/// <summary>
        /// Spawns a new target on the surface of the icosphere.
        /// </summary>
        private void SpawnTarget()
            // Randomly select a new spawn point not equal to the previous point.
            _lastSpawnPointIndex = (Random.Range(1, _spawnPoints.Length / 2) + _lastSpawnPointIndex) % _spawnPoints.Length;

            // Create a new target object at that point, parented to the controller.
            GameObject target = Instantiate(_targetPrefab, transform);

            target.transform.position = _spawnPoints[_lastSpawnPointIndex] * 0.5f;

            // Subscribe to the new target's collection event.
            TargetController targetController = target.GetComponent <TargetController>();

            targetController.Collected += OnCollected;

            // Pass on the reference rotation from calibration to the target controller.
            targetController.ReferenceRotation = _referenceRotation;
 /// <summary>
 /// Invoked when a target is collected.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="target">The target that was collected</param>
 private void OnCollected(TargetController target)
     // Spawn a new target after a delay.
     Invoke("SpawnTarget", _spawnDelay);