    private static void Crawl() {
      int count = 0, consistency = 0;
      NodeMapping nm = (NodeMapping) nodes.GetByIndex(0);
      Node lnode = nm.Node;
      Address rem_addr = lnode.Address, prev = null, first_left = null;
      bool failed = false;
      try {
        do {
          Console.WriteLine("Current address: " + rem_addr);
          ISender sender = new AHGreedySender(lnode, rem_addr);
          BlockingQueue q = new BlockingQueue();
          lnode.Rpc.Invoke(sender, q, "sys:link.GetNeighbors");
          RpcResult res = (RpcResult) q.Dequeue();
          Hashtable ht = (Hashtable) res.Result;

          Address tmp = AddressParser.Parse((String) ht["left"]);
          Address next = AddressParser.Parse((String) ht["right"]);
          if(prev != null && tmp.Equals(prev)) {
          else {
            first_left = tmp;
          if(next == lnode.Address && first_left == rem_addr) {
          prev = rem_addr;
          rem_addr = next;
        } while((rem_addr != lnode.Address) && (count < nodes.Count));
      catch(Exception e) {
        failed = true;
        Console.WriteLine("Crawl failed due to exception...");
      if(!failed) {
        if(count != nodes.Count) {
          Console.WriteLine("Crawl failed due to missing nodes!");
          Console.WriteLine("Expected nodes: {0}, found: {1}.", nodes.Count, count);
        else if(consistency != count) {
          Console.WriteLine("Crawl failed due to bad consistency!");
          Console.WriteLine("Expected consistency: {0}, actual: {1}.", count, consistency);
        else {
          Console.WriteLine("Crawl succeeded!");
      public void Start() {
        foreach(NodeMapping nm_from in _nodes.Values) {
          foreach(NodeMapping nm_to in _nodes.Values) {
            if(nm_from == nm_to) {

            ISender sender = new AHGreedySender(nm_from.Node, nm_to.Node.Address);
            Channel q = new Channel(1);
            q.CloseEvent += Callback;
            try {
              nm_from.Node.Rpc.Invoke(sender, q, "sys:link.Ping", 0);
            } catch(Exception e) {
      protected void CrawlNext(Address addr) {
        bool finished = false;
        if(_log && _crawled.Count < _count) {
          Console.WriteLine("Current address: " + addr);
        if(_crawled.Contains(addr)) {
          finished = true;
        } else {
          _crawled.Add(addr, true);
          try {
            ISender sender = new AHGreedySender(_node, addr);
            Channel q = new Channel(1);
            q.CloseEvent += CrawlHandler;
            _node.Rpc.Invoke(sender, q, "sys:link.GetNeighbors");
          } catch(Exception e) {
            if(_log) {
              Console.WriteLine("Crawl failed" + e);
            finished = true;

        if(finished) {
          Interlocked.Exchange(ref _done, 1);
          if(_log) {
            Console.WriteLine("Crawl stats: {0}/{1}", _crawled.Count, _count);
            Console.WriteLine("Consistency: {0}/{1}", _consistency, _crawled.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("Finished in: {0}", (DateTime.UtcNow - _start));
     * When a node is out of the range, this method is called.
     * This method tries to find the nearest node to the middle of range using greedty algorithm.
     * return list of MapReduceInfo
    private ArrayList GenerateTreeOutRange(AHAddress start, AHAddress end, MapReduceArgs mr_args, int timeout) {
      ArrayList retval = new ArrayList();
      BigInteger up = start.ToBigInteger();
      BigInteger down = end.ToBigInteger();
      BigInteger mid_range = (up + down) /2;
      if (mid_range % 2 == 1) {mid_range = mid_range -1; }
	AHAddress mid_addr = new AHAddress(mid_range);
	if (!mid_addr.IsBetweenFromLeft(start, end) ) {
          mid_range += Address.Half;
	  mid_addr = new AHAddress(mid_range);
      ArrayList gen_arg = new ArrayList();
      if (NextGreedyClosest(mid_addr) != null ) {
        AHGreedySender ags = new AHGreedySender(_node, mid_addr);
	string start_range = start.ToString();
	string end_range = end.ToString();
        MapReduceInfo mr_info = new MapReduceInfo( (ISender) ags,
				                new MapReduceArgs(this.TaskName,
	Log("{0}: {1}, out of range, moving to the closest node to mid_range: {2} to target node, range start: {3}, range end: {4}",
			  this.TaskName, _node.Address, mid_addr, start, end);
      else  {
        // cannot find a node in the range. 
      return retval;
  * Callback function that is invoked when TargetSelector fetches candidate scores in a range.
  * Initiates connection setup. 
  * Node: All connection messages can be tagged with a token string. This token string is currenly being
  * used to keep the following information about a shortcut:
  * 1. The node who initiated the shortcut setup.
  * 2. The random target near which shortcut was chosen.
  * @param start address pointing to the start of range to query.
  * @param score_table list of candidate addresses sorted by score.
  * @param current currently selected optimal (nullable) 
 protected void CreateShortcutCallback(Address start, SortedList score_table, Address current) {
   if (score_table.Count > 0) {
      * we remember our address and the start of range inside the token.
      * token is the concatenation of 
      * (a) local node address
      * (b) random target for the range queried by target selector
     string token = _node.Address + start.ToString();
     //connect to the min_target
     Address min_target = (Address) score_table.GetByIndex(0);
     ISender send = null;
     if (start.Equals(min_target)) {
       //looks like the target selector simply returned our random address
       if (LogEnabled) {
                           String.Format("SCO local: {0}, Connecting (shortcut) to min_target: {1} (greedy), random_target: {2}.", 
                                         _node.Address, min_target, start));
       //use a greedy sender
       send = new AHGreedySender(_node, min_target);
     } else {
       if (LogEnabled) {
                           String.Format("SCO local: {0}, Connecting (shortcut) to min_target: {1} (exact), random_target: {2}.", 
                               _node.Address, min_target, start));
       //use exact sender
       send = new AHExactSender(_node, min_target);
     ConnectTo(send, min_target, STRUC_SHORT, token);
    /// <summary>This is the generic Put that is used by both the regular Put
    /// and Create methods.  The use of the unique variable differentiates the
    /// two.  This is asynchronous.  Results are stored in the Channel returns.
    /// Creates and Puts return true if successful or exception if there are
    /// network errors in adding the entry, creates also fail if a previous
    /// entry exists.  The work of determining success is handled in
    /// PutEnqueueHandler and PutCloseHandler.</summary>
    /// <param name="key">The index to store the value at.</param>
    /// <param name="value">The value to store.</param>
    /// <param name="ttl">The dht lease time for the key:value pair.</param>
    /// <param name="returns">The Channel where the result will be placed.</param>
    /// <param name="unique">True to do a create, false otherwise.</param>
    public void AsyncPut(MemBlock key, MemBlock value, int ttl, Channel returns, bool unique) {
      if(!_online) {
        throw new DhtException("The Node is (going) offline, DHT is offline.");
      AsDhtPutState adps = new AsDhtPutState(returns);

      MemBlock[] brunet_address_for_key = MapToRing(key);
      Channel[] q = new Channel[DEGREE];
      lock(_adps_table.SyncRoot) {
        for (int k = 0; k < DEGREE; k++) {
          Channel queue = new Channel(1);
          queue.CloseEvent += this.PutCloseHandler;
          _adps_table[queue] = adps;
          q[k] = queue;

      for (int k = 0; k < DEGREE; k++) {
        Address target = new AHAddress(brunet_address_for_key[k]);
        AHSender s = new AHGreedySender(Node, target);
        _rpc.Invoke(s, q[k], "dht.Put", brunet_address_for_key[k], value, ttl, unique);
    /// <summary>Restores any of the Dht results that don't return all their
    /// values.  We only get here at the end of a Dht return operation.</summary>
    /// <remarks>This analyzes the holes and fills them in individually.  This only
    /// fills holes where there was a positive result (MAJORITY of results
    /// received).</remarks>
    /// <param name="adgs">The AsDhtGetState to analyze for follow up.</param>
    protected void GetFollowUp(AsDhtGetState adgs) {
      foreach (DictionaryEntry de in adgs.results) {
        if(de.Value == null || de.Key == null) {

        Hashtable res = (Hashtable) de.Value;
        if(res.Count < MAJORITY || res.Count == DEGREE) {
          if(res.Count < MAJORITY) {
            if(Dht.DhtLog.Enabled) {
              ProtocolLog.Write(Dht.DhtLog, String.Format(
                "Failed get count:total = {0}:{1}", res.Count, DEGREE));
        MemBlock value = (MemBlock) de.Key;

        int ttl = (int) adgs.ttls[value] / res.Count;
        if(Dht.DhtLog.Enabled) {
          ProtocolLog.Write(Dht.DhtLog, String.Format(
            "Doing follow up put count:total = {0}:{1}", res.Count, DEGREE));
        for(int i = 0; i < DEGREE; i++) {
          if(!res.Contains(i)) {
            MemBlock key = adgs.brunet_address_for_key[i];
            Channel queue = new Channel();
            Address target = new AHAddress(key);
            AHSender s = new AHGreedySender(Node, target);
            try {
             _rpc.Invoke(s, queue, "dht.Put", key, value, ttl, false);
            catch(Exception) {}
    /// <remarks>This starts the get process by sending dht.Get to all the remote
    /// end points that contain the key we're looking up.  The next step is
    /// is when the results are placed in the channel and GetEnqueueHandler is
    /// called or GetCloseHandler is called.  This means the get needs to be
    /// stateful, that information is stored in the _adgs_table.</remarks>
    public void AsyncGet(MemBlock key, Channel returns) {
      if(!_online) {
        throw new DhtException("The Node is (going) offline, DHT is offline.");
      // create a GetState and map in our table map its queues to it
      // so when we get a GetHandler we know which state to load
      AsDhtGetState adgs = new AsDhtGetState(returns);
      Channel[] q = new Channel[DEGREE];
      lock(_adgs_table.SyncRoot) {
        for (int k = 0; k < DEGREE; k++) {
          Channel queue = new Channel(1);
          _adgs_table[queue] = adgs;
          q[k] = queue;

      // Setting up our Channels
      for (int k = 0; k < DEGREE; k++) {
        Channel queue = q[k];
        queue.EnqueueEvent += this.GetEnqueueHandler;
        queue.CloseEvent += this.GetCloseHandler;
        adgs.queueMapping[queue] = k;

      // Sending off the request!
      adgs.brunet_address_for_key = MapToRing(key);
      for (int k = 0; k < DEGREE; k++) {
        Address target = new AHAddress(adgs.brunet_address_for_key[k]);
        AHSender s = new AHGreedySender(Node, target);
        // 1024 is in there for backwards compatibility
        _rpc.Invoke(s, q[k], "dht.Get", adgs.brunet_address_for_key[k], 1024, null);