public void Store(Article article) { save(article); load(); }
private void save(Article article) { XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument(); xdoc.Load(PATH); // set root element --> <articles> var root = xdoc.DocumentElement; // create new elements XmlElement xarticle = xdoc.CreateElement("article"); XmlElement xid = xdoc.CreateElement("id"); XmlElement xtitle = xdoc.CreateElement("title"); XmlElement xlink = xdoc.CreateElement("link"); //get the highest id int max = 0; foreach (var a in SavedArticles) { if (a.ID > max) max = a.ID; } // get information about the article int id = max+1; string title = article.Title; string link = article.Link; // set text inside of the elements xid.InnerText = id.ToString(); xtitle.InnerText = title; xlink.InnerText = link; // add id, title & link elements to the article element xarticle.AppendChild(xid); xarticle.AppendChild(xtitle); xarticle.AppendChild(xlink); // add article to the root element root.AppendChild(xarticle); xdoc.AppendChild(root); xdoc.Save(PATH); }