public BrowserUC(Browser b,int index) { InitializeComponent(); this.browser = b; name.Text =; shortcuts.Text = "( " + Convert.ToString(index+1) + "," + String.Join(",", b.shortcuts) + " )"; shortcuts.ForeColor = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.GrayText); icon.Image = b.icon.ToBitmap(); icon.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; }
public static void open_url(Browser b, bool incognito = false) { var args = new List<String>(); if (incognito) args.Add(b.private_arg); args.Add(Program.url.Replace("\"", "%22")); if (b.exec == "edge") { //edge is a universal app , which means we can't just run it like other browsers Process.Start("microsoft-edge:" + Program.url .Replace(" ", "%20") .Replace("\"", "%22")); } else if (b.exec.EndsWith("iexplore.exe") && !incognito) { // IE tends to open in a new window instead of a new tab // code borrowed from bool found = false; ShellWindows iExplorerInstances = new ShellWindows(); foreach (InternetExplorer iExplorer in iExplorerInstances) { if (iExplorer.Name.EndsWith("Internet Explorer")) { iExplorer.Navigate(Program.url, 0x800); // for issue #10 (bring IE to focus after opening link) ForegroundAgent.RestoreWindow(iExplorer.HWND); found = true; break; } } if (!found) Process.Start(b.exec, Program.Args2Str(args)); } else Process.Start(b.exec, Program.Args2Str(args)); Application.Exit(); }
private void save_rule(string pattern, Browser b) { // save a rule and save app settings Settings.Default.AutoBrowser.Add((new AutoMatchRule() { Pattern = pattern, Browser = }).ToString()); Settings.Default.Save(); }
public void add_rule(Browser b, string pattern) { save_rule(pattern, b); open_url(b); }
public void add_rule(Browser b) { // check if desired pattern is ambiguous if (_alwaysRule.mode == 3) { // generate a context menu with tld_rule and second_rule as options // and call the overloaded add_rule with pattern as second arg on click _alwaysAsk = new ContextMenu((new[] { _alwaysRule.tld_rule, _alwaysRule.second_rule }) .Select(x => new MenuItem(x, (s, e) => add_rule(b, x))).ToArray()); // display the context menu at mouse position _alwaysAsk.Show(this, PointToClient(Cursor.Position)); } else if (_alwaysRule.mode == 0) { // in case ambiguousness of pattern was not determined, should not happen MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Error while generating pattern from url." + " Please include the following url in your bug report:\n{0}", Program.url)); } else { // in case pattern was not ambiguous, just set the pattern as rule and open the url var pat = (_alwaysRule.mode == 1) ? _alwaysRule.tld_rule : _alwaysRule.second_rule; add_rule(b, pat); } }
private void open_url(Browser b) { if (b.exec == "edge"){ //edge is a universal app , which means we can't just run it like other browsers Process.Start("microsoft-edge:"+Program.url .Replace(" ","%20") .Replace("\"", "%22")); } else Process.Start(b.exec, "\""+Program.url.Replace("\"","%22")+"\""); Application.Exit(); }