SaveTwitterCredentialsToFile() public static method

public static SaveTwitterCredentialsToFile ( TwitterCredentials twitterCreds ) : void
twitterCreds BoxKite.Twitter.Models.TwitterCredentials
return void
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            ConsoleOutput.PrintMessage("Welcome to BoxKite.Twitter Console");
            ConsoleOutput.PrintMessage("(control-c ends)");
            System.Console.CancelKeyPress += cancelStreamHandler;

            var twittercredentials = ManageTwitterCredentials.GetTwitterCredentialsFromFile();

            if (twittercredentials == null)
                // there are no Credentials on file, so create a new set
                // first, get the Twitter Client (also known as Consumer) Key and Secret from my service
                var twitterClientKeys = ClientKeyManager.GetTwitterClientKeys().Result;

                // make a new connection
                twitterConnection = new TwitterConnection(twitterClientKeys.Item1, twitterClientKeys.Item2);

                // PIN based authentication
                var oauth = twitterConnection.BeginUserAuthentication().Result;

                // if the response is null, something is wrong with the initial request to OAuth
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(oauth))
                    ConsoleOutput.PrintMessage("Pin: ");
                    var pin = System.Console.ReadLine();
                    twittercredentials = twitterConnection.CompleteUserAuthentication(pin, oauth).Result;

                    ConsoleOutput.PrintError("Cannot OAuth with Twitter");

            if (twittercredentials != null)
                twitterConnection = new TwitterConnection(twittercredentials);


                ConsoleOutput.PrintMessage(twitterConnection.TwitterCredentials.ScreenName +
                                           " is authorised to use BoxKite.Twitter.");

                var usersession        = twitterConnection.UserSession;
                var userstream         = twitterConnection.UserStream;
                var applicationsession = twitterConnection.ApplicationSession;
                var searchstream       = twitterConnection.SearchStream;

                // userstream.Tweets.Subscribe( t => ConsoleOutput.PrintTweet(t));

                //userstream.Events.Subscribe(e => ConsoleOutput.PrintEvent(e, ConsoleColor.Yellow));
                //    d => ConsoleOutput.PrintDirect(d, ConsoleColor.Magenta, ConsoleColor.Black));

                //while (userstream.IsActive)
                //    Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5));

                /*var x = session.SendTweet("d realnickhodge testing & ampersands");
                 *      if (x.IsFaulted)
                 *      {
                 *          ConsoleOutput.PrintMessage("bugger");
                 *      }

                //var locations = new List<string> { "150.700493", "-34.081953", "151.284828", "-33.593316" };
                // var locations = new List<string> { "-180", "-90", "180", "90" };
                // var track = new List<string> { "mh370" };

                twitterConnection.TimeLine.Subscribe(t =>
                    ConsoleOutput.PrintTweet(t, ConsoleColor.Green);
                    t => ConsoleOutput.PrintTweet(t, ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.DarkGray));

                //twitterConnection.SearchTimeLine.Subscribe(t => { ConsoleOutput.PrintTweet(t, ConsoleColor.Cyan); });


                while (true)

                 * twitterConnection.StartSearch("mh370");
                 * var xx = session.GetUserProfile(screen_name:"nickhodgemsft").Result;
                 * if (xx.twitterFaulted)
                 * {
                 * PrintTwitterErrors(xx.twitterControlMessage);
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 * ConsoleOutput.PrintMessage(xx.ToString());
                 * }
                 * var fileName = "sampleimage\\boxkite1500x500.png";
                 * if (File.Exists(fileName))
                 * {
                 * // var newImage = File.ReadAllBytes(fileName);
                 * var sr = FilesHelper.FromFile(fileName);
                 * // var x = session.SendTweetWithImage("Testing Image Upload. You can Ignore", Path.GetFileName(fileName),newImage).Result;
                 * using (var fs = new FileStream(sr, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                 * {
                 *     var x = session.ChangeProfileBanner("sampleimage\\boxkite1500x500.png", fs).Result;
                 *     // var x = session.SendTweetWithImage("Maggies Rules", "maggie.jpg", fs).Result;
                 *     if (x.twitterFaulted)
                 *     {
                 *         PrintTwitterErrors(x.twitterControlMessage);
                 *     }
                 *     else
                 *     {
                 *         ConsoleOutput.PrintMessage("OK");
                 *     }
                 * }
                 * }
                 * mainTwitterAccount.TimeLine.Subscribe(t => ConsoleOutput.PrintTweet(t));
                 * mainTwitterAccount.Mentions.Subscribe(
                 *  t => ConsoleOutput.PrintTweet(t, ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.DarkGray));
                 * while (true)
                 * {
                 *  Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5));
                 * }
                 * Console.ConsoleOutput.PrintMessage("Event stream has stoppped.");
                 *       var locations = new List<string> { "-34.081953", "150.700493", "-33.593316", "151.284828" };
                 *          searchstream = session.StartSearchStream(locations: locations);
                 *          searchstream = session.StartSearchStream(track: "hazel");
                 *          searchstream.FoundTweets.Subscribe(t => ConsoleOutput.PrintTweet(t, ConsoleColor.Green));
                 *          searchstream.Start();
                 *          while (searchstream.IsActive)
                 *          {
                 *              Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));
                 *              var sr = new StreamSearchRequest();
                 *              sr.tracks.Add("xbox");
                 *              searchstream.SearchRequests.Publish(sr);
                 *          }

                 *      var x = session.GetMentions(count:100).Result;
                 *      foreach (var tweet in x)
                 *      {
                 *          ConsoleOutputPrintTweet(tweet);
                 *      }
                 *       session.GetFavourites(count: 10)
                 *          .Subscribe(t => ConsoleOutputPrintTweet(t, ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.Black));

            ConsoleOutput.PrintMessage("All Finished");