/// <summary> Get a Recipe from the BrewTroller </summary> /// <param name="recipeSlot">Recipe Slot Number</param> public BTRecipe GetRecipe(int recipeSlot) { if (recipeSlot < 0 || recipeSlot >= BTConfig.NumberOfRecipes) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("recipeSlot"); var btRecipe = new BTRecipe(Version.Units); ProcessBTCommand(BTCommand.GetRecipe, btRecipe, new List<int> { recipeSlot }); return btRecipe; }
/// <summary> Send a recipe to the BrewTroller </summary> /// public void SetRecipe(BTRecipe btRecipe) { if (btRecipe.Slot < 0 || btRecipe.Slot >= BTConfig.NumberOfRecipes) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("recipeSlot"); ProcessBTCommand(BTCommand.SetRecipe, btRecipe, null); }
private BTRecipe CreateTestRecipe(int slot, BTUnits units) { var recipe = new BTRecipe(units); recipe.Name = "NUnit Test Recipe"; recipe.PreHeat.step_time.Value = 10; recipe.PreHeat.step_temperature.Value = 120; recipe.DoughIn.step_time.Value = 11; recipe.DoughIn.step_temperature.Value = 130; recipe.AcidRest.step_time.Value = 12; recipe.AcidRest.step_temperature.Value = 140; recipe.ProteinRest.step_time.Value = 13; recipe.ProteinRest.step_temperature.Value = 150; recipe.Sacch1Rest.step_time.Value = 14; recipe.Sacch1Rest.step_temperature.Value = 160; recipe.Sacch2Rest.step_time.Value = 15; recipe.Sacch2Rest.step_temperature.Value = 170; recipe.MashOut.step_time.Value = 16; recipe.MashOut.step_temperature.Value = 180; recipe.SpargeTemp.Value = 150; recipe.HLTSetpoint.Value = 121; recipe.MashHeatSource = BTVesselID.HLT; recipe.MashRatio = 1.05m; recipe.BatchVolume.Value = 65.5m; recipe.GrainWeight.Value = 2.34m; recipe.BoilTime.Value = 63; recipe.PitchTemp.Value = 144; recipe.Additions = 0x55; return recipe; }