private static void Mi_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MenuItem mi = sender as MenuItem; //find out which neuron this context menu is from ContextMenu cm = mi.Parent as ContextMenu; if (cm == null) { MenuItem mi2 = mi.Parent as MenuItem; if (mi2.Header.ToString().IndexOf("Synapses") == 0) { int.TryParse(mi.Header.ToString().Substring(0, 8), out int newID); Neuron n1 = MainWindow.theNeuronArray.GetNeuron(newID); NeuronView.CreateContextMenu(, n1, new ContextMenu() { IsOpen = true, }); return; } cm = mi2.Parent as ContextMenu; } int i = (int)cm.GetValue(NeuronIDProperty); Neuron n = MainWindow.theNeuronArray.GetNeuron(i); if ((string)mi.Header == "Paste Here") { theNeuronArrayView.targetNeuronIndex = i; theNeuronArrayView.PasteNeurons(); theNeuronArrayView.targetNeuronIndex = -1; cmCancelled = true; } if ((string)mi.Header == "Move Here") { theNeuronArrayView.targetNeuronIndex = i; theNeuronArrayView.MoveNeurons(); cmCancelled = true; } if ((string)mi.Header == "From Selection to Here") { theNeuronArrayView.targetNeuronIndex = i; theNeuronArrayView.ConnectToHere(); } if ((string)mi.Header == "From Here to Selection") { theNeuronArrayView.targetNeuronIndex = i; theNeuronArrayView.ConnectFromHere(); } if ((string)mi.Header == "Mutual Suppression") { theNeuronArrayView.targetNeuronIndex = i; theNeuronArrayView.MutualSuppression(); } }
//this reloads the file which was being used on the previous run of the program //or creates a new one private void Window_ContentRendered(object sender, EventArgs e) { progressDialog = new ProgressDialog(); progressDialog.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; progressDialog.Top = 100; progressDialog.Left = 100; progressDialog.Owner = this; progressDialog.Show(); progressDialog.Hide(); progressDialog.SetProgress(100, ""); //if the left shift key is pressed, don't load the file if (Keyboard.IsKeyUp(Key.LeftShift)) { try { string fileName = ""; //if the load is successful, currentfile will be set by the load process if (App.StartupString != "") { fileName = App.StartupString; } if (fileName == "") { fileName = (string)Properties.Settings.Default["CurrentFile"]; } if (fileName != "") { LoadFile(fileName); NeuronView.OpenHistoryWindow(); } else //force a new file creation on startup if no file name set { CreateEmptyNetwork(); SetPlayPauseButtonImage(false); } } //various errors might have happened so we'll just ignore them all and start with a fresh file catch (Exception e1) { e1.GetType(); MessageBox.Show("Error encountered in file load: " + e1.Message); CreateEmptyNetwork(); } } LoadModuleTypeMenu(); }
//NEURON private void OpenNeuronContextMenu(FrameworkElement theShape) { if (theShape is Label l) { l.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); Neuron n1 = MainWindow.theNeuronArray.GetNeuron(mouseDownNeuronIndex); NeuronView.CreateContextMenu(mouseDownNeuronIndex, n1, l.ContextMenu); l.ContextMenu.IsOpen = true; } else { theShape.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); Neuron n1 = MainWindow.theNeuronArray.GetNeuron(mouseDownNeuronIndex); NeuronView.CreateContextMenu(mouseDownNeuronIndex, n1, theShape.ContextMenu); targetNeuronIndex = mouseDownNeuronIndex; theShape.ContextMenu.IsOpen = true; } }
private void OpenHistoryWindow() { if (Application.Current.MainWindow != this) { return; } if (theNeuronArray != null) { bool history = false; foreach (Neuron n in theNeuronArray.Neurons()) { if (n.KeepHistory) { history = true; } } if (history) { NeuronView.OpenHistoryWindow(); } } }
public void theCanvas_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (MainWindow.theNeuronArray == null) { return; } Debug.WriteLine("theCanvas_MouseDown" + MainWindow.theNeuronArray.Generation); Point currentPosition = e.GetPosition(theCanvas); LimitMousePostion(ref currentPosition); mouseDownNeuronIndex = dp.NeuronFromPoint(currentPosition); if (e.RightButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed) { if (sender is Image img) { int i = (int)img.GetValue(ModuleView.AreaNumberProperty); int i1 = -i - 1; ModuleView nr = new ModuleView { Label = "new", Width = theSelection.selectedRectangles[i1].Width, Height = theSelection.selectedRectangles[i1].Height, Color = Utils.ColorToInt(Colors.Aquamarine), CommandLine = "" }; img.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); ModuleView.CreateContextMenu(i, nr, img, img.ContextMenu); img.ContextMenu.IsOpen = true; e.Handled = true; } else if (sender is Rectangle r) { int i = (int)r.GetValue(ModuleView.AreaNumberProperty); if (i >= 0) { ModuleView nr = MainWindow.theNeuronArray.Modules[i]; r.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); ModuleView.CreateContextMenu(i, nr, r, r.ContextMenu); r.ContextMenu.IsOpen = true; e.Handled = true; } if (i < 0) { int i1 = -i - 1; ModuleView nr = new ModuleView { Label = "new", Width = theSelection.selectedRectangles[i1].Width, Height = theSelection.selectedRectangles[i1].Height, Color = Utils.ColorToInt(Colors.Aquamarine), CommandLine = "" }; r.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); ModuleView.CreateContextMenu(i, nr, r, r.ContextMenu); r.ContextMenu.IsOpen = true; e.Handled = true; } } else if (sender is Label l) { l.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); Neuron n1 = MainWindow.theNeuronArray.GetNeuron(mouseDownNeuronIndex); NeuronView.CreateContextMenu(mouseDownNeuronIndex, n1, l.ContextMenu); l.ContextMenu.IsOpen = true; e.Handled = true; } else if (sender is Shape s) { if ((s is Path || s is Line || (s is Ellipse && (int)s.GetValue(SynapseView.SourceIDProperty) != 0))) // a synapse { int source = (int)s.GetValue(SynapseView.SourceIDProperty); int target = (int)s.GetValue(SynapseView.TargetIDProperty); float weight = (float)s.GetValue(SynapseView.WeightValProperty); Neuron n1 = MainWindow.theNeuronArray.GetCompleteNeuron(source); n1 = MainWindow.theNeuronArray.AddSynapses(n1); Synapse s1 = n1.FindSynapse(target); s.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); SynapseView.CreateContextMenu(source, s1, s.ContextMenu); } else if (s is Ellipse) // a neuron { s.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); Neuron n1 = MainWindow.theNeuronArray.GetNeuron(mouseDownNeuronIndex); NeuronView.CreateContextMenu(mouseDownNeuronIndex, n1, s.ContextMenu); targetNeuronIndex = mouseDownNeuronIndex; } if (s.ContextMenu != null) { s.ContextMenu.IsOpen = true; } e.Handled = true; } else { } return; } Neuron n = null; if (mouseDownNeuronIndex >= 0 && mouseDownNeuronIndex < MainWindow.theNeuronArray.arraySize) { n = MainWindow.theNeuronArray.GetNeuron(mouseDownNeuronIndex) as Neuron; } if (theCanvas.Cursor == Cursors.Cross) { // Debug.WriteLine("dragStart" + MainWindow.theNeuronArray.Generation); if (dragRectangle != null) { theCanvas.Children.Remove(dragRectangle); } MainWindow.theNeuronArray.SetUndoPoint(); MainWindow.theNeuronArray.AddSelectionUndo(); if (!MainWindow.ctrlPressed) { theSelection.selectedRectangles.Clear(); } else { Update(); } //snap to neuron point currentPosition = dp.pointFromNeuron(mouseDownNeuronIndex); //build the draggable selection rectangle dragRectangle = new Rectangle(); dragRectangle.Width = dragRectangle.Height = dp.NeuronDisplaySize; dragRectangle.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red); dragRectangle.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red); dragRectangle.Fill.Opacity = 0.5; Canvas.SetLeft(dragRectangle, currentPosition.X); Canvas.SetTop(dragRectangle, currentPosition.Y); theCanvas.Children.Add(dragRectangle); firstSelectedNeuron = mouseDownNeuronIndex; lastSelectedNeuron = mouseDownNeuronIndex; Mouse.Capture(theCanvas); } if (theCanvas.Cursor == Cursors.ScrollAll) { dragging = true; MainWindow.theNeuronArray.SetUndoPoint(); } if (theCanvas.Cursor == Cursors.UpArrow) { if (e.ClickCount == 2 && sender is Canvas) { //double-click detected n = MainWindow.theNeuronArray.GetNeuron(mouseDownNeuronIndex); n.leakRate = -n.leakRate; n.Update(); } Mouse.Capture(theCanvas); if (mouseRepeatTimer == null) { mouseRepeatTimer = new DispatcherTimer(); } if (mouseRepeatTimer.IsEnabled) { mouseRepeatTimer.Stop(); } mouseRepeatTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 250); mouseRepeatTimer.Tick += MouseRepeatTimer_Tick; mouseRepeatTimer.Start(); dragging = true; targetNeuronIndex = mouseDownNeuronIndex; } if (theCanvas.Cursor == Cursors.Hand) { StartPan(e.GetPosition((UIElement)theCanvas.Parent)); Mouse.Capture(theCanvas); } }
private static void SynapseEntry_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (sender is TextBlock tb0) { if (tb0.Parent is StackPanel sp) { if (sp.Parent is MenuItem mi) { if (mi.Parent is ContextMenu cm) { if (tb0.Name == "weight") { int sourceID = (int)cm.GetValue(NeuronIDProperty); if (sp.Children.Count > 1 && sp.Children[1] is TextBlock tb1) { int.TryParse(tb1.Text.Substring(0, 8), out int targetID); if (mi.Header.ToString().Contains("In")) { int temp = targetID; targetID = sourceID; sourceID = temp; } ContextMenu newCm = new ContextMenu(); Neuron n = MainWindow.theNeuronArray.GetNeuron(sourceID); Synapse s = n.FindSynapse(targetID); if (s != null) { SynapseView.CreateContextMenu(sourceID, s, newCm); newCm.IsOpen = true; e.Handled = true; } } } if (tb0.Name == "neuron") { int.TryParse(tb0.Text.Substring(0, 8), out int targetID); Neuron n1 = MainWindow.theNeuronArray.GetNeuron(targetID); ContextMenu cm1 = NeuronView.CreateContextMenu(, n1, new ContextMenu() { IsOpen = true, }); MainWindow.arrayView.targetNeuronIndex = targetID; Point loc = dp.pointFromNeuron(targetID); if (loc.X < 0 || loc.X > theCanvas.ActualWidth - cm.ActualWidth || loc.Y < 0 || loc.Y > theCanvas.ActualHeight - cm.ActualHeight) { MainWindow.arrayView.PanToNeuron(targetID); loc = dp.pointFromNeuron(targetID); } loc.X += dp.NeuronDisplaySize / 2; loc.Y += dp.NeuronDisplaySize / 2; loc = MainWindow.arrayView.theCanvas.PointToScreen(loc); cm1.PlacementRectangle = new Rect(loc.X, loc.Y, 0, 0); cm1.Placement = System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.PlacementMode.AbsolutePoint; } } } } e.Handled = true; } }
private static void Mi_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MenuItem mi = sender as MenuItem; //find out which neuron this context menu is from ContextMenu cm = mi.Parent as ContextMenu; if (cm == null) { MenuItem mi2 = mi.Parent as MenuItem; if (mi2.Header.ToString().IndexOf("Synapses") == 0) { int.TryParse(mi.Header.ToString().Substring(0, 8), out int newID); Neuron n1 = MainWindow.theNeuronArray.GetNeuron(newID); NeuronView.CreateContextMenu(, n1, new ContextMenu() { IsOpen = true, }); return; } cm = mi2.Parent as ContextMenu; } int i = (int)cm.GetValue(NeuronIDProperty); Neuron n = MainWindow.theNeuronArray.GetNeuron(i); if ((string)mi.Header == "Paste Here") { theNeuronArrayView.targetNeuronIndex = i; theNeuronArrayView.PasteNeurons(); theNeuronArrayView.targetNeuronIndex = -1; cmCancelled = true; } if ((string)mi.Header == "Clear Synapses") { MainWindow.theNeuronArray.SetUndoPoint(); n.ClearWithUndo(); Control cc = Utils.FindByName(cm, "ApplyToSelection"); if (cc is CheckBox cb) { if (cb.IsChecked == true) { SetValueInSelectedNeurons(n, "clear"); } } cmCancelled = true; MainWindow.Update(); } if ((string)mi.Header == "Move Here") { theNeuronArrayView.targetNeuronIndex = i; theNeuronArrayView.MoveNeurons(); cmCancelled = true; } if ((string)mi.Header == "From Selection to Here") { theNeuronArrayView.targetNeuronIndex = i; theNeuronArrayView.ConnectToHere(); } if ((string)mi.Header == "From Here to Selection") { theNeuronArrayView.targetNeuronIndex = i; theNeuronArrayView.ConnectFromHere(); } if ((string)mi.Header == "Mutual Suppression") { theNeuronArrayView.targetNeuronIndex = i; theNeuronArrayView.MutualSuppression(); } }