public static void DefineNiceController() { AngularJSDemo.hwbApp.Controller<ControllerDataObjectStructure> ("hwcSctl", CtlFunction); var ctlDiv = new DivElement(); ctlDiv.SetNGController("hwcSctl"); Document.Body.AppendChild(ctlDiv); var fltFld = new InputElement(); fltFld.SetNGModel("hwcFlt"); ctlDiv.AppendChild(fltFld); var ordFld = new SelectElement(); ordFld.SetNGModel("hwcOrderBy"); ordFld.Add(new OptionElement() { Value = "Checkpoint", InnerHTML = "Alphabetically" }); ordFld.Add(new OptionElement() { Value = "id", InnerHTML = "Series ID" }); ctlDiv.AppendChild(ordFld); var rptSpan = new SpanElement(); rptSpan.SetNGRepeat("checkpoint", "checkpoints", fltFld.GetNGModel(), ordFld.GetNGModel()); rptSpan.InnerHTML = "{{checkpoint.callsign}}[{{}}] "; ctlDiv.AppendChild(rptSpan); }
public static Element[] CreateDateTimeField() { var label = new LabelElement { HtmlFor = "dateTimeInput", InnerHTML = "Server Date and Time:" }; var div = new DivElement { ClassName = "input-group" }; var spanPrefix = new SpanElement { ClassName = "input-group-addon glyphicon glyphicon-time" }; var spanSuffix = new SpanElement { ClassName = "input-group-btn" }; var button = new ButtonElement { Type = ButtonType.Button, ClassName = "btn btn-primary", InnerHTML = "<span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-refresh\"></span>", OnClick = Html5App.UpdateButton_Click }; var input = new InputElement { Id = "dateTimeInput", Type = InputType.Text, ClassName = "form-control", Placeholder = "Click update...", ReadOnly = true, Name = "datetime" }; spanSuffix.AppendChild(button); div.AppendChild(spanPrefix); div.AppendChild(input); div.AppendChild(spanSuffix); return new Element[] { label, div }; }
public static DivElement CreateFormField(string name, string glyph) { var div = new DivElement { ClassName = "input-group", Style = { MarginBottom = "10px" } }; var span = new SpanElement { ClassName = "glyphicon glyphicon-" + glyph + " input-group-addon" }; Element input; var placeholder = name + "..."; if (name == "Message") { input = new TextAreaElement { Name = name.ToLowerCase(), Placeholder = placeholder, Required = true, ClassName = "form-control" }; } else { input = new InputElement { Type = InputType.Text, Name = name.ToLowerCase(), Placeholder = placeholder, Required = true, ClassName = "form-control" }; } div.AppendChild(span); div.AppendChild(input); return div; }
public static void Main() { Console.Log("Demo. Logged on console."); var spanEl = new SpanElement() { InnerHTML = "If you can read this line, then bridge is working!" }; Document.Body.AppendChild(spanEl); var button = new ButtonElement { InnerHTML = "Show Bridge.NET message", OnClick = (ev) => { Global.Alert("Welcome to Bridge.NET"); } }; Document.Body.AppendChild(button); }
/// <summary> /// This function determines the format of the contents of the entry /// point where the dynamic code will be injected. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static object dynMehTemplate() { var span = new SpanElement(); span.SetNGController("hwbctl"); span.InnerHTML = "AJS says by directive: [{{message}}]"; return new { template = span.OuterHTML }; }
public static void UpdateControls() { Console.Log("Checkpoint Zebra: [rdy] nothing at this point will " + "like AngularJS."); var lbl = new SpanElement() { InnerHTML = "We have Bridge script " + "running." }; Document.Body.AppendChild(lbl); }
public static object ThreeWayFunction() { var span = new SpanElement(); span.SetNGController("hwbSctl"); span.InnerHTML = "AJS for three scopined: " + "[msg:{{message}}][foo:{{foo}}][bar:{{bar}}]"; return new { template = span.OuterHTML }; }
public static Element GetRepeatRegion() { var itemsSpan = new SpanElement(); itemsSpan.InnerHTML = "Checkpoint"; var itemsPara = new ParagraphElement(); itemsPara.InnerHTML = "{{checkpoint.callsign}}[{{}}]"; var itemsLI = new LIElement(); itemsLI.SetNGRepeat("checkpoint", "checkpoints"); itemsLI.AppendChild(itemsSpan); itemsLI.AppendChild(itemsPara); var itemsUL = new UListElement(); itemsUL.AppendChild(itemsLI); var itemsSubSpan = new SpanElement() { InnerHTML = "[{{checkpoint.callsign}}.{{}}] " }; var itemsSearchBox = new InputElement(); itemsSearchBox.SetNGModel("cpFilter"); var itemsOrderSelector = GetOrderBySelector("cpOrderBy"); itemsSubSpan.SetNGRepeat("checkpoint", "checkpoints", itemsSearchBox.GetNGModel(), itemsOrderSelector.GetNGModel()); var itemsDiv = new DivElement(); itemsDiv.SetNGController("hwbSctl"); itemsDiv.AppendChild(itemsUL); itemsDiv.AppendChild(itemsSearchBox); itemsDiv.AppendChild(itemsOrderSelector); itemsDiv.AppendChild(itemsSubSpan); return itemsDiv; }