obj.Static_GetColumnData(activeParamterRow, "user_type_id", out activeUserType_ID); string activeParamsMaxLength = ""; obj.Static_GetColumnData(activeParamterRow, "max_length", out activeParamsMaxLength); string activeParamsName = ""; obj.Static_GetColumnData(activeParamterRow, "name", out activeParamsName); string activeIsOutPut = ""; obj.Static_GetColumnData(activeParamterRow, "is_output", out activeIsOutPut); string max_length = ""; obj.Static_GetColumnData(activeParamterRow, "max_length", out max_length); string activeDBType = ""; DataRow[] dbtyps = paramstypeDT.Select("system_type_id=" + activeSystemType_ID + " and user_type_id=" + activeUserType_ID); if (dbtyps.Length > 0) { obj.Static_GetColumnData(dbtyps[0], "name", out activeDBType); Data_SqlSPEntry.AddSPParameter(ref newSPEntry, activeParamsName, Data_SqlSPHelper.Static_GetDbTypeFromConfigStr(activeDBType), ParameterDirection.Input, int.Parse(max_length), null); } else continue; } } else { continue; } result.Add(newSPEntry.KeyName, newSPEntry); } } return result; } else return null; }
public static bool Action_AutoCreateSPS(SqlConnection ActiveConnection) { if (ActiveConnection != null) { string sql_getALLTables = "select * from sys.all_objects where (type = 'U')"; Data_SqlDataHelper obj_dataHelper = new Data_SqlDataHelper(); obj_dataHelper.ActiveConnection = ActiveConnection; DataTable TablesInfo = new DataTable(); DataTable ColumnInfo = new DataTable(); DataTable TypesInfo = new DataTable(); if (obj_dataHelper.Action_ExecuteForDT(sql_getALLTables, out TablesInfo)) { if (TablesInfo.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow activeDR_1 in TablesInfo.Rows) { string sql_getALLColumns = "select * from sys.syscolumns"; string tableName = ""; obj_dataHelper.Static_GetColumnData(activeDR_1, "name", out tableName); string objectID = ""; obj_dataHelper.Static_GetColumnData(activeDR_1, "object_id", out objectID); if (tableName != "") { if (objectID != "") { sql_getALLColumns = sql_getALLColumns + " where id='" + objectID + "'"; List<string> activeColumn = new List<string>(); List<string> activeKeyColumn = new List<string>(); List<string> filterColumn = new List<string>(); if (obj_dataHelper.Action_ExecuteForDT(sql_getALLColumns, out ColumnInfo)) { StringBuilder sql_CreateNewSp = new StringBuilder("IF OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(N'SPA_Operation_" + tableName + "'), N'IsProcedure') = 1"); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine(); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("DROP PROCEDURE SPA_Operation_" + tableName); obj_dataHelper.Action_ExecuteForNonQuery(sql_CreateNewSp.ToString()); sql_CreateNewSp.Clear(); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("CREATE PROCEDURE {SPNAME}"); StringBuilder sql_insertSourceColumns = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sql_insertValueColumns = new StringBuilder(); sql_CreateNewSp.Replace("{SPNAME}", "SPA_Operation_" + tableName); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("("); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("@operation nvarchar(20) = '',"); foreach (DataRow activeDR_2 in ColumnInfo.Rows) { string sql_getALLTypes = "select * from sys.types"; string columnname = ""; obj_dataHelper.Static_GetColumnData(activeDR_2, "name", out columnname); string typeid = ""; string length = ""; string status = ""; obj_dataHelper.Static_GetColumnData(activeDR_2, "xtype", out typeid); obj_dataHelper.Static_GetColumnData(activeDR_2, "status", out status); obj_dataHelper.Static_GetColumnData(activeDR_2, "prec", out length); sql_getALLTypes = sql_getALLTypes + " where system_type_id=" + typeid; obj_dataHelper.Action_ExecuteForDT(sql_getALLTypes, out TypesInfo); string typename = ""; obj_dataHelper.Static_GetColumnData(TypesInfo.Rows[0], "name", out typename); if (typename.Contains("nvarchar")) sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("@" + columnname + " nvarchar(" + length + ") = null ,"); else if (typename.Contains("char")) sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("@" + columnname + " char(" + length + ") = null ,"); else if (typename.Contains("varcahr")) sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("@" + columnname + " varchar(" + length + ") = null ,"); else if (typename.Contains("binary")) { sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("@" + columnname + " binary(" + length + ") = null ,"); filterColumn.Add(columnname); } else if (typename.Contains("varbinary")) { sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("@" + columnname + " varbinary(" + length + ") = null ,"); filterColumn.Add(columnname); } else if (typename.Contains("nchar")) sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("@" + columnname + " nchar(" + length + ") = null ,"); else if (typename.Contains("decimal")) sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("@" + columnname + " decimal" + " = null ,"); else { sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("@" + columnname + " " + typename + " = null ,"); filterColumn.Add(columnname); } activeColumn.Add(columnname); if (status == "128") activeKeyColumn.Add(columnname); if (status != "128") { sql_insertSourceColumns.Append("[" + columnname + "],"); sql_insertValueColumns.Append("@" + columnname + ","); } } sql_CreateNewSp = sql_CreateNewSp.Remove(sql_CreateNewSp.Length - 3, 3); sql_insertSourceColumns = sql_insertSourceColumns.Remove(sql_insertSourceColumns.Length - 1, 1); sql_insertValueColumns = sql_insertValueColumns.Remove(sql_insertValueColumns.Length - 1, 1); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine(")"); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("AS"); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("if @operation='get'"); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("begin"); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("select * from [" + tableName + "]"); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("end"); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("else if @operation='insert'"); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("begin"); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("insert into " + tableName + "(" + sql_insertSourceColumns + ") values(" + sql_insertValueColumns + ")"); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("end"); foreach (string activeCommonColumn in activeColumn) { if (!activeKeyColumn.Contains(activeCommonColumn)) { if (!filterColumn.Contains(activeCommonColumn)) sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("if @operation='update' and @" + activeCommonColumn + " is not null"); else sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("if @operation='update'"); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("begin"); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("update " + tableName); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("set " + activeCommonColumn + "=@" + activeCommonColumn); if (activeKeyColumn.Count > 0) { sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("where "); foreach (string keyColumn in activeKeyColumn) { sql_CreateNewSp.Append(keyColumn + "=@" + keyColumn + " and"); } sql_CreateNewSp = sql_CreateNewSp.Remove(sql_CreateNewSp.Length - 4, 4); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine(); } sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("end"); } } sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("else if @operation='delete'"); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("begin"); /*if (activeKeyColumn.Count > 0) { sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("if "); foreach (string keyColumn in activeKeyColumn) { sql_CreateNewSp.Append("@" + keyColumn + "<>'' and"); } sql_CreateNewSp = sql_CreateNewSp.Remove(sql_CreateNewSp.Length - 4, 4); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("begin"); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("delete from " + tableName); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("where "); foreach (string keyColumn in activeKeyColumn) { sql_CreateNewSp.Append(keyColumn + "=@" + keyColumn + " and"); } sql_CreateNewSp = sql_CreateNewSp.Remove(sql_CreateNewSp.Length - 4, 4); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine(); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("end"); } else {*/ sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("delete from " + tableName); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine(" where "); foreach (string keyColumn in activeKeyColumn) { sql_CreateNewSp.Append(keyColumn + "=@" + keyColumn + " and"); } sql_CreateNewSp = sql_CreateNewSp.Remove(sql_CreateNewSp.Length - 4, 4); sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine(""); //} sql_CreateNewSp.AppendLine("end"); obj_dataHelper.Action_ExecuteForNonQuery(sql_CreateNewSp.ToString()); } } } } } } return true; } else return false; }