public override void Remove() { MDL0ShaderNode parent = Parent as MDL0ShaderNode; base.Remove(); if (parent != null) { parent._fragShaderSource = null; } SignalPropertyChange(); }
public override void DoMoveUp(bool select) { base.DoMoveUp(select); MDL0ShaderNode parent = Parent as MDL0ShaderNode; if (parent != null) { parent._fragShaderSource = null; } SignalPropertyChange(); }
public override bool MoveUp() { bool b = base.MoveUp(); MDL0ShaderNode parent = Parent as MDL0ShaderNode; if (parent != null) { parent._fragShaderSource = null; } SignalPropertyChange(); return(b); }
public void CheckMetals() { if (_autoMetal) { if (MessageBox.Show(null, "Are you sure you want to turn this on?\nAny existing metal materials will be modified.", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { if (_children == null) Populate(); for (int x = 0; x < _matList.Count; x++) { MDL0MaterialNode n = (MDL0MaterialNode)_matList[x]; if (!n.isMetal) { if (n.MetalMaterial == null) { MDL0MaterialNode node = new MDL0MaterialNode(); _matGroup.AddChild(node); node._updating = true; node.Name = n.Name + "_ExtMtl"; node._ssc = 4; node.New = true; for (int i = 0; i <= n.Children.Count; i++) { MDL0MaterialRefNode mr = new MDL0MaterialRefNode(); node.AddChild(mr); mr.Texture = "metal00"; mr._index1 = mr._index2 = i; mr.SignalPropertyChange(); if (i == n.Children.Count || ((MDL0MaterialRefNode)n.Children[i]).HasTextureMatrix) { mr._minFltr = 5; mr._magFltr = 1; mr._lodBias = -2; mr.HasTextureMatrix = true; node.Rebuild(true); mr._projection = (int)TexProjection.STQ; mr._inputForm = (int)TexInputForm.ABC1; mr._texGenType = (int)TexTexgenType.Regular; mr._sourceRow = (int)TexSourceRow.Normals; mr._embossSource = 4; mr._embossLight = 2; mr.Normalize = true; mr.MapMode = (MDL0MaterialRefNode.MappingMethod)1; mr.getTexMtxVal(); break; } } node._chan1 = new LightChannel(63, new RGBAPixel(128, 128, 128, 255), new RGBAPixel(255, 255, 255, 255), 0, 0, node); node.C1ColorEnabled = true; node.C1ColorDiffuseFunction = GXDiffuseFn.Clamped; node.C1ColorAttenuation = GXAttnFn.Spotlight; node.C1AlphaEnabled = true; node.C1AlphaDiffuseFunction = GXDiffuseFn.Clamped; node.C1AlphaAttenuation = GXAttnFn.Spotlight; node._chan2 = new LightChannel(63, new RGBAPixel(255, 255, 255, 255), new RGBAPixel(), 0, 0, node); node.C2ColorEnabled = true; node.C2ColorDiffuseFunction = GXDiffuseFn.Disabled; node.C2ColorAttenuation = GXAttnFn.Specular; node.C2AlphaDiffuseFunction = GXDiffuseFn.Disabled; node.C2AlphaAttenuation = GXAttnFn.Specular; node._lSet = n._lSet; node._fSet = n._fSet; node._cull = n._cull; node._numLights = 2; node.ZCompareLoc = false; node._normMapRefLight1 = node._normMapRefLight2 = node._normMapRefLight3 = node._normMapRefLight4 = -1; node.SignalPropertyChange(); } } } foreach (MDL0MaterialNode node in _matList) { if (!node.isMetal) continue; if (node.ShaderNode != null) { if (node.ShaderNode._autoMetal && node.ShaderNode.texCount == node.Children.Count) { node._updating = false; continue; } else { if (node.ShaderNode._stages == 4) { foreach (MDL0MaterialNode y in node.ShaderNode._materials) if (!y.isMetal || y.Children.Count != node.Children.Count) goto Next; node.ShaderNode.DefaultAsMetal(node.Children.Count); continue; } } } Next: bool found = false; foreach (MDL0ShaderNode s in _shadGroup.Children) { if (s._autoMetal && s.texCount == node.Children.Count) { node.ShaderNode = s; found = true; } else { if (s._stages == 4) { foreach (MDL0MaterialNode y in s._materials) if (!y.isMetal || y.Children.Count != node.Children.Count) goto NotFound; node.ShaderNode = s; found = true; goto End; NotFound: continue; } } } End: if (!found) { MDL0ShaderNode shader = new MDL0ShaderNode(); _shadGroup.AddChild(shader); shader.DefaultAsMetal(node.Children.Count); node.ShaderNode = shader; } } foreach (MDL0MaterialNode m in _matList) m._updating = false; } else _autoMetal = false; } }
public void UpdateAsMetal() { if (!isMetal) return; _updating = true; if (ShaderNode != null && ShaderNode._autoMetal && ShaderNode.texCount == Children.Count) { //ShaderNode.DefaultAsMetal(Children.Count); } else { bool found = false; foreach (MDL0ShaderNode s in Model._shadGroup.Children) { if (s._autoMetal && s.texCount == Children.Count) { ShaderNode = s; found = true; } else { if (s._stages == 4) { foreach (MDL0MaterialNode y in s._materials) if (!y.isMetal || y.Children.Count != Children.Count) goto NotFound; ShaderNode = s; found = true; goto End; NotFound: continue; } } } End: if (!found) { MDL0ShaderNode shader = new MDL0ShaderNode(); Model._shadGroup.AddChild(shader); shader.DefaultAsMetal(Children.Count); ShaderNode = shader; } } if (MetalMaterial != null) { Name = MetalMaterial.Name + "_ExtMtl"; _ssc = 4; if (Children.Count - 1 != MetalMaterial.Children.Count) { //Remove all children for (int i = 0; i < Children.Count; i++) { ((MDL0MaterialRefNode)Children[i]).TextureNode = null; ((MDL0MaterialRefNode)Children[i]).PaletteNode = null; RemoveChild(Children[i--]); } //Start over for (int i = 0; i <= MetalMaterial.Children.Count; i++) { MDL0MaterialRefNode mr = new MDL0MaterialRefNode(); AddChild(mr); mr.Texture = "metal00"; mr._index1 = mr._index2 = i; mr._texFlags.TexScale = new Vector2(1); mr._bindState._scale = new Vector3(1); mr._texMatrix.TexMtx = Matrix43.Identity; mr._texMatrix.SCNCamera = -1; mr._texMatrix.SCNLight = -1; mr._texMatrix.Identity = 1; if (i == MetalMaterial.Children.Count) { mr._minFltr = 5; mr._magFltr = 1; mr._lodBias = -2; mr.HasTextureMatrix = true; mr._projection = (int)TexProjection.STQ; mr._inputForm = (int)TexInputForm.ABC1; mr._sourceRow = (int)TexSourceRow.Normals; mr.Normalize = true; mr.MapMode = (MDL0MaterialRefNode.MappingMethod)1; } else { mr._projection = (int)TexProjection.ST; mr._inputForm = (int)TexInputForm.AB11; mr._sourceRow = (int)TexSourceRow.TexCoord0 + i; mr.Normalize = false; mr.MapMode = (MDL0MaterialRefNode.MappingMethod)0; } mr._texGenType = (int)TexTexgenType.Regular; mr._embossSource = 4; mr._embossLight = 2; mr.getTexMtxVal(); } _chan1 = new LightChannel(63, new RGBAPixel(128, 128, 128, 255), new RGBAPixel(255, 255, 255, 255), 0, 0, this); C1ColorEnabled = true; C1ColorDiffuseFunction = GXDiffuseFn.Clamped; C1ColorAttenuation = GXAttnFn.Spotlight; C1AlphaEnabled = true; C1AlphaDiffuseFunction = GXDiffuseFn.Clamped; C1AlphaAttenuation = GXAttnFn.Spotlight; _chan2 = new LightChannel(63, new RGBAPixel(255, 255, 255, 255), new RGBAPixel(), 0, 0, this); C2ColorEnabled = true; C2ColorDiffuseFunction = GXDiffuseFn.Disabled; C2ColorAttenuation = GXAttnFn.Specular; C2AlphaDiffuseFunction = GXDiffuseFn.Disabled; C2AlphaAttenuation = GXAttnFn.Specular; _lSet = MetalMaterial._lSet; _fSet = MetalMaterial._fSet; _cull = MetalMaterial._cull; _numLights = 2; ZCompareLoc = false; _normMapRefLight1 = _normMapRefLight2 = _normMapRefLight3 = _normMapRefLight4 = -1; SignalPropertyChange(); } } _updating = false; }
//Write this stage to the shader code internal string Write(MDL0MaterialNode mat) { MDL0ShaderNode shader = ((MDL0ShaderNode)Parent); string stage = ""; //Get the texture coordinate to use int texcoord = (int)TextureCoord; //Do we need to use the coordinates? bool bHasTexCoord = texcoord < mat.Children.Count; //Is there an indirect stage? (CMD is not 0) //Is active == //FB true //LB false //TW max //SW max //M max //0001 0111 1111 1110 0000 0000 = 0x17FE00 bool bHasIndStage = (rawCMD & 0x17FE00) != 0 && bt < mat.IndirectTextures; // HACK to handle cases where the tex gen is not enabled if (!bHasTexCoord) { texcoord = 0; } stage += String.Format("//TEV stage {0}\n", Index); //Add indirect support later //if (bHasIndStage) //{ // stage += String.Format("// indirect op\n"); // // perform the indirect op on the incoming regular coordinates using indtex%d as the offset coords // if (bpmem.tevind[n].bs != ITBA_OFF) // { // stage += String.Format("alphabump = indtex%d.%s %s;\n", // bpmem.tevind[n].bt, // tevIndAlphaSel[bpmem.tevind[n].bs], // tevIndAlphaScale[bpmem.tevind[n].fmt]); // } // // format // stage += String.Format("float3 indtevcrd%d = indtex%d * %s;\n", n, bpmem.tevind[n].bt, tevIndFmtScale[bpmem.tevind[n].fmt]); // // bias // if (bpmem.tevind[n].bias != ITB_NONE ) // stage += String.Format("indtevcrd%d.%s += %s;\n", n, tevIndBiasField[bpmem.tevind[n].bias], tevIndBiasAdd[bpmem.tevind[n].fmt]); // // multiply by offset matrix and scale // if (bpmem.tevind[n].mid != 0) // { // if (bpmem.tevind[n].mid <= 3) // { // int mtxidx = 2*(bpmem.tevind[n].mid-1); // stage += String.Format("float2 indtevtrans%d = float2(dot("I_INDTEXMTX"[%d].xyz, indtevcrd%d), dot("I_INDTEXMTX"[%d].xyz, indtevcrd%d));\n", // n, mtxidx, n, mtxidx+1, n); // } // else if (bpmem.tevind[n].mid <= 7 && bHasTexCoord) // { // s matrix // if (bpmem.tevind[n].mid >= 5); // int mtxidx = 2*(bpmem.tevind[n].mid-5); // stage += String.Format("float2 indtevtrans%d = "I_INDTEXMTX"[%d].ww * uv%d.xy * indtevcrd%d.xx;\n", n, mtxidx, texcoord, n); // } // else if (bpmem.tevind[n].mid <= 11 && bHasTexCoord) // { // t matrix // if (bpmem.tevind[n].mid >= 9); // int mtxidx = 2*(bpmem.tevind[n].mid-9); // stage += String.Format("float2 indtevtrans%d = "I_INDTEXMTX"[%d].ww * uv%d.xy * indtevcrd%d.yy;\n", n, mtxidx, texcoord, n); // } // else // stage += String.Format("float2 indtevtrans%d = 0;\n", n); // } // else // stage += String.Format("float2 indtevtrans%d = 0;\n", n); // // --------- // // Wrapping // // --------- // // wrap S // if (bpmem.tevind[n].sw == ITW_OFF) // stage += String.Format("wrappedcoord.x = uv%d.x;\n", texcoord); // else if (bpmem.tevind[n].sw == ITW_0) // stage += String.Format("wrappedcoord.x = 0.0f;\n"); // else // stage += String.Format("wrappedcoord.x = fmod( uv%d.x, %s );\n", texcoord, tevIndWrapStart[bpmem.tevind[n].sw]); // // wrap T // if (bpmem.tevind[n].tw == ITW_OFF) // stage += String.Format("wrappedcoord.y = uv%d.y;\n", texcoord); // else if (bpmem.tevind[n].tw == ITW_0) // stage += String.Format("wrappedcoord.y = 0.0f;\n"); // else // stage += String.Format("wrappedcoord.y = fmod( uv%d.y, %s );\n", texcoord, tevIndWrapStart[bpmem.tevind[n].tw]); // if (bpmem.tevind[n].fb_addprev) // add previous tevcoord // stage += String.Format("tevcoord.xy += wrappedcoord + indtevtrans%d;\n", n); // else // stage += String.Format("tevcoord.xy = wrappedcoord + indtevtrans%d;\n", n); //} //Check if we need to use Alpha if (ColorSelectionA == ColorArg.RasterAlpha || ColorSelectionA == ColorArg.RasterColor || ColorSelectionB == ColorArg.RasterAlpha || ColorSelectionB == ColorArg.RasterColor || ColorSelectionC == ColorArg.RasterAlpha || ColorSelectionC == ColorArg.RasterColor || ColorSelectionD == ColorArg.RasterAlpha || ColorSelectionD == ColorArg.RasterColor || AlphaSelectionA == AlphaArg.RasterAlpha || AlphaSelectionB == AlphaArg.RasterAlpha || AlphaSelectionC == AlphaArg.RasterAlpha || AlphaSelectionD == AlphaArg.RasterAlpha) { string rasswap = shader.swapModeTable[rswap]; stage += String.Format("rastemp = {0}.{1};\n", shader.tevRasTable[(int)ColorChannel], rasswap); stage += String.Format("crastemp = frac(rastemp * (255.0f/256.0f)) * (256.0f/255.0f);\n"); } if (TextureEnabled) { if (!bHasIndStage) //Calculate tevcoord { if (bHasTexCoord) { stage += String.Format("tevcoord.xy = uv{0}.xy;\n", texcoord); } else { stage += String.Format("tevcoord.xy = float2(0.0f, 0.0f);\n"); } } string texswap = shader.swapModeTable[tswap]; int texmap = (int)TextureMapID; //SampleTexture(p, "textemp", "tevcoord", texswap, texmap, ApiType); stage += String.Format("{0} = tex2D(samp{1},{2}.xy * " + shader.I_TEXDIMS + "[{3}].xy).{4};\n", "textemp", texmap, "tevcoord", texmap, texswap); } else { stage += String.Format("textemp = float4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);\n"); } //Check if we need to use Konstant Colors if (ColorSelectionA == ColorArg.KonstantColorSelection || ColorSelectionB == ColorArg.KonstantColorSelection || ColorSelectionC == ColorArg.KonstantColorSelection || ColorSelectionD == ColorArg.KonstantColorSelection || AlphaSelectionA == AlphaArg.KonstantAlphaSelection || AlphaSelectionB == AlphaArg.KonstantAlphaSelection || AlphaSelectionC == AlphaArg.KonstantAlphaSelection || AlphaSelectionD == AlphaArg.KonstantAlphaSelection) { int kc = (int)KonstantColorSelection; int ka = (int)KonstantAlphaSelection; stage += String.Format("konsttemp = float4({0}, {1});\n", shader.tevKSelTableC[kc], shader.tevKSelTableA[ka]); if (kc > 7 || ka > 7) { stage += String.Format("ckonsttemp = frac(konsttemp * (255.0f/256.0f)) * (256.0f/255.0f);\n"); } else { stage += String.Format("ckonsttemp = konsttemp;\n"); } } if (ColorSelectionA == ColorArg.PreviousColor || ColorSelectionA == ColorArg.PreviousAlpha || ColorSelectionB == ColorArg.PreviousColor || ColorSelectionB == ColorArg.PreviousAlpha || ColorSelectionC == ColorArg.PreviousColor || ColorSelectionC == ColorArg.PreviousAlpha || AlphaSelectionA == AlphaArg.PreviousAlpha || AlphaSelectionB == AlphaArg.PreviousAlpha || AlphaSelectionC == AlphaArg.PreviousAlpha) { stage += String.Format("cprev = frac(prev * (255.0f/256.0f)) * (256.0f/255.0f);\n"); } if (ColorSelectionA == ColorArg.Color0 || ColorSelectionA == ColorArg.Alpha0 || ColorSelectionB == ColorArg.Color0 || ColorSelectionB == ColorArg.Alpha0 || ColorSelectionC == ColorArg.Color0 || ColorSelectionC == ColorArg.Alpha0 || AlphaSelectionA == AlphaArg.Alpha0 || AlphaSelectionB == AlphaArg.Alpha0 || AlphaSelectionC == AlphaArg.Alpha0) { stage += String.Format("cc0 = frac(c0 * (255.0f/256.0f)) * (256.0f/255.0f);\n"); } if (ColorSelectionA == ColorArg.Color1 || ColorSelectionA == ColorArg.Alpha1 || ColorSelectionB == ColorArg.Color1 || ColorSelectionB == ColorArg.Alpha1 || ColorSelectionC == ColorArg.Color1 || ColorSelectionC == ColorArg.Alpha1 || AlphaSelectionA == AlphaArg.Alpha1 || AlphaSelectionB == AlphaArg.Alpha1 || AlphaSelectionC == AlphaArg.Alpha1) { stage += String.Format("cc1 = frac(c1 * (255.0f/256.0f)) * (256.0f/255.0f);\n"); } if (ColorSelectionA == ColorArg.Color2 || ColorSelectionA == ColorArg.Alpha2 || ColorSelectionB == ColorArg.Color2 || ColorSelectionB == ColorArg.Alpha2 || ColorSelectionC == ColorArg.Color2 || ColorSelectionC == ColorArg.Alpha2 || AlphaSelectionA == AlphaArg.Alpha2 || AlphaSelectionB == AlphaArg.Alpha2 || AlphaSelectionC == AlphaArg.Alpha2) { stage += String.Format("cc2 = frac(c2 * (255.0f/256.0f)) * (256.0f/255.0f);\n"); } stage += String.Format("// color combine\n"); if (ColorClamp) { stage += String.Format("{0} = saturate(", shader.tevCOutputTable[(int)ColorRegister]); } else { stage += String.Format("{0} = ", shader.tevCOutputTable[(int)ColorRegister]); } //Combine the color channel //There is no compare enum... //if (ColorBias != TevBias_COMPARE) // if not compare //{ //Normal color combiner goes here if (ColorScale > TevScale.MultiplyBy1) { stage += String.Format("{0}*(", shader.tevScaleTable[(int)ColorScale]); } if (!(ColorSelectionD == ColorArg.Zero && ColorSubtract == false)) { stage += String.Format("{0}{1}", shader.tevCInputTable[(int)ColorSelectionD], shader.tevOpTable[ColorSubtract ? 1 : 0]); } if (ColorSelectionA == ColorSelectionB) { stage += String.Format("{0}", shader.tevCInputTable[(int)ColorSelectionA + 16]); } else if (ColorSelectionC == ColorArg.Zero) { stage += String.Format("{0}", shader.tevCInputTable[(int)ColorSelectionA + 16]); } else if (ColorSelectionC == ColorArg.One) { stage += String.Format("{0}", shader.tevCInputTable[(int)ColorSelectionB + 16]); } else if (ColorSelectionA == ColorArg.Zero) { stage += String.Format("{0}*{1}", shader.tevCInputTable[(int)ColorSelectionB + 16], shader.tevCInputTable[(int)ColorSelectionC + 16]); } else if (ColorSelectionB == ColorArg.Zero) { stage += String.Format("{0}*(float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)-{1})", shader.tevCInputTable[(int)ColorSelectionA + 16], shader.tevCInputTable[(int)ColorSelectionC + 16]); } else { stage += String.Format("lerp({0}, {1}, {2})", shader.tevCInputTable[(int)ColorSelectionA + 16], shader.tevCInputTable[(int)ColorSelectionB + 16], shader.tevCInputTable[(int)ColorSelectionC + 16]); } stage += shader.tevBiasTable[(int)ColorBias]; if (ColorScale > TevScale.MultiplyBy1) { stage += ")"; } //} //else //{ // int cmp = (cc.shift<<1)|cc.op|8; // comparemode stored here // stage += String.Format(TEVCMPColorOPTable[cmp],//lookup the function from the op table // tevCInputTable[ColorSelectionD], // tevCInputTable[ColorSelectionA + 16], // tevCInputTable[ColorSelectionB + 16], // tevCInputTable[ColorSelectionC + 16]); //} if (ColorClamp) { stage += ")"; } stage += ";\n"; stage += String.Format("// alpha combine\n"); // combine the alpha channel if (AlphaClamp) { stage += String.Format("{0} = saturate(", shader.tevAOutputTable[(int)AlphaRegister]); } else { stage += String.Format("{0} = ", shader.tevAOutputTable[(int)AlphaRegister]); } //if (AlphaSelectionBias != TevBias_COMPARE) // if not compare //{ //normal alpha combiner goes here if (AlphaScale > TevScale.MultiplyBy1) { stage += String.Format("{0}*(", shader.tevScaleTable[(int)AlphaScale]); } if (!(AlphaSelectionD == AlphaArg.Zero && AlphaSubtract == false)) { stage += String.Format("{0}.a{1}", shader.tevAInputTable[(int)AlphaSelectionD], shader.tevOpTable[AlphaSubtract ? 1 : 0]); } if (AlphaSelectionA == AlphaSelectionB) { stage += String.Format("{0}.a", shader.tevAInputTable[(int)AlphaSelectionA + 8]); } else if (AlphaSelectionC == AlphaArg.Zero) { stage += String.Format("{0}.a", shader.tevAInputTable[(int)AlphaSelectionA + 8]); } else if (AlphaSelectionA == AlphaArg.Zero) { stage += String.Format("{0}.a*{1}.a", shader.tevAInputTable[(int)AlphaSelectionB + 8], shader.tevAInputTable[(int)AlphaSelectionC + 8]); } else if (AlphaSelectionB == AlphaArg.Zero) { stage += String.Format("{0}.a*(1.0f-{1}.a)", shader.tevAInputTable[(int)AlphaSelectionA + 8], shader.tevAInputTable[(int)AlphaSelectionC + 8]); } else { stage += String.Format("lerp({0}.a, {1}.a, {2}.a)", shader.tevAInputTable[(int)AlphaSelectionA + 8], shader.tevAInputTable[(int)AlphaSelectionB + 8], shader.tevAInputTable[(int)AlphaSelectionC + 8]); } stage += shader.tevBiasTable[(int)AlphaBias]; if (AlphaScale > 0) { stage += ")"; } //} //else //{ // //compare alpha combiner goes here // int cmp = (ac.shift<<1)|ac.op|8; // comparemode stored here // stage += String.Format(TEVCMPAlphaOPTable[cmp], // tevAInputTable[AlphaSelectionD], // tevAInputTable[AlphaSelectionA + 8], // tevAInputTable[AlphaSelectionB + 8], // tevAInputTable[AlphaSelectionC + 8]); //} if (AlphaClamp) { stage += ")"; } stage += String.Format(";\n\n"); stage += String.Format("//TEV stage done\n"); return(stage); }
internal string Write(MDL0MaterialNode mat, MDL0ObjectNode obj) { MDL0ShaderNode shader = ((MDL0ShaderNode)Parent); string stage = ""; //Get the texture coordinate to use int texcoord = (int)TextureCoord; //Do we need to use the coordinates? bool bHasTexCoord = texcoord < mat.Children.Count; //Is there an indirect stage? (CMD is not 0) //Is active == //FB true //LB false //TW max //SW max //M max //0001 0111 1111 1110 0000 0000 = 0x17FE00 bool bHasIndStage = IndirectActive && bt < mat.IndirectShaderStages; // HACK to handle cases where the tex gen is not enabled if (!bHasTexCoord) { texcoord = 0; } stage += String.Format("//TEV stage {0}\n\n", Index); //Add indirect support later if (bHasIndStage) { stage += String.Format("// indirect op\n"); //Perform the indirect op on the incoming regular coordinates using indtex as the offset coords if (Alpha != IndTexAlphaSel.Off) { stage += String.Format("alphabump = indtex{0}.{1} {2};\n", (int)TexStage, (int)Alpha, (int)TexFormat); } //Format stage += String.Format("vec3 indtevcrd{0} = indtex{1} * {2};\n", Index, (int)TexStage, (int)TexFormat); //Bias if (Bias != IndTexBiasSel.None) { stage += String.Format("indtevcrd{0}.{1} += {2};\n", Index, MDL0MaterialNode.tevIndBiasField[(int)Bias], MDL0MaterialNode.tevIndBiasAdd[(int)TexFormat]); } //Multiply by offset matrix and scale if (Matrix != 0) { if ((int)Matrix <= 3) { int mtxidx = 2 * ((int)Matrix - 1); stage += String.Format("vec2 indtevtrans{0} = vec2(dot(" + MDL0MaterialNode.I_INDTEXMTX + "[{1}].xyz, indtevcrd{2}), dot(" + MDL0MaterialNode.I_INDTEXMTX + "[{3}].xyz, indtevcrd{4}));\n", Index, mtxidx, Index, mtxidx + 1, Index); } else if ((int)Matrix < 5 && (int)Matrix <= 7 && bHasTexCoord) { //S int mtxidx = 2 * ((int)Matrix - 5); stage += String.Format("vec2 indtevtrans{0} = " + MDL0MaterialNode.I_INDTEXMTX + "[{1}].ww * uv{2}.xy * indtevcrd{3}.xx;\n", Index, mtxidx, texcoord, Index); } else if ((int)Matrix < 9 && (int)Matrix <= 11 && bHasTexCoord) { //T int mtxidx = 2 * ((int)Matrix - 9); stage += String.Format("vec2 indtevtrans{0} = " + MDL0MaterialNode.I_INDTEXMTX + "[{1}].ww * uv{2}.xy * indtevcrd{3}.yy;\n", Index, mtxidx, texcoord, Index); } else { stage += String.Format("vec2 indtevtrans{0} = 0;\n", Index); } } else { stage += String.Format("vec2 indtevtrans{0} = 0;\n", Index); } #region Wrapping // wrap S if (S_Wrap == IndTexWrap.NoWrap) { stage += String.Format("wrappedcoord.x = uv{0}.x;\n", texcoord); } else if (S_Wrap == IndTexWrap.Wrap0) { stage += String.Format("wrappedcoord.x = 0.0f;\n"); } else { stage += String.Format("wrappedcoord.x = fmod( uv{0}.x, {1} );\n", texcoord, MDL0MaterialNode.tevIndWrapStart[(int)S_Wrap]); } // wrap T if (T_Wrap == IndTexWrap.NoWrap) { stage += String.Format("wrappedcoord.y = uv{0}.y;\n", texcoord); } else if (T_Wrap == IndTexWrap.Wrap0) { stage += String.Format("wrappedcoord.y = 0.0f;\n"); } else { stage += String.Format("wrappedcoord.y = fmod( uv{0}.y, {1} );\n", texcoord, MDL0MaterialNode.tevIndWrapStart[(int)T_Wrap]); } stage += String.Format("tevcoord.xy {0}= wrappedcoord + indtevtrans{1};\n", UsePrevStage ? "+" : "", Index); #endregion } //Check if we need to use Alpha if (ColorSelectionA == ColorArg.RasterAlpha || ColorSelectionA == ColorArg.RasterColor || ColorSelectionB == ColorArg.RasterAlpha || ColorSelectionB == ColorArg.RasterColor || ColorSelectionC == ColorArg.RasterAlpha || ColorSelectionC == ColorArg.RasterColor || ColorSelectionD == ColorArg.RasterAlpha || ColorSelectionD == ColorArg.RasterColor || AlphaSelectionA == AlphaArg.RasterAlpha || AlphaSelectionB == AlphaArg.RasterAlpha || AlphaSelectionC == AlphaArg.RasterAlpha || AlphaSelectionD == AlphaArg.RasterAlpha) { string rasswap = shader.swapModeTable[rswap]; stage += String.Format("rastemp = {0}.{1};\n", MDL0MaterialNode.tevRasTable[(int)ColorChannel], rasswap); stage += String.Format("crastemp = fract(rastemp * (255.0f/256.0f)) * (256.0f/255.0f);\n"); } if (TextureEnabled) { if (!bHasIndStage) //Calculate tevcoord { if (bHasTexCoord) { stage += String.Format("tevcoord.xy = uv{0}.xy;\n", texcoord); } else { stage += String.Format("tevcoord.xy = vec2(0.0f, 0.0f);\n"); } } string texswap = shader.swapModeTable[tswap]; int texmap = (int)TextureMapID; stage += String.Format("{0} = texture2D(samp{1}, {2}.xy" /* + " * " + MDL0MaterialNode.I_TEXDIMS + "[{3}].xy" */ + ").{4};\n", "textemp", texmap, "tevcoord", texmap, texswap); } else { stage += String.Format("textemp = vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);\n"); } //Check if we need to use Konstant Colors if (ColorSelectionA == ColorArg.KonstantColorSelection || ColorSelectionB == ColorArg.KonstantColorSelection || ColorSelectionC == ColorArg.KonstantColorSelection || ColorSelectionD == ColorArg.KonstantColorSelection || AlphaSelectionA == AlphaArg.KonstantAlphaSelection || AlphaSelectionB == AlphaArg.KonstantAlphaSelection || AlphaSelectionC == AlphaArg.KonstantAlphaSelection || AlphaSelectionD == AlphaArg.KonstantAlphaSelection) { int kc = (int)KonstantColorSelection; int ka = (int)KonstantAlphaSelection; stage += String.Format("konsttemp = vec4({0}, {1});\n", MDL0MaterialNode.tevKSelTableC[kc], MDL0MaterialNode.tevKSelTableA[ka]); if (kc > 7 || ka > 7) { stage += String.Format("ckonsttemp = fract(konsttemp * (255.0f/256.0f)) * (256.0f/255.0f);\n"); } else { stage += String.Format("ckonsttemp = konsttemp;\n"); } } if (ColorSelectionA == ColorArg.PreviousColor || ColorSelectionA == ColorArg.PreviousAlpha || ColorSelectionB == ColorArg.PreviousColor || ColorSelectionB == ColorArg.PreviousAlpha || ColorSelectionC == ColorArg.PreviousColor || ColorSelectionC == ColorArg.PreviousAlpha || AlphaSelectionA == AlphaArg.PreviousAlpha || AlphaSelectionB == AlphaArg.PreviousAlpha || AlphaSelectionC == AlphaArg.PreviousAlpha) { stage += String.Format("cprev = fract(prev * (255.0f/256.0f)) * (256.0f/255.0f);\n"); } if (ColorSelectionA == ColorArg.Color0 || ColorSelectionA == ColorArg.Alpha0 || ColorSelectionB == ColorArg.Color0 || ColorSelectionB == ColorArg.Alpha0 || ColorSelectionC == ColorArg.Color0 || ColorSelectionC == ColorArg.Alpha0 || AlphaSelectionA == AlphaArg.Alpha0 || AlphaSelectionB == AlphaArg.Alpha0 || AlphaSelectionC == AlphaArg.Alpha0) { stage += String.Format("cc0 = fract(c0 * (255.0f/256.0f)) * (256.0f/255.0f);\n"); } if (ColorSelectionA == ColorArg.Color1 || ColorSelectionA == ColorArg.Alpha1 || ColorSelectionB == ColorArg.Color1 || ColorSelectionB == ColorArg.Alpha1 || ColorSelectionC == ColorArg.Color1 || ColorSelectionC == ColorArg.Alpha1 || AlphaSelectionA == AlphaArg.Alpha1 || AlphaSelectionB == AlphaArg.Alpha1 || AlphaSelectionC == AlphaArg.Alpha1) { stage += String.Format("cc1 = fract(c1 * (255.0f/256.0f)) * (256.0f/255.0f);\n"); } if (ColorSelectionA == ColorArg.Color2 || ColorSelectionA == ColorArg.Alpha2 || ColorSelectionB == ColorArg.Color2 || ColorSelectionB == ColorArg.Alpha2 || ColorSelectionC == ColorArg.Color2 || ColorSelectionC == ColorArg.Alpha2 || AlphaSelectionA == AlphaArg.Alpha2 || AlphaSelectionB == AlphaArg.Alpha2 || AlphaSelectionC == AlphaArg.Alpha2) { stage += String.Format("cc2 = fract(c2 * (255.0f/256.0f)) * (256.0f/255.0f);\n"); } #region Color Channel stage += String.Format("// color combine\n{0} = ", MDL0MaterialNode.tevCOutputTable[(int)ColorRegister]); if (ColorClamp) { stage += "saturate("; } if (ColorScale > TevScale.MultiplyBy1) { stage += String.Format("{0} * (", MDL0MaterialNode.tevScaleTable[(int)ColorScale]); } if (!(ColorSelectionD == ColorArg.Zero && ColorSubtract == false)) { stage += String.Format("{0} {1} ", MDL0MaterialNode.tevCInputTable[(int)ColorSelectionD], MDL0MaterialNode.tevOpTable[ColorSubtract ? 1 : 0]); } if (ColorSelectionA == ColorSelectionB) { stage += String.Format("{0}", MDL0MaterialNode.tevCInputTable[(int)ColorSelectionA + 16]); } else if (ColorSelectionC == ColorArg.Zero) { stage += String.Format("{0}", MDL0MaterialNode.tevCInputTable[(int)ColorSelectionA + 16]); } else if (ColorSelectionC == ColorArg.One) { stage += String.Format("{0}", MDL0MaterialNode.tevCInputTable[(int)ColorSelectionB + 16]); } else if (ColorSelectionA == ColorArg.Zero) { stage += String.Format("{0} * {1}", MDL0MaterialNode.tevCInputTable[(int)ColorSelectionB + 16], MDL0MaterialNode.tevCInputTable[(int)ColorSelectionC + 16]); } else if (ColorSelectionB == ColorArg.Zero) { stage += String.Format("{0} * (vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) - {1})", MDL0MaterialNode.tevCInputTable[(int)ColorSelectionA + 16], MDL0MaterialNode.tevCInputTable[(int)ColorSelectionC + 16]); } else { stage += String.Format("lerp({0}, {1}, {2})", MDL0MaterialNode.tevCInputTable[(int)ColorSelectionA + 16], MDL0MaterialNode.tevCInputTable[(int)ColorSelectionB + 16], MDL0MaterialNode.tevCInputTable[(int)ColorSelectionC + 16]); } stage += MDL0MaterialNode.tevBiasTable[(int)ColorBias]; if (ColorClamp) { stage += ")"; } if (ColorScale > TevScale.MultiplyBy1) { stage += ")"; } #endregion stage += ";\n"; #region Alpha Channel stage += String.Format("// alpha combine\n{0} = ", MDL0MaterialNode.tevAOutputTable[(int)AlphaRegister]); if (AlphaClamp) { stage += "saturate("; } if (AlphaScale > TevScale.MultiplyBy1) { stage += String.Format("{0} * (", MDL0MaterialNode.tevScaleTable[(int)AlphaScale]); } if (!(AlphaSelectionD == AlphaArg.Zero && AlphaSubtract == false)) { stage += String.Format("{0}.a {1} ", MDL0MaterialNode.tevAInputTable[(int)AlphaSelectionD], MDL0MaterialNode.tevOpTable[AlphaSubtract ? 1 : 0]); } if (AlphaSelectionA == AlphaSelectionB) { stage += String.Format("{0}.a", MDL0MaterialNode.tevAInputTable[(int)AlphaSelectionA + 8]); } else if (AlphaSelectionC == AlphaArg.Zero) { stage += String.Format("{0}.a", MDL0MaterialNode.tevAInputTable[(int)AlphaSelectionA + 8]); } else if (AlphaSelectionA == AlphaArg.Zero) { stage += String.Format("{0}.a * {1}.a", MDL0MaterialNode.tevAInputTable[(int)AlphaSelectionB + 8], MDL0MaterialNode.tevAInputTable[(int)AlphaSelectionC + 8]); } else if (AlphaSelectionB == AlphaArg.Zero) { stage += String.Format("{0}.a * (1.0f - {1}.a)", MDL0MaterialNode.tevAInputTable[(int)AlphaSelectionA + 8], MDL0MaterialNode.tevAInputTable[(int)AlphaSelectionC + 8]); } else { stage += String.Format("lerp({0}.a, {1}.a, {2}.a)", MDL0MaterialNode.tevAInputTable[(int)AlphaSelectionA + 8], MDL0MaterialNode.tevAInputTable[(int)AlphaSelectionB + 8], MDL0MaterialNode.tevAInputTable[(int)AlphaSelectionC + 8]); } stage += MDL0MaterialNode.tevBiasTable[(int)AlphaBias]; if (AlphaClamp) { stage += ")"; } if (AlphaScale > TevScale.MultiplyBy1) { stage += ")"; } #endregion stage += ";\n\n//TEV stage " + Index + " done\n\n"; return(stage); }
public MDL0Node ImportModel(string filePath) { MDL0Node model = new MDL0Node() { _name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath) }; model.InitGroups(); if (_importOptions._setOrigPath) model._originalPath = filePath; //Parse the collada file and use the data to create an MDL0 using (DecoderShell shell = DecoderShell.Import(filePath)) try { model._version = _importOptions._modelVersion; Error = "There was a problem reading the model."; //Extract images, removing duplicates foreach (ImageEntry img in shell._images) { string name; MDL0TextureNode tex; if (img._path != null) name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(img._path); else name = img._name != null ? img._name : img._id; tex = model.FindOrCreateTexture(name); img._node = tex; } //Extract materials and create shaders int tempNo = -1; foreach (MaterialEntry mat in shell._materials) { tempNo += 1; MDL0MaterialNode matNode = new MDL0MaterialNode(); matNode._parent = model._matGroup; matNode._name = mat._name != null ? mat._name : mat._id; if (tempNo == 0) { MDL0ShaderNode shadNode = new MDL0ShaderNode(); shadNode._parent = model._shadGroup; shadNode._name = "Shader" + tempNo; model._shadList.Add(shadNode); } matNode.Shader = "Shader0"; matNode.ShaderNode = (MDL0ShaderNode)model._shadGroup.Children[0]; mat._node = matNode; matNode._cull = _importOptions._culling; //Find effect if (mat._effect != null) foreach (EffectEntry eff in shell._effects) if (eff._id == mat._effect) //Attach textures and effects to material if (eff._shader != null) foreach (LightEffectEntry l in eff._shader._effects) if (l._type == LightEffectType.diffuse && l._texture != null) { string path = l._texture; foreach (EffectNewParam p in eff._newParams) if (p._sid == l._texture) { path = p._sampler2D._url; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(p._sampler2D._source)) { foreach (EffectNewParam p2 in eff._newParams) if (p2._sid == p._sampler2D._source) path = p2._path; } } foreach (ImageEntry img in shell._images) if (img._id == path) { MDL0MaterialRefNode mr = new MDL0MaterialRefNode(); (mr._texture = img._node as MDL0TextureNode)._references.Add(mr); mr._name = mr._texture.Name; matNode._children.Add(mr); mr._parent = matNode; mr._minFltr = mr._magFltr = 1; mr._index1 = mr._index2 = mr.Index; mr._uWrap = mr._vWrap = (int)_importOptions._wrap; break; } } matNode._numTextures = (byte)matNode.Children.Count; model._matList.Add(matNode); } Say("Extracting scenes..."); //Extract scenes foreach (SceneEntry scene in shell._scenes) { //Parse joints first NodeEntry[] joints = scene._nodes.Where(x => x._type == NodeType.JOINT).ToArray(); NodeEntry[] nodes = scene._nodes.Where(x => x._type != NodeType.JOINT).ToArray(); foreach (NodeEntry node in joints) EnumNode(node, model._boneGroup, scene, model, shell); foreach (NodeEntry node in nodes) EnumNode(node, model._boneGroup, scene, model, shell); } //If there are no bones, rig all objects to a single bind. if (model._boneGroup._children.Count == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { MDL0BoneNode bone = new MDL0BoneNode(); bone.Scale = new Vector3(1); bone._bindMatrix = bone._inverseBindMatrix = Matrix.Identity; switch (i) { case 0: bone._name = "TopN"; model._boneGroup._children.Add(bone); bone._parent = model._boneGroup; break; case 1: bone._name = "TransN"; model._boneGroup._children[0]._children.Add(bone); bone._parent = model._boneGroup._children[0]; bone.ReferenceCount = model._objList.Count; break; } } if (model._objList != null && model._objList.Count != 0) foreach (MDL0ObjectNode poly in model._objList) { poly._nodeId = 0; poly.MatrixNode = (MDL0BoneNode)model._boneGroup._children[0]._children[0]; } } else { //Check each polygon to see if it can be rigged to a single influence if (model._objList != null && model._objList.Count != 0) foreach (MDL0ObjectNode p in model._objList) { IMatrixNode node = null; bool singlebind = true; foreach (Vertex3 v in p._manager._vertices) if (v._matrixNode != null) { if (node == null) node = v._matrixNode; if (v._matrixNode != node) { singlebind = false; break; } } if (singlebind && p._matrixNode == null) { //Increase reference count ahead of time for rebuild if (p._manager._vertices[0]._matrixNode != null) p._manager._vertices[0]._matrixNode.ReferenceCount++; foreach (Vertex3 v in p._manager._vertices) if (v._matrixNode != null) v._matrixNode.ReferenceCount--; p._nodeId = -2; //Continued on polygon rebuild } } } //Remove original color buffers if option set if (_importOptions._ignoreColors) { if (model._objList != null && model._objList.Count != 0) foreach (MDL0ObjectNode p in model._objList) for (int x = 2; x < 4; x++) if (p._manager._faceData[x] != null) { p._manager._faceData[x].Dispose(); p._manager._faceData[x] = null; } } //Add color buffers if option set if (_importOptions._addClrs) { RGBAPixel pixel = _importOptions._dfltClr; //Add a color buffer to objects that don't have one if (model._objList != null && model._objList.Count != 0) foreach (MDL0ObjectNode p in model._objList) if (p._manager._faceData[2] == null) { RGBAPixel* pIn = (RGBAPixel*)(p._manager._faceData[2] = new UnsafeBuffer(4 * p._manager._pointCount)).Address; for (int i = 0; i < p._manager._pointCount; i++) *pIn++ = pixel; } } //Apply defaults to materials if (model._matList != null) foreach (MDL0MaterialNode p in model._matList) { if (_importOptions._mdlType == 0) { p._lSet = 20; p._fSet = 4; p._ssc = 3; p.C1ColorEnabled = true; p.C1AlphaMaterialSource = GXColorSrc.Vertex; p.C1ColorMaterialSource = GXColorSrc.Vertex; p.C1ColorDiffuseFunction = GXDiffuseFn.Clamped; p.C1ColorAttenuation = GXAttnFn.Spotlight; p.C1AlphaEnabled = true; p.C1AlphaDiffuseFunction = GXDiffuseFn.Clamped; p.C1AlphaAttenuation = GXAttnFn.Spotlight; p.C2ColorDiffuseFunction = GXDiffuseFn.Disabled; p.C2ColorAttenuation = GXAttnFn.None; p.C2AlphaDiffuseFunction = GXDiffuseFn.Disabled; p.C2AlphaAttenuation = GXAttnFn.None; } else { p._lSet = 0; p._fSet = 0; p._ssc = 1; p._chan1.Color = new LightChannelControl(1795); p._chan1.Alpha = new LightChannelControl(1795); p._chan2.Color = new LightChannelControl(1795); p._chan2.Alpha = new LightChannelControl(1795); } } //Set materials to use register color if option set if (_importOptions._useReg && model._objList != null) foreach (MDL0ObjectNode p in model._objList) { MDL0MaterialNode m = p.OpaMaterialNode; if (m != null && p._manager._faceData[2] == null && p._manager._faceData[3] == null) { m.C1MaterialColor = _importOptions._dfltClr; m.C1ColorMaterialSource = GXColorSrc.Register; m.C1AlphaMaterialSource = GXColorSrc.Register; } } //Remap materials if option set if (_importOptions._rmpMats && model._matList != null && model._objList != null) { foreach (MDL0ObjectNode p in model._objList) foreach (MDL0MaterialNode m in model._matList) if (m.Children.Count > 0 && m.Children[0] != null && p.OpaMaterialNode != null && p.OpaMaterialNode.Children.Count > 0 && p.OpaMaterialNode.Children[0] != null && m.Children[0].Name == p.OpaMaterialNode.Children[0].Name && m.C1ColorMaterialSource == p.OpaMaterialNode.C1ColorMaterialSource) { p.OpaMaterialNode = m; break; } //Remove unused materials for (int i = 0; i < model._matList.Count; i++) if (((MDL0MaterialNode)model._matList[i])._objects.Count == 0) model._matList.RemoveAt(i--); } Error = "There was a problem writing the model."; //Clean the model and then build it! if (model != null) { model.CleanGroups(); model.BuildFromScratch(this); } } catch (Exception x) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot continue importing this model.\n" + Error + "\n\nException:\n" + x.ToString()); model = null; Close(); } finally { //Clean up the mess we've made GC.Collect(GC.MaxGeneration, GCCollectionMode.Forced); } return model; }
public void NewShader() { if (_modelViewerOpen) return; MDL0Node model = ((MDL0Node)_resource); if (model._shadGroup == null) { MDL0GroupNode g = model._shadGroup; if (g == null) { model.AddChild(g = new MDL0GroupNode(MDLResourceType.Shaders), true); model._shadGroup = g; model._shadList = g.Children; } } if (model._shadList != null && model._matList != null) if (model._shadList.Count < model._matList.Count) { MDL0ShaderNode shader = new MDL0ShaderNode(); model._shadGroup.AddChild(shader); shader.Default(); shader.Rebuild(true); BaseWrapper b = FindResource(shader, true); if (b != null) b.EnsureVisible(); } }