public async Task FolderWorkflow_LiveSession_ValidResponse()
            string testName = GetUniqueName();

            // Test Create Folder
            BoxFolderRequest folderReq = new BoxFolderRequest() {
                Name = testName,
                Parent = new BoxRequestEntity() { Id = "0" }

            BoxFolder f = await _client.FoldersManager.CreateAsync(folderReq);

            Assert.AreEqual(testName, f.Name);

            // Test Get Information
            BoxFolder fi = await _client.FoldersManager.GetInformationAsync(f.Id);

            Assert.AreEqual(f.Id, fi.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(testName, fi.Name);

            // Test Create Shared Link
            BoxSharedLinkRequest sharedLinkReq = new BoxSharedLinkRequest() {
                Access =

            BoxFolder fsl = await _client.FoldersManager.CreateSharedLinkAsync(f.Id, sharedLinkReq);

            Assert.AreEqual(, fsl.SharedLink.Access);

            // Test Update Folder Information
            string newTestname = GetUniqueName();
            BoxFolderRequest updateReq = new BoxFolderRequest()
                Id = f.Id,
                Name = newTestname,
                SyncState = BoxSyncStateType.not_synced,
                FolderUploadEmail = new BoxEmailRequest {  Access = "open" }

            BoxFolder uf = await _client.FoldersManager.UpdateInformationAsync(updateReq);

            Assert.AreEqual(newTestname, uf.Name);

            // Test Copy Folder
            string copyTestName = GetUniqueName();
            BoxFolderRequest copyReq = new BoxFolderRequest()
                Id = f.Id,
                Parent = new BoxRequestEntity() { Id = "0" },
                Name = copyTestName

            BoxFolder f2 = await _client.FoldersManager.CopyAsync(copyReq);

            Assert.AreEqual(copyTestName, f2.Name);

            // Test Delete Folder
            await _client.FoldersManager.DeleteAsync(f.Id, true);
            await _client.FoldersManager.DeleteAsync(f2.Id, true);
        public async Task CopyFolder_ValidResponse_ValidFolder()
            /*** Arrange ***/
            _handler.Setup(h => h.ExecuteAsync<BoxFolder>(It.IsAny<IBoxRequest>()))
                .Returns(() => Task.FromResult<IBoxResponse<BoxFolder>>(new BoxResponse<BoxFolder>()
                    Status = ResponseStatus.Success,
                    ContentString = "{ \"type\": \"folder\", \"id\": \"11446498\", \"sequence_id\": \"1\", \"etag\": \"1\", \"name\": \"Pictures\", \"created_at\": \"2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00\", \"modified_at\": \"2012-12-12T11:15:04-08:00\", \"description\": \"Some pictures I took\", \"size\": 629644, \"path_collection\": { \"total_count\": 1, \"entries\": [ { \"type\": \"folder\", \"id\": \"0\", \"sequence_id\": null, \"etag\": null, \"name\": \"All Files\" } ] }, \"created_by\": { \"type\": \"user\", \"id\": \"17738362\", \"name\": \"sean rose\", \"login\": \"[email protected]\" }, \"modified_by\": { \"type\": \"user\", \"id\": \"17738362\", \"name\": \"sean rose\", \"login\": \"[email protected]\" }, \"owned_by\": { \"type\": \"user\", \"id\": \"17738362\", \"name\": \"sean rose\", \"login\": \"[email protected]\" }, \"shared_link\": { \"url\": \"\", \"download_url\": \"\", \"vanity_url\": null, \"is_password_enabled\": false, \"unshared_at\": null, \"download_count\": 0, \"preview_count\": 0, \"access\": \"open\", \"permissions\": { \"can_download\": true, \"can_preview\": true } }, \"folder_upload_email\": { \"access\": \"open\", \"email\": \"[email protected]\" }, \"parent\": { \"type\": \"folder\", \"id\": \"0\", \"sequence_id\": null, \"etag\": null, \"name\": \"All Files\" }, \"item_status\": \"active\", \"item_collection\": { \"total_count\": 1, \"entries\": [ { \"type\": \"file\", \"id\": \"5000948880\", \"sequence_id\": \"3\", \"etag\": \"3\", \"sha1\": \"134b65991ed521fcfe4724b7d814ab8ded5185dc\", \"name\": \"tigers.jpeg\" } ], \"offset\": 0, \"limit\": 100 } }"

            /*** Act ***/
            BoxFolderRequest folderReq = new BoxFolderRequest()
                Id = "fakeId",
                Parent = new BoxRequestEntity() { Id = "fakeId" }

            BoxFolder f = await _foldersManager.CopyAsync(folderReq);

            /*** Assert ***/
            Assert.AreEqual("folder", f.Type);
            Assert.AreEqual("11446498", f.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual("1", f.SequenceId);
            Assert.AreEqual("1", f.ETag);
            Assert.AreEqual("Pictures", f.Name);
 private static Task<BoxFolder> CreateNewFolder(BoxClient userClient)
     var folderRequest = new BoxFolderRequest
         Description = "Test folder",
         Name = "Misc",
         Parent = new BoxFolderRequest { Id = "0" }
     return userClient.FoldersManager.CreateAsync(folderRequest);
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to create a copy of a folder in another folder. The original version of the folder will not be altered.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task<BoxFolder> CopyAsync(BoxFolderRequest folderRequest, List<string> fields = null)

            BoxRequest request = new BoxRequest(_config.FoldersEndpointUri, string.Format(Constants.CopyPathString, folderRequest.Id))
                    .Param(ParamFields, fields)
            IBoxResponse<BoxFolder> response = await ToResponseAsync<BoxFolder>(request);

            return response.ResponseObject;
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to create a new empty folder. The new folder will be created inside of the specified parent folder
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="folder"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task<BoxFolder> CreateAsync(BoxFolderRequest folderRequest, List<string> fields = null)

            BoxRequest request = new BoxRequest(_config.FoldersEndpointUri)
                .Param(ParamFields, fields)

            IBoxResponse<BoxFolder> response = await ToResponseAsync<BoxFolder>(request).ConfigureAwait(false);

            return response.ResponseObject;
        public async Task CreateFolder_ValidResponse_ValidFolder()
            _handler.Setup(h => h.ExecuteAsync<BoxFolder>(It.IsAny<IBoxRequest>()))
                .Returns(() => Task.FromResult<IBoxResponse<BoxFolder>>(new BoxResponse<BoxFolder>()
                    Status = ResponseStatus.Success,
                    ContentString = "{ \"type\": \"folder\", \"id\": \"11446498\", \"sequence_id\": \"1\", \"etag\": \"1\", \"name\": \"Pictures\", \"created_at\": \"2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00\", \"modified_at\": \"2012-12-12T11:15:04-08:00\", \"description\": \"Some pictures I took\", \"size\": 629644, \"path_collection\": { \"total_count\": 1, \"entries\": [ { \"type\": \"folder\", \"id\": \"0\", \"sequence_id\": null, \"etag\": null, \"name\": \"All Files\" } ] }, \"created_by\": { \"type\": \"user\", \"id\": \"17738362\", \"name\": \"sean rose\", \"login\": \"[email protected]\" }, \"modified_by\": { \"type\": \"user\", \"id\": \"17738362\", \"name\": \"sean rose\", \"login\": \"[email protected]\" }, \"owned_by\": { \"type\": \"user\", \"id\": \"17738362\", \"name\": \"sean rose\", \"login\": \"[email protected]\" }, \"shared_link\": { \"url\": \"\", \"download_url\": \"\", \"vanity_url\": null, \"is_password_enabled\": false, \"unshared_at\": null, \"download_count\": 0, \"preview_count\": 0, \"access\": \"open\", \"permissions\": { \"can_download\": true, \"can_preview\": true } }, \"folder_upload_email\": { \"access\": \"open\", \"email\": \"[email protected]\" }, \"parent\": { \"type\": \"folder\", \"id\": \"0\", \"sequence_id\": null, \"etag\": null, \"name\": \"All Files\" }, \"item_status\": \"active\", \"item_collection\": { \"total_count\": 0, \"entries\": [], \"offset\": 0, \"limit\": 100 } }"

            var folderReq = new BoxFolderRequest()
                Name = "test",
                Parent = new BoxRequestEntity() { Id = "0" }

            BoxFolder f = await _foldersManager.CreateAsync(folderReq);
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to update information about the folder. To move a folder, update the ID of its parent. To enable an 
        /// email address that can be used to upload files to this folder, update the folder_upload_email attribute. 
        /// An optional If-Match header can be included to ensure that client only updates the folder if it knows 
        /// about the latest version.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task<BoxFolder> UpdateInformationAsync(BoxFolderRequest folderRequest, List<string> fields = null)

            BoxRequest request = new BoxRequest(_config.FoldersEndpointUri, folderRequest.Id)
                    .Param(ParamFields, fields)

            IBoxResponse<BoxFolder> response = await ToResponseAsync<BoxFolder>(request);

            return response.ResponseObject;
        public async Task RestoreTrashedFolder_ValidResponse_ValidFolder()
            /*** Arrange ***/
            _handler.Setup(h => h.ExecuteAsync<BoxFolder>(It.IsAny<IBoxRequest>()))
                .Returns(() => Task.FromResult<IBoxResponse<BoxFolder>>(new BoxResponse<BoxFolder>()
                    Status = ResponseStatus.Success,
                    ContentString = "{ \"type\": \"folder\", \"id\": \"588970022\", \"sequence_id\": \"2\", \"etag\": \"2\", \"name\": \"heloo world\", \"created_at\": \"2013-01-15T16:15:27-08:00\", \"modified_at\": \"2013-02-07T13:26:00-08:00\", \"description\": \"\", \"size\": 0, \"path_collection\": { \"total_count\": 1, \"entries\": [ { \"type\": \"folder\", \"id\": \"0\", \"sequence_id\": null, \"etag\": null, \"name\": \"All Files\" } ] }, \"created_by\": { \"type\": \"user\", \"id\": \"181757341\", \"name\": \"sean test\", \"login\": \"[email protected]\" }, \"modified_by\": { \"type\": \"user\", \"id\": \"181757341\", \"name\": \"sean test\", \"login\": \"[email protected]\" }, \"trashed_at\": null, \"purged_at\": null, \"content_created_at\": \"2013-01-15T16:15:27-08:00\", \"content_modified_at\": \"2013-02-07T13:26:00-08:00\", \"owned_by\": { \"type\": \"user\", \"id\": \"181757341\", \"name\": \"sean test\", \"login\": \"[email protected]\" }, \"shared_link\": null, \"folder_upload_email\": null, \"parent\": { \"type\": \"folder\", \"id\": \"0\", \"sequence_id\": null, \"etag\": null, \"name\": \"All Files\" }, \"item_status\": \"active\" }"

            /*** Act ***/
            BoxFolderRequest folderReq = new BoxFolderRequest()
                Id = "fakeId",
                Parent = new BoxRequestEntity() { Id = "fakeId" }

            BoxFolder f = await _foldersManager.RestoreTrashedFolderAsync(folderReq);

            /*** Assert ***/

            Assert.AreEqual("folder", f.Type);
            Assert.AreEqual("588970022", f.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual("2", f.SequenceId);
            Assert.AreEqual("2", f.ETag);
            Assert.AreEqual("heloo world", f.Name);
        public async Task CreateFolder_ValidResponse_NameConflict()
            _handler.Setup(h => h.ExecuteAsync<BoxFolder>(It.IsAny<IBoxRequest>()))
                .Returns(() => Task.FromResult<IBoxResponse<BoxFolder>>(new BoxResponse<BoxFolder>()
                    StatusCode = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Conflict,
                    Status = ResponseStatus.Error,
                    ContentString = "{\"type\": \"error\", \"status\": 409, \"code\": \"item_name_in_use\", \"context_info\": {\"conflicts\":[{ \"type\": \"folder\", \"id\": \"11446498\", \"sequence_id\": \"1\", \"etag\": \"1\", \"name\": \"Pictures\", \"created_at\": \"2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00\", \"modified_at\": \"2012-12-12T11:15:04-08:00\", \"description\": \"Some pictures I took\", \"size\": 629644, \"path_collection\": { \"total_count\": 1, \"entries\": [ { \"type\": \"folder\", \"id\": \"0\", \"sequence_id\": null, \"etag\": null, \"name\": \"All Files\" } ] }, \"created_by\": { \"type\": \"user\", \"id\": \"17738362\", \"name\": \"sean rose\", \"login\": \"[email protected]\" }, \"modified_by\": { \"type\": \"user\", \"id\": \"17738362\", \"name\": \"sean rose\", \"login\": \"[email protected]\" }, \"owned_by\": { \"type\": \"user\", \"id\": \"17738362\", \"name\": \"sean rose\", \"login\": \"[email protected]\" }, \"shared_link\": { \"url\": \"\", \"download_url\": \"\", \"vanity_url\": null, \"is_password_enabled\": false, \"unshared_at\": null, \"download_count\": 0, \"preview_count\": 0, \"access\": \"open\", \"permissions\": { \"can_download\": true, \"can_preview\": true } }, \"folder_upload_email\": { \"access\": \"open\", \"email\": \"[email protected]\" }, \"parent\": { \"type\": \"folder\", \"id\": \"0\", \"sequence_id\": null, \"etag\": null, \"name\": \"All Files\" }, \"item_status\": \"active\", \"item_collection\": { \"total_count\": 0, \"entries\": [], \"offset\": 0, \"limit\": 100 } }]},\"help_url\":\"http:\\/\\/\\/docs\\/#errors\",\"message\":\"Item with the same name already exists\",\"request_id\":\"197141966053a1ce8c40d64\"}"

            var folderReq = new BoxFolderRequest()
                Name = "test",
                Parent = new BoxRequestEntity() { Id = "0" }

                BoxFolder f = await _foldersManager.CreateAsync(folderReq);
                throw new BoxException("Invalid error type returned");
            catch (BoxConflictException<BoxFolder> ex)
                Assert.AreEqual(Constants.ErrorCodes.Conflict, ex.Error.Code);
                Assert.IsTrue(ex.Error is BoxConflictError<BoxFolder>);
                BoxFolder f = ex.ConflictingItems.First();
                Assert.AreEqual(f.Type, "folder");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.Id, "11446498");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.SequenceId, "1");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.ETag, "1");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.Name, "Pictures");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.CreatedAt, DateTime.Parse("2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00"));
                Assert.AreEqual(f.ModifiedAt, DateTime.Parse("2012-12-12T11:15:04-08:00"));
                Assert.AreEqual(f.Description, "Some pictures I took");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.Size, 629644);
                Assert.AreEqual(f.PathCollection.TotalCount, 1);
                Assert.AreEqual(f.PathCollection.Entries.Count, 1);
                Assert.AreEqual(f.PathCollection.Entries[0].Id, "0");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.PathCollection.Entries[0].Name, "All Files");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.CreatedBy.Type, "user");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.CreatedBy.Id, "17738362");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.CreatedBy.Name, "sean rose");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.CreatedBy.Login, "*****@*****.**");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.ModifiedBy.Type, "user");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.ModifiedBy.Id, "17738362");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.ModifiedBy.Name, "sean rose");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.ModifiedBy.Login, "*****@*****.**");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.OwnedBy.Type, "user");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.OwnedBy.Id, "17738362");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.OwnedBy.Name, "sean rose");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.OwnedBy.Login, "*****@*****.**");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.SharedLink.Url, "");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.SharedLink.DownloadUrl, "");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.SharedLink.VanityUrl, null);
                Assert.AreEqual(f.SharedLink.DownloadCount, 0);
                Assert.AreEqual(f.SharedLink.PreviewCount, 0);
                Assert.AreEqual(f.FolderUploadEmail.Acesss, "open");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.FolderUploadEmail.Address, "*****@*****.**");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.Parent.Type, "folder");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.Parent.Id, "0");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.Parent.Name, "All Files");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.ItemStatus, "active");
                Assert.AreEqual(f.ItemCollection.TotalCount, 0);
                Assert.AreEqual(f.ItemCollection.Entries.Count, 0);
        public async Task CreateFolder_ValidResponse_ValidFolder()
            _handler.Setup(h => h.ExecuteAsync<BoxFolder>(It.IsAny<IBoxRequest>()))
                .Returns(() => Task.FromResult<IBoxResponse<BoxFolder>>(new BoxResponse<BoxFolder>()
                    Status = ResponseStatus.Success,
                    ContentString = "{ \"type\": \"folder\", \"id\": \"11446498\", \"sequence_id\": \"1\", \"etag\": \"1\", \"name\": \"Pictures\", \"created_at\": \"2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00\", \"modified_at\": \"2012-12-12T11:15:04-08:00\", \"description\": \"Some pictures I took\", \"size\": 629644, \"path_collection\": { \"total_count\": 1, \"entries\": [ { \"type\": \"folder\", \"id\": \"0\", \"sequence_id\": null, \"etag\": null, \"name\": \"All Files\" } ] }, \"created_by\": { \"type\": \"user\", \"id\": \"17738362\", \"name\": \"sean rose\", \"login\": \"[email protected]\" }, \"modified_by\": { \"type\": \"user\", \"id\": \"17738362\", \"name\": \"sean rose\", \"login\": \"[email protected]\" }, \"owned_by\": { \"type\": \"user\", \"id\": \"17738362\", \"name\": \"sean rose\", \"login\": \"[email protected]\" }, \"shared_link\": { \"url\": \"\", \"download_url\": \"\", \"vanity_url\": null, \"is_password_enabled\": false, \"unshared_at\": null, \"download_count\": 0, \"preview_count\": 0, \"access\": \"open\", \"permissions\": { \"can_download\": true, \"can_preview\": true } }, \"folder_upload_email\": { \"access\": \"open\", \"email\": \"[email protected]\" }, \"parent\": { \"type\": \"folder\", \"id\": \"0\", \"sequence_id\": null, \"etag\": null, \"name\": \"All Files\" }, \"item_status\": \"active\", \"item_collection\": { \"total_count\": 0, \"entries\": [], \"offset\": 0, \"limit\": 100 } }"

            var folderReq = new BoxFolderRequest()
                Name = "test",
                Parent = new BoxRequestEntity() { Id = "0" }

            BoxFolder f = await _foldersManager.CreateAsync(folderReq);

            Assert.AreEqual(f.Type, "folder");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.Id, "11446498");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.SequenceId, "1");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.ETag, "1");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.Name, "Pictures");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.CreatedAt, DateTime.Parse("2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00"));
            Assert.AreEqual(f.ModifiedAt, DateTime.Parse("2012-12-12T11:15:04-08:00"));
            Assert.AreEqual(f.Description, "Some pictures I took");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.Size, 629644);
            Assert.AreEqual(f.PathCollection.TotalCount, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(f.PathCollection.Entries.Count, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(f.PathCollection.Entries[0].Id, "0");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.PathCollection.Entries[0].Name, "All Files");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.CreatedBy.Type, "user");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.CreatedBy.Id, "17738362");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.CreatedBy.Name, "sean rose");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.CreatedBy.Login, "*****@*****.**");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.ModifiedBy.Type, "user");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.ModifiedBy.Id, "17738362");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.ModifiedBy.Name, "sean rose");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.ModifiedBy.Login, "*****@*****.**");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.OwnedBy.Type, "user");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.OwnedBy.Id, "17738362");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.OwnedBy.Name, "sean rose");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.OwnedBy.Login, "*****@*****.**");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.SharedLink.Url, "");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.SharedLink.DownloadUrl, "");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.SharedLink.VanityUrl, null);
            Assert.AreEqual(f.SharedLink.DownloadCount, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(f.SharedLink.PreviewCount, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(f.FolderUploadEmail.Acesss, "open");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.FolderUploadEmail.Address, "*****@*****.**");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.Parent.Type, "folder");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.Parent.Id, "0");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.Parent.Name, "All Files");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.ItemStatus, "active");
            Assert.AreEqual(f.ItemCollection.TotalCount, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(f.ItemCollection.Entries.Count, 0);
            //Assert.AreEqual(f.Offset, 0); // Need to add property
            //Assert.AreEqual(f.Limit, 100); // Need to add property
        public async Task<FileSystemInfoContract> MoveItemAsync(RootName root, FileSystemId source, string moveName, DirectoryId destination, Func<FileSystemInfoLocator> locatorResolver)
            var context = await RequireContext(root);

            if (source is DirectoryId) {
                var request = new BoxFolderRequest() { Id = source.Value, Parent = new BoxRequestEntity() { Id = destination.Value, Type = BoxType.folder }, Name = moveName };
                var item = await AsyncFunc.Retry<BoxFolder, BoxException>(async () => await context.Client.FoldersManager.UpdateInformationAsync(request, fields: boxFolderFields), RETRIES);

                return new DirectoryInfoContract(item.Id, item.Name, item.CreatedAt.Value, item.ModifiedAt.Value);
            else {
                var request = new BoxFileRequest() { Id = source.Value, Parent = new BoxRequestEntity() { Id = destination.Value, Type = BoxType.file }, Name = moveName };
                var item = await AsyncFunc.Retry<BoxFile, BoxException>(async () => await context.Client.FilesManager.UpdateInformationAsync(request, fields: boxFileFields), RETRIES);

                return new FileInfoContract(item.Id, item.Name, item.CreatedAt.Value, item.ModifiedAt.Value, item.Size.Value, item.Sha1.ToLowerInvariant());
        /// <summary>
        /// Restores an item that has been moved to the trash. Default behavior is to restore the item to the folder it was in 
        /// before it was moved to the trash. If that parent folder no longer exists or if there is now an item with the same 
        /// name in that parent folder, the new parent folder and/or new name will need to be included in the request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task<BoxFolder> RestoreTrashedFolderAsync(BoxFolderRequest folderRequest, List<string> fields = null)

            BoxRequest request = new BoxRequest(_config.FoldersEndpointUri, folderRequest.Id)
                    .Param(ParamFields, fields)

            IBoxResponse<BoxFolder> response = await ToResponseAsync<BoxFolder>(request);

            return response.ResponseObject;
        /// <summary>
        /// Restores an item that has been moved to the trash. Default behavior is to restore the item to the folder it was in 
        /// before it was moved to the trash. If that parent folder no longer exists or if there is now an item with the same 
        /// name in that parent folder, the new parent folder and/or new name will need to be included in the request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="folderRequest">BoxFolderRequest object (specify Parent.Id if you wish to restore to a different parent)</param>
        /// <param name="fields">Attribute(s) to include in the response</param>
        /// <returns>The full item will be returned if success. By default it is restored to the parent folder it was in before it was trashed.</returns>
        public async Task<BoxFolder> RestoreTrashedFolderAsync(BoxFolderRequest folderRequest, List<string> fields = null)
            BoxRequest request = new BoxRequest(_config.FoldersEndpointUri, folderRequest.Id)
                    .Param(ParamFields, fields);

            // ID shall not be used in request body it is used only as url attribute
            string oldId = folderRequest.Id;
            folderRequest.Id = null;


            folderRequest.Id = oldId;

            IBoxResponse<BoxFolder> response = await ToResponseAsync<BoxFolder>(request).ConfigureAwait(false);

            return response.ResponseObject;
        public async Task<FileSystemInfoContract> RenameItemAsync(RootName root, FileSystemId target, string newName, Func<FileSystemInfoLocator> locatorResolver)
            var context = await RequireContext(root);

            if (target is DirectoryId) {
                var request = new BoxFolderRequest() { Id = target.Value, Name = newName };
                var item = await AsyncFunc.Retry<BoxFolder, BoxException>(async () => await context.Client.FoldersManager.UpdateInformationAsync(request, fields: boxFolderFields), RETRIES);

                return new DirectoryInfoContract(item.Id, item.Name, item.CreatedAt.Value, item.ModifiedAt.Value);
            else {
                var request = new BoxFileRequest() { Id = target.Value, Name = newName };
                var item = await AsyncFunc.Retry<BoxFile, BoxException>(async () => await context.Client.FilesManager.UpdateInformationAsync(request, fields: boxFileFields), RETRIES);

                return new FileInfoContract(item.Id, item.Name, item.CreatedAt.Value, item.ModifiedAt.Value, item.Size.Value, item.Sha1.ToLowerInvariant());
        public async Task<DirectoryInfoContract> NewDirectoryItemAsync(RootName root, DirectoryId parent, string name)
            var context = await RequireContext(root);

            var request = new BoxFolderRequest() { Name = name, Parent = new BoxRequestEntity() { Id = parent.Value } };
            var item = await AsyncFunc.Retry<BoxFolder, BoxException>(async () => await context.Client.FoldersManager.CreateAsync(request, boxFolderFields), RETRIES);

            return new DirectoryInfoContract(item.Id, item.Name, item.CreatedAt.Value, item.ModifiedAt.Value);
        public async Task FolderSharedLink_CreateAndDelete_ValidResponse()
            string testName = GetUniqueName();

            // Test Create Folder
            BoxFolderRequest folderReq = new BoxFolderRequest()
                Name = testName,
                Parent = new BoxRequestEntity() { Id = "0" }

            BoxFolder f = await _client.FoldersManager.CreateAsync(folderReq);
            Assert.IsNotNull(f, "Folder was not created");
            Assert.AreEqual(testName, f.Name, "Folder with incorrect name was created");

            BoxSharedLinkRequest sharedLinkReq = new BoxSharedLinkRequest()
                Access =,
                Permissions = new BoxPermissionsRequest
                    Download = true,

            BoxFolder sl = await _client.FoldersManager.CreateSharedLinkAsync(f.Id, sharedLinkReq);
            Assert.AreEqual(sl.Id, f.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(sl.SharedLink.Permissions.CanDownload, true);

            sharedLinkReq = new BoxSharedLinkRequest()
                Access = null,
                Permissions = new BoxPermissionsRequest
                    Download = false,

            sl = await _client.FoldersManager.CreateSharedLinkAsync(f.Id, sharedLinkReq);
            Assert.AreEqual(sl.Id, f.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(sl.SharedLink.Permissions.CanDownload, false);

            sl = await _client.FoldersManager.DeleteSharedLinkAsync(f.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(sl.Id, f.Id);

            //Clean up - Delete Test Folders
            await _client.FoldersManager.DeleteAsync(f.Id, true);
        public async Task FolderWorkflow_LiveSession_ValidResponse()
            string testName = GetUniqueName();

            // Test Create Folder
            BoxFolderRequest folderReq = new BoxFolderRequest() {
                Name = testName,
                Parent = new BoxRequestEntity() { Id = "0" }

            BoxFolder f = await _client.FoldersManager.CreateAsync(folderReq);

            Assert.IsNotNull(f, "Folder was not created");
            Assert.AreEqual(testName, f.Name, "Folder with incorrect name was created");

            // Test Get Information
            BoxFolder fi = await _client.FoldersManager.GetInformationAsync(f.Id);

            Assert.AreEqual(f.Id, fi.Id, "Folder Ids are not identical");
            Assert.AreEqual(testName, fi.Name, "folder name is incorrect");

            // Test Create Shared Link
            BoxSharedLinkRequest sharedLinkReq = new BoxSharedLinkRequest()
                Access =

            BoxFolder fsl = await _client.FoldersManager.CreateSharedLinkAsync(f.Id, sharedLinkReq);

            Assert.AreEqual(, fsl.SharedLink.Access, "Shared link Access is not correct");

            // Test Update Folder Information
            string newTestname = GetUniqueName();
            BoxFolderRequest updateReq = new BoxFolderRequest()
                Id = f.Id,
                Name = newTestname,
                SyncState = BoxSyncStateType.not_synced,
                FolderUploadEmail = new BoxEmailRequest { Access = "open" }

            BoxFolder uf = await _client.FoldersManager.UpdateInformationAsync(updateReq);

            Assert.AreEqual(newTestname, uf.Name, "New folder name is not correct");

            // Test Copy Folder
            string copyTestName = GetUniqueName();
            BoxFolderRequest copyReq = new BoxFolderRequest()
                Id = f.Id,
                Parent = new BoxRequestEntity() { Id = "0" },
                Name = copyTestName

            BoxFolder f2 = await _client.FoldersManager.CopyAsync(copyReq);

            Assert.AreEqual(copyTestName, f2.Name, "Copied file does not have correct name");

            //Clean up - Delete Test Folders
            await _client.FoldersManager.DeleteAsync(f.Id, true);
            await _client.FoldersManager.DeleteAsync(f2.Id, true);
        public async Task<FileSystemInfoContract> CopyItemAsync(RootName root, FileSystemId source, string copyName, DirectoryId destination, bool recurse)
            var context = await RequireContext(root);

            if (source is DirectoryId) {
                var request = new BoxFolderRequest() { Id = source.Value, Name = copyName, Parent = new BoxRequestEntity() { Id = destination.Value } };
                var item = await AsyncFunc.Retry<BoxFolder, BoxException>(async () => await context.Client.FoldersManager.CopyAsync(request, boxFolderFields), RETRIES);

                return new DirectoryInfoContract(item.Id, item.Name, item.CreatedAt.Value, item.ModifiedAt.Value);
            else {
                var request = new BoxFileRequest() { Id = source.Value, Name = copyName, Parent = new BoxRequestEntity() { Id = destination.Value } };
                var item = await AsyncFunc.Retry<BoxFile, BoxException>(async () => await context.Client.FilesManager.CopyAsync(request, boxFileFields), RETRIES);

                return new FileInfoContract(item.Id, item.Name, item.CreatedAt.Value, item.ModifiedAt.Value, item.Size.Value, item.Sha1.ToLowerInvariant());