public RelayEdgeListener(Node node, IRelayOverlap ito, IForwarderSelectorFactory iasf) { _ito = ito; _iasf = iasf; _oco = new OverlapConnectionOverlord(node); _node = node; _running = 0; _started = 0; _id_to_tunnel = new Dictionary <int, RelayEdge>(); _sync = new object(); TransportAddress ta = new RelayTransportAddress(node.Address, new List <Address>()); ArrayList local_tas = new ArrayList(1); local_tas.Add(ta); _local_tas = local_tas; _node.DemuxHandler.GetTypeSource(PType.Protocol.Relaying).Subscribe(this, null); _node.ConnectionTable.ConnectionEvent += ConnectionHandler; _node.ConnectionTable.DisconnectionEvent += DisconnectionHandler; ConnectionList cons = _node.ConnectionTable.GetConnections(ConnectionType.Structured); Interlocked.Exchange(ref _connections, cons); _node.Rpc.AddHandler("tunnel", this); _oco_trim_timer = Brunet.Util.FuzzyTimer.Instance.DoEvery(OcoTrim, _oco_trim_timeout, 0); }
/// <summary>We need to keep track of a current ConnectionList, so we /// listen to incoming connections. We also use this opportunity to /// rebuild our LocalTA.</summary> protected void ConnectionHandler(object o, EventArgs ea) { ConnectionEventArgs cea = ea as ConnectionEventArgs; if (cea.ConnectionType != ConnectionType.Structured) { return; } ConnectionList cons = cea.CList; Interlocked.Exchange(ref _connections, cons); IList addresses = GetNearest(_node.Address, cons); TransportAddress ta = new RelayTransportAddress(_node.Address, addresses); ArrayList tas = new ArrayList(1); tas.Add(ta); Interlocked.Exchange(ref _local_tas, tas); foreach (RelayEdge te in _tunnels) { IDictionary sync_message = _ito.GetSyncMessage(te.Overlap, _node.Address, cons); Channel chan = new Channel(1); _node.Rpc.Invoke(te, chan, "tunnel.Sync", sync_message); } }
/// <summary>Constructor for a RelayEdge, RemoteID == -1 for out bound.</summary> public RelayEdge(IEdgeSendHandler send_handler, RelayTransportAddress local_ta, RelayTransportAddress remote_ta, IForwarderSelector ias, List <Connection> overlap, int remote_id) : base(send_handler, remote_id != -1) { _remote_id = remote_id; lock (_rand) { LocalID = _rand.Next(); } byte[] bid = new byte[8]; NumberSerializer.WriteInt(LocalID, bid, 0); NumberSerializer.WriteInt(_remote_id, bid, 4); _mid = MemBlock.Reference(bid); _local_ta = local_ta; _remote_ta = remote_ta; _tunnels = new List <Connection>(overlap); _ias = ias; _ias.Update(_tunnels); AHHeader ahh = new AHHeader(1, 20, local_ta.Target, remote_ta.Target, AHHeader.Options.Exact); ICopyable header = new CopyList(PType.Protocol.AH, ahh, PType.Protocol.Relaying); Header = MemBlock.Copy(header); }
public override bool Equals(object o) { if (o == this) { return(true); } RelayTransportAddress other = o as RelayTransportAddress; if (other == null) { return(false); } bool same = _target.Equals(other._target); same &= (_forwarders.Count == other._forwarders.Count); if (!same) { return(false); } for (int i = 0; i < _forwarders.Count; i++) { same = _forwarders[i].Equals(other._forwarders[i]); if (!same) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public void Test() { string ta_string = "brunet.tunnel://UBU72YLHU5C3SY7JMYMJRTKK4D5BGW22/FE4QWASN+FE4QWASM"; TransportAddress ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tunnel://UBU72YLHU5C3SY7JMYMJRTKK4D5BGW22/FE4QWASN+FE4QWASM"); Assert.AreEqual(ta.ToString(), ta_string, "testing tunnel TA parsing"); //Console.WriteLine(ta); RelayTransportAddress tun_ta = (RelayTransportAddress)TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tunnel://OIHZCNNUAXTLLARQIOBNCUWXYNAS62LO/CADSL6GV+CADSL6GU"); ArrayList fwd = new ArrayList(); fwd.Add(new AHAddress(Base32.Decode("CADSL6GVVBM6V442CETP4JTEAWACLC5A"))); fwd.Add(new AHAddress(Base32.Decode("CADSL6GUVBM6V442CETP4JTEAWACLC5A"))); RelayTransportAddress test_ta = new RelayTransportAddress(tun_ta.Target, fwd); Assert.AreEqual(tun_ta, test_ta, "testing tunnel TA compression enhancements"); //Console.WriteLine(tun_ta.ToString()); //Console.WriteLine(test_ta.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(tun_ta.ToString(), test_ta.ToString(), "testing tunnel TA compression enhancements (toString)"); Assert.AreEqual(tun_ta.ContainsForwarder(new AHAddress(Base32.Decode("CADSL6GVVBM6V442CETP4JTEAWACLC5A"))), true, "testing tunnel TA contains forwarder (1)"); Assert.AreEqual(tun_ta.ContainsForwarder(new AHAddress(Base32.Decode("CADSL6GUVBM6V442CETP4JTEAWACLC5A"))), true, "testing tunnel TA contains forwarder (2)"); }
public RelayEdgeCallbackAction(RelayTransportAddress tta, EdgeCreationCallback ecb) { RelayTA = tta; Ecb = ecb; Exception = new WriteOnce <Exception>(); Success = new WriteOnce <bool>(); Edge = new WriteOnce <Edge>(); }
/// <summary>Attempt to find the overlap in a remote RelayTransportAddress /// and our local node. This will be used to help communicate with a new /// tunneled peer.</summary> public virtual List <Connection> FindOverlap(RelayTransportAddress ta, ConnectionList cons) { List <Connection> overlap = new List <Connection>(); foreach (Connection con in cons) { if (ta.ContainsForwarder(con.Address)) { overlap.Add(con); } } return(GetOldest(overlap)); }
public void WrapperEdgeRegressionTest() { AHAddress addr = new AHAddress(new System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider()); TransportAddress ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tcp://"); FakeEdge fe = new FakeEdge(ta, ta); WrapperEdge we_fe = new WrapperEdge(fe); Connection fcon = new Connection(we_fe, addr, "structured", null, null); List <Connection> overlap = new List <Connection>(); overlap.Add(fcon); RelayTransportAddress tta = new RelayTransportAddress(addr, overlap); RelayEdge te1 = new RelayEdge(null, tta, tta, new SimpleForwarderSelector(), overlap); WrapperEdge we_te1 = new WrapperEdge(te1); Connection t1con = new Connection(we_te1, addr, "structured", null, null); overlap = new List <Connection>(); overlap.Add(t1con); RelayEdge te2 = new RelayEdge(null, tta, tta, new SimpleForwarderSelector(), overlap); WrapperEdge we_te2 = new WrapperEdge(te2); Connection t2con = new Connection(we_te2, addr, "structured", null, null); overlap = new List <Connection>(); overlap.Add(t2con); RelayEdge te3 = new RelayEdge(null, tta, tta, new SimpleForwarderSelector(), overlap); WrapperEdge we_te3 = new WrapperEdge(te3); Connection t3con = new Connection(we_te3, addr, "structured", null, null); overlap = new List <Connection>(); overlap.Add(t3con); RelayEdge te4 = new RelayEdge(null, tta, tta, new SimpleForwarderSelector(), overlap); WrapperEdge we_te4 = new WrapperEdge(te4); Connection t4con = new Connection(we_te4, addr, "structured", null, null); overlap = new List <Connection>(); overlap.Add(t4con); RelayEdge te5 = new RelayEdge(null, tta, tta, new SimpleForwarderSelector(), overlap); WrapperEdge we_te5 = new WrapperEdge(te5); Connection t5con = new Connection(we_te5, addr, "structured", null, null); Assert.AreEqual(te5.ShouldClose(), false, "Shouldn't close yet..."); te1.DisconnectionHandler(fcon); Assert.AreEqual(te5.ShouldClose(), true, "Should close..."); overlap.Add(t5con); overlap.Add(t3con); overlap.Add(t1con); te2.UpdateNeighborIntersection(overlap); Assert.AreEqual(te5.ShouldClose(), true, "Should close... 2"); }
/// <summary>Does not immediately create an edge to a remote node, instead, /// it tells a timer to wait 5 seconds prior to attempting an edge.</summary> public override void CreateEdgeTo(TransportAddress ta, EdgeCreationCallback ecb) { RelayTransportAddress tta = ta as RelayTransportAddress; if (tta == null) { ecb(false, null, new Exception("TA Type is not Relay!")); } else { RelayEdgeCallbackAction teca = new RelayEdgeCallbackAction(tta, ecb); System.Action <DateTime> callback = delegate(DateTime now) { CreateEdgeTo(teca); }; Brunet.Util.FuzzyTimer.Instance.DoAfter(callback, 10000, 0); } }
/// <summary>When a disconnection occurs, we must make sure that none of /// our tunnels use that faulty edge / connection any more.</summary> protected void DisconnectionHandler(object o, EventArgs ea) { ConnectionEventArgs cea = ea as ConnectionEventArgs; if (cea.ConnectionType != ConnectionType.Structured) { return; } ConnectionList cons = cea.CList; Interlocked.Exchange(ref _connections, cons);; IList addresses = GetNearest(_node.Address, cons); TransportAddress ta = new RelayTransportAddress(_node.Address, addresses); ArrayList tas = new ArrayList(1); tas.Add(ta); Interlocked.Exchange(ref _local_tas, tas); foreach (RelayEdge te in _tunnels) { te.DisconnectionHandler(cea.Connection); if (te.IsClosed) { continue; } IDictionary sync_message = _ito.GetSyncMessage(te.Overlap, _node.Address, cons); //Just do our best here: try { _node.Rpc.Invoke(te, null, "tunnel.Sync", sync_message); } catch { } } }
/// <summary>Outgoing edge, since we don't know the RemoteID yet!</summary> public RelayEdge(IEdgeSendHandler send_handler, RelayTransportAddress local_ta, RelayTransportAddress remote_ta, IForwarderSelector ias, List <Connection> overlap) : this(send_handler, local_ta, remote_ta, ias, overlap, -1) { }