private bool TurnIntoZombie() { if (Body.IsRemoved || Body.IsBurnedCorpse) { return(false); } var player = Game.CreatePlayer(Body.GetWorldPosition()); var zombieType = BotHelper.GetZombieType(Type); var oldProfile = Body.GetProfile(); var oldWeapons = BotHelper.GetWeaponSet(Body); // TODO: test gun with lazer once gurt fixed ScriptHelper.LogDebug(Type, "->", zombieType); player.SetBotName(Body.Name); // NOTE: set right now so SpawnLine dialogue will show the bot name correctly var zombie = BotManager.SpawnBot(zombieType, Faction, player, BotManager.GetBot(Body).InfectTeam); var zombieBody = zombie.Player; var modifiers = Body.GetModifiers(); // Survivor has fake MaxHealth to have blood effect on the face if (Enum.GetName(typeof(BotType), BotManager.GetBot(Body).Type).StartsWith("Survivor")) { modifiers.CurrentHealth = modifiers.MaxHealth = 50; } else { modifiers.CurrentHealth = modifiers.MaxHealth * 0.75f; } zombieBody.SetModifiers(modifiers); zombieBody.SetProfile(BotHelper.ToZombieProfile(oldProfile)); BotHelper.Equip(zombieBody, oldWeapons); Body.Remove(); Body = zombieBody; Body.SetBotBehaivorActive(false); Body.AddCommand(new PlayerCommand(PlayerCommandType.StartCrouch)); IsTurningIntoZombie = true; return(true); }