
        //private void fillDataGridView(DataGridView gridView, DataTable inputDataTable) {
        //    //Null check and row count check(the condition for row count is set to >= 0 so that if a user selects an item with no available records,
        //    //an empty table will be displayed and it will be easier to understand the current status of that item for the selected month)
        //    if (inputDataTable != null && inputDataTable.Rows.Count >= 0) {
        //        //Sets the data source for the table
        //        gridView.DataSource = inputDataTable;
        //        //Deactivates the editing for the first table column because it will always contain the primary keys of the records and modifying these values would alter the DB structure
        //        dataGridViewTableDisplay.Columns[0].ReadOnly = true;
        //    }

        private void sendDataToController(DataUpdateControl pickerType, ComboBox itemComboBox, DateTimePicker datePicker)
            //Single month data selection
            if (pickerType == DataUpdateControl.MONTHLY_PICKER)
                QueryType option = QueryType.SINGLE_MONTH;

                int    selectedMonth = datePicker.Value.Month;
                int    selectedYear  = datePicker.Value.Year;
                String tableName     = itemComboBox.Text;
                //Creating the storage object for the data that will be passed to the controller
                QueryData paramContainer = new QueryData.Builder(userID).addMonth(selectedMonth).addYear(selectedYear).addTableName(tableName).build(); //CHANGE

                controller.requestData(option, paramContainer);

                //Multiple months data selection
            else if (pickerType == DataUpdateControl.YEARLY_PICKER)
                QueryType option = QueryType.FULL_YEAR;

                int    selectedYear = datePicker.Value.Year;
                String tableName    = itemComboBox.Text;

                QueryData paramContainer = new QueryData.Builder(userID).addYear(selectedYear).addTableName(tableName).build(); //CHANGE

                controller.requestData(option, paramContainer);
        private void submitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Checks if the timespan selection combobxes are selected before the Submit button is pressed
            if (monthRecordsCheckBox.Checked == false && yearRecordsCheckBox.Checked == false)
                MessageBox.Show("Please select a time interval first!", "Update data", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

            //Displaying a message asking the user to confirm his intention of modifying the data and getting the result of his selection
            DialogResult userOption = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure that you want to submit the changes to the database?", "Data update form", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);

            if (userOption == DialogResult.No)

            //Getting the currently selected table name
            String tableName = tableSelectionComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString();

            QueryType option         = 0;
            QueryData paramContainer = null;

            //Getting the necessary data for restoring the SQL query used for displaying the data present in the table
            //(for generating the commands that will automatically update th DB with the changes that the user made in the GUI)
            if (monthRecordsCheckBox.Checked == true)
                option = QueryType.SINGLE_MONTH;
                int currentMonth = dateTimePickerTimeSpanSelection.Value.Month;
                int currentYear  = dateTimePickerTimeSpanSelection.Value.Year;
                paramContainer = new QueryData.Builder(userID).addMonth(currentMonth).addYear(currentYear).addTableName(tableName).build(); //CHANGE
            else if (yearRecordsCheckBox.Checked == true)
                option = QueryType.FULL_YEAR;
                int currentMonth = dateTimePickerTimeSpanSelection.Value.Month;
                int currentYear  = dateTimePickerTimeSpanSelection.Value.Year;
                paramContainer = new QueryData.Builder(userID).addYear(currentYear).addTableName(tableName).build(); //CHANGE

            //Getting the data source of the table displayed in the GUI
            DataTable sourceDataTable = (DataTable)dataGridViewTableDisplay.DataSource;

            //Sending data to controller and checking the execution result
            int executionResult = controller.requestUpdate(option, paramContainer, sourceDataTable);

            if (executionResult != -1)
                MessageBox.Show("The selected data was updated successfully!", "Update data", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to update the selected data! Please try again.", "Update data", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            //Balance record update section
            BudgetItemType selectedItemType = getSelectedBudgetItemType();

            if (selectedItemType == BudgetItemType.SAVING_ACCOUNT_EXPENSE || selectedItemType == BudgetItemType.SAVING)
                //If only the record value is changed by the user then the new record value is set to it
                if (hasChangedRecordDate && !hasChangedRecordValue)
                    //Takes the value from the actual changed row not from the currently selected one which can be different.
                    //If a saving account expense is selected the value is taken from the column 3 of the row and if a saving is selected the value is taken from column 2 of the row.
                    //newRecordValue = selectedItemType == BudgetItemType.SAVING_ACCOUNT_EXPENSE ? getValueFromRow(changedRowIndex, 3) : getValueFromRow(changedRowIndex, 2);
                    //CHANGE-DGW MANAGEMENT
                    newRecordValue = selectedItemType == BudgetItemType.SAVING_ACCOUNT_EXPENSE ? gridViewManager.getSingleItemValueFromRow(changedRowIndex, 3) : gridViewManager.getSingleItemValueFromRow(changedRowIndex, 2);

                int      month = 0;
                int      year  = 0;
                DateTime selectedRecordDate = DateTime.MinValue;//CHANGE

                //If the record date was modified then the month and year variables will be assigned the corresponding values from the old date otherwise the current date of the record will be used
                if (hasChangedRecordDate)
                    month = oldRecordDate.Month;
                    year  = oldRecordDate.Year;
                    selectedRecordDate = oldRecordDate;//Selected record date will be the old record date since we need to save the date that existed previous to the change
                    //Takes the value from the actual changed row not from the currently selected one which can be different.
                    //If a saving account expense is selected the date is taken from the column 4 of the row and if a saving is selected the date is taken from column 3 of the row.
                    //selectedRecordDate = selectedItemType == BudgetItemType.SAVING_ACCOUNT_EXPENSE ? getDateFromRow(changedRowIndex, 4) : getDateFromRow(changedRowIndex, 3);
                    //CHANGE-DGW MANAGEMENT
                    selectedRecordDate = selectedItemType == BudgetItemType.SAVING_ACCOUNT_EXPENSE ? gridViewManager.getDateFromRow(changedRowIndex, 4) : gridViewManager.getDateFromRow(changedRowIndex, 3);

                    month = selectedRecordDate.Month;
                    year  = selectedRecordDate.Year;

                //Retrieving the execution result of the method responsible for updating the balance record table
                //TEST TRIGGER DB
                //int savingAccountBalanceUpdateResult = updateSavingAccountBalanceTable(userID, month, year, selectedRecordDate, getSelectedBudgetItemType(), false);

                //if (savingAccountBalanceUpdateResult == -1) {
                //    MessageBox.Show("Unable to update the saving account balance record.", "Data update", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            submitButton.Enabled = false; //Disables the Submit button after deleting data from the table
            deleteButton.Enabled = false; //Disables the Delete button after deleting data from the table

        private void deleteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Getting the selected row index
            int selectedRowIndex = dataGridViewTableDisplay.CurrentCell.RowIndex;
            //The value of the deleted record and its date are saved before the actual deletion takes place because otherwise they would be lost and the update of the corresponding saving account balance record would be impossible
            int selectedRowForDeletionIndex = dataGridViewTableDisplay.CurrentCell.RowIndex;

            //Retrieving the correct column indexes from which data will be extracted
            int[] columnIndexList = getColumnIndexList();

            //deletedRecordValue = getValueFromRow(selectedRowForDeletionIndex, columnIndexList[0]);
            deletedRecordValue = gridViewManager.getSingleItemValueFromRow(selectedRowForDeletionIndex, columnIndexList[0]);

            //deletedRecordDate = getDateFromRow(selectedRowForDeletionIndex, columnIndexList[1]);
            deletedRecordDate = gridViewManager.getDateFromRow(selectedRowForDeletionIndex, columnIndexList[1]);

            String       confirmationMessage = String.Format("Are you sure that you want to delete row number {0}?", selectedRowIndex);
            DialogResult userOption1         = MessageBox.Show(confirmationMessage, "Data update form", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);

            if (userOption1 == DialogResult.No)

            if (gridViewManager.hasChangedRows())
                MessageBox.Show("You cannot delete the selected row before submitting or discarding the currently pending change/s!", "Data update", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

            //Getting the currently selected table name
            String tableName = tableSelectionComboBox.Text;

            //Getting the ID of the selected record from the DataTable object that represents the data source of the table displayed in the GUI
            CurrencyManager currencyManager = (CurrencyManager)dataGridViewTableDisplay.BindingContext[dataGridViewTableDisplay.DataSource, dataGridViewTableDisplay.DataMember];
            DataRowView     selectedDataRow = (DataRowView)currencyManager.Current;
            int             itemID          = selectedDataRow.Row.ItemArray[0] != null?Convert.ToInt32(selectedDataRow.Row.ItemArray[0]) : -1;

            QueryType option         = 0;
            QueryData paramContainer = null;

            if (monthRecordsCheckBox.Checked == true)
                option = QueryType.SINGLE_MONTH;
                int currentMonth = dateTimePickerTimeSpanSelection.Value.Month;
                int currentYear  = dateTimePickerTimeSpanSelection.Value.Year;
                paramContainer = new QueryData.Builder(userID).addMonth(currentMonth).addYear(currentYear).addTableName(tableName).build(); //CHANGE
            else if (yearRecordsCheckBox.Checked == true)
                option = QueryType.FULL_YEAR;
                int currentMonth = dateTimePickerTimeSpanSelection.Value.Month;
                int currentYear  = dateTimePickerTimeSpanSelection.Value.Year;
                paramContainer = new QueryData.Builder(userID).addYear(currentYear).addTableName(tableName).build(); //CHANGE

            //Retrieves the DataTable object representing the data source of the DataGridView
            DataTable sourceDataTable = (DataTable)dataGridViewTableDisplay.DataSource;

            sourceDataTable.Rows[selectedRowIndex].Delete();//Deletes the row from the DataTable object

            int executionResult = controller.requestDelete(option, paramContainer, sourceDataTable);

            //Displaying info message regarding the delete operation result
            if (executionResult != -1)
                MessageBox.Show("The selected data was successfully deleted!", "Data update", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to delete the selected data! Please try again.", "Data update", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            //Balance record update section
            //BudgetItemType selectedItemType = getSelectedBudgetItemType();
            //if (selectedItemType == BudgetItemType.SAVING_ACCOUNT_EXPENSE || selectedItemType == BudgetItemType.SAVING) {
            //    int month = deletedRecordDate.Month;
            //    int year = deletedRecordDate.Year;

            //    int savingAccountBalanceUpdateResult = updateSavingAccountBalanceTable(userID, month, year, deletedRecordDate, getSelectedBudgetItemType(), true);

            //    if (savingAccountBalanceUpdateResult == -1) {
            //        MessageBox.Show("Unable to update the saving account balance record", "Data update", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
            //    }

            submitButton.Enabled = false; //Disables the Submit button after deleting data from the table
            deleteButton.Enabled = false; //Disables the Delete button after deleting data from the table
