private static void OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) //Let's start with the addon, when the loading screen finished then the addon have to start. { // With if player.ChampionName we are searching if out champion is Tristana, if we put != is If not tristana then Fack off if (Player.ChampionName != "Tristana") { return; } //Abilitysequence is needed for my autolvlup, we will see it in the program AbilitySequence = new[] { 3, 2, 1, 3, 3, 4, 3, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2 }; //Like every nob addon, we want to write something in chat like our addon is loaded and some spam like this //Using Chat.Print helps you to write this, you can also choose how to type it with Color.Red like Annie bad days Chat.Print("Boostana Loaded!", Color.CornflowerBlue); Chat.Print("Enjoy the game and DONT FLAME!", Color.Red); //We start to load every single thing we need for let the addon works properly or every file we have separately to this TristanaMenu.LoadMenu(); wardLocation = new WardLocation(); Game.OnTick += GameOnTick; MyActivator.LoadSpells(); Game.OnUpdate += OnGameUpdate; #region Skill //As i said first, When we load the game we have also to set the skills right? //Then let's do it with each skill //Q was active then we have to set it as active Q = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.Q, 550); //W was a skillshot, precisely a circular one so we have to write Spell.Skillshot //For the skillshot we have to define if it is linear, circual or madafaker //We call it by SkillShotType W = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.W, 900, SkillShotType.Circular, 450, int.MaxValue, 180); E = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.E, 550); R = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.R, 550); #endregion Obj_AI_Base.OnLevelUp += Obj_AI_Base_OnLevelUp; Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += Interrupter_OnInterruptableSpell; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += AntiGapCloser; Obj_AI_Base.OnBuffGain += OnBuffGain; GameObject.OnCreate += GameObject_OnCreate; Drawing.OnDraw += GameOnDraw; }
private static void MyActivatorPage() { MyActivator = MyMenu.AddSubMenu("Activator Settings", "Items"); MyActivator.AddGroupLabel("Auto QSS if :"); MyActivator.Add("Blind", new CheckBox("Blind", false)); MyActivator.Add("Charm", new CheckBox("Charm")); MyActivator.Add("Fear", new CheckBox("Fear")); MyActivator.Add("Polymorph", new CheckBox("Polymorph")); MyActivator.Add("Stun", new CheckBox("Stun")); MyActivator.Add("Snare", new CheckBox("Snare")); MyActivator.Add("Silence", new CheckBox("Silence", false)); MyActivator.Add("Taunt", new CheckBox("Taunt")); MyActivator.Add("Suppression", new CheckBox("Suppression")); MyActivator.AddGroupLabel("Ults"); MyActivator.Add("ZedUlt", new CheckBox("Zed Ult")); MyActivator.Add("VladUlt", new CheckBox("Vlad Ult")); MyActivator.Add("FizzUlt", new CheckBox("Fizz Ult")); MyActivator.Add("MordUlt", new CheckBox("Mordekaiser Ult")); MyActivator.Add("PoppyUlt", new CheckBox("Poppy Ult")); MyActivator.AddGroupLabel("Items usage:"); MyActivator.AddSeparator(); MyActivator.Add("checkward", new CheckBox("Use AutoWard", false)); MyActivator.Add("pinkvision", new CheckBox("Use Pink Ward", false)); MyActivator.Add("greatherstealthtotem", new CheckBox("Use Greather Stealth Totem", false)); MyActivator.Add("greatervisiontotem", new CheckBox("Use Greater Vision Totem", false)); MyActivator.Add("wardingtotem", new CheckBox("Use Warding Totem", false)); MyActivator.Add("farsightalteration", new CheckBox("Use Farsight Alteration", false)); MyActivator.AddSeparator(); MyActivator.Add("bilgewater", new CheckBox("Use Bilgewater Cutlass")); MyActivator.Add("bilgewater.HP", new Slider("Use Bilgewater Cutlass if hp is lower than {0}(%)", 60)); MyActivator.AddSeparator(); MyActivator.Add("botrk", new CheckBox("Use Blade of The Ruined King")); MyActivator.Add("botrk.HP", new Slider("Use Blade of The Ruined King if hp is lower than {0}(%)", 60)); MyActivator.AddSeparator(); MyActivator.Add("youmus", new CheckBox("Use Youmus Ghostblade")); MyActivator.Add("items.Youmuss.HP", new Slider("Use Youmuss Ghostblade if hp is lower than {0}(%)", 60, 1)); MyActivator.Add("youmus.Enemies", new Slider("Use Youmus Ghostblade when there are {0} enemies in range", 3, 1, 5)); MyActivator.AddSeparator(); MyActivator.AddGroupLabel("Potion Settings"); MyActivator.Add("spells.Potions.Check", new CheckBox("Use Potions")); MyActivator.Add("spells.Potions.HP", new Slider("Use Potions when HP is lower than {0}(%)", 60, 1)); MyActivator.Add("spells.Potions.Mana", new Slider("Use Potions when Mana is lower than {0}(%)", 60, 1)); MyActivator.AddSeparator(); MyActivator.AddGroupLabel("Spells settings:"); MyActivator.AddGroupLabel("Barrier settings:"); MyActivator.Add("spells.Barrier.Hp", new Slider("Use Barrier when HP is lower than {0}(%)", 30, 1)); MyActivator.AddGroupLabel("Heal settings:"); MyActivator.Add("spells.Heal.Hp", new Slider("Use Heal when HP is lower than {0}(%)", 30, 1)); MyActivator.AddGroupLabel("Ignite settings:"); MyActivator.Add("spells.Ignite.Focus", new Slider("Use Ignite when target HP is lower than {0}(%)", 10, 1)); }