protected override void CloneProperties(Brainiac.Design.Nodes.Node newnode)

            CompoundTask node = (CompoundTask)newnode;

            node._methodType = _methodType;
        public NodeViewDataCompoundTask(NodeViewData parent, BehaviorNode rootBehavior, Node node, Pen borderPen, Brush backgroundBrush, string label, string description) :
            base(parent, rootBehavior, node, borderPen, backgroundBrush, label, description)
            Nodes.CompoundTask compoundTask = (Nodes.CompoundTask)_node;

            _usedMethodType = compoundTask.MethodType;

            // register to any method changes so our list is always up-to-date
            Nodes.Method.MethodWasModified += Method_MethodWasModified;
        protected override bool NeedsToSynchronizeWithNode()
            if (_forceSynchronization)

            Nodes.CompoundTask compoundTask = (Nodes.CompoundTask)_node;

            return(compoundTask.MethodType != _usedMethodType || base.NeedsToSynchronizeWithNode());
        public override void DoSynchronizeWithNode(ProcessedBehaviors processedBehaviors)
            _forceSynchronization = false;

            // make all connectors changable
            for (int i = 0; i < _children.Connectors.Count; ++i)
                _children.Connectors[i].IsReadOnly = false;


            // add all methods we can find
            Nodes.CompoundTask compoundTask = (Nodes.CompoundTask)_node;

            _usedMethodType = compoundTask.MethodType;

            if (compoundTask.MethodType.Length < 1)

            Connector methods = GetConnector("Methods");

            Debug.Check(methods != null);

            List <Nodes.Method> methodList = new List <Nodes.Method>();

            // collect all the methods we find
            IList <string> allMethods = BehaviorManager.Instance.GetAllBehaviors();

            for (int i = 0; i < allMethods.Count; ++i)
                Nodes.Method method = (Nodes.Method)BehaviorManager.Instance.LoadBehavior(allMethods[i]);
                Debug.Check(method != null);

                if (method != _rootBehavior && method.MethodType == compoundTask.MethodType)

            // sort methods by priority

            // add methods to node
            foreach (Nodes.Method method in methodList)
                Debug.Verify(AddChildNotModified(methods, method.CreateNodeViewData(this, _rootBehavior)));