public EFBookStore(BookStoreDBContext context) { _context = context; }
public static void EnsurePopulated(IApplicationBuilder application) { BookStoreDBContext context = application.ApplicationServices.CreateScope().ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <BookStoreDBContext>(); //are there any migrations that need to happen if (context.Database.GetPendingMigrations().Any()) { context.Database.Migrate(); } if (!context.Books.Any()) { context.Books.AddRange( new Book { Title = "Les Mierables", AuthorFirstName = "Victor", AuthorMiddleName = "", AuthorLastName = "Hugo", Publisher = "Signet", ISBN = "978-0451419439", Classificaton = "Fiction", Category = "Classic", Price = 9.95, Pages = 1488 }, new Book { Title = "Team of Rivals", AuthorFirstName = "Doris", AuthorMiddleName = "Kearns", AuthorLastName = "Goodwin", Publisher = "Simon & Schuster", ISBN = "978-0743270755", Classificaton = "Non-Fiction", Category = "Biography", Price = 14.58, Pages = 944 }, new Book { Title = "The Snowball", AuthorFirstName = "Alice", AuthorMiddleName = "", AuthorLastName = "Schroeder", Publisher = "Bantam", ISBN = "978-0553384611", Classificaton = "Non-Fiction, ", Category = "Biography", Price = 21.54, Pages = 832 }, new Book { Title = "American Ulysses", AuthorFirstName = "Ronald", AuthorMiddleName = "C", AuthorLastName = "White", Publisher = "Random House", ISBN = "978-0812981254", Classificaton = "Non-Fiction", Category = "Biography", Price = 11.61, Pages = 864 }, new Book { Title = "Unroken", AuthorFirstName = "Laura", AuthorMiddleName = "", AuthorLastName = "Hillenbrand", Publisher = "Random House", ISBN = "978-0812974492", Classificaton = "Non-Fiction", Category = "Historical", Price = 13.33, Pages = 528 }, new Book { Title = "The Great Train Robbery", AuthorFirstName = "Michael", AuthorMiddleName = "", AuthorLastName = "Crichton", Publisher = "Vintage", ISBN = "978-0804171281", Classificaton = "Fiction", Category = "Historical Fiction", Price = 15.95, Pages = 288 }, new Book { Title = "Deep Work", AuthorFirstName = "Cal", AuthorMiddleName = "", AuthorLastName = "Newport", Publisher = "Grand Central Publishing", ISBN = "978-1455586691", Classificaton = "Non-Fiction", Category = "Self-Help", Price = 14.99, Pages = 304 }, new Book { Title = "It's Your Ship", AuthorFirstName = "Michael", AuthorMiddleName = "", AuthorLastName = "Abrashoff", Publisher = "Grand Central Publishing", ISBN = "978-1455523023", Classificaton = "Non-Fiction", Category = "Self-Help", Price = 21.66, Pages = 240 }, new Book { Title = "The Virgin Way", AuthorFirstName = "Richard", AuthorMiddleName = "", AuthorLastName = "Brandson", Publisher = "Portfolio", ISBN = "978-1591847984", Classificaton = "Non-Fiction", Category = "Business", Price = 29.16, Pages = 400 }, new Book { Title = "Sycamore Row", AuthorFirstName = "John", AuthorMiddleName = "", AuthorLastName = "Grisham", Publisher = "Bantam", ISBN = "978-0553393613", Classificaton = "Fiction", Category = "Thrillers", Price = 15.03, Pages = 642 }, new Book { Title = "Ranger's Apprentice: The Ruins of Gorlon", AuthorFirstName = "John", AuthorMiddleName = "", AuthorLastName = "Flanagan", Publisher = "BMI Educational", ISBN = "9780142417447", Classificaton = "Fiction", Category = "Fantasy", Price = 8.29, Pages = 282 }, new Book { Title = "Education", AuthorFirstName = "Tara", AuthorMiddleName = "", AuthorLastName = "Westover", Publisher = "Penguin Random House", ISBN = "9780399590504", Classificaton = "Biography", Category = "Memoire", Price = 28, Pages = 352 }, new Book { Title = "Who Moved My Cheese?", AuthorFirstName = "Spencer", AuthorMiddleName = "", AuthorLastName = "Johnson", Publisher = "G. P. Putnam's Sons", ISBN = "9780091816971", Classificaton = "Non-Fiction", Category = "Self-Help", Price = 9.24, Pages = 92 } ); context.SaveChanges(); } }
//constructor public EFBookStoreRepository(BookStoreDBContext ctx) { _context = ctx; }
//makes sure that the database is populated public static void EnsurePopulated(IApplicationBuilder application) { BookStoreDBContext context = application.ApplicationServices. CreateScope().ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <BookStoreDBContext>(); //If there are any pending migrations, makes theM if (context.Database.GetPendingMigrations().Any()) { context.Database.Migrate(); } //MESSAGE FOR WHOEVER GRADES THIS! IF YOU ARE SEEING AN ERROR MESSAGE AND USING A WINDOWS COMPUTER, CHANGE YOUR CONNECTION STRING TO "ConnectionStrings": { "OnlineBooksConnection": "Server=(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Database=OnlineBooksDB;MultipleActiveResultSets=true" //IF YOU ARE USING A MAC, YOU'll HAVE TO CHANGE THE PASSWORD IN THE CURRENT CONNECTION STRING TO YOUR OWN PASSWORD AND HAVE A DOCKER IMAGE RUNNIN //If there isn't anything in the database, add these to it if (!context.Books.Any()) { context.Books.AddRange( //New Book objects new Book { Title = "Les Miserables", AuthFirstName = "Victor", AuthMiddleName = "", AuthLastName = "Hugo", NumPages = 1488, Publisher = "Signet", ISBN = "978-0451419439", Classification = "Fiction", Category = "Classic", Price = 9.95F, Image = "~/img/LesMiserables.jpg", PurchaseUrl = "" }, new Book { Title = "Team of Rivals", AuthFirstName = "Doris", AuthMiddleName = "Kearns", AuthLastName = "Goodwin", NumPages = 944, Publisher = "Simon & Schuster", ISBN = "978-0743270755", Classification = "Non-Fiction", Category = "Biography", Price = 14.58F, Image = "~/img/TeamOfRivals.jpg", PurchaseUrl = "" }, new Book { Title = "The Snowball", AuthFirstName = "Alice", AuthMiddleName = "", AuthLastName = "Schroeder", NumPages = 832, Publisher = "Bantam", ISBN = "978-0553384611", Classification = "Non-Fiction", Category = "Biography", Price = 21.54F, Image = "~/img/TheSnowball.jpg", PurchaseUrl = "" }, new Book { Title = "American Ulysses", AuthFirstName = "Ronald", AuthMiddleName = "C.", AuthLastName = "White", NumPages = 864, Publisher = "Random House", ISBN = "978-0812981254 ", Classification = "Non-Fiction", Category = "Biography", Price = 11.61F, Image = "~/img/AmericanUlysses.jpg", PurchaseUrl = "" }, new Book { Title = "Unbroken", AuthFirstName = "Laura", AuthMiddleName = "", AuthLastName = "Hillenbrand", NumPages = 528, Publisher = "Random House", ISBN = "978-0812974492", Classification = "Non-Fiction", Category = "Historical", Price = 13.33F, Image = "~/img/Unbroken.jpg", PurchaseUrl = "" }, new Book { Title = "The Great Train Robbery", AuthFirstName = "Michael", AuthMiddleName = "", AuthLastName = "Crichton", NumPages = 288, Publisher = "Vintage", ISBN = "978-0804171281", Classification = "Fiction", Category = "Historical Fiction", Price = 15.95F, Image = "~/img/TheGreatTrainRobbery.jpg", PurchaseUrl = "" }, new Book { Title = "Deep Work", AuthFirstName = "Cal", AuthMiddleName = "", AuthLastName = "Newport", NumPages = 304, Publisher = "Grand Central Publishing", ISBN = "978-1455586691", Classification = "Non-Fiction", Category = "Self-Help", Price = 14.99F, Image = "~/img/DeepWork.jpg", PurchaseUrl = "" }, new Book { Title = "It's Your Ship", AuthFirstName = "Michael", AuthMiddleName = "", AuthLastName = "Abrashoff", NumPages = 240, Publisher = "Grand Central Publishing", ISBN = "978-1455523023", Classification = "Non-Fiction", Category = "Self-Help", Price = 21.66F, Image = "~/img/ItsYourShip.jpg", PurchaseUrl = "" }, new Book { Title = "The Virgin Way", AuthFirstName = "Richard", AuthMiddleName = "", AuthLastName = "Branson", NumPages = 400, Publisher = "Portfolio", ISBN = "978-1591847984", Classification = "Non-Fiction", Category = "Business", Price = 29.16F, Image = "~/img/TheVirginWay.jpg", PurchaseUrl = "" }, new Book { Title = "Sycamore Row", AuthFirstName = "Josh", AuthMiddleName = "", AuthLastName = "Grisham", NumPages = 642, Publisher = "Bantam", ISBN = "978-0553393613", Classification = "Fiction", Category = "Thrillers", Price = 15.03F, Image = "~/img/SycamoreRow.jpg", PurchaseUrl = "" }, new Book { Title = "The Great Gatsby", AuthFirstName = "Scott", AuthMiddleName = "F.", AuthLastName = "Fitzgerald", NumPages = 180, Publisher = "Scribner Book Company", ISBN = "978-0333791035", Classification = "Fiction", Category = "Classic", Price = 6.99F, Image = "~/img/GreatGatsby.jpg", PurchaseUrl = "" }, new Book { Title = "The Book of Mormon", AuthFirstName = "Joseph", AuthMiddleName = "", AuthLastName = "Smith Jr", NumPages = 238, Publisher = "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints", ISBN = "978-1537696775", Classification = "Historical", Category = "Religion", Price = 3.11F, Image = "~/img/BookOfMormon.png", PurchaseUrl = "" }, new Book { Title = "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", AuthFirstName = "J.K.", AuthMiddleName = "", AuthLastName = "Rowling", NumPages = 607, Publisher = "Bloomsbury Publishing", ISBN = "978-9654826358", Classification = "Fiction", Category = "Fantasy", Price = 10.49F, Image = "~/img/HarryPotter.jpg", PurchaseUrl = "" } ); //Saves changes to the database context.SaveChanges(); } }
public static void EnsurePopulated(IApplicationBuilder application) { // set up the context variable BookStoreDBContext context = application.ApplicationServices.CreateScope().ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <BookStoreDBContext>(); // if there is a knew migration then run it if (context.Database.GetPendingMigrations().Any()) { context.Database.Migrate(); } // if there is no data in the database then put this in if (!context.Books.Any()) { context.Books.AddRange( new Book { Title = "Les Miserables", AuthorFirst = "Victor", AuthorMiddle = "", AuthorLast = "Hugo", Publisher = "Signet", ISBN = "978-0451419439", Classification = "Fiction", Category = "Classic", Price = 9.95m }, new Book { Title = "Team of Rivals", AuthorFirst = "Doris", AuthorMiddle = "K.", AuthorLast = "Goodwin", Publisher = "Simon & Schuster", ISBN = "978-0743270755", Classification = "Non-Fiction", Category = "Biography", Price = 14.58m }, new Book { Title = "The Snowball", AuthorFirst = "Alice", AuthorMiddle = "", AuthorLast = "Schroeder", Publisher = "Bantam", ISBN = "978-0553384611", Classification = "Non-Fiction", Category = "Biography", Price = 21.54m }, new Book { Title = "American Ulysses", AuthorFirst = "Ronald", AuthorMiddle = "C.", AuthorLast = "White", Publisher = "Random House", ISBN = "978-0812981254 ", Classification = "Non-Fiction", Category = "Biography", Price = 11.61m }, new Book { Title = "Unbroken", AuthorFirst = "Laura", AuthorMiddle = "", AuthorLast = "Hillenbrand", Publisher = "Random House", ISBN = "978-0812974492 ", Classification = "Non-Fiction", Category = "Historical", Price = 13.33m }, new Book { Title = "The Great Train Robbery", AuthorFirst = "Michael", AuthorMiddle = "", AuthorLast = "Crichton", Publisher = "Vintage", ISBN = "978-0804171281 ", Classification = "Fiction", Category = "Historical Fiction", Price = 15.95m }, new Book { Title = "Deep Work", AuthorFirst = "Cal", AuthorMiddle = "", AuthorLast = "Newport", Publisher = "Grand Central Publishing", ISBN = "978-1455586691 ", Classification = "Non-Fiction", Category = "Self-Help", Price = 14.99m }, new Book { Title = "It's Your Ship", AuthorFirst = "Michael", AuthorMiddle = "", AuthorLast = "Abrashoff", Publisher = "Grand Central Publishing", ISBN = "978-1455523023 ", Classification = "Non-Fiction", Category = "Self-Help", Price = 21.66m }, new Book { Title = "The Virgin Way", AuthorFirst = "Richard", AuthorMiddle = "", AuthorLast = "Branson", Publisher = "Portfolio", ISBN = "978-1591847984 ", Classification = "Non-Fiction", Category = "Business", Price = 29.16m }, new Book { Title = "Sycamore Row", AuthorFirst = "John", AuthorMiddle = "", AuthorLast = "Grisham", Publisher = "Bantam", ISBN = "978-1591847984 ", Classification = "Fiction", Category = "Thrillers", Price = 29.16m } ); context.SaveChanges(); } }
//Constructor public EFBookStoreRepository(BookStoreDBContext context) { _context = context; }