        public static void Build(ResourceGroup *group, int index, VoidPtr dataAddress, BRESString *pString)
            ResourceEntry *list = &group->_first;
            ResourceEntry *entry = &list[index];
            ResourceEntry *prev = &list[0], current = &list[prev->_leftIndex];
            ushort         currentIndex = prev->_leftIndex;
            bool           isRight      = false;

            int   strLen = pString->_length;
            byte *pChar = (byte *)pString + 4, sChar;

            int eIndex = strLen - 1, eBits = pChar[eIndex].CompareBits(0), val;

            *entry = new ResourceEntry((eIndex << 3) | eBits, index, index, (int)dataAddress - (int)group, (int)pChar - (int)group);

            //Continue while the previous id is greater than the current. Loop backs will stop the processing.
            //Continue while the entry id is less than or equal the current id. Being higher than the current id means we've found a place to insert.
            while ((entry->_id <= current->_id) && (prev->_id > current->_id))
                if (entry->_id == current->_id)
                    sChar = (byte *)group + current->_stringOffset;

                    //Rebuild new id relative to current entry
                    for (eIndex = strLen; (eIndex-- > 0) && (pChar[eIndex] == sChar[eIndex]);)
                    eBits = pChar[eIndex].CompareBits(sChar[eIndex]);

                    entry->_id = (ushort)((eIndex << 3) | eBits);

                    if (((sChar[eIndex] >> eBits) & 1) != 0)
                        entry->_leftIndex  = (ushort)index;
                        entry->_rightIndex = currentIndex;
                        entry->_leftIndex  = currentIndex;
                        entry->_rightIndex = (ushort)index;

                //Is entry to the right or left of current?
                isRight = ((val = current->_id >> 3) < strLen) && (((pChar[val] >> (current->_id & 7)) & 1) != 0);

                prev    = current;
                current = &list[currentIndex = (isRight) ? current->_rightIndex : current->_leftIndex];

            sChar = (current->_stringOffset == 0) ? null : (byte *)group + current->_stringOffset;
            val   = sChar == null ? 0 : (int)(*(bint *)(sChar - 4));

            if ((val == strLen) && (((sChar[eIndex] >> eBits) & 1) != 0))
                entry->_rightIndex = currentIndex;
                entry->_leftIndex = currentIndex;

            if (isRight)
                prev->_rightIndex = (ushort)index;
                prev->_leftIndex = (ushort)index;
 public ResourceGroup(int numEntries)
     _totalSize  = (numEntries * 0x10) + 0x18;
     _numEntries = numEntries;
     _first      = new ResourceEntry(0xFFFF, 0, 0, 0, 0);