 internal Fixture()
     _userData = null;
     _body = null;
     _next = null;
     _proxyId = BroadPhase.NullProxy;
     _shape = null;
        /// Initialize the bodies, anchors, lengths, max lengths, and ratio using the world anchors.
        public void Initialize(Body b1, Body b2,
                        Vector2 ga1, Vector2 ga2,
					    Vector2 anchor1, Vector2 anchor2,
					    float r)
            body1 = b1;
            body2 = b2;
            groundAnchor1 = ga1;
            groundAnchor2 = ga2;
            localAnchor1 = body1.GetLocalPoint(anchor1);
            localAnchor2 = body2.GetLocalPoint(anchor2);
            Vector2 d1 = anchor1 - ga1;
            length1 = d1.Length();
            Vector2 d2 = anchor2 - ga2;
            length2 = d2.Length();
            ratio = r;
            Debug.Assert(ratio > Settings.b2_FLT_EPSILON);
            float C = length1 + ratio * length2;
            maxLength1 = C - ratio * b2_minPulleyLength;
            maxLength2 = (C - b2_minPulleyLength) / ratio;
        internal GearJoint(GearJointDef def)
            : base(def)
            JointType type1 = def.joint1.JointType;
            JointType type2 = def.joint2.JointType;

            Debug.Assert(type1 == JointType.Revolute || type1 == JointType.Prismatic);
            Debug.Assert(type2 == JointType.Revolute || type2 == JointType.Prismatic);

            _revolute1 = null;
            _prismatic1 = null;
            _revolute2 = null;
            _prismatic2 = null;

            float coordinate1, coordinate2;

            _ground1 = def.joint1.GetBody1();
            _bodyA = def.joint1.GetBody2();
            if (type1 == JointType.Revolute)
                _revolute1 = (RevoluteJoint)def.joint1;
                _groundAnchor1 = _revolute1._localAnchor1;
                _localAnchor1 = _revolute1._localAnchor2;
                coordinate1 = _revolute1.GetJointAngle();
                _prismatic1 = (PrismaticJoint)def.joint1;
                _groundAnchor1 = _prismatic1._localAnchor1;
                _localAnchor1 = _prismatic1._localAnchor2;
                coordinate1 = _prismatic1.GetJointTranslation();

            _ground2 = def.joint2.GetBody1();
            _bodyB = def.joint2.GetBody2();
            if (type2 == JointType.Revolute)
                _revolute2 = (RevoluteJoint)def.joint2;
                _groundAnchor2 = _revolute2._localAnchor1;
                _localAnchor2 = _revolute2._localAnchor2;
                coordinate2 = _revolute2.GetJointAngle();
                _prismatic2 = (PrismaticJoint)def.joint2;
                _groundAnchor2 = _prismatic2._localAnchor1;
                _localAnchor2 = _prismatic2._localAnchor2;
                coordinate2 = _prismatic2.GetJointTranslation();

            _ratio = def.ratio;

            _ant = coordinate1 + _ratio * coordinate2;

            _impulse = 0.0f;
        // We need separation create/destroy functions from the ructor/destructor because
        // the destructor cannot access the allocator or broad-phase (no destructor arguments allowed by C++).
        internal void Create(BroadPhase broadPhase, Body body, ref XForm xf, FixtureDef def)
            _userData = def.userData;
            _friction = def.friction;
            _restitution = def.restitution;
            _density = def.density;

            _body = body;
            _next = null;

            _filter = def.filter;

            _isSensor = def.isSensor;

            _shape = def.shape.Clone();

            // Create proxy in the broad-phase.
            AABB aabb;
            _shape.ComputeAABB(out aabb, ref xf);

            _proxyId = broadPhase.CreateProxy(ref aabb, this);
        // This is used to prevent connected bodies from colliding.
        // It may lie, depending on the collideConnected flag.
        internal bool IsConnected(Body other)
            for (JointEdge jn = _jointList; jn != null; jn = jn.Next)
                if (jn.Other == other)
                    return jn.Joint._collideConnected == false;

            return false;
        internal XForm _xf; // the body origin transform

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        internal Body(BodyDef bd, World world)
            _flags = 0;

            if (bd.isBullet)
                _flags |= BodyFlags.Bullet;
            if (bd.fixedRotation)
                _flags |= BodyFlags.FixedRotation;
            if (bd.allowSleep)
                _flags |= BodyFlags.AllowSleep;
            if (bd.isSleeping)
                _flags |= BodyFlags.Sleep;

            _world = world;

            _xf.Position = bd.position;

            _sweep.localCenter = bd.massData.center;
            _sweep.t0 = 1.0f;
            _sweep.a0 = _sweep.a = bd.angle;
            _sweep.c0 = _sweep.c = MathUtils.Multiply(ref _xf, _sweep.localCenter);

            _jointList = null;
            _contactList = null;
            _prev = null;
            _next = null;

            _linearVelocity = bd.linearVelocity;
            _angularVelocity = bd.angularVelocity;

            _linearDamping = bd.linearDamping;
            _angularDamping = bd.angularDamping;

            _force = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);
            _torque = 0.0f;

            _linearVelocity = Vector2.Zero;
            _angularVelocity = 0.0f;

            _sleepTime = 0.0f;

            _invMass = 0.0f;
            _I = 0.0f;
            _invI = 0.0f;

            _mass = bd.massData.mass;

            if (_mass > 0.0f)
                _invMass = 1.0f / _mass;

            _I = bd.massData.i;

            if (_I > 0.0f && (_flags & BodyFlags.FixedRotation) == 0)
                _invI = 1.0f / _I;

            if (_invMass == 0.0f && _invI == 0.0f)
                _type = BodyType.Static;
                _type = BodyType.Dynamic;

            _userData = bd.userData;

            _fixtureList = null;
            _fixtureCount = 0;
        void Solve(ref TimeStep step)
            // Size the island for the worst case.

            // Clear all the island flags.
            for (Body b = _bodyList; b != null; b = b._next)
                b._flags &= ~BodyFlags.Island;
            for (Contact c = _contactManager._contactList; c != null; c = c._next)
                c._flags &= ~ContactFlags.Island;
            for (Joint j = _jointList; j != null; j = j._next)
                j._islandFlag = false;

            // Build and simulate all awake islands.
            //#warning Remove extra allocs

            int stackSize = _bodyCount;
            Body[] stack = new Body[_bodyCount];
            for (Body seed = _bodyList; seed != null; seed = seed._next)
                if ((seed._flags & (BodyFlags.Island | BodyFlags.Sleep | BodyFlags.Frozen)) != BodyFlags.None)

                if (seed.IsStatic)

                // Reset island and stack.
                int stackCount = 0;
                stack[stackCount++] = seed;
                seed._flags |= BodyFlags.Island;

                // Perform a depth first search (DFS) on the raint graph.
                while (stackCount > 0)
                    // Grab the next body off the stack and add it to the island.
                    Body b = stack[--stackCount];

                    // Make sure the body is awake.
                    b._flags &= ~BodyFlags.Sleep;

                    // To keep islands as small as possible, we don't
                    // propagate islands across static bodies.
                    if (b.IsStatic)

                    // Search all contacts connected to this body.
                    for (ContactEdge ce = b._contactList; ce != null; ce = ce.Next)
                        // Has this contact already been added to an island?
                        // Is this contact non-solid (involves a sensor).
                        if ((ce.Contact._flags & (ContactFlags.Island | ContactFlags.NonSolid)) != ContactFlags.None)

                        // Is this contact touching?
                        if ((ce.Contact._flags & ContactFlags.Touch) == ContactFlags.None)

                        ce.Contact._flags |= ContactFlags.Island;

                        Body other = ce.Other;

                        // Was the other body already added to this island?
                        if ((other._flags & BodyFlags.Island) != BodyFlags.None)

                        Debug.Assert(stackCount < stackSize);
                        stack[stackCount++] = other;
                        other._flags |= BodyFlags.Island;

                    // Search all joints connect to this body.
                    for (JointEdge je = b._jointList; je != null; je = je.Next)
                        if (je.Joint._islandFlag == true)

                        je.Joint._islandFlag = true;

                        Body other = je.Other;
                        if ((other._flags & BodyFlags.Island) != BodyFlags.None)

                        Debug.Assert(stackCount < stackSize);
                        stack[stackCount++] = other;
                        other._flags |= BodyFlags.Island;

                _island.Solve(ref step, Gravity, _allowSleep);

                // Post solve cleanup.
                for (int i = 0; i < _island._bodyCount; ++i)
                    // Allow static bodies to participate in other islands.
                    Body b = _island._bodies[i];
                    if (b.IsStatic)
                        b._flags &= ~BodyFlags.Island;

            // Synchronize fixtures, check for out of range bodies.
            for (Body b = _bodyList; b != null; b = b.GetNext())
                if ((b._flags & (BodyFlags.Sleep | BodyFlags.Frozen)) != BodyFlags.None)

                if (b.IsStatic)

                // Update fixtures (for broad-phase).

            // Look for new contacts.
        protected Joint(JointDef def)
            _type = def.type;
            _bodyA = def.body1;
            _bodyB = def.body2;
            _collideConnected = def.collideConnected;
            _userData = def.userData;

            _edgeA = new JointEdge();
            _edgeB = new JointEdge();
        /// Create a rigid body given a definition. No reference to the definition
        /// is retained.
        /// @warning This function is locked during callbacks.
        public Body CreateBody(BodyDef def)
            if (IsLocked)
                return null;

            var b = new Body(def, this);

            // Add to world doubly linked list.
            b._prev = null;
            b._next = _bodyList;
            if (_bodyList != null)
                _bodyList._prev = b;
            _bodyList = b;

            return b;
        /// Destroy a rigid body given a definition. No reference to the definition
        /// is retained. This function is locked during callbacks.
        /// @warning This automatically deletes all associated shapes and joints.
        /// @warning This function is locked during callbacks.
        public void DestroyBody(Body b)
            Debug.Assert(_bodyCount > 0);
            if (IsLocked)

            // Delete the attached joints.
            JointEdge je = b._jointList;
            while (je != null)
                JointEdge je0 = je;
                je = je.Next;

                if (DestructionListener != null)

            b._jointList = null;

            // Delete the attached contacts.
            ContactEdge ce = b._contactList;
            while (ce != null)
                ContactEdge ce0 = ce;
                ce = ce.Next;
            b._contactList = null;

            // Delete the attached fixtures. This destroys broad-phase proxies.
            Fixture f = b._fixtureList;
            while (f != null)
                Fixture f0 = f;
                f = f._next;

                if (DestructionListener != null)

            b._fixtureList = null;
            b._fixtureCount = 0;

            // Remove world body list.
            if (b._prev != null)
                b._prev._next = b._next;

            if (b._next != null)
                b._next._prev = b._prev;

            if (b == _bodyList)
                _bodyList = b._next;

        internal override bool SolvePositionConstraints(float baumgarte)
            Body b1 = _bodyA;
            Body b2 = _bodyB;

            Vector2 c1 = b1._sweep.c;
            float   a1 = b1._sweep.a;

            Vector2 c2 = b2._sweep.c;
            float   a2 = b2._sweep.a;

            // Solve linear limit raint.
            float linearError = 0.0f, angularError = 0.0f;
            bool  active = false;
            float C2     = 0.0f;

            Mat22 R1 = new Mat22(a1);
            Mat22 R2 = new Mat22(a2);

            Vector2 r1 = MathUtils.Multiply(ref R1, _localAnchor1 - _localCenter1);
            Vector2 r2 = MathUtils.Multiply(ref R2, _localAnchor2 - _localCenter2);
            Vector2 d  = c2 + r2 - c1 - r1;

            if (_enableLimit)
                _axis = MathUtils.Multiply(ref R1, _localXAxis1);

                _a1 = MathUtils.Cross(d + r1, _axis);
                _a2 = MathUtils.Cross(r2, _axis);

                float translation = Vector2.Dot(_axis, d);
                if (Math.Abs(_upperTranslation - _lowerTranslation) < 2.0f * Settings.b2_linearSlop)
                    // Prevent large angular corrections
                    C2          = MathUtils.Clamp(translation, -Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection, Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection);
                    linearError = Math.Abs(translation);
                    active      = true;
                else if (translation <= _lowerTranslation)
                    // Prevent large linear corrections and allow some slop.
                    C2          = MathUtils.Clamp(translation - _lowerTranslation + Settings.b2_linearSlop, -Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection, 0.0f);
                    linearError = _lowerTranslation - translation;
                    active      = true;
                else if (translation >= _upperTranslation)
                    // Prevent large linear corrections and allow some slop.
                    C2          = MathUtils.Clamp(translation - _upperTranslation - Settings.b2_linearSlop, 0.0f, Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection);
                    linearError = translation - _upperTranslation;
                    active      = true;

            _perp = MathUtils.Multiply(ref R1, _localYAxis1);

            _s1 = MathUtils.Cross(d + r1, _perp);
            _s2 = MathUtils.Cross(r2, _perp);

            Vector2 impulse;
            float   C1;

            C1 = Vector2.Dot(_perp, d);

            linearError  = Math.Max(linearError, Math.Abs(C1));
            angularError = 0.0f;

            if (active)
                float m1 = _invMass1, m2 = _invMass2;
                float i1 = _invI1, i2 = _invI2;

                float k11 = m1 + m2 + i1 * _s1 * _s1 + i2 * _s2 * _s2;
                float k12 = i1 * _s1 * _a1 + i2 * _s2 * _a2;
                float k22 = m1 + m2 + i1 * _a1 * _a1 + i2 * _a2 * _a2;

                _K.col1 = new Vector2(k11, k12);
                _K.col2 = new Vector2(k12, k22);

                Vector2 C = new Vector2(-C1, -C2);

                impulse = _K.Solve(C);         //note i inverted above
                float m1 = _invMass1, m2 = _invMass2;
                float i1 = _invI1, i2 = _invI2;

                float k11 = m1 + m2 + i1 * _s1 * _s1 + i2 * _s2 * _s2;

                float impulse1 = (-C1) / k11;
                impulse.X = impulse1;
                impulse.Y = 0.0f;

            Vector2 P  = impulse.X * _perp + impulse.Y * _axis;
            float   L1 = impulse.X * _s1 + impulse.Y * _a1;
            float   L2 = impulse.X * _s2 + impulse.Y * _a2;

            c1 -= _invMass1 * P;
            a1 -= _invI1 * L1;
            c2 += _invMass2 * P;
            a2 += _invI2 * L2;

            // TODO_ERIN remove need for this.
            b1._sweep.c = c1;
            b1._sweep.a = a1;
            b2._sweep.c = c2;
            b2._sweep.a = a2;

            return(linearError <= Settings.b2_linearSlop && angularError <= Settings.b2_angularSlop);
        internal override void SolveVelocityConstraints(ref TimeStep step)
            Body b1 = _bodyA;
            Body b2 = _bodyB;

            Vector2 v1 = b1._linearVelocity;
            float   w1 = b1._angularVelocity;
            Vector2 v2 = b2._linearVelocity;
            float   w2 = b2._angularVelocity;

            // Solve linear motor raint.
            if (_enableMotor && _limitState != LimitState.Equal)
                float Cdot       = Vector2.Dot(_axis, v2 - v1) + _a2 * w2 - _a1 * w1;
                float impulse    = _motorMass * (_motorSpeed - Cdot);
                float oldImpulse = _motorImpulse;
                float maxImpulse = step.dt * _maxMotorForce;
                _motorImpulse = MathUtils.Clamp(_motorImpulse + impulse, -maxImpulse, maxImpulse);
                impulse       = _motorImpulse - oldImpulse;

                Vector2 P  = impulse * _axis;
                float   L1 = impulse * _a1;
                float   L2 = impulse * _a2;

                v1 -= _invMass1 * P;
                w1 -= _invI1 * L1;

                v2 += _invMass2 * P;
                w2 += _invI2 * L2;

            float Cdot1 = Vector2.Dot(_perp, v2 - v1) + _s2 * w2 - _s1 * w1;

            if (_enableLimit && _limitState != LimitState.Inactive)
                // Solve prismatic and limit raint in block form.
                float   Cdot2 = Vector2.Dot(_axis, v2 - v1) + _a2 * w2 - _a1 * w1;
                Vector2 Cdot  = new Vector2(Cdot1, Cdot2);

                Vector2 f1 = _impulse;
                Vector2 df = _K.Solve(-Cdot);
                _impulse += df;

                if (_limitState == LimitState.AtLower)
                    _impulse.Y = Math.Max(_impulse.Y, 0.0f);
                else if (_limitState == LimitState.AtUpper)
                    _impulse.Y = Math.Min(_impulse.Y, 0.0f);

                // f2(1) = invK(1,1) * (-Cdot(1) - K(1,2) * (f2(2) - f1(2))) + f1(1)
                float b   = -Cdot1 - (_impulse.Y - f1.Y) * _K.col2.X;
                float f2r = b / _K.col1.X + f1.X;
                _impulse.X = f2r;

                df = _impulse - f1;

                Vector2 P  = df.X * _perp + df.Y * _axis;
                float   L1 = df.X * _s1 + df.Y * _a1;
                float   L2 = df.X * _s2 + df.Y * _a2;

                v1 -= _invMass1 * P;
                w1 -= _invI1 * L1;

                v2 += _invMass2 * P;
                w2 += _invI2 * L2;
                // Limit is inactive, just solve the prismatic raint in block form.
                float df = (-Cdot1) / _K.col1.X;
                _impulse.X += df;

                Vector2 P  = df * _perp;
                float   L1 = df * _s1;
                float   L2 = df * _s2;

                v1 -= _invMass1 * P;
                w1 -= _invI1 * L1;

                v2 += _invMass2 * P;
                w2 += _invI2 * L2;

            b1._linearVelocity  = v1;
            b1._angularVelocity = w1;
            b2._linearVelocity  = v2;
            b2._angularVelocity = w2;
        internal override void InitVelocityConstraints(ref TimeStep step)
            Body b1 = _bodyA;
            Body b2 = _bodyB;

            _localCenter1 = b1.GetLocalCenter();
            _localCenter2 = b2.GetLocalCenter();

            XForm xf1, xf2;

            b1.GetXForm(out xf1);
            b2.GetXForm(out xf2);

            // Compute the effective masses.
            Vector2 r1 = MathUtils.Multiply(ref xf1.R, _localAnchor1 - _localCenter1);
            Vector2 r2 = MathUtils.Multiply(ref xf2.R, _localAnchor2 - _localCenter2);
            Vector2 d  = b2._sweep.c + r2 - b1._sweep.c - r1;

            _invMass1 = b1._invMass;
            _invI1    = b1._invI;
            _invMass2 = b2._invMass;
            _invI2    = b2._invI;

            // Compute motor Jacobian and effective mass.
                _axis = MathUtils.Multiply(ref xf1.R, _localXAxis1);
                _a1   = MathUtils.Cross(d + r1, _axis);
                _a2   = MathUtils.Cross(r2, _axis);

                _motorMass = _invMass1 + _invMass2 + _invI1 * _a1 * _a1 + _invI2 * _a2 * _a2;
                Debug.Assert(_motorMass > Settings.b2_FLT_EPSILON);
                _motorMass = 1.0f / _motorMass;

            // Prismatic raint.
                _perp = MathUtils.Multiply(ref xf1.R, _localYAxis1);

                _s1 = MathUtils.Cross(d + r1, _perp);
                _s2 = MathUtils.Cross(r2, _perp);

                float m1 = _invMass1, m2 = _invMass2;
                float i1 = _invI1, i2 = _invI2;

                float k11 = m1 + m2 + i1 * _s1 * _s1 + i2 * _s2 * _s2;
                float k12 = i1 * _s1 * _a1 + i2 * _s2 * _a2;
                float k22 = m1 + m2 + i1 * _a1 * _a1 + i2 * _a2 * _a2;

                _K.col1 = new Vector2(k11, k12);
                _K.col2 = new Vector2(k12, k22);

            // Compute motor and limit terms.
            if (_enableLimit)
                float jointTranslation = Vector2.Dot(_axis, d);
                if (Math.Abs(_upperTranslation - _lowerTranslation) < 2.0f * Settings.b2_linearSlop)
                    _limitState = LimitState.Equal;
                else if (jointTranslation <= _lowerTranslation)
                    if (_limitState != LimitState.AtLower)
                        _limitState = LimitState.AtLower;
                        _impulse.Y  = 0.0f;
                else if (jointTranslation >= _upperTranslation)
                    if (_limitState != LimitState.AtUpper)
                        _limitState = LimitState.AtUpper;
                        _impulse.Y  = 0.0f;
                    _limitState = LimitState.Inactive;
                    _impulse.Y  = 0.0f;
                _limitState = LimitState.Inactive;

            if (_enableMotor == false)
                _motorImpulse = 0.0f;

            if (step.warmStarting)
                // Account for variable time step.
                _impulse      *= step.dtRatio;
                _motorImpulse *= step.dtRatio;

                Vector2 P  = _impulse.X * _perp + (_motorImpulse + _impulse.Y) * _axis;
                float   L1 = _impulse.X * _s1 + (_motorImpulse + _impulse.Y) * _a1;
                float   L2 = _impulse.X * _s2 + (_motorImpulse + _impulse.Y) * _a2;

                b1._linearVelocity  -= _invMass1 * P;
                b1._angularVelocity -= _invI1 * L1;

                b2._linearVelocity  += _invMass2 * P;
                b2._angularVelocity += _invI2 * L2;
                _impulse      = Vector2.Zero;
                _motorImpulse = 0.0f;
 public void Add(Body body)
     Debug.Assert(_bodyCount < _bodyCapacity);
     body._islandIndex = _bodyCount;
     _bodies[_bodyCount++] = body;
        void SolveTOI(ref TimeStep step)
            // Reserve an island and a queue for TOI island solution.
            _island.Reset(  _bodyCount,

            //Simple one pass queue
            //Relies on the fact that we're only making one pass
            //through and each body can only be pushed/popped once.
            //To push:
            //  queue[queueStart+queueSize++] = newElement;
            //To pop:
            //	poppedElement = queue[queueStart++];
            //  --queueSize;
            //#warning More Body array Allocs
            int queueCapacity = _bodyCount;
            Body[] queue = new Body[_bodyCount];

            for (Body b = _bodyList; b != null; b = b._next)
                b._flags &= ~BodyFlags.Island;
                b._sweep.t0 = 0.0f;

            for (Contact c = _contactManager._contactList; c != null; c = c._next)
                // Invalidate TOI
                c._flags &= ~(ContactFlags.Toi | ContactFlags.Island);

            for (Joint j = _jointList; j != null; j = j._next)
                j._islandFlag = false;

            // Find TOI events and solve them.
            for (;;)
                // Find the first TOI.
                Contact minContact = null;
                float minTOI = 1.0f;

                for (Contact c = _contactManager._contactList; c != null; c = c._next)
                    if ((c._flags & (ContactFlags.Slow | ContactFlags.NonSolid)) != ContactFlags.None)

                    // TODO_ERIN keep a counter on the contact, only respond to M TOIs per contact.

                    float toi = 1.0f;
                    if ((c._flags & ContactFlags.Toi) != ContactFlags.None)
                        // This contact has a valid cached TOI.
                        toi = c._toi;
                        // Compute the TOI for this contact.
                        Fixture s1 = c.GetFixtureA();
                        Fixture s2 = c.GetFixtureB();
                        Body b1 = s1.GetBody();
                        Body b2 = s2.GetBody();

                        if ((b1.IsStatic || b1.IsSleeping) && (b2.IsStatic || b2.IsSleeping))

                        // Put the sweeps onto the same time interval.
                        float t0 = b1._sweep.t0;

                        if (b1._sweep.t0 < b2._sweep.t0)
                            t0 = b2._sweep.t0;
                        else if (b2._sweep.t0 < b1._sweep.t0)
                            t0 = b1._sweep.t0;

                        Debug.Assert(t0 < 1.0f);

                        // Compute the time of impact.
                        toi = c.ComputeTOI(ref b1._sweep, ref b2._sweep);
                        //CalculateTimeOfImpact(c._fixtureA.GetShape(), b1._sweep, c._fixtureB.GetShape(), b2._sweep);

                        Debug.Assert(0.0f <= toi && toi <= 1.0f);

                        // If the TOI is in range ...
                        if (0.0f < toi && toi < 1.0f)
                            // Interpolate on the actual range.
                            toi = Math.Min((1.0f - toi) * t0 + toi, 1.0f);

                        c._toi = toi;
                        c._flags |= ContactFlags.Toi;

                    if (Settings.b2_FLT_EPSILON < toi && toi < minTOI)
                        // This is the minimum TOI found so far.
                        minContact = c;
                        minTOI = toi;

                if (minContact == null || 1.0f - 100.0f * Settings.b2_FLT_EPSILON < minTOI)
                    // No more TOI events. Done!

                // Advance the bodies to the TOI.
                Fixture s1_2 = minContact.GetFixtureA();
                Fixture s2_2 = minContact.GetFixtureB();
                Body b1_2 = s1_2.GetBody();
                Body b2_2 = s2_2.GetBody();

                // The TOI contact likely has some new contact points.
                minContact._flags &= ~ContactFlags.Toi;

                if ((minContact._flags & ContactFlags.Touch) == 0)
                    // This shouldn't happen. Numerical error?

                // Build the TOI island. We need a dynamic seed.
                Body seed = b1_2;
                if (seed.IsStatic)
                    seed = b2_2;

                // Reset island and queue.

                int queueStart = 0; // starting index for queue
                int queueSize = 0;  // elements in queue
                queue[queueStart + queueSize++] = seed;
                seed._flags |= BodyFlags.Island;

                // Perform a breadth first search (BFS) on the contact/joint graph.
                while (queueSize > 0)
                    // Grab the next body off the stack and add it to the island.
                    Body b = queue[queueStart++];


                    // Make sure the body is awake.
                    b._flags &= ~BodyFlags.Sleep;

                    // To keep islands as small as possible, we don't
                    // propagate islands across static bodies.
                    if (b.IsStatic)

                    // Search all contacts connected to this body.
                    for (ContactEdge cEdge = b._contactList; cEdge != null; cEdge = cEdge.Next)
                        // Does the TOI island still have space for contacts?
                        if (_island._contacts.Count == _island._contactCapacity)

                        // Has this contact already been added to an island? Skip slow or non-solid contacts.
                        if ((cEdge.Contact._flags & (ContactFlags.Island | ContactFlags.Slow | ContactFlags.NonSolid)) != ContactFlags.None)

                        // Is this contact touching? For performance we are not updating this contact.
                        if ((cEdge.Contact._flags & ContactFlags.Touch) == 0)

                        cEdge.Contact._flags |= ContactFlags.Island;

                        // Update other body.
                        Body other = cEdge.Other;

                        // Was the other body already added to this island?
                        if ((other._flags & BodyFlags.Island) != BodyFlags.None)

                        // March forward, this can do no harm since this is the min TOI.
                        if (other.IsStatic == false)

                        Debug.Assert(queueStart + queueSize < queueCapacity);
                        queue[queueStart + queueSize] = other;
                        other._flags |= BodyFlags.Island;

                    for (JointEdge jEdge = b._jointList; jEdge != null; jEdge = jEdge.Next)
                        if (_island._jointCount == _island._jointCapacity)

                        if (jEdge.Joint._islandFlag == true)


                        jEdge.Joint._islandFlag = true;

                        Body other = jEdge.Other;

                        if ((other._flags & BodyFlags.Island) != BodyFlags.None)

                        if (!other.IsStatic)

                        Debug.Assert(queueStart + queueSize < queueCapacity);
                        queue[queueStart + queueSize] = other;
                        other._flags |= BodyFlags.Island;

                TimeStep subStep;
                subStep.warmStarting = false;
                subStep.dt = (1.0f - minTOI) * step.dt;
                subStep.inv_dt = 1.0f / subStep.dt;
                subStep.dtRatio = 0.0f;
                subStep.velocityIterations = step.velocityIterations;
                subStep.positionIterations = step.positionIterations;

                _island.SolveTOI(ref subStep);

                // Post solve cleanup.
                for (int i = 0; i < _island._bodyCount; ++i)
                    // Allow bodies to participate in future TOI islands.
                    Body b = _island._bodies[i];
                    b._flags &= ~BodyFlags.Island;

                    if ((b._flags & (BodyFlags.Sleep | BodyFlags.Frozen)) != BodyFlags.None)

                    if (b.IsStatic)

                    // Update fixtures (for broad-phase).

                    // Invalidate all contact TOIs associated with this body. Some of these
                    // may not be in the island because they were not touching.
                    for (ContactEdge ce = b._contactList; ce != null; ce = ce.Next)
                        ce.Contact._flags &= ~ContactFlags.Toi;

                int contactCount = _island._contacts.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < contactCount; ++i)
                    // Allow contacts to participate in future TOI islands.
                    Contact c = _island._contacts[i];
                    c._flags &= ~(ContactFlags.Toi | ContactFlags.Island);

                for (int i = 0; i < _island._jointCount; ++i)
                    // Allow joints to participate in future TOI islands.
                    Joint j = _island._joints[i];
                    j._islandFlag = false;

                // Commit fixture proxy movements to the broad-phase so that new contacts are created.
                // Also, some contacts can be destroyed.
 /// Initialize the bodies, anchors, axis, and reference angle using the world
 /// anchor and world axis.
 public void Initialize(Body b1, Body b2, Vector2 anchor, Vector2 axis)
     body1 = b1;
     body2 = b2;
     localAnchor1 = body1.GetLocalPoint(anchor);
     localAnchor2 = body2.GetLocalPoint(anchor);
     localAxis1 = body1.GetLocalVector(axis);
        /// Initialize the bodies, anchors, and length using the world
        /// anchors.
        // 1-D rained system
        // m (v2 - v1) = lambda
        // v2 + (beta/h) * x1 + gamma * lambda = 0, gamma has units of inverse mass.
        // x2 = x1 + h * v2
        // 1-D mass-damper-spring system
        // m (v2 - v1) + h * d * v2 + h * k *
        // C = norm(p2 - p1) - L
        // u = (p2 - p1) / norm(p2 - p1)
        // Cdot = dot(u, v2 + cross(w2, r2) - v1 - cross(w1, r1))
        // J = [-u -cross(r1, u) u cross(r2, u)]
        // K = J * invM * JT
        //   = invMass1 + invI1 * cross(r1, u)^2 + invMass2 + invI2 * cross(r2, u)^2
        public void Initialize(Body b1, Body b2,
					    Vector2 anchor1, Vector2 anchor2)
            body1 = b1;
            body2 = b2;
            localAnchor1 = body1.GetLocalPoint(anchor1);
            localAnchor2 = body2.GetLocalPoint(anchor2);
            Vector2 d = anchor2 - anchor1;
            length = d.Length();